02/21/2011 Women in Higher Education Issue

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FEBRUARY 21, 2011


Can Word Choices Influence


More Women Trustees on College Boards


Gender Gap in STEM

The best candidate is out there...

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Esquina E ditorial


elcome to our annual women’s issue, overflowing with news of powerful and talented Latinas in academia, including some we’ve been covering for a decade or more, as they’ve risen within the system. We salute all of them – and all those they inspire. Many high-achieving Latinas give credit to their parents for knowing the value of an education and enduring great hardships so that their children might succeed. The first Latina president in the Cal State system, Mildred García, whose dad died when she was 12, told us, “I’m one of seven. My parents would say to us when we were kids that the only inheritance a poor family can give is a good education.” Another successful Latina we interviewed recently told us that when her family emigrated here to get the kids a good education, her mother was the first woman ever to move away from the Mexican town of their birth. She did so without a husband and without knowing English. Latinas are becoming renowned, too, for their successes as small business owners. As recently as 1994, entrepreneurship was called an uncommon, though growing, phenomenon for Hispanics, especially Latinas. A report late last year cited U.S. Census Bureau stats showing that “Latinas are starting their own businesses at six times the national average.” If you are someone who writes or requests letters of reference, don’t miss Sylvia Mendoza’s article herein on word choice and its impact on recommendations. According to research at Rice by Michelle Hebl, Randi Martin and Juan Madera, there are “communal” descriptors and “agentic” ones – and agentic words are more likely to get you hired. ¡Adelante! Suzanne López-Isa Managing Editor

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w w w. h i s p a n i c o u t l o o k . c o m

by Carlos D. Conde



The System Is Broken, Ad Nauseam

here’s a fruit vendor in my border hometown in Texas who sells fresh fruit from his truck. He’s a popular figure because he’s good with the “pilon,” the baker’s dozen giving, let’s say, 15 oranges for the price of a dozen. His wife was a coveted seamstress until an immigration patrol picked her up and sent her back to Mexico. She was gone a few months, probably took the time to visit relatives, and now she’s back again to her routine, probably still illegal. An immigration officer lives in the neighborhood teeming with illegal aliens, but they’re OK by him. “I’m off duty when I come home,” he said, knowing it can be careerending if his challenges are too aggressive. Read pro immigration reform protests like those in Arizona, California and Washington. And so explains the unending, contradictory war against illegal immigrants that the Obama administration says it is winning because of an increasing number of deportations and dwindling border crossings. The system, admittedly, is still broken. The latest figures reveal 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S., 60 percent of them Mexican and another 20 percent from Latin America, dropping from a peak of 12 million in 2007. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency says it deported 389,000 illegal residents in 2010, a record number of people, many of them thieves or ne’erdo-wells. The majority were Latinos, and the majority of Latinos were Mexicans. So who’s winning? Call it a stalemate, but give the edge to the illegals, particularly Mexicans who cross the porous border at will, like my hometown seamstress, and easily blend into the community because, I guess, we all look alike. It’s true they are getting more heat from the beefed-up U.S. immigration forces, new state-of-the-art border detection system and the deployment of 1,200 National Guard troops to help patrol key sections of the U.S.-Mexican border. Mexicans and Central Americans are not crossing the U.S.-Mexican border at will as they were a few years ago, but it’s also because many have been scared off by drug gangs and common criminals who prey on them at the crossings and because of a diminishing and unsteady job market in the U.S. For what it’s worth, metaphorically and financially, the U.S. has stepped up its enforcement efforts – but some of them have already gone kaput. The U.S. not long ago introduced sophisticated detection systems like the “Virtual Fence” across the border, tested in Arizona, that cauldron of immigration issues, but scrapped because it provided meager results for the billions it cost to build and operate. The system used a single technology, to be eventually installed across the entire 2,000-mile border, using mobile surveillance systems and unmanned drones. The project, developed by the Boeing Corporation, would install, among other gadgetry, sensors and cameras mounted on towers that would lead border patrolmen to the exact location of the miscreants. The illegal crossers would have no chance. Ha! Even Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano once famously said,

