Posterpre sentation
Forskning fรถr innovation Konferens den 11 september 2015 Hรถgskolan i Halmstads KK-miljรถ
Green Innovation A Research Theme within Research for Innovation –the overarching strategic research programme at Halmstad University, with support from The Knowledge Foundation Background The research area Green Innovation focuses on societal challenges locally, regionally and internationally through collaboration with different academic disciplines and community organizations. Purpose and Long-term Goals The research aims to solve major social problems, create competitiveness in green industries, strengthen innovation and stimulate new products, services and processes in green industries (agricultural and forest sector but also linked to rural development and tourism). Research Areas and Methods The research area Green Innovation is represented by the research environments CIEL and BLESS and unite different areas of innovation, science and environmental science. The group constellation represents knowledge covering a variety of research approaches and methodological working practices. A comprehensive research approach that is applied is the system perspective. The research can be described as the study of innovations where the current environmental problems and threats resulting from climate change or toxins in the environment must be met with innovations in terms of products, processes and services, but also with changes in the way in which we organize society. Status and Development Plans The theme Green Innovation is gradually developing with the vision to involve several research groups at Halmstad University. The aim is to create an independent platform in the Green Innovation field of research. Together with the project Arena Green Growth we also see great opportunities with the inclusion of other actors in the society.
Important projects Arena Green Growth, Lean innovation – Agricultural business development, Biogas 2020, Cinderella Strategic Partners Agricultural entrepreneurs, Region Halland, LRF Konsult, Hushållningssällskapet i Halland, Hushållningssällskapet i Östergötland, Rådgivarna i Sjuhärad, VÄXA Sverige, Länsstyrelsen i Halland, Innovatum i Trollhättan, SLU, Lunds universitet, Högskolan i Kristianstad, Högskolan i Borås, Skive kommune (DK), Ostfold fylkeskommune (NO), University of Greifswald (GER), Aarhus University (DK), Radboud University Nijmegen (NL), Politechnika Gdanska Key Funding Sources EU-financing, Vinnova, KK-foundation, Jordbruksverket Contact Information Associate Professor Marie Mattsson 035-16 75 32 Assistant Professor Pia Ulvenblad 035-16 75 42
Innovation Processes and Business Creation (IPBC) A Research Theme within Research for Innovation –the overarching strategic research programme at Halmstad University, with support from The Knowledge Foundation
Innovation Processes and Business Creation (IPBC) are Necessary but Difficult • To survive and prosper, firms need to adapt to the rapidly changing global environment by introducing new products, services and processes on the market, interact with customers and users, innovate and internationalize their businesses and transform their industries and their business eco-systems. • Established firms find it problematic, time consuming and risky to create and launch new business models as managers and employees suffer from lock-in to their existing mental models, skills and routines, as well as to their existing customers, suppliers and distributors. • Startups suffer from a lack of financial and human resources, find it difficult to diversify their product portfolio and enter new unfamiliar markets and tend to underestimate the time and cost of creating a sustainable revenue stream, Purpose and Long-term Goals • To establish a “One Stop Shop” for firms in terms of analyzing and managing innovation processes and business creation and renewal. • Become world leading on co-evolutionary process research where new products, processes or services are developed and launched together with firms. • Create a systematic approach for co-production of organizational and innovation process research between industry and academia. This relates to during what circumstances, how and why new products, services and processes are initiated, generated and diffused. Research Areas and Methods We have extensive experiences of collaboration with enterprises in our research, empirical “clinical” implementation as well as related education and training activities. The approach is dominated by case studies, interviews and workshops, complemented by quantitative studies. The research includes the innovation phases of exploration and initiation, development, and commercialization and internationalization.
