halmstad university
The University of Opportunities
halmstad university For the Development of Organisations, Products and Quality of Life.
key figures
15, 000 students 6, 161 full-time students 81 per cent performance indicator 623 employees 40 professors 82 research students 58 per cent post-doctoral teachers 85 programmes (undergraduate, postgraduate, one- and two-year master’s courses) 400 courses TOTAL turnover SEK 492 million EDUCATION turnover SEK 394 million RESEARCH turnover SEK 98 million, of which 50 per cent external financing
Welcome 5 The university of opportunities 7 One profile – three areas of strength 9 Keeping the dream alive 11 Contact with the working life 13 Outstanding research 17 Research education 21 The University Library 21 Developing together 23 Innovation support for growth 25 Studying in Halmstad 27
Figures for 2010
If I say the word “university”, what comes to mind? For me, I like to think back to my time as a student at Halmstad University. It was one of the best periods of my life. A totally new world opened up when I started to study. I enjoyed it so much that I just kept going, and going – and now I am acting Vice-Chancellor here. It is easy to see why Halmstad University is popular and so many people want to study here. Last year we had a record number of applicants to our programmes and courses, and we now have 15,000 students. Our research is outstanding and is internationally acknowledged in many areas. We have plenty to offer, with opportunities for all being created here. The equal value of every single person is selfevident to us. The University is there for all and must be available to all. It is important for us that staff and students from different ethnic and social backgrounds feel welcome. Halmstad University works actively in the areas of equal opportunity and diversity. In this brochure we tell you something about all the things going on here. I hope you will become curious and want to find out more. Please feel free to contact us! Carina Ihlström Eriksson Acting Vice-Chancellor
halmstad university Halmstad University became an independent seat of learning in 1983. But the first courses were launched much earlier, in the early 1970s.
the university of opportunities Halmstad University is a popular seat of learning. We are known for a rich range of courses and our special atmosphere. The thresholds are not high here. There is diversity and a wide range of choices, at the same time with a tangible proximity. Proximity between students and teachers, between subjects and between the University and other players in society. Our research is outstanding and has achieved international renown in many areas. Collaboration between people, between organisations and cultures is both important and enriching, for both the individual and for society. Collaboration is absolutely necessary for research and development to develop. It is equally important that the knowledge that is developed here, at Halmstad University and at other seats of learning, can be used by people. Ever since the beginning, collaboration has been one of the characteristics of Halmstad University. Our interaction with companies, associations, municipalities, county councils, schools and other players in the field of education and research is extensive. Every day there is cooperation in various forms: projects, mentoring, guest speakers, work placements, degree projects and essays. This is why we say that Halmstad University is the university of opportunities. This is where unique, inspirational opportunities exist to realise dreams and ideas. On your own, or together with others.
Lina Lundgren is living her dream. Having studied Biomechanical Engineering at the University, she is now a teacher and a Ph.D. student, conducting research into her major passion in life: kite surfing.
the univerrsity profile Halmstad University has three areas of strength within education and research.
one profile – three areas of strength At Halmstad University we have three areas of strength within education and research. This means that we profile ourselves in the three areas where we have both a broad base and what stands out and makes us skilled and successful. These are development and studies of: ORGANISATIONS with a special focus on INNOVATION SCIENCE In this area of strength there is a focus on developing organisations in general. Here technical and scientific approaches are applied with social science in exciting combinations. Research deals with, for example, entrepreneurship, innovations, social change, the environment and leadership. At research (doctoral) level we have the right within this field to issue degrees in Innovation Science, which makes us unique. PRODUCTS, PROCESSES and SERVICES with a special focus on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Here there is cross-border education and research. Natural science and technology come together in the fields of biomechanics, environmental technology, energy technology, health technology and IT. Research into integrated, intelligent systems is an area for which the University is particularly well-known, not least at an international level. We have the right to issue degrees at research (doctoral) level in the field of Information Technology. QUALITY OF LIFE, WELFARE and CULTURE with a special focus on HEALTH and LIFESTYLE One part of the University’s profile focuses on people’s quality of life. This is about welfare and lifestyle, but also about culture, education and learning, sport, healthcare and health. We have both traditional and unique programmes and courses in humanities, social science and behavioural science subjects. Research in this area is often multidisciplinary and covers many different perspectives. At master’s level we can issue degrees in the subject of Health Science, and at research (doctoral) level there are plans to issue degrees in Health and Lifestyle.