when she was Arizona’s governor, about another woebegone project to build a wall at strategic crossings along the border to stymie illegal aliens: “You show me a 50-foot wall at the border, and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder. That’s the way the border works.” Now as secretary, Napolitano is still not convinced that such detection methods work, and she has canceled the “virtual fence” project across the Southwest border that has already spent $1 billion and was estimated to cost $7 billion to cover the entire border. There don’t seem to be any better ideas on how to contain the Diaspora of illegal aliens, except through the legislative system that would punish with fines and restrictions on U.S. enterprises that use them. So it looks like we’re back to the eyeball system in the field and, once again, looking toward Washington for some viable solution and policies – which, regardless of who’s doing the talking, do not look promising. There has been a lot of rhetoric from all sides but no meaningful discourse. And with the Republicans in control of the lower chamber, immigration reform doesn’t look good in this biennial. It’s certain to be a campaign issue with the Latino vote in play – but no matter how much demagoguery is employed, not many are convinced it would be a death knell for politicians in 2012 who stand against it or refuse to compromise a solution. The reality is that it doesn’t appear to be a summons for retaliation by Latino voters, as lobby organizations like the National Council of La Raza would want you to believe with “we won’t forget” threats. An exception, and probably the best bet for a Latino wedge issue, is the DREAM Act, recently passed by the House but killed by the Senate, which would have recognized the college and military industriousness of Latino youth who are burdened by illegal parents. One of the latest polls by the Pew Hispanic Center showed the immigration issue is not a top concern for Latinos for or against President Obama and Democrats or Republicans. Latinos, the poll shows, place education, jobs and health care at their top three planks. One of the indefatigable workers for immigration reform has to be Chicago Congressman Luis Gutiérrez, who has traversed the country speaking at every opportunity and even taking on his fellow Chicagoan, President Obama, for being all about enforcement but little about a remedy. A Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most important Latino leader in the country after Supreme Court Justice and fellow Puerto Rican Sonia Sotomayor. His passion is commendable, but like John the Baptist, he is “the voice of one crying in the wilderness” as far as meaningful immigration reform any time soon is concerned.




Carlos D. Conde, award-winning journalist and commentator, former Washington and foreign news correspondent, was an aide in the Nixon White House and worked on the political campaigns of George Bush Sr. To reply to this column, contact Cdconde@aol.com.

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CONTENTS CSU-Dominguez Hills: Showcasing Three Powerful First-Generation Latinas by Mary Ann Cooper


A Latina Teaches Dance and Awakens Ancient Culture by Michelle Adam


More Women Trustees on College Boards – but Far from Equal Representation by Marilyn Gilroy


No More Pencils, No More Books

by Frank DiMaria


Can “Word Choices” Compromise a Woman’s Career? by Sylvia Mendoza


The Transformation of a University and the Journey 22 of an Opera Star Who Returned Home by Robert D. Meckel Page 8

Researchers Look at Ways to Bridge the Gender Gap in STEM Fields by Melissa Campbell


Patricia Zavella: Exceptional Teacher, First-Rate Scholar, Committed Activist by Clay Latimer


Irma García: Blazing Trails and Scoring Success


by Jeff Simmons

Report Card for Encouraging STEM Careers by Mary Ann Cooper

Online Articles Arcela Núñez-Alvarez, Ph.D.: Facing Hate, Promoting Humanity by Sylvia Mendoza Literature an Enduring Passion for Professor Ester González by Clay Latimer To view these and other select articles online, go to our website: www.HispanicOutlook.com.

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DEPARTMENTS Latino Kaleidoscope

by Carlos D. Conde


The System Is Broken, Ad Nauseam

In the Trenches ...

by Ricardo B. Jacquez


Our First Challenge Is to Entice the Youth of Our State ...

Interesting Reads and Media... Book Review

by Mary Ann Cooper



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Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone

Hispanics on the Move FYI...FYI...FYI... Priming the Pump...

by Miquela Rivera

Preparing Latino Students for Group Projects



Back Cover

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Cover courtesy of HMS, National Women’s History Month poster “Our History Is Our Strength” 0 2 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 1