Status and Development Plans • Retain the world-leading position on firm internationalization. • Expand the very promising business model innovation and co-evolutionary research. • Create internationally renowned construction innovation research. • Create critical research mass in firm & university start-ups and green innovation. Important Results • Scientific publications presented in leading journals. • PhD, licentiate and master theses. • Proven improved business models for participating companies. • Influenced Swedish small and medium sized firms and policy decision-makers. Key Funding Sources KK Foundation, Vinnova, the Swedish Research Council, Lundberg Foundations, STINT, Linneus-Palme. Contact Information Magnus Holmén, professor - Svante Andersson, professor - Mike Danilovic, professor - Pia Ulvenblad, PhD - Kristian Widén, associate professor - kristian.widé
Deltagarstyrd hälsoinnovation Ett forskningstema inom Forskning för innovation – det övergripande strategiska forskningsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad, med stöd av KK-stiftelsen Bakgrund För att möta utmaningarna att främja fysisk, psykisk och socialt välbefinnande hos utsatta grupper krävs nytänkande tvärvetenskaplig forskning i samproduktion med slutanvändare. Sådan samproduktion säkerställer kvalitet, giltighet och tillämpbarhet av utvecklad kunskap och innovationer. Temats syfte och långsiktiga mål Det övergripande syftet med temat är att stärka forskning och samverkan kring kunskap och interventioner som främjar hälsa samt utveckla och sprida metoder för hur användare och målgrupper kan göras delaktiga i sådana processer. Forskningsområden och metoder Den nuvarande styrkan i temats forskning finns inom främjande av hälsa hos barn och unga. Med stöd av den designprocess (figur) som utvecklats och anpassats för de utmaningar som finns i att involvera barn i forskning och design kan forskning inom temat vidgas till andra grupper vars delaktighet behöver stödjas. Status och utvecklingsplaner För att uppnå syftet med temat har aktiviteter initierats för att samla forskare i en gemensam process som har den kritiska massa och kompetens som möjliggör synergieffekter avseende gemensamma projekt, publicering, finansiering och extern samverkan. Temats viktigaste resultat hittills är att ha etablerat flera konkreta projekt tillsammans med externa partners utifrån en gemensam desigprocess för användarmedverkan.
Strategiska partners Länsförsäkringar Halland, CP+B, Hello There, Carmona, Stena Metall, HFAB, Krook & Tjäder, Affecta Psykiatri, Halmstad kommun, Falkenberg kommun, Region Halland Viktigaste finansiärer Vetenskapsrådet, Forte, KK-stiftelsen, kommuner och Region Halland Kontaktinformation Jens Nygren, Petra Svedberg,
Human, Health and Physical activity A research theme in Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research theme of Halmstad University, supported by The Knowledge Foundation Partners: Tappa Service AB, HPI-Health Profile Institute AB, Telia Sonera AB (Telia Healthcare), Kairos Future AB, Eleiko Sport AB, Swedish Adrenaline, Exceed Performance AB and Rantzows Sports AB
Research idea and Outcome
The overall research idea is to develop tools supporting mechanisms of behaviour change and motivational climate in the promotion of healthy physical activity behaviour - Tailoring intelligent and sustainable interventions. Outcomes of presented synergy project have potential to be both practical and theoretical in nature and distributed in various forms, and as commercialized services and products.
Presentation of Research Problem and Approach In the below presented figure an overview of a potential synergy collaborative process and objectives is outlined.
Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Halila F, Johnson U, Lindwall M, Wickström M, & Wärnestål P. (2014) Digital innovations and self-determined exercise motivation: a person-centred perspective. VITALIS - Nordens ledande eHälsomöte; 2014; Göteborg. Göteborgs universitet; 2014. Weman-Josefsson, A. K., Halila F, Johnson U, Lindwall M, Wickström M, Wärnestål P. (2015). Digital Innovations and Self-determined exercise motivation: an interdisciplinary approach. Proceedings of The 6th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC March 2015. Orlando, Florida. Weman-Josefsson, A.K., Ebbesson, E. Halila, F., Johnson, U., Lund, J., Wickström, N., & Wärnestål., P. (accepted).Digital interventions in self-determined exercise motivation – interdisciplinary innovations. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 14th Congress, June 2015 Edinburgh, Scotland. Weman-Josefsson, A.K., Ebbesson, E. Halila, F., Johnson, U., Lund, J., Wickström, N., & Wärnestål., P. (accepted). Application of self-determination theory in the ehealth industry – promoting sustainable exercise motivation. Fepsac 14:th European congress on sport psychology, July 2015, Bern, Switzerland.
GoDIS (Digital innovations in Self-determined Exercise Motivation), IOE (Intelligent Outdoor Exercise equipment ), COOL (Cooperative Oriented Learning).
Results so Far
At present we have no results from the synergy collaboration belonging to IOE and COOL. However, the pilot data collection of GoDIS Phase 1 has recently been completed and preliminary results from initial analyses show motivational regulations, goal orientations and psychological need satisfaction to be (inter)related according to theory. In the next step, advanced mediation variable analyses and latent growth curve models will be used to explore motivational processes, changes and profiles in relation to exercise behaviour. The prototype is currently further tested and developed in the nine months RCT of GoDIS Phase 2. The working process will be conducted in a user experience (UX) design oriented process, using interviews, contextual observations and surveys to build actionable design models, such as personas, context scenarios, key-path scenarios, and service requirements specifications. The industrial partners contribute with expertise, design, service platforms, and bases for user centered testing and evaluating.
