Poster Exhibition September 12, 2014
Research for Innovation
Guest Professor Karl Iagnemma A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation
Partners: Kollmorgen;Volvo GTT; Motivations and goals: A long standing research and education area at Halmstad University is Mechatronics; an engineering program in Mechatronics was offered already 30 years ago to meet the interest from the regional industry. The subject currently does not have a professor, but talented younger faculty. The subject is of high industrial relevance and there are several research projects within this field, very often run in cooperation with industrial partners. The aim with the guest professor position is to strengthen the international network for the younger researchers in Mechatronics and the development of the subject. The subject is part of the new PhD education in Signals and Systems Engineering. The project extends over the period 2013-2015. The guest professor: Karl Iagnemma is Director of the Robotic Mobility Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is the co-founder of Gimlet Systems, which specializes in software for autonomous vehicles. Karl Iagnemma has participated in the DARPA Grand Challenge and DARPA Urban Challenge competitions. He has been nominated for the MacArthur Foundation fellowship. Karl Iagnemma is the author of more than 200 scientific articles, of which more than 45 are in Web of Science. He is also a talented writer of short stories and novels.
Some results so far: • Assisted with writing an EU FP7 proposal, CARGO-ANTS, which was approved. • Assisted in writing other proposals that are still under review. • Formal co-supervisor for one PhD student at Halmstad University. • Several visits to Halmstad University, with inndustrial visits, supervisory discussions, and coaching. Joint publications underway.
Contact Information: Bertil Svensson (
CAISR A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation
Partners: DaraLabs; Kollmorgen; NEAT Electronics; Optronic; Swedish Adrenaline; Tappa Service; Toyota Material Handling Europe;Volvo GTT; Motivations and goals: The KK-profile CAISR is set up to systematically build up and establish an internationally competitive research, education and innovation environment within applied intelligent systems. CAISR shall contribute long-term to Halmstad University’s strategic research and education development, and to the industry’s development and competitiveness. It shall be sustainable, i.e. have a balance of education, research and innovation. CAISR shall be known for high quality research, close cooperation with industry, and strong international networks and exchange. CAISR shall be attractive for students on all levels. Students from CAISR shall be attractive in the job market. CAISR shall build up the PhD education in Signals and Systems Engineering. CAISR shall achieve a research volume of 25 MSEK/year, 20-25 Journal papers/year, equally many peer reviewed conference papers, and 2-3 PhD dissertations per year. CAISR extends over the period 2012-2019. Approach: The research, education and innovation in CAISR builds upon three subject areas: Machine learning; Mechatronics (robotics); and Signal Analysis. These are focused around two application areas: Intelligent Vehicles and Health Technology. The research questions are grouped and developed in the subject areas. The applied projects and the cooperation with the industrial partners are developed in the two application areas. Current staff (heads): 3 full professors; one visiting professor; 5 senior lecturers; 5 assistant lecturers; 2 lecturers; 2 post-docs; 3 project coordinators; 14 PhD students.
Results so far: There were 15 Journal papers and 23 peer-reviewed conference papers published from CAISR staff 20122013. We expect an increase of 100% in the publication output for 2014. We have grown the research volume from 15 MSEK to 20 MSEK. The funding from the KK foundation is about 33%. The internal funding from the University is about 30%. The Swedish Research Council (VR) contributes with 7%. Remining funds come from EU, Vinnova and industry cash contributions. We today have 14 PhD students, of which three are industrial PhD students (employed in the industry). We have an active exchange of staff (both on PhD student level and younger researcher level) with industrial partners. We have had two PhD dissertations and two licentiate examinations 2012-2014.
Nine (9) of the staff (not counting PhD students) were recruited from international research environments abroad.
Contact Information: Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson (;
Strategiska tjänster för Inbyggda och Intelligenta System KK-stiftelsens syfte och mål med insatsformen För att skapa dynamiska och starka forskningsmiljöer krävs ett ständigt inflöde av forskare. Programmet Strategiska rekryteringar bidrar till kapacitetsförstärkning vid strategiskt viktiga forskningsmiljöer. Det övergripande målet med programmet är att utveckla kapaciteten för forskning i samproduktion med näringslivet vid Sveriges nya lärosäten inom strategiskt viktiga områden. Målet är därutöver också att bidra till förnyelse av forskningen och ökad kompetens i näringslivet genom att skapa möjligheter att rekrytera forskare inom nya och kompletterande forskningsområden.
Dr. Slawomir Nowaczyk Volvo Group Technology
Dr. Roland Philippsen Volvo Group Technology
Dr. Hoai Hoang Bengtsson SAAB (partiellt tjänstledig)
Disputerade 2008, Lund
Disputerade 2005, Lausanne
Disputerade 2007, Chalmers/Halmstad
Deltagit i tio projekt varav flertalet tillsammans med Volvo Nio publiceringar sedan tjänstens start
Deltagit i nio projekt varav flertalet tillsammans med Volvo Tio publikationer sedan tjänstens start Docentmeritering pågår
Deltagit i två projekt mellan SAAB och HH. Ansvarig för SAABs medverkan i stort EU-projekt. Två internationella publiceringar och fem interna SAAB-rapporter sedan start.
Undervisningsuppdrag (20%): • Artificial Intelligence • Data Mining • Administration of Operating Systems • Handleder examensarbeten (grundoch avancerad nivå) Biträdande handledare för fyra doktorander …Resultaten i projekten är av stort intresse för Volvo och vi bedömer att forskningen har en betydande möjlighet att resultera i ett förbättrat kunderbjudande på eftermarknaden samt ge värdefull kunskap till produktutvecklingsorganisationen…
Undervisningsuppdrag (18%): • Algorithms, Data Structures and Problem Solving • Mobile Robots • Robotics - Algorithms • Handleder examensarbeten (grundoch avancerad nivå) Biträdande handledare för tre doktorander …Han har arbetat med strategiska frågor genom att formulera projektförslag för framtida forskningsprojekt samt forskningsfrågor till större programinitiativ. Internt på Volvo har Roland presenterat ”state of the art” för området på flera workshops, samt arbetat med ett förslag på arkitektur tillsammans med Volvos tekniska specialist för området…
Undervisningsuppdrag (10%): • Real-Time Networking • Handledning av examensarbeten (avancerad nivå) …Tack vare sin roll som ”gränsgångare” har hon bidragit till att upprätthålla och stärka banden och förståelsen mellan industri och akademi. Detta ger bl.a. potential för ytterligare intressanta samarbeten framöver…
Give Me a Break!