Showcasing Three Powerful First-Generation Latinas


by Mary Ann Cooper

2010, California State University (CSU)Dominguez Hills marked the 50th anniversary of its founding. How has CSU-Dominguez Hills survived – some say flourished – during the worst economic and political climate for higher education in decades? For three Latinas in leadership positions at the university, the answer is: by creating a supportive environment for all students – including those who are the first in their family to attend college. This commitment to provide a home away from home for first-generation and other students springs from the passion of CSUDominguez Hills President Mildred García. A first-generation student herself, García stepped into yet another precedent-setting role when she assumed her role as head of the university. She was the first Latina to be appointed president in the Cal State system. “I was shocked that the system has been around a long time and I was the first Latina to be appointed to a Cal State U. campus,” García tells The Hispanic Outlook in an exclusive interview. And she was also pleasantly surprised by the welcome she received there. “I have to tell you, I was embraced by the people here. And the community and the other presidents embraced me as well. It has been a wonderful experience with the faculty, the community, the staff and the students. I found out the




chancellor was a first-generation student as well, and he expressed a real commitment to students. That touched me. So that really helped me leave home to bring me back west.” Home for García was New York City, where she learned the value of a good education. “I’m one of seven. My parents would say to us when we were kids that the only inheritance a poor family can give is a good education. That’s my motto. My father died when I was 12, but my mother was extremely supportive of my going to school. She couldn’t support me financially. I had to work and go to school, but she did in every other way. She worked in a factory, but was there when I got home. She would heat up my food on the radiator, so I could eat whenever I got home.” García’s household was different from the Hispanic households where strictly defined gender roles sometimes discourage higher education for women. “Women’s lib was an alien thing to me. When he was alive, my father shared household chores with my mother, and he was the cook.” García excelled at her studies, but almost turned down the opportunity that put her on the path to presidency. “It started when I was teaching at LaGuardia Community College. The then-dean of faculty [Flora Mancuso Edwards] was offered the posi-

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tion of president at Hostos Community College. I was working with her on a committee for liberal arts majors. She told me about the job offer and wanted me to come with her as her executive assistant to the president. I knew very little about higher ed, and I looked at her and said, ‘I worked too hard to go back to being a secretary.’” “She proceeded to educate me, tell me what an executive assistant to the president is, and explained to me the Hostos mission of helping underrepresented students. Together, she said, we were going to work to see that underrepresented students get the education they need. So off I went. She was the first mentor I had.” García learned a great deal from that experience. The most important lesson is one that she carried to CSU-Dominguez Hills when she arrived in 2007. “My experience in Hostos taught me how to work with a fabulous team. I was so impressed,” she said, that Edwards “had a wonderful eye for talent. What I observed was that the team really cared about student success. We were not into fiefdoms. I have tried to emulate that everywhere I have gone since then.” While a “fabulous team” is desirable, it was important for García to hit the ground running when she assumed the CSU-Dominguez Hills presidency. It didn’t take her long to realize there was a challenge she had to address right away.

“The institution had not met its enrollment targets for eight years. In a year and a half, we turned it around, and we’re doing record-breaking numbers.” What accounts for that success? “I think it has a lot to do with setting a path and vision,” she said, “and getting people to work toward that vision and path and getting people to understand the importance of how we work together to ensure that students get the best service. “We have great programs here, but how do students get through the bureaucratic realm of admission and financial aid, and how do we make it easy for first-generation students to be in a welcoming environment giving them the support services they need?” García is quick to point out that a “welcoming environment” is not code for lower standards. “I truly believe in setting the standards high, but giving students the tools to reach those standards.” Along with many student-centered approaches, including a bustling advisement center and counseling, García says student support comes from an empathetic mindset on the part of her staff and faculty. “We have to be mindful of people forgetting or never having the experience of being a firstgeneration college student. For those students, there’s anxiety or fear that they’re not going to make it. We are always looking for ways to develop support both personally and academically to ensure that students can make it through and have the tools that they need to succeed. I’m proud of what we do here.” One of the sources of García’s pride in her program is Irene Morris Vásquez, who came to CSU-Dominguez Hills in 2005 to teach Chicana/Chicano studies and is now the chair of that program and the chair of the academic senate. Like García, Vásquez came from a supportive family that valued education – a family she credits with shaping her desire to pursue college. “My parents were definitely important influences in my life. I followed my older sister, who went to college the year before I did. When I graduated high school, there were probably 100 graduating seniors, and only a handful went to college. My family was very important in helping me make that transition to higher education. As a student, I became involved in different kinds of organizations that were advocating for more support for people of color’s accessibility to college, so I really gained a lot of experience as a student and

organizer advocating for higher education – as an undergraduate and as a graduate student.” In one sense, Vásquez was a first-generation student; in another sense, she was not. “My sister and I were the first of our family on my mother’s side to attend college. My mother had a second-grade education. She dropped out to support her family and crossed the border on a daily basis to work as a domestic. My father, on

ture where students feel it is a home away from home. A number of members of the faculty have extended office hours. I have an open-door policy in my office at all times. We also reach out to students to keep communication between students and faculty open. We want to know what’s happening in their lives and how it is impacting their college experience. I have learned to use my experience as a student and community