Relevant publications related to the research projects are: Klavina, A., Jerlinder, K., Kristén, L., Hammar, L., & Soulie, T. (2013). Cooperation Directed Learning in Inclusive Physical Education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29 (2), 119-134. Part of the content of the research theme is published in the Halmstad University journal Qualitative studies of Health and Well-being and its thematic cluster 2015 “Health, Physical Activity and Lifestyle“.
Project leaders
Professor Urban Johnson, Halmstad University, CVHI Fil Lic Karin Weman Josefsson, Halmstad University, CVHI Fil Dr Andreas Ivarsson, Halmstad University, CVHI Fil Dr Lars Kristén, Halmstad University, CVHI Contact
Aware Intelligent Systems A Research Theme within Research for Innovation –the overarching strategic research programme at Halmstad University, with support from The Knowledge Foundation
Background and Motivation Today’s society is overwhelmed with data. Data volumes grow much faster than the number of people with skills to analyse it. We need machines that can automatically mine this data for knowledge that can be used for almost anything: guiding autonomous vehicles, enabling advanced healthcare, increasing quality of life, suggesting music you like, etc, etc.. Users expect such intelligent machines to act “human like”, from the reasoning and acting point of view; they expect them to be aware. Purpose and Long-term Goals To enable technologies and systems based on these technologies that are capable of mimicking the human ability to observe, remember, learn, reason, decide and act. Such aware intelligent systems should be able to find knowledge in sensor readings, reason about the situation or the system itself, and project its future actions including feedback (if necessary) to lower processing levels. Research Areas and Methods Machine learning, Signal/Image processing, Robotics/Mechatronics. Supervised and unsupervised learning, signal/image filtering (feature extraction), joint human-machine learning, information fusion, time-frequency analysis Status and Development Plans The research profile CAISR was started in 2012 to build up and establish a key research centre that focuses on aware intelligent systems, within two specific application areas: intelligent vehicles and health care technology. CAISR today has more than 40 members, an annual research volume of about 20 MSEK, of which 70% are external grants, and a scientific publication output of 30 peer-reviewed papers per year.
Strategic Partners Volvo Technology AB, Kollmorgen AB, Optronic AB, Toyota Material Handling Europe AB, NEAT Electronics AB, Tappa Service AB, Swedish Adrenaline, Daralabs AB, Phoniro Key Funding Sources The KK-foundation, VINNOVA, EU, the Swedish Science Council (VR), and the Brazilian Science without Borders programme.
Contact Information Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson Antanas Verikas Anita Sant’Anna Slawomir Novaczyk Roland Thörner
Digital Service Innovation A Research Theme within Research for Innovation – the overarching strategic research programme at Halmstad University, with support from The Knowledge Foundation
Background and Motivation Digitalization has profound implications for society and challenges the way that services are designed and used. Especially, there is a need for knowledge about the design of services with respect to new forms of stakeholder involvement in innovation processes, digital service logics and architectures, innovation ecosystems and value network governance. Purpose and Long-term Goals The goal is to innovate digital services through research and development of knowledge about innovation processes, cocreation, user innovation, value networks and eco-systems. Research Areas and Methods The research utilizes user oriented design methods such as prototyping and action oriented studies that develop and test new digital services and application concepts in realistic user settings. Currently the research focuses on service innovation in media, health innovation, transport, and the public sector. Status and Development Plans The theme continually develops as a complete academic environment with a new PhD education in Informatics and a planned international master in Digital Service Innovation. Bachelor programs include Research Placement in research projects as well as Industry Placement and Design Studios based on our research and in collaboration with partner companies.
Key Strategic Partners Aftonbladet, Expressen, Stampen Local Media, New York Times, Free2Move, Carema, Copenhagen LivingLab, Phoniro, Volvo Group, Riksrevisionen, Halmstad kommun, Kungsbacka kommun Key Funding Sources KK-stiftelsen, Vinnova, Forte, NordForsk
Contact Information
Electronics for Internet of Things A Research Theme within Research for Innovation –the overarching strategic research programme at Halmstad University, with support from The Knowledge Foundation Status and Development Plans
The research areas described above is the hardware basis for the IoT. The high level of competence in physics, material science and design of nano-electronics enable new types of sophisticated sensors. A deep understanding of advanced RF components, circuits and methods of construction ensures the development of middleware and communication electronics. For characterization of RF receivers we use the test center ECH, which today is realized with the support of the KKFoundation (project: EMC_NG) and local businesses. Production of nanostructures occurs at nmC @ LU, while the characterization is done in Rydberg Laboratory. Further we plan to include expertise in mathematics and computing technologies in this theme. This will enable the development of modeling tools for component production using multiphysics modeling which significantly shortens lead times and thus prototyping costs. For this purpose we seek funds from the Knowledge Foundation (new project: EMC Hammer). Another important aspect of mathematics research in the context of IoT is mathematical statistics, affecting digital security about privacy issues in network communications, detection of encrypted code, development of ciphers, encryption key generation procedures, cryptography and related statistical methods.