Digital Peer Support for Children Cancer Survivors!
A project in Research for Innovation!
– the overarching strategic research ! programme of Halmstad University, ! supported by The Knowledge Foundation
Partners: Carmona AB, Crispin Porter + Bogusky Scandinavia, Halmstad University
“I would really like a cancer friend. Someone like me.
It’s like I should have thought about this when I was 8 years old…”
– Lina (16 years old) Cancer survivor
Give Me a Break bridges a gap in healthcare. Pain point! Social support from health care professionals is limited, and often offered intermittently in hospital settings. Lack of resources adapted to the needs of children surviving cancer limits their chances of wellbeing and successful social reintegration – and ultimately their outlook of life. Desired Solution! A digital service that connects peers with similar experiences will help them form long-term friendships and a network of peers that can support each other today and as they grow up.
Intensive Care
Post-intensive Care
Network of peers and friends
Everyday Life
Clinical check-ups
Social interaction and peer support
Give Me a Break
The timing of introducing the service, and its role in the overall healthcare process is important. Our research indicates that the Consultancy Nurse (CN) is a suitable channel, due to his/her role in transitioning to post-intensive care, and through clinical check-ups.
International guest professorship Cornelia Ruland
A project in Research for Innovation! – the overarching strategic research ! programme of Halmstad University, ! supported by The Knowledge Foundation
Partners: Stena Metall AB, HFAB, Krook & Tjäder AB, Halmstad University, Oslo University
Backgrund To design innovations that are tailored to children’s’ problems, values and needs, children themselves must play a major role in the research and design process. Participatory design facilitates children's participation in research processes. To strengthen our knowledge in this field, we have initiated a collaboration with Professor Cornelia Ruland, Oslo University, with internationally recognized expertise in participatory design with children.
Aim( Facilitate)children's) par6cipa6on)in) research)and) development)in) academia,)public)sector) and)industry)
Academic(needs(( • Establish)new)projects)and) new)forms)of)coproduc6on) including)child)par6cipa6on) • Develop)skills)in)par6cipatory) research)design) • Interna6onal)collabora6on)on) par6cipatory)design)in) rela6on)to)children's)health))
Inaugura6on)) MARCH)
Workshop)2) JUNE)
Industry(needs( • Stena)Metall))B)child) perspec6ves)on)recycling)and) sustainable)development) • HFABB)child)perspec6ves)in) design)of)service)innova6on) • Krook)&)Tjäder)B)child) perspec6ves)in)product) design)and)urban)planning)
Workshop)3) SEPTEMBER)
( CHIPS(study(group( Halmstad(University( ( www.healthinnova> ( Petra(Svedberg( Jens(Nygren( Pontus(Wärnestål( (
Milestones( • Develop)a)“road)map”)for) par6cipatory)research) design)integra6ng)children’s) needs)and)preferences) • Advancing)par6cipatory) design)methodology)in) research)and)educa6on) • Establish)strategic)research) collabora6on)and)external) funding)
Workshop)5) DECEMBER)
Achievements • Joint external funding from The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation • Two new collaborative research projects • A preliminary “road map” for child participation in research and development • Established collaboration with Industry partners and Oslo University
( The(Centre(for(Shared( Decision(Making(and( Collabora>ve(Care(Research( Oslo(University( ( Prof.(Cornelia(Ruland(
Closure) MARCH)
B usiness Model Renewal and Raw Materials Managem ent in the P rocess Industry A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Höganäs AB, IntierraRMG AB
Background and Motivation The project targets the business model challenges facing process industries in the wake of recent developments within the mineral and metals industries, and the broader socio-political environment in which this industry is situated. A key assumption of the project is that the ability to base business models on effective management of raw materials is a key prerequisite to sustained competitiveness for firms within process industries.
Research Problem and Approach The overall aim of the project is to investigate resource dependence concerns related to raw material management in the design and renewal of business models. Given the context of process industry and how value is created within such industries, process companies can reap great advantages by developing an effective raw materials management approach. At present, however, extant research does not allow for qualified advice to be given to companies about how to do this. The project is designed as a cooperative endeavor among Höganäs AB, RMG and HH. The project is divided into three interrelated and to some extent parallel phases. The first phase was an explorative phase in which initial preparation and research was made that guided the later empirical investigations. The second phase was an execution phase in which the main bulk of the empirical research was conducted. The third phase is an extension phase in which the results from the empirical research will be implemented at Höganäs AB and RMG, and findings from the project will be generalized beyond the case of Höganäs.