Pictured (l. to r.): Irene Morris Vásquez, Chair of Chicana/Chicano Studies, Chair of Academic Senate; Mildred García, President, CSU-Dominguez Hills; and Thalia Gómez, President, ASI

the other hand, was born in Chicago, and he had a college education. On my mother’s side, my sister and I were the only ones out of 12 grandchildren who went to college. For some on my mother’s side of the family, there was no thought about going to college. It was about getting into the work force to support their own families. “However, in my particular case, my grandmother, who was still alive, was very proud that we were in college, and it really wasn’t probably until I started to attend UCLA that I began to see those barriers for women. In my own family and my community, we were very much encouraged to go to college, but it wasn’t even a consideration for my cousins. They didn’t have the information, they didn’t have the resources, and they didn’t have the encouragement.” Vásquez echoes García’s inclusion sentiments and gives some insight into how this mission is carried out at CSU-Dominguez Hills. “We among the faculty want to build a cul-

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organizer to improve our communication with our students. We try to never lose sight of the fact that students always come first.” In this economic and social climate, it’s not always easy. “I think we have an incredibly hard-working faculty at this campus. When our budget was cut by 20 percent the last two years and there were fewer resources, faculty rose to the challenge. They not only increased their class sizes, but they increased their advising and service responsibilities. I think faculty members who emulate hard work and commitment to higher education motivate students who are first-generation. Our faculty is a critical factor in attracting more students, and our education programs offer more opportunities to students, and these factors will serve us well into the future. There is a range of activities and programs and organizations that students can be involved with. The student activities are critical to the development of well-




rounded students.” One well-rounded student that both García and Vásquez have high praise for is Thalia Gómez, president of ASI (Associated Students Inc.) on campus. Gómez embodies everything Vásquez and García talk about in terms of the student they especially target for success. Gómez is a first-generation college student and Chicano/ Chicana studies major. “My first language wasn’t even English. I wanted to go to college, but I didn’t really know too much about anything else. I didn’t have anybody to guide to me.” She was attracted to CSU-Dominguez Hills “because of the history of the university. The most important factor was that it was built here because the community wanted it here.” Like García and Vásquez, Gómez had a strong and supportive family behind her efforts. Her parents were originally from Mezcala, Jalisco and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. Her drive to succeed came from her father, a field




worker in California who now operates his own small company called United Plant Growers, and from her mother, who was also a field worker but has gone on to become a parent partner for Hathaway Sycamores, a program for struggling families in Los Angeles County. Gómez explains, “I learned from my family that if you want anything, you can get it – as long as you are willing to work hard for it and find out what you need to get there. I learned by watching them.” And while her parents do understand Thalia’s drive to succeed in college, it’s a foreign world to them. “My mother was always very supportive of my getting an education. My father, too. They always would say, ‘go for it,’ but they don’t understand why I have to stay late. So that’s where the issues are. I never had an issue with them saying, ‘Oh no, you have to work; you can’t go to school.’ It’s more like, ‘Why are you always there? Why can’t you be home?’ That takes some explanation.”

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No doubt, it is a source of pride to García and Vásquez that Gómez has the career goal of eventually getting into a Ph.D. program and coming back to CSU as a faculty member. It certainly fits García’s message of inclusion and Vásquez’s idea of providing a “home away from home” at CSU. All three women hope that their presence at CSU-Dominguez Hills inspires Latinas to attend school there. “To have the president of the institution, chair of the academic senate and president of the student government all Latinas sends a message of a welcoming environment. However, CSU-Dominguez Hills is also an educational laboratory where you can work with people from all walks of life and walk out prepared to succeed in a diverse world,” says García.