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Quality of Life ng orat bei l l e ion, Inno vation and W
collaboration, innovation and wellbeing We also have three watchwords, which we believe are particularly important and which we want to characterise our education and research: collaboration, innovation and wellbeing. We are working constantly to renew, improve and develop these. They are driving forces in our everyday work and promote interaction between our areas of strength.
energy economist pre-school teacher engineer/biologist public hea mechatronics engineer tourism developer lth coach teacher ambulance nurse web designer cultural writer eer international marketing manager n i g n e cad nurse media produce r working life scientist systems developer ntist ie sc l a t n e m n o r vi n e economist IT forensic scientist
go beyond Halmstad University also has a site in the town Varberg. A few of our programmes are held in Campus Varberg, for example the nursing and energy economist programmes.
keep the dream alive There can be many reasons why you choose to study. Some people want to “have an education”, some want to continue their education and some have their sights set from the beginning and know exactly what their objective is. Whatever the reason, we want our students to have the opportunity to realise their dreams. In practice this means that whether you choose traditional courses or unique, exciting combinations, you can be sure that the education will be of high quality and that the teachers will be skilled educators and outstanding researchers. All education is linked to research, which mean that the education is based on relevant, current research and that researchers are involved in tuition. We also offer distance learning. This provides opportunities to study also for those who find it difficult, because of geographical distance, work or family circumstances, to follow the courses provided on campus. If you want to continue your studies, there are one- and two-year master’s courses and postgraduate courses. Since summer 2010 we have also have the right to issue degrees at research (doctoral) level in two areas. Read more about this on page 21. Halmstad University is one of the few seats of learning to have the right to offer education for the new teacher training degree at the following levels: pre-school, compulsory school and upper secondary school level. Put briefly: If you study at Halmstad University, you can rest assured that you will have a education that is of high quality and that you will acquire valuable knowledge for the future. An education does not automatically guarantee a job, but that opens up new opportunities. Having an academic qualification under your belt increases the options available and security in the labour market. all around the world Internationalisation is an important element of ensuring high-quality education. Halmstad University offers plenty of opportunities to study at foreign seats of learning and to do work placements abroad. By the same token, foreign exchange students come to Halmstad and there is a tangible international feel to the campus. The University has many exchange agreements and partnerships with universities all around the world.
contacts & relations 99 per cent of all our programmes include some kind of collaboration with external parties.
contact with the working life – proximity to the labour market Many surveys show that our students find jobs after their studies. According to the Swedish Economic Forum (2010), Halmstad University has a significant effect on regional development as our students are successful in new business startups. Year after year we top the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s ranking of how good the country’s seats of learning are at collaborating with trade and industry. In 2010 the Programme in Innovation Engineering was the best in the country in all categories, and the same programme was, together with the Mechanical Engineering programme, rated the Engineer Course of the Year in Sweden for 2011. We are convinced that contacts with the working life while people study is part of the reason for this, and we therefore focus in particular on collaboration and creating contacts. Education at Halmstad University is characterised by close collaboration with trade and industry, organisations and associations. 99 per cent of our programmes include some kind of collaboration with external parties. This can take the form of, for example, work placements, mentoring companies or projects, where theory is interwoven with practical experience.
contacts & relations For more than 30 years, Halmstad University has been a place for creativity and innovation.
creativity and cross-boarder activities Halmstad University has a long tradition of developing skills in innovation, entrepreneurship and business development. For more than 30 years this has been a place where the ability to display creativity and innovative power is constantly being manifested. Our students are successful and are often rewarded with awards and grants. One of Sweden’s most successful electronic companies, HMS, once started as a student project, and another student was named recently (February 2011) as one of Sweden’s 101 premier top talents. These are just a couple of examples; we could make the list into a very, very long one. A “can-do” approach and entrepreneurship are encouraged at Halmstad University. Many of our courses are designed to give students the ability to become used to managing projects, utilising their driving forces and thinking creatively. We offer advanced support for anyone who wants to try out an idea or start up their own business. Our student coaches, inspire and support any students who are considering starting up a company or who want to develop a business concept. They are based at Science Park Halmstad, which is jointly owned by Halmstad University and Halmstad Municipality. At Science Park Halmstad, young companies are given the chance to develop with the aid of professional coaches.
The prize money comes from a donation from the late upper secondary lecturer Sten Fåhré. This donation is currently producing a return of around SEK 400,000 per annum. The grants are intended for students following the Programme in Innovation Engineering at Halmstad University and were awarded for the first time in 2004.
creativity thrives at utexpo Utexpo is one of Halmstad University’s oldest and greatest traditions. It is the annual degree fair, where hundreds of students display their degree projects, all of them filled with ingenuity and creative passion. upper secondary lecturer sten fåhré’s memorial fund A donation from the late upper secondary lecturer Sten Fåhré enables the University’s Innovation Engineer students to be rewarded with grants every year to a total of SEK 400,000 for, among others, “best degree project” and “best student”.