Publications (selected):
Florén, H., Frishammar, J., Lee, C., Ericsson, M. & Gustafsson, S. (2013), A framework for raw materials management in process industries, paper presented at R&D Management Conference, Manchester, UK, June 26-28. Florén, H. & Lee, C. (2013), The business model and supply strategy: What is the connection between them?, paper presented at the 20th EurOMA Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 7-12. Florén, H., Gabrielsson, J. & Lee, C. (2013), Survival through Business Model Innovation – An Historical Case Study, paper presented at 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, December 8-11. Lee, C., Altmann, P. & Florén, H. (2013), The interplay between customer needs and supplier input in business model innovation, paper presented at 6th EurOMA Workshop on Writing & Journal Publishing for Non-Native English-Speaking Researchers in Operations Management, Barcelona, Spain, November 7-8. Alessandro Agostini (2014), Adapting the business model: How firms should deal with different types of changes, unpublished student report, Högskolan i Goals Halmstad, Sweden. From a practical point of view, the aim is to improve the Anton Löf & Magnus Ericsson (2014), Mapping out the trends in the participating companies’ abilities to resolve business model industry, past, present & future, unpublished working paper, challenges, directly (Höganäs) and indirectly (RMG). Theoretical, mining IntierraRMG, Solna, Stockholm. the aim is to develop a more theoretically elaborated approach to H., Gabrielsson, J. & Lee, C. (2014), Survival through business business model innovation that can provide a better understanding Florén, model innovation: A historical case study using sequence analysis, paper of how to best create, organize and implement viable and profitable submitted to the 14th Annual European Academy of Management business models in a way that take into account the resource Conference, June 4-7, València, Spain. dependencies of the firm. Altmann, P.& Lee, C. (2014), Cognition, resources and capabilities: Developing a model by assessing two centuries of change, accepted for Results so Far publication at 9th Colloquium on Organizational Change & Development, Essen, Germany, September 12-13. 1. A framework for ”Raw Materials Management”. Lee, C. (2014), Becoming a different type of company: how resources and 2. An investigation of the relationship between supply strategy capabilities shape business model innovation at Alpha, working paper, and the business model of the firm Högskolan i Halmstad, Sweden.
3. 4.
Guidelines for ”A long term perspective on supply strategy”. A longitudinal study of 200 years of business model innovation.
Contact Information
Henrik Florén,, 0705-185914
BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION THE CASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE WIND ENERGY INDUSTRY A Project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Gamesa Wind Sweden AB,Varberg Energimarknad AB, Ecopower Academy, Northern Europe AB, Inventlab AB, ImaComp Consulting AB, Halmstad University Background and Motivation - Evolution in the industry mainly driven by wind turbine manufacturing & installation. - In-house innovation leading to dissimilar and expensive wind turbine designs resulting in information asymmetry. - The market for maintenance services in Sweden is underdeveloped and dominated by turbine manufacturers. - A survey targeting turbine owners & operators showed a high dissatisfaction with the existing offers as the average length of downtime dramatically.
Research Problem - The field of business model innovation is theoretically underdeveloped - The process of business model innovation and the specific challenges associated with it is not well understood - What predetermines the ability of the firms to undergo business model innovation (e.g. explaining how organizational inertia could be overcome) is also not well understood - The context of maintenance services in wind energy industry is not studied from a business model innovation perspective
Research Approach Qualitative, interactive approach. Three main project phases - “Exploration” (Case studies, Mapping business models, Literature studies); “Execution” (Workshops on how to innovate BM related to maintenance services); “Extension” (Implementation of the results in participating partners , Generalization of the results)
Purpose - Exploration of existing business models, and development and implementation of innovative business models in the context of maintenance services for the wind energy industry in a collaborative industrial setting. - Practical purpose of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the involved companies through the implementation of new business models, in order to ensure high availability of the wind farm systems to produce energy with low disturbances through optimal maintenance services.
Illustrations of Performed Activities and Achieved Results - Ideation experience workshop – a tool for the early phases of business model innovation - Study on Customer Value for Business Model Innovation. The Case of O&M Services in Swedish Wind Energy Industry - Extension of the project to China (Shanghai Dianji University and Goldwind Science and Technology in Beijing) - Series of workshops planned and executed - KK Synergy application on business model innovation submitted - Two international educational 3-months-long program performed on Wind Power Technology Innovation – about 60 students
Illustrations of Planned Activities - Quantitative survey study of the whole population of the wind turbine owners and operators - Qualitative case studies based on the survey study - Further develop the tool for different phases of BMI process
Illustrations of Publications
1. Hoveskog, M., Halila, F., Danilovic, M., (2014) Learning Networks for Knowledge Coproduction on Business Model Innovation in Wind Energy Industry. In proceeding of: Conference paper to be presented at the BAM 2014 The Role of the Business School in Supporting Economic and Social Development, Track 8: Innovation, At Belfast Waterfront, Northern Ireland. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3602.4967 2. Campbell, D., Danilovic, M., Halila, F., Hoveskog, M., (2013) The Clash of Business Models in Emerging Economies : The Case of Wind Energy Industry in Africa. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (10), s. 10 - 50. 3. Hoveskog, M., Halila, F., Danilovic, M., (2013) Business Model Innovation – The Case of Goldwind in the Emerging Economy of Africa, Proceedings, Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Firms (SMF August 2013), Shanghai, China. 4. Danilovic., M., Halila, F., Hoveskog, M., Liu, L., (2013) Business Model Innovation for the Internationalization of the Chinese Windpower industry. Global Business Model Innovation: An International Conference, Oktober 2013, Shanghai Dianji, China 5. Liu, L., Danilovic, M., Hoveskog, M., Halila, F., (2013) The Swedish Maintenance and Services Market in Wind Power Industry Lessons Learned and Opportunities for Chinese Service Providors, the International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Humanities, and Management (ASSHM 2013 December), Guangzhou, China
Illustrations of Master Thesis
1. Göthberg, N., & Simonchik, A., (2014) Customer value for business model innovation: Case of O&M services in Swedish Wind Industry. (Student paper). Högskolan i Halmstad. 2. Abt, T., & Erath, F., (2014) Power of E-Motion: Business Model Innovation for the Introduction of Electric Cars to China. (Student paper). Högskolan i Halmstad. 3. Liu, X., & Goisa, M., (2013) Influence of the Institutional Context on the Business Model: A case study of a solar power company in China.. (Student paper). Högskolan i Halmstad. 4. Campbell, D., (2012) Winds of Change: Business model innovation in the African wind energy market. (Student paper). Högskolan i Halmstad. 5. Ghanbari, A., & Oyelakin, M., (2012) Management System for Operations Maintenance in Offshore Wind Turbine Plant. (Student paper). Högskolan i Halmstad. 6. Pataci, H., (2011) How to Get A Strategic Position in Global Wind Turbine Industry. (Student paper). Högskolan i Halmstad.