A Latina Teaches Dance and Awakens Ancient Culture


Photo © Ann Bromberg

by Michelle Adam

was in a beautiful house at the corner of Candelaria and Edith in Albuquerque, N.M., that Eva Encinias-Sandoval grew up. From her childhood home emanated the sounds of guitar and the Spanish Gypsy Cante Hondo, when visitors and locals gathered with her family for music and song far into the night. Accompanying these rich sounds was flamenco dance, an art form that Sandoval’s mother taught to hundreds of youngsters and to her own children in a studio connected to their house. Today, as full-time professor of flamenco at the University of New Mexico’s (UNM) Theater and Dance Department, Sandoval has shared her rich upbringing with countless students. They’ve awakened to the passion and culture of flamenco in her dance classes, which date back to her first days teaching at UNM in 1976. In addition to her work at the university, the ambitious professor has built a world-renowned National Institute of Flamenco, established in 1985. Today this institute includes a popular flamenco conservatory, three performance groups and an impressive Festival Flamenco Internacional that draws performers and audiences from around the world to Albuquerque each June. When Sandoval teaches, she lifts her head up high and stands proud – at times calling out “Olé” – demonstrating to her students the passion, grace and ferocity of a dance form that has evolved from as far back as the 1400s in Spain, when Gypsies migrated to the Iberian Peninsula. “This dance and song became a voice and expression for the Gypsies who were

prosecuted,” she tells her students, reminding them that flamenco is an art form that carries a deep history of culture on its back. These persecuted people established themselves primarily in Andalucía, Southern Spain, where the Arabic influences were strong and blended with the forms of expression the Gypsies had already brought with them from faraway lands. First came the Cante, a powerful cry out of longing, in the 1600s, and then the flamenco guitar and dance that accompanied the song. These art forms were performed privately in Gypsy caves, out of fear of persecution for their political undertones, before finally becoming popularized in the 1800s, Sandoval explained. “Flamenco became like the blues in the way that these African spirituals in this country became popular.” When the UNM professor speaks, she does so with a love and fervor far different than that of an academic who’s spent years studying and researching a subject matter. For Sandoval, her teachings come from her blood, from generations of flamenco dancers and singers in her family. She carries with her a lineage that has maintained a profound connection to the old Spanish culture through centuries of New Mexico roots. “My family has been in Albuquerque for hundreds of years. It is clear that we were one of the first families that came to this area when it was settled,” she said. “In the time of my grandparents in Albuquerque, Spanish was the main language spoken here. And I am sure that Spain was part of my heritage, but I don’t know how and when.” For Sandoval, knowing exactly where her family came from in Spain or elsewhere seems less important, though, than carrying on a Spanish tradition that clearly connects her with her ancestors. She still recalls how her mother would sing old Gypsy songs as she did chores on the patio of their house, or how her grandmother would sing Cante Hondo from her wheelchair. “It was a part of our family’s history. My mother was dancing flamenco in the 1940s, and I assume that tradition came through my grandmother, Juanita García. She was a Rezadora and would sing for funerals,” she said. “As far back as I can remember, my mother also had students. I started performing when I was about 6 or 7 – my brother and sisters and I would take classes with my mother, and we’d do state functions and public gatherings. I can’t remember a time when flamenco wasn’t a part of my reality.”

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Photo © Ann Bromberg

Photo © Ann Bromberg

Sandoval was so immersed in that world of Spanish song and dance that when she began attending public school she was actually shocked to find that other children weren’t living the same way. “I remember when I went to school it was traumatic. I realized that there were a lot of people who didn’t dance. ... Before that, I assumed everyone danced,” she said. “It was very odd for me because all my cousins and people in my family were involved with song and dance. We often had musicians living with us, and so we had an opportunity to practice a lot, singing with the guitarists, studying guitar and dancing.” Since then, she has taken the seeds given to her by her mother in her early years and planted those far beyond her childhood home on Candelaria Street. While living at home, she performed flamenco with her mother and traveled throughout the U.S. and Mexico to study with flamenco artists. But then, by her early 20s, Sandoval founded her own dance company, “Ritmo Flamenco,” and began studying dance at UNM. While studying the more common dance forms such as ballet there, her incredible talent in flamenco became apparent. “I was two years into my dance program, and UNM asked me to start teaching for them. They realized I had been dancing all my life in a form

