university library information | meetings | creativity
8 halmstad university
+46 35 16 71 04 •
university library
The library is an important shared knowledge resource for education and research within the University. It is a part of a campus environment that encourages study, meetings and creativity among students, teachers and researchers. The library is a public research library, open to anyone who needs to use its collections and its competence. The quality of the collections and service in the University Library contribute to ensuring that Halmstad University is a specialised seat of learning with internationally acknowledged research, researcher programmes and education.
You provide a great service to both me and our students.
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university library
The library offers literature, lending facilities, information services and IT support. It has computers and software programs needed for studies, and facilities for printing, copying and scanning documents. The website has news, the library catalogue, databases, journal articles and other sources. Librarians with specialist expertise, trained to find reliable information and to critically review sources of information, offer help and guidance. Contact the library if you need help to search the library catalogue, use databases, format a bibliography or develop a strategy to search for information for an essay, article, thesis or project. The library’s electronic collections are available around the clock for students and employees. There are lots of ways of contacting the library to ask questions. Visit, phone or send an e-mail.
I use the library's website almost every day.
The University Library’s collection of sources of information ranges from 17th century historical documents to today’s digital news flow. The vast range available reflects the University’s areas of education and research. Journals and books sit alongside electronically available resources in the library’s catalogue. Hallandsrummet contains a special collection of literature about the region of Halland. The collection was originally a donation, and it is being updated continuously with new literature.
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university library
The library’s premises offer an environment that stimulates not only curiosity, but also knowledge and creativity. The premises are used as a workplace and meeting place for the University’s students, teachers, researchers and other employees.There are individual study places in Hallandsrummet.There are places for group work and individual study all over the library. Group rooms can be booked.
The library is an important resource for learning that focuses on the student’s independence – a place for study, meetings and discussions, with access to media and professional assistance. The library offers training in searching for information, which includes practical training and support in using tools to help users find scientific information, to assess the relevance of various sources and to manage the results of a search.
I always get a really fast answer to my questions.
The library works actively with key people and research environments in the University to make the everyday lives of researchers easier by offering various tools and guidance for information processing. The library works to make research results visible and to highlight the scientific articles, reports and books that staff at the University publish through the DiVA publishing system. In this way the results from and the quality of research is communicated to the outside world.
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university library information Information| meetings | Möten || Kreativitet creativity
P O Box 823 • SE-301 18 Halmstad • Sweden • Visiting address: Kristian IV:s väg 3 Telephone: +46 35 16 71 00 • E-mail: •
Halmstad University, Information Department, June 2011.
Information about opening hours is found at