In 2010 Andreas Johansson, Arvid Nilsson and Johan Ohlsson were together rewarded with SEK 100,000 from upper secondary lecturer Sten Fåhré’s Memorial Fund for the best degree projects in the Programme in Innovation Engineering.
outstanding research Research at Halmstad University is often multidisciplinary.
Halmstad University undertakes research in many exciting fields. Research is often multidisciplinary, i.e. it covers several different subject areas. Another characteristic is the close contact with trade and industry, associations and the public sector. The research undertaken by our researchers reflects the University’s profile and contributes to the general development of knowledge in society and at the same time gives courses a link to research. About half of the money that finances research at Halmstad University comes from external donors. The biggest financiers are the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (“KK Foundation”), the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova. Research at the University is coordinated by the Faculty board and is organised in research environments within the three areas of strength. Area of strength: organisations This area of strength contains the following research environments: Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Learning Research – CIEL CIEL develops research and knowledge of innovation, entrepreneurship and regional learning. Research relates to areas such as the development of new small and mediumsized companies, and focuses on issues that relate to work on innovation and product development, strategy and management, entrepreneurship, marketing, financing, organising, control and internationalisation. Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media – CPKM Political scientists and media scientists conduct research in areas such as political communication, media, documentary production, issues of identity and integration, globalisation and democracy. Social Change, Learning and Social Relations – SLSR SLSR conducts research into the importance of gender relations for a greater understanding of change and learning processes in society, globalisation, new working and living patterns, increased computer usage and the rapid development of communication technology. (SLSR is also based in the areas of strength Quality of Life, Welfare and Culture.)
outstanding research Our research has close contact and good relations with trade and industry, associations and the public sector.
AREA OF STRENGTH: PRODUCTS This area of strength contains the following research environments: EIS – Embedded and Intelligent Systems EIS is the University’s biggest research environment. EIS has tremendous breadth and a clear focus. Embedded computer, sensor and communication systems based on new, enabling technology are being developed for intelligent products, processes and services. Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design – MTEK This research environment is aimed at products’ functional features and at early product phases of product development, design and digital product models. There is also research into industrial photonics, lightweight structures and wind power technology. Biological and Environmental Systems – BLESS This environment conducts research into biology and chemistry, with a focus on ecology/environmental science and biomedicine/biomechanics. AREA OF STRENGTH: QUALITY OF LIFE This area of strength contains the following research environments: Center of Research on Welfare Health and Sport – CVHI CVHI conducts research into subjects such as public health sciences, disability studies, health studies, cultural geography, nursing, health pedagogy, psychology, sport psychology, sport, social odontology, social work, sociology and linguistics.
Research into Education and Learning – FULL Research in this environment deals with subject didactics (including the content of teacher training), practical research, collaboration with municipalities and schools, and relationships between education/schools and the outside world. Context and Cultural Barriers – KK Context and Cultural Barriers is a forum for the University’s research in the field of Humanities.
At the University is the Centre for Health Technology Halland, a development environment in which companies, users, municipalities in Halland, Region Halland and the University work together to develop products and services in the field of health technology.
RESEARCH EDUCATION Since 2010 we have the right to issue doctoral degrees in the fields of Innovation Science and Information Technology.
Halmstad University has had the right since 2010 to issue doctoral degrees in the fields of Innovation Science and Information Technology. Innovation Science may be viewed in the context of economic development and changes in trade and industry and society, and deals with issues such as entrepreneurship, company management and business development. Research education in this field focuses on the dynamics of innovation processes, the interplay between different players and commercial potential, particularly in international contexts. Information Technology includes, for example, computer science, telecommunications, systems engineering and electrical engineering. Initially research education is organised in two subjects: computer technology and signal and systems engineering.
university library The library is an important shared knowledge resource for education and research.
The library is an important shared knowledge resource for education and research within the University. It is a part of the campus environment that encourages study, meetings and creativity among students, teachers and researchers. The library is a public research library, open to anyone who needs to use its collections and its competence. The University Library contributes, through its collections and service, to ensuring that Halmstad University is a specialised seat of learning with internationally acknowledged research, research education and education that is actively involved in the development of the individual and society.
Katrin Sjöberg is a Ph.D. student at Halmstad University who has been charged by the ETSI, a European body that produces standards for telecommunications, with the task of investigating how current standards for wireless and more secure vehicle communication can be developed.
COLLABORATE WITH US Collaboration with other parts of society is important in terms of developing education and research. It is equally important that the knowledge that is developed here reaches society and can be used.