Background and Motivation
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important and groundbreaking technological trends we see today, and it has already started to affect our society. Internet follow something similar to Moore's Law (Metcalfe's law) and doubles its size every five years. According to Cisco, in 2009 there were more devices connected to the Internet than there were people on earth. The development of IoT is described to be of paramount importance for the development of future business and society. In order to fully exploit the possibilities that IoT bring we need to develop new design and building practice for integrated electronics.
Purpose and Long-term Goals
Important Results so Far
We have created an arena for closer regional cooperation in the field of electronics, where regional small and medium enterprises with common technology challenges transforms a regional knowledge/resource cluster in collaboration with the university/college and authorities in the region. We have conducted a comprehensive systematic study of the power consumption of RF systems aimed at providing an overview and understanding of the relationships between the receiver sensitivity, bandwidth, carrier frequency and power consumption. Antennas has been manufactured in metal and in plated polymers. The antenna are now undergoing tests and evaluation.
The purpose of this research theme is to provide new methods and processes for the design, development and integration of electronics. An important long-term goal is to increase the technology knowledge and point out the business opportunities that pervasive computing and Internet of Things provides industry and society.This, together with an increased knowledge about the possibilities and limitations with the new 3D printing production methods, nano-electronics, and computational methods will lead to the emergence of new and earlier unthinkable devices with highly competitive integration of embedded electronics. The specific outcomes in terms of research are: a better understanding of physical properties of new printable materials as well as new innovative design and production methods to realize embedded systems suitable for fulfilling the vision of the pervasive computing revolution. The merging of mechanical and electromagnetic modelling is a very important part of future building practice of highly integrated electronic systems.
Research Areas and Methods
Nano-electronics is an area of research that has great potential for IoT in terms of the production of e.g. new types of sensors and for the realization of efficient receivers. A very important condition for the realization of IoT is the seamless integration of radio and digital functionality at a very low cost. The research in the RF electronics is conducted together with nano-electronics group on the development of nano-sensors and high-frequency ultra-low-power receiver. The research activities include device fabrication, measurements, and studies of system properties such as e.g. power consumption. An area under extreme development is additive manufacturing, in this research initiative we aim at blending this technology with electronic design in order to propose new building practices for electronic design of IoT devices
Strategic Partners The network for future electronics in Halmstad, HälsoteknikCentrum Halland (HCH), Svensk Elektronik
Key Funding Sources KK-foundation and Halmstad University
Contact Information Emil Nilsson (Theme leader) Urban Bilstrup (ECH project leader) Håkan Pettersson (Prof. Physics)
Cooperative Embedded Systems A Research Theme within Research for Innovation –the overarching strategic research programme at Halmstad University, with support from The Knowledge Foundation
Background and Motivation • Center for Research on Embedded Systems (CERES): established 12 years ago (in 2003) • Vision: to create a world-renowned center of excellence on cooperative embedded systems • Status: an international research center with ca. 40 researchers, led by a team of renowned researchers, covering the different subfields of cooperative embedded systems research
Strategic Activities • Excellence in Research: • Carrying out research at the highest international level, • Publishing in the best academic outlets, emphasis on publishing in journals with high quality standards, and • Covering a broad spectrum from fundamental research to applied innovation. • Coproduction with Industry: • Being inspired by societal and industrial challenges, and • Maintaining and extending a network of partner companies. • Competence Development: • Providing excellent possibilities of career development for our colleagues, • Developing new expertise through both inbound and outbound guest researchers, • Extending our pool of expertise through strategic recruitments, and • Developing leadership skills at CERES by organizing and participating in management and leadership workshops. • Research-Based Education: • Disseminating knowledge through various educational programs, and • Innovating our educational programs constantly and developing programs to meet societal needs in our areas of expertise.