they were curious about,” she said. “That was a fantastic experience – to be exposed to the way dance is taught in a university. It helped me prepare myself for when they asked me to teach.” Today the program focuses solely on flamenco. “Every year, hundreds of students are exposed to this art form. It opens up a world for them,” she said. “When people come here from Spain and realize that we have this program, they are blown away because they don’t even have anything like this in Spain. People come from all over the world for this.” Flamenco is considered a new art form in these university circles, explained Sandoval. And it just started to be set down in a teachable fashion in the ’50s and ’60s, and it isn’t like ballet or tap that have had a history as curriculum of study in universities. Sandoval teaches up to four classes a semester at UNM, including flamenco history and musical improvisation classes. She instructs both introductory classes and high-level courses, while attending the usual academic meetings and taking on committee activities. “I teach at all levels of the university. “I like to work with brand new students coming in from engineering or other majors who decide to take the class just for the fun of it. Eight times out of 10, these students want to continue to study. They start to find that they are moving out of earth tones and into more vibrant colors, and they begin finding that part of themselves – the red, the yellow, the crimson – that they hadn’t tuned into yet. They enjoy being abandoned for a while and feeling OK with that,” she said. In her lower-level classes, she said, “I get students to be comfortable working out of their comfort zone. Flamenco should never be comfortable. It should always be putting you on the edge. We as Americans are reluctant to be overly emotional and to show any extreme emotion, especially the young people. But they come here, and they enjoy that.”

Photo © Ann Bromberg

When her students are first introduced to flamenco, Sandoval finds they often arrive with a stereotypical idea of this as a sensual female dance. Although this is true, this art form is more than that. “Flamenco is a social and cultural experience that opens up students’ eyes to how grand something can be. They see how accessible something as exotic as flamenco can be for them,” she said. “It can create in them an energy and focus that many of them don’t have any idea that they have. I have studied other dances – modern, African, ballet, etc. – but I have never found a dance form that demands the focus of energy that flamenco does.” This “focus of energy” is something Sandoval also teaches in her flamenco conservatory classes for younger children nights and weekends. And beyond her classes, she leads these youngsters in one of the three institute performance companies, the young children’s company, Niños Flamencos, and she conducts a Flamenco Kids Camp every summer. (Her grown children run her other two companies – Joaquín Encinias is director of “Yjastros,” and Marisol Encinias manages “Alma Flamenca.”) “I hadn’t taught younger children for years, and when we opened the conservatory and I had a chance to teach these kids, I really loved it,” said Sandoval. “I got so much from flamenco as a child, and it revolutionized my life.” Children studying flamenco with her today, she said, “find their self-discipline and sense of self.” In addition to teaching at UNM, teaching the younger students and running a performance company, Sandoval oversees other aspects of the National Institute of Flamenco programs. Her son manages the institute’s conservatory, which conducts 50 to 60 classes a week, up from six to seven classes a week during the program’s infancy in 1985. But the most ambitious of her projects, the Festival Flamenco Internacional, has taken additional work and money to achieve the worldwide stature it enjoys today. “When we began the festival in 1997, we couldn’t afford to bring in artists from Spain. We brought artists from the U.S. and had two to three performances a day. For the festival workshops, we offered beginning, middle and advanced classes. It was received with tremendous enthusiasm, and our local audience of that time loved it,” explained Sandoval. “Every year, I’d add another artist and workshop per day, and little by little it kept growing. The first five years, we had U.S. artists, and then for our fifth anniversary we invited one artist from Spain. The audience went crazy. So I knew I had to keep pushing the envelope, and eventually it became a twoweek festival with two weeks of performances.” Sandoval maintained that growth for five years, and then, when times got a bit tougher, she shortened the festival to eight days. But they were still

bringing in 30-plus artists with 20 workshops, and up to 50 artists from Spain. Unfortunately, the institute had to cancel the festival in 2009 – two summers ago – because of the economy. “The festival is the most costly of endeavors. Every year, we lost money to be able to make this available to our students and students around the country,” said Sandoval. “But we figured that loss would take a dramatic rise in 2009. We figured most people from out of state would have a difficult time coming. That became a dangerous endeavor to put on.” “We brought it back last year and shortened it a bit. We had fantastic artists and a great turnout!” she said. Although Sandoval has traveled many times to Spain, to Andalusía, where flamenco took root – and where the physical similarity between the Spanish and New Mexican land and people is “striking” – she has made New Mexico the most popular home away from home for flamenco in the United States. “We have really tried to build flamenco here.” In New Mexico, she says, people “understand flamenco on a deep level as a form of expression and not just entertainment. When world-class artists come here from Spain, they always note that there is something about our audience here that has a reverence for this art form.” “I take seriously being a teacher, and teaching people about themselves, helping them realize themselves in ways they’ve never known. I think my mother would be proud to see what she nurtured.”