Contact Information
Professor Dr. Mike Danilovic, Assistant Professor, Dr. Maya Hoveskog, Associate Professor, Dr. Fawzi Halila, Assistant Professor, Göran Sidén, Lic Eng, MSc EE, MBA, Leif Nordin, Phd Canidate Jasmine Lihua Liu, MSc Anastacia Simonchik,
Extern Rapportering och Innovation: Betydelsen av information som kommuniceras av revisorn Ett projekt inom Forskning för innovation – det övergripande strategiska forskningsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad, med stöd av KK-stiftelsen
Partner: PWC-Halmstad,, EY-Halmstad/Umeå, Varberg Revisionsbyrå Högskolan i Halmstad
Bakgrund och motivering Innovativa och växande företag anses vara viktiga då de skapar sysselsättning och välfärd i vårt samhälle. Trots detta har vi lite kunskap om hur redovisning utformas och används i dessa företag. Det är därför angeläget att få fram kunskap om hur dessa företags finansiella rapporter används vid beslutsfattande som berör innovativa idéer och i synnerhet hur information som kommuniceras av revisorn påverkar. Forskningsproblem och metod - Vilken roll spelar verbal information från revisorn för entreprenören i det innovativa företaget? - Intervjuer med revisorer och entreprenörer i sex snabbväxande innovativa företag Mål Projektet syftar till att bidra med kunskap och ökad förståelse för redovisningens roll i kontexten entreprenörskap och innovation som kan spridas genom vetenskapliga publiceringar och genom utbildning på universitet och högskolor. Vidare syftar projektet till att bidra med kunskap till deltagande revisorer och revisionsbyråer som dessa kan använda som mervärde till revision. Resultat hittills - Revisorn bidrar med användbar verbal information när entreprenören saknar kompetens inom redovisning och när det innovativa företaget saknar eller har begränsade formella interna redovisningssystem. -Kunskapen hjälper entreprenören att förstå risktagande och möjligheter i beslutsfattande som relaterar till investeringsbeslut och finansiering - Kunskapen bidrar till ökad legitimitet i möten med styrelse, aktieägare, finansiärer, men också i möten med potentiella kunder och media..
Publikationer Blomkvist, M., & Paananen, M. (2014). The impact of managers´ participating in the year-end accounting process on accounting quality and cost of debt among Swedish privately owned Gazelles. Paper presented at the American Accounting Association meeting (AAA) in August 2-6, Atlanta, GE. Paananen, M, Renders, A., & Blomkvist, M. (2014). Causes and Consequences of Improvements in the Information Environment for Swedish Small and Mid-Sized Firms. Paper presented at the American Accounting Association meeting (AAA) in August 2-6, Atlanta, GE. Blomkvist, M. (2014). The Influence of Audit Information on Managers´ Decision-Making in Innovative Firms. Paper presented at the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) in June 11-14, Dublin, Ireland. Blomkvist, M., & Paananen, M. (2013). The cost of debt implications of financial reporting quality among privately owned Swedish SMEs. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association 36th Annual Congress, 6-8th May, Paris, France Kontaktinformation
Lean Innovation – Agricultural Business Development A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Consultants and advisors from LRF Konsult, Hushållningssällskapet, VÄXA Sverige and TOBO Solution, and entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector Background The need for knowledge in leadership, organization and innovative thinking that exist in primary production throughout the value chain from the farm to the final consumer. Purpose and Research Questions The purpose is to explore and understand how selfleadership and lean innovation can facilitate and shape business model innovation in the agricultural sector. • What types of business model innovations can be identified in the agricultural sector? • What is the role of Self-leadership in overcoming lock-into “old” business logic and how can it be used in the process of business model innovation? • How has the process of lean innovation in the agricultural sector been implemented and in what ways has this implementation facilitated and shaped business model innovation?
Publications Ulvenblad, P., Hoveskog, M., Tell, J., Ulvenblad, PO., Ståhl, J. & Barth, H. (2014). Agricultural business model innovation in Swedish food production: The influence of self-leadership and lean innovation. The DRUID Society Conference, CBS, 16-18th June, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Results so far
Contact Information
• A conceptual model for Business Model Innovation in the agricultural sector • A conceptual model for the development of advanced education: GAIN Green Agricultural Innovation
Project leader Pia Ulvenblad +4635-16 75 42, +46708-85 13 74
A physiological, biomechanical, and psychological approach to golf performance and injury susceptibility at the elite level
For golfers at any level with an interest in improving performance, focus need to be on 3 skills aspects; improving technical, physical and psychological skills Besides skills development, focus on; staying healthy and injury free. Typically golf research is investigated within only one academic field (e.g., biomechanics, motor learning, psychology, engineering) and results are often not considered in a golf performance context. We take an interdisciplinary approach combining physiological, technical and psychological viewpoints on performance and injury prevention in elite golfers.
STUDY 1: Increased grip force and higher muscle activity in the grip muscles extensor digitorum communis (EDC) and flexor carpi radialis FCR) in all phases of the swing is positively associated with increased shot length: Shot length and finger extension force rs = 0.81, (p<0.01) and grip flexion force (rs=0.78, p<0.01) These results indicates that both maximal grip force and high muscle activity in the FCR and EDC can be important factors for increasing shot length, and that a highly coordinated pattern between these muscles are useful to maximize shot distance. STUDY 2. Multiple regression analysis on 16 independent variables explained 71% of variance in club head speed. The three variables most strongly associated with CHS were: MSR, PAV and TOB. Positive β-coefficients for trunk extension at TOB and PAV indicated that a more upright posture at the top of the backswing and higher arm speeds resulted in increased CHS. A negative β-coefficient for MSR indicated that less separation between the pelvis and thorax were associated with higher CHS.