Growth Trend
25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 2003 2004
Research funding in kSEK
Key Funding Sources
SSF KKS VR, Vinnova, State grants EU State subsidies
Contact Information Mohammad Reza Mousavi Professor and Theme Leader M.R.Mousavi@HH.SE http://CERES.HH.SE/
Tema Hälsoinnovation Ett forskningstema inom Forskning för innovation – det övergripande strategiska forskningsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad, med stöd av KK-stiftelsen Bakgrund och motivering
Utvecklingen av hälsan i befolkningen är centralt för en hållbar samhällsutveckling och för människors välbefinnande. Hälsa påverkas av allt från individens egna val och levnadsvanor till strukturella faktorer som yttre miljöer och demokratiska rättigheter i samhället. Olika bestämningsfaktorer, som biologiska faktorer, relationer, levnadsvanor och samhällsfaktorer påverkar människors hälsa. Följande områden är nationellt identifierade som angelägna: • • •
Insatser för att främja barns långsiktiga hälsa Livsstilssjukdomar Den åldrande befolkningens hälsobehov
Temats syfte och långsiktiga mål
Tema hälsoinnovation syftar till att utveckla och påverka människors möjlighet att bibehålla och främja sin hälsa liksom att förebygga ohälsa. Hälsoinnovationer utvecklas i mötet mellan olika kunskaper, kompetenser och erfarenheter, såväl inom lärosätets forskning och utbildning som i samverkan med näringsliv och offentlig sektor. Hälsoinnovationer som utvecklas ska utgå från de personer som ska använda innovationen, det vill säga slutanvändaren.
Programchef Ingela Skärsäter, professor i omvårdnad med inriktning mot hälsa och livsstil, vid Akademin för hälsa och välfärd
Mål på medellång sikt (fem år) Tema hälsoinnovations långsiktiga mål inom tre områden – forskning, utbildning och samverkan – bärs av personer som i dag och i framtiden är djupt involverade i respektive verksamhet och bidrar till att skapa kompletta akademiska miljöer. Följande mål är formulerade på medellång sikt: • Nationellt och internationellt stark och erkänd forskning om och för hälsoinnovation som skapar mervärden som till exempel ökad tillgänglighet och högre kvalitet i samarbetet mellan vårdtagare och vårdgivare. • Programöverskridande utbildning som rustar studenter med kunskaper och färdigheter om hälsoinnovativa lösningar som möter samhällsbehov och hälsoutmaningar med kreativitet och hållbarhet. • Mötesplatser, så kallade innovationsverkstäder, med samverkan mellan lärosäte, näringsliv och offentlig sektor, som är en drivkraft till utveckling för studenter, forskare, företagare, vård- och omsorgsgivare samt slutanvändare.
Viktigaste resultat hittills
• • •
Två EU ansökningar har beviljats under 2015 för att utveckla HIcube - att utveckla kompetens och tillväxt i regionen. Samfinansiering med Regionhalland och de sex halländska kommunerna, totalt cirka 48 miljoner 2015-2018 Utveckling av utbildningsinsatser för att stärka hälsoinnovation och entreprenörskap kommersialisering/nyttiggörande för studenter på grundutbildning avancerad nivå och forskarutbildning
Samarbete med Halmstad School of Innovation för att utveckla hälsoinnovativa projekt som utgår från verksamhetsnära behov.
Halmstad Health Innovation Summer School - en veckas internationell sommarkurs i hälsoinnovation årligen
Ett lärosätesövergripande (HH/Kommun) Coreprojekt som syftar till att identifiera och utveckla tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojekt på lärosätet inom hälsoinnovationsområdet, med fokus på Aging and Self-management.
Ledningsgruppen för Tema hälsoinnovation består av följande medlemmar: - Magdalena Barkström, verksamhetschef på Utvecklings- och implementeringsavdelningen på Region Halland - Ann Bremander, docent, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap Patrik Dahlqvist Jönsson, klinisk lektor vid Akademin för hälsa och välfärd Fawzi Halila, docent vid Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap Anne-Christine Hertz, verksamhetsansvarig på Hälsoteknikcentrum Halland Jens Nygren, docent i medicinsk vetenskap vid Akademin för hälsa och välfärd Anita Sant’Anna, universitetslektor vid Akademin för informationsteknologi Jeanette Sjöberg, universitetslektor och funktionsansvarig på Hälsopedagogiskt centrum Andreas Tylenius, eHälsosamordnare vid Region Halland Till ledningsgruppen är också olika funktioner vid Högskolan.
Strategiska partners De sex halländska kommunerna Region Halland
Viktigaste finansiärer KK-stiftelsen Europeiska socialfonden Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden
Kontaktinformation Ingela Skärsäter Programchef för tema hälsoinnovation, professor 0721 561709