DEVELOPING TOGETHER Collaboration with other parts of society is central to and important for the University. We believe that knowledge develops best in collaboration with different players, and in an interplay between theory and practice. Our “glocal” networks, both in our region and in the rest of the world, are wide-ranging and relationships with trade and industry, the public sector, associations and other institutions of research and education are close. A large part of our collaboration is aimed at giving students contact with life at work during their studies. It is important that students’ knowledge is linked to the reality in which they will be working after their studies. Collaboration offers a chance to try out theoretical skills in practice, to make contacts and create networks. We encourage entrepreneurship and what we refer to as a “can-do” approach. Our University has always been a breeding ground for innovations and new business startups. Many of our courses give students the ability to become used to managing projects, utilising their driving forces and thinking creatively – thanks to a large extent to the courses’ close collaboration with trade and industry, the public sector and associations. The benefits are mutual. Companies and organisations gain access to the University’s knowledge and competence, as well as an opportunity to put their operations on show and guarantee future recruitment needs. There are many ways of collaborating with the University. They can involve anything from students undertaking small projects at a workplace to more long-term research work. Here are a few examples of collaboration: Collaboration with students Degree projects and essays, joint project assignments, work placements and mentoring company operations. Collaboration with researchers Joint research projects, the meeting place Centre for Health Technology Halland and research on assignment. Skills development Contract education, Regional Development Centre, the Management Academy and the Halland Equal Opportunity Centre.
Stamp: Swedish Champion of collaboration The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
Influence on the University’s educational courses Education in collaboration, open lectures, guest lectures, programme and industry advice, qualified occupational courses and local study centres. HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY • 23
innovation Through our innovation support, we help both students and researchers to further develop ideas for new products, services or companies.
INNOVATION SUPPORT AT THE UNIVERSITY It is the University’s ambition to make use of the creativity and the wealth of ideas that exist among our students and researchers. Students who want to further develop ideas for new products, services or companies can try out their business ideas during their studies through the University’s pre-incubator. Researchers who want to develop research results in a corporate form are offered support in the same way. The pre-incubator is run by Halmstad University and is located in Science Park Halmstad. Science Park Halmstad, which is owned jointly by Halmstad University and Halmstad Municipality, runs the incubator. The incubator is the next step for new business startups following a time in the pre-incubator. The incubator looks after young companies from academia, trade and industry and the public sector, and offers support in the growth process. Science Park Halmstad’s activities also include a company hotel. Besides help with business startups, the University’s innovation support includes activities such as student inspiration, career guidance and grants. Student coaches are there to support, coach and inspire students along the path to entrepreneurship and new business startups in all subject areas. The University’s holding company invests – through venture capital and competence – in knowledge-based local and regional companies with a link to the University.
The University’s student coaches “ Ta steget” (“Take the Plunge”)
STUDYING IN HALMSTAD The city, the beaches, the atmosphere – it’s easy to feel at home in Halmstad. It’s quick and easy to cycle between the city centre, the forests and the sea – and the University.
IT’S EASY TO ENJOY YOURSELF IN A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT It’s easy to enjoy yourself at Halmstad University. The University area, the campus, is named after the famous Swedish artist Olle Bærtling and is called “Kvarteret Bærtling” (“The Bærtling Area”). On campus, it is all on one site with tuition facilities, project rooms, library, gym, sports hall, restaurants, cafes and student union building. It has an active student life with a range of different associations. It’s a short journey by bike between the campus and the city centre – and the sea, of course! At Halmstad University we strive to ensure that our students get the most out of their studies, are healthy and develop positively. We work effectively on equal opportunity and diversity, and have students with different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences. There are no high thresholds here. The study environment is characterised by proximity between teachers and students, between subject areas and between the University and other parts of society.
The University offers a creative, developmental environment. It offers support for students who want to start up their own business, and there are regular activities to inspire and provoke innovation. There are also a number of functions that provide help and support in everyday student life, including Student Health, the “Skrivpunkten” language support service and the Student Centre.
halmstad university
PO Box 823 • SE 301 18 Halmstad Sweden • Visiting Address: Kristian IV:s väg 3 Telephone: +46 35 16 71 00 • Telefax: +46 35 18 61 92 E-mail, Registry clerk: registrator@hh.se • www.hh.se
Halmstad University, Information Department, June 2011.
Halmstad University’s campus is known as ”Kvarteret Bærtling” (The Bærtling Area) after the famous Swedish artist Olle Bærtling (1911–1981), who was born in Halmstad. Many of his works can be seen around the campus, thanks to a partnership with the Bærtling Foundation and Halmstad Municipality.