General Aim: Investigate physiological, biomechanical and psychological aspects of elite golfers related to golf performance and injury susceptibility. Specific Research Questions: 1.What select biomechanical, physiological, and psychological variables influence golf performance and/or injury susceptibility in young elite golfers? 2. Can intervention strategies based on physiological, psychological and biomechanical skills training improve golf performance and decrease injuries? 3. How can we translate and implement our biomechanical, physiological and psychological knowledge in golf performance and injury susceptibility into practical applications within the field of golfing making new methods, strategies, and products accessible for the golfing community?
Biomechanical measurements of golf swing kinematics, muscle activity and ball flight parameters. Physiological measurements of strength, power, endurance, and flexibility Psychological measurements of stress and arousal . 9-week intervention, Various Data analyses
Left figure: Diffrences in stress level between a) injured players, b) players that were sick and players that did not suffer from a injury or illness during the study period. For group a and b only pre- injury or pre—illness scores are presented. For group c the overall mean are presented. Right figure: Diffrences in stress level between the 2 weeks prior to injury/illness and normal weeks.
Parker J, MC. Olsson, S. Brorsson. Grip force and muscle activity are associated with kinematics in the golf swing. Med Sci Sports Exer, 2012; 44(5). S318. Parker, J, MC Olsson Are there stretch shortening cycle like actions in the shoulder and torso in upper body striking actions. UK Strength and Conditioning Conference, UK, 2013 Parker, J, J Hellström, MC Olsson. The relationship of the lead arm, upper torso, and pelvis with driver club head speed among elite golf players. Int J Golf Sci, 2014; ??
Charlotte Olsson, Docent , School of Business and Engineering,
GoDIS; Digital innovations in self-determined exercise motivation A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Tappa Service AB, and HPI-Health Profile Institute AB
Humans have throughout our history probably never been as sedentary as we are now and World Health Organization states 2 million deaths and 20 million DALY’s (Disability Adjusted Life Years) could be prevented globally through interventions successfully promoting a more physically active lifestyle in the population (Bull et al., 2004). These are considerable benefits from a public health perspective as well as for the separate individual’s well-being, quality of life and perceived health status, not to mention the potential health economy benefits. Interactive tools are rapidly advancing into our lives and tomorrow’s healthcare is already here, using life logging, remote controlled and home-based healthcare services, countless applications, digital interventions and so on. New visions and innovation strategies on e-health issues flourish at different levels of society, indicating almost limitless possibilities, but also considerable challenges regarding user demands and needs, technical solutions and personal data security.
The project idea is to design an interactive tool grounded on comprehensive knowledge from the field of psychology combined with the latest expertise from information technology and business model innovation, based on e-health industrial requirements and user needs. This will be done by designing, applying and marketing exercise intervention methods developed in an on-going PhDproject by Weman-Josefsson, aiming to enhance exercise adherence. Specific research questions relate to: • What new principles based on an interactive design is most attractive to try out, implement and examine? • How could the final product be labeled and marketed? • What is the efficacy of using Self-Determination Theory in designing, constructing and evaluating an exercise intervention? Publications Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Halila F, Johnson U, Lindwall M, Wickström M, Wärnestål P. (2014) Digital innovations and selfdetermined exercise motivation: a person-centred perspective. VITALIS - Nordens ledande eHälsomöte; 2014; Göteborg. Göteborgs universitet; 2014.
Research in exercise and health psychology highlight the use of theory based interventions (e.g. Biddle et al., 2012; SBU 2007; Rhodes & Pfaeffli, 2010; Nigg & gelelr, 2012), showing the importance of using adequate theoretical frameworks to promote behavior change in all applicable arenas, i.e. also in digital interventions and e-health. Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2002) has received a growing body of evidence for its application in exercise and physical activity promotion (Fortier et al., 2012; Teixeira et al., 2012). This multidimensional theory emphasize social context and its ability to facilitate or thwart optimal motivation and on the extent to which behaviours are generally self-determined or controlled in nature (Ryan & Deci, 2002). The project aim is to define the best way to integrate and scientifically study health technology innovations by initiating an interdisciplinary co-production between Innovation Science, Information Technology, Health and Life-style research and the e-health industry during 2014.
Contact Information
LIV – projektet
En individanpassad levnadsvaneintervention för personer med schizofreni Ett projekt inom Forskning för innovation – det övergripande strategiska forskningsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad, med stöd av KK-stiftelsen Partner: Eli Lilly AB, Unilever, Sverige AB, Psykiatrin Halland, Halmstad kommun,Varbergs kommun, IFSAP Halmstad och Högskolan i Halmstad
Bakgrund och motivering Personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar löper nästan två gånger så stor risk att dö en för tidig död i kardiovaskulära sjukdomar jämfört med övriga befolkningen och medellivslängden är förkortad med upp till 25 - 30 år i denna grupp.. Forskningsproblem och metod Inom projektet genomförs och utvärderas en levnadsvaneintervention för människor med allvarlig psykisk ohälsa med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Mål Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera effekter och kostnadseffektivitet av en levnadsvaneintervention på områdena fysisk aktivitet, kost, alkohol och tobak för personer med diagnosen schizofreni. Resultat hittills Förväntade resultat är att interventionen kommer att påverka studiedeltagarnas hälsorelaterade beteenden, risk att insjukna i diabetes och hjärtkärlsjukdom samt symtom på psykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning liksom på studiedeltagarnas och deras närståendes subjektiva upplevelser av vården. Beräkningen av hälsoekonomiska variabler förväntas visa att ovanstående intervention är kostnadseffektiv.
Publikationer Johansson G. Dietary advice on prescription: A novel approach to dietary counselling. Int J Qualitative Stud Health Well-being 2011;6:7136 – DOI:10.3402/qhw.v6i2.7136. Johansson G, Westerterp KR. Assessment of the physical activity level with two questions:validation with doubly labeled water. Int J Obes 2008;32:1031–1033. Jormfeldt, H., Rask, M., Brunt, D., Bengtsson, A., & Svedberg, P. (2013). Staffs’ experiences of a person-centered health education group intervention among people with a persistent mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34, 488–496. Jormfeldt, H., Brunt, D., Rask, M., Bengtsson, A., & Svedberg P. (2012). Experiences of a person-centred health education group intervention. A qualitative study among people with a persistent mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33 (4), 209-216.
Kontaktinformation Projektledare Henrika Jormfeldt docent i omvårdnad
Health Care in Transition Hälsovård i förändring Ett projekt inom Forskning för innovation – det övergripande strategiska forskningsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad, med stöd av KK-stiftelsen
Partner: Varbergshälsan AB, Hjärthuset AB, Region Halland och forskargruppen HIT från Högskolan i Halmstad Sverige står i likhet med andra länder inför en demografisk tidsbomb med stor ökning av den äldre befolkningen som kommer att medföra betydande förändringar i samhället som sätter stor press på hälso- och sjukvård Hälsovård i förändring •
Ett nytt tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprogram med fokus på hälsoinnovation och entreprenörskap Utmaningen är att tvärvetenskapligt och samproduktivt utveckla företagshälsovården för företag och deras anställda inför fortsatt verkan i arbetslivet. Att skapa möjligheter för utveckling av sociala innovationer och arbetssättsinnovationer Syftet är att i samproduktion med Varbergshälsan AB identifiera och exploatera möjligheter för att möta morgondagens utmaningar inom företagshälsovård och därigenom skapa nya förutsättningar för gruppen anställda framtida seniorer
Frågeställningar • •
Hur konstrueras kundrollen på strategisk och operationell nivå inom företaget? Vilka processer kan stödjas och vidareutvecklas med fokus på affärslogik och giltig affärsmodell?
Metoder • • • •
Kvalitativ metod – intervjuer, samtal, workshop och loggböcker Kvantitativ metod – total- och sampelundersökningar Benchmarking inom branschen Interaktiv modell- och systemutveckling
Målsättning •
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Projektets vision är att förändra det institutionella arrangemanget inom hälsovården och skapa andra arbetssätt än de som finns i dag Fokus ligger på företags och anställdas fortsatta medverkan i arbetslivet där hälsobehov och lösningar finns medan ändamålsenliga kopplingar däremellan ofta saknas Förväntade resultat och effekt är att • skapa ny efterfrågan inom företagshälsovård • utveckla och organisera inledande implementering av ny affärsmodell och affärskoncept inom ramen för Varbergshälsan AB • Bidra med ökad forskning inom fältet genom spridning av resultat och hälsoinnovativ kunskap
Kontaktinformation Högskolan i Halmstad Docent Arne Söderbom, projektledare Finns på Sektionen för ekonomi och teknik. Tel 035-167918 eller 0708-174664.
Professor Cathrine Hildingh Finns på Sektionen för Hälsa och Samhälle Tel 035-167462 eller 0703-100606
Docent Kristina Ziegert
Finns på sektionen för Hälsa och Samhälle Tel 035-167426 eller 0767-934263
Doktor Marie Lydell Finns på sektionen för Hälsa och Samhälle Tel 035-167742 eller 0705-096265
Varbergshälsan VD Rune Lejon Tel 0340-664488
New(s) Media Ecosystem A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Helsingborgs Dagblad, MittMedia, Stampen Local Media and Västerbottens-Kuriren. Background and Motivation The business landscape of news media is in the midst of radical change. Constant introduction of new digital technology, increased mobility, changing media consumption and advertising pattern are radically changing the newspaper industry. The confluence of these shifts drives newspaper organizations to engage with diverse actors thus bringing newspapers into a new ecosystem with implications for strategies and business models. This project focuses on future mediahouse ecosystems, business models and digital innovation. Research Problem and Approach • How does changing media experiences/habits influence media house ecosystems? • What are the frames and building blocks that are adaptable to business modeling for digital new(s) media, and how can new business models be designed? These questions are addressed in a collaborative research approach. Goals • Generate a comprehensive view of the changing news media ecosystem and to link core values of newspaper firms to the digital media market. Results so Far Future scenarios, Descriptions of today´s digital news Ecosystem, Business model canvases, patterns of innovation approaches etc.
Publications • Ebbesson, E. & Ihlström Eriksson, C. (2013). Co-creating UGC Services with the Media Industry. In Proceedings of HICSS'46, Maui, Hawaii, January 7-10 2013. • Ebbesson, E. & Ihlström Eriksson, C. (2013). A User Driven Design Approach to Creating UGC Services – Challenging the Newspaper Industry. In Proceedings of HCI International, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 21-26 2013. •
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Ihlström Eriksson, C. & Åkesson, M. (2013). Managing Digital Innovation in Newspaper Organizations. Accepted to the 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium. Melbourne, Australia, December 8-11. Ihlström Eriksson, C. & Åkesson, M. (2013). User Generated Content in News Media - a Comparison of Reader and Newspaper Views. In Proceedings of emma Conference on Digital Transformations and Transactions in Media Industries, Bournemouth, The UK, June 13-14. Ebbesson, E. & Bergquist, M. (2014) Changing Boundaries in Virtual (Open) Innovation Work. In Proceedings of AMCIS 2014, Savannah, Georgia, August 7-9 2014. Lund, J. (2014). Activities to Address Challenges in Digital Innovation. To be presented at IFIP WG 8.2, Auckland, New Zealand, December 11-12, 2014.
Contact Information
Embedded and Intelligent Systems Industrial Graduate School (EISIGS) A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Halmstads Energi och Miljö Nät AB, HMS Industrial Networks, Qamcom Research and Technology, Saab AB – Training and Simulation, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut (VTI),Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Halmstad University Goal • To produce qualified, independent researchers (PhDs) that understand, advance, and champion embedded and intelligent systems research. • To strengthen Swedish industry by training doctoral-level researchers that have both technical depth and a broad understanding of industrial requirements, the innovation process and which innovations that can lead to business opportunities. The Innovation Process • The role of innovation and the inter-play between technological R&D and business development • We want to form future PhDs that understands which innovations that may become useful and economically viable • Innovation and the role as researcher/ entrepreneur within a company is examined
• Innovation as part of the course offerings • Innovation coaches (also as help for the supervisors). Additional supervisors can be arranged on short/long term. • Innovation seminars Contact Information Project leader: Prof. Magnus Jonsson, +46 (35) 16 71 77,
PhD Student Hassan Mashad Nemati
Michal Lysek
HMS Industrial Networks
Marcus Larsson
Qamcom Research and Technology
Hawar Ramazanali
Saab Training and Simulation
Benjamin Vedder
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Maytheewat Aramrattana
Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
Iulian Carpatorea
Volvo Technology Corporation (Volvo GTT)
Yuantao Fan
Volvo Technology Corporation (Volvo GTT)
Halmstads Energi och Miljö Nät AB
Electromagnetic Compatibility for Next Generation (EMC NG) of Embedded Devices A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Halmstad University, NIBE, HMS Industrial Networks, AES Nordic, Digital Metal part of Höganäs Group, and Swedish Adrenalin. Background and Motivation
This research project is a strategic effort to increase the knowledge of the next generation of EMC requirements and possibilities in the context of two important and ongoing technology trends: the pervasive computing revolution, also known as Internet of Things (IoT), and new production methods, known as additive manufacturing. There is a need for understanding the new EMC environment and the requirements of electronics and embedded systems, which will follow in the footprints of the pervasive computing revolution. Research Problem and Approach The electromagnetic properties of the materials used in additive manufacturing are to be investigated, examples of important material parameters are: granularity, conductivity, permittivity, and permeability. Different additive production processes may provide varying structure granularity, spatial resolution, and a wide range of materials. However, there is a lack of standardized specifications for mechanical as well as electromagnetic properties enabling a good prediction on how manufactured parts will perform. To increase the opportunities of innovation in the area of additive manufacturing the following research questions have been formulated: • How can we provide the necessary knowledge and control of processes, structures, and materials used in additive manufacturing to produce commercially useable devices? • What electromagnetic properties do additive manufacturing provide, and does it provide new features usable for further integration of embedded electronics while sustaining EMC performance? • What possibilities are there for extreme integration of electronic components, like antennas, for future wireless systems by applying additive manufacturing? Contact Information:
Fig 1. FEM Model of Cavity
Goals Besides the goal of achieving answers to the research questions, secondary goals of the project are: develop or improve laboratory measurement methods and models that more accurately reflect new requirements related to the pervasive computing vision; and develop best practice and recommendations for implementing these techniques into new EMC test standards. Accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies in the electronics sector and to increase competitiveness.
Results so Far Three hypothesis are assessed for additive manufacturing of electronics: building practice for naked chips (asics), inkjet antennas and printed metal cavity for resonance circuits. The first FEM models has been developed for cavity, Fig 1. Setting up lab-environment, surveying different materials.
Project leder: Urban Bilstrup Researcher: Emil Nilsson, Researcher: Håkan Pettersson, PhD Student: ??
Autonomous Cooperative Driving: Communications issues (ACDC) A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Kapsch TrafficCom, Qamcom, Scania,Volvo Cars,Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Halmstad University
Motivation Autonomous Cooperative Driving can increase traffic safety, reduce fuel consumption, and lead to more efficient road use and the possibility of driverless vehicles in certain environments. Goal To support autonomous cooperative driving with dependable wireless real-time communications Two Main Application Scenarios • Platooning (road trains), including special cases like joining in the middle of the platoon to arrange for best fuel saving • Fully autonomous driving in a restricted area like a construction site, a harbor, or a mine Main Research Questions • How can wireless communication enable/enhance autonomous cooperative driving and what application requirements on the communication will there exist in such applications? • How can we design and configure communication protocols and methods to fulfill the requirements on dependable wireless real-time communications? Contact Information Project leader: Prof. Magnus Jonsson, +46 (35) 16 71 77,
Retransmission phase
Collection phase
2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 4 5 6
5 6 6
Beacon Control phase
Publications Lyamin, N., A. Vinel, M. Jonsson, and J. Loo, “Real-time detection of Denial-ofService attacks in IEEE 802.11p vehicular networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 110-113, Jan. 2014. Belyaev, E., A. Vinel, A. Surak, M. Gabbouj, M. Jonsson, and K. Egiazarian, “Robust vehicle-to-infrastructure video transmission for road surveillance applications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2014. Shao, C., S. Leng, Y. Zhang, A. Vinel, and M. Jonsson, “Analysis of connectivity probability in platoon-based vehicular ad hoc networks,” Proc. 10th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2014), Nicosia, Cyprus, Aug 4-8, 2014. Best paper award. Böhm, A., M. Jonsson, K. Kunert, and A. Vinel, “Context-aware retransmission scheme for increased reliability in platooning applications,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8435, pp. 30-42, 2014. Belyaev, E., A. Vinel, M. Jonsson, and K. Sjöberg, “Live video streaming in IEEE 802.11p vehicular networks: demonstration of an automotive surveillance application,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, Apr. 27 – May 2, 2014. Bellalta, B., E. Belyaev, M. Jonsson, and A. Vinel, “Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11p-enabled vehicular video surveillance system,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 708-711, Apr. 2014. Hoang, L.-N., E. Uhlemann, and M. Jonsson, “An efficient message dissemination technique in platooning applications ,” submitted for reviewing.
International Guest Professor Alexey Vinel A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Halmstad University
Motivation/Goal Prof. Vinel complements the researchers at HH very nicely with his expertise in probabilistic analysis of wireless communication. Moreover, the goal is to contribute to the internationalization of the research in several aspects. Research Focus Design and analysis of scalable and robust real-time vehicular communication protocols. Apart from the theoretical novelty, it is of interest to the relevant industrial community (vehicle manufactures, telematics solutions suppliers, etc.). Results • Vehicular communication with probabilistic guarantees • Demonstration of vehicular video transfer • Increased international collaboration • New funded projects • Organization of international conferences • Broadening of the HH competence Contact Information +46 (35) 16 79 84, Project leader: Prof. Magnus Jonsson, +46 (35) 16 71 77,
a) Our method. b) H.264/SVC Publications Berbineau, M, M. Jonsson, J.-M. Bonnin, S. Cherkaoui, M. Aguado, C. RicoGarcia, H. Ghannoum, R. Mehmood, and A. Vinel, editors. Communication Technologies for Vehicles –Proc. 5th International Workshop, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains 2013, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, May 14-15, 2013. LNCS 7865, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 121-135, 2013. Lyamin, N., A. Vinel, M. Jonsson, and J. Loo, “Real-time detection of Denial-ofService attacks in IEEE 802.11p vehicular networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 110-113, Jan. 2014. Belyaev, E., A. Vinel, A. Surak, M. Gabbouj, M. Jonsson, and K. Egiazarian, “Robust vehicle-to-infrastructure video transmission for road surveillance applications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2014. Jonsson, M., A. Vinel, B. Bellalta, N. Marina, D. Dimitrova, and D. Fiems, editors. Multiple Access Communications, 6th International Workshop, MACOM 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania, Dec. 16-17, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8310,, 2013. Lyamin, N., C. Campolo, A. Vinel, A. Molinaro, and M. Jonsson, “Service discovery and access in multi-channel VANETs,” submitted for reviewing. Shao, C., S. Leng, Y. Zhang, A. Vinel, and M. Jonsson, “Analysis of connectivity probability in platoon-based vehicular ad hoc networks,” Proc. 10th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2014), Nicosia, Cyprus, Aug 4-8, 2014. Best paper award. Böhm, A., M. Jonsson, K. Kunert, and A. Vinel, “Context-aware retransmission scheme for increased reliability in platooning applications,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8435, pp. 30-42, 2014. Belyaev, E., A. Vinel, M. Jonsson, and K. Sjöberg, “Live video streaming in IEEE 802.11p vehicular networks: demonstration of an automotive surveillance application,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, Apr. 27 – May 2, 2014. Bellalta, B., E. Belyaev, M. Jonsson, and A. Vinel, “Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11p-enabled vehicular video surveillance system,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 708-711, Apr. 2014. Sikora, A., M. Berbineau, A. Vinel, M. Jonsson, A. Pirovano, and M. Aguado, editors. Communication Technologies for Vehicles –Proc. 6th International Workshop, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4aircraft 2014, Offenburg, Germany, May 6-7, 2014. LNCS vol. 8435, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014. Jonsson, M., A. Vinel, B. Bellalta, and E. Belyaev, editors. Multiple Access Communications, 7th International Workshop, MACOM 2014, Halmstad, Sweden, Aug. 27-28, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8715, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
ESCHER Embedded Streaming Computations on Heterogeneous Energy-efficient aRchitectures A project in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation
Partners: Adarate, ImaComp/Lucid, Halmstad University, SAAB, Xcube Start: Jan. 2014 End: Dec. 2016 Volume: 8.3 MSEK Background and Motivation The Applications of our Industrial Partners are often in the form of Embedded Streaming Applications, like: Radar, Vision, Communication systems. Characteristics Embedded Streaming Applications: • Continuous dataflow, often at rates of gigabytes per second • Processing in real time with deterministic behaviour • Many new applications possible, if performance can grow with Moore’s Law • Requirements on power efficiency and low cost • Demands of rapid development (time to market)
ESCHER will Deliver… • Knowledge and understanding of the common and specific demands in streaming applications from different domains • An application development framework Keywords: DSL, ADL, MCVM • Suggestions for optimized heterogeneous architectures • A demonstrator combining the application development framework with an optimized heterogeneous many-core architecture
Research Problem and Approach Need for manycore systems… … but they are difficult to use efficiently We have a programming Chasm… Results so Far • First version of ESCHER requirements developed • Assessment of first subsets of tools • Early concept for ADL and MCVM explored • First demonstrator developed and ready to be sent for manufacturing Publications
Industry needs: New programming models and application development tools Our goal: develop a tool framework that can support the development of streaming applications at an abstraction level that allows for high programming productivity and for program portability when targeting heterogeneous many-core architectures New parallel embedded processor architectures Our goal: making efficient use of current many-core architectures as well as suggesting performance and powerefficiency optimized heterogeneous many-core architecture for streaming applications.
[1] E. Gebrewahid, M. Yang, G. Cedersjö, Z. Ul-Abdin, V. Gaspes, J. W. Janneck, B. Svensson, “Realizing Efficient Execution of Dataflow Actors on Manycores”, in Proceedings of the the 12th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2014), Milan, Italy, Aug. 26-28, 2014. [2] S. Savas , E. Gebrewahid, Z. Ul-Abdin, T. Nordström, M. Yang, “An Evaluation of Code Generation of Dataflow Languages on Manycore Architectures”, in Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2014), Chongqing, China, Aug. 20-22, 2014. [3] Z. Ul-Abdin and B. Svensson, “A Retargetable Compilation Framework for Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Computing”, Submitted to ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, May 2014. [4] T. Nordström, Z. Ul-Abdin, and A. Olofsson, “Kickstarting high-performing energy-efficient manycore architectures with Epiphany”, Accepted for 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 2-5, 2014.
Contact Information Tomas Nordström Professor Computer Engineering Halmstad University Email: Phone: +46 35 167334 Mobile: +46 70 2888632