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More Women Trustees on College Boards – but Far from Equal Representation


by Marilyn Gilroy

omen now represent the majority of undergraduate students at colleges and universities, but in the boardrooms, trustee membership is still dominated by men. Several recent studies have looked at patterns regarding the appointment of female trustees, their role on the board and whether or not gender matters as boards grapple with policy. A 2010 study by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges reports that men outnumbered women by more than 2-to-1 on governing boards of both independent and public four-year institutions. The overall statistics show that women comprise only 29.9 percent of board members at public and private institutions, with 18.5 percent serving as chair. At community colleges, women are represented in greater numbers than on university boards. A 2009 Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) survey revealed that 66 percent of trustees are male and 34 percent are female. The road to becoming a community college trustee is varied. A slim majority, 53 percent, are appointed by their state’s governor. But in other cases, the board consists of a combination of appointed and elected trustees. When it comes to the politics of trustee appointments and factors that influence the decision to appoint female versus male trustees, at least one study shows that states with larger shares of female legislators have higher probabilities of appointing and confirming female trustees to a board. Additionally, if the governor is a Democrat, he or she is 6 percent or 7 percent more likely to appoint a female trustee. Mirinda Martin, a Cornell University Ph.D. candidate who published the study last year, said, “when a governor is appointing a trustee, it is a fairly visible way to appoint a woman to a leader-




ship position where that decision will not encounter much resistance.” Does Gender Matter? Last year, researchers at the Cornell University Higher Education Research Institute (CHERI) issued a study concluding that the gender composition of college leaders, including trustees, does matter. The study, Do Trustees and Administrators Matter? Diversifying the Faculty Across Gender Lines, looked at the period from 1981 to 2007, a time when the percentage of female trustees increased from 20 percent to 31 percent. The goals of the survey were to document trends in the gender of board members and leaders and to learn whether gender composition influences the appointment of chancellors, presidents and chief academic officers. In addition, the study examined whether the gender composition of board leaders and members and key academic administrators influences the rate at which academic institutions are diversifying their faculty. “We found that institutions with female presidents and female provosts and those with a greater share of female trustees did increase their share of female faculty at more rapid rates,” said Ronald Ehrenberg, director of CHERI. As might be expected, the report shows the magnitude of the impact of women leaders is greatest at smaller institutions. In addition, the study cautions that a critical share of female trustees, which has been defined as 25 percent, must be reached before gender composition leads to change. For this issue, The Hispanic Outlook profiles five trustees who have helped make inroads into female representation and leadership on college and university boards of trustees.

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Sylvia Scott-Hayes Los Angeles Community College District

Sylvia Scott-Hayes

An educator and community activist, Sylvia Scott-Hayes was first elected to the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees in 1999 and subsequently was the first Latina to become its president. She served three terms as president of the board, leading the district through tremendous growth. The district now has nine colleges enrolling more than 140,000 students. The student body is 51 percent Latino. It is the connection to students that has been most meaningful to Scott-Hayes. “I have been most impacted by getting to know and hear so many personal stories of our diverse students,” she said. “Our classrooms are filled with students who are here with strong support of family and friends, and many others are here in spite of not having that kind of support. Yet all are working on their futures.” Under Scott-Hayes’ leadership, the board

adopted a nationally recognized environmental sustainability building policy for which it received the prestigious Green Cross Millennium Award from Global Green USA, for its leadership in launching an extensive program to transform the Los Angeles community colleges into energyefficient, sustainable campuses. Scott-Hayes still serves as an LACCD trustee and currently chairs the board’s planning and student success committee, which ensures the colleges are meeting accreditation standards. She says she has truly enjoyed being a policymaker for a district that impacts the lives of so many people. “As an immigrant, it has been very rewarding to have had the platform and a strong voice in calling for the improvement and strengthening of student support programs,” she said, adding that she is especially proud of the bond measures that allocated funds for upgrading the facilities and grounds of the LACCD campuses. “I believe our students deserve beautiful facilities to pursue their educational dreams,” she said. Scott-Hayes has been honored by the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, for her steadfast mission to increase the number of students transferring to four-year institutions, by establishment of a scholarship in her name. She has received the Community Service Award from the National Chicano Health Organization, Outstanding Service Award from the Hispanic Women’s Health Organization, Visionary Leadership Award from the Los Angeles Women’s Appointment Collaboration, and Outstanding Women Award of California State University-Los Angeles. Scott-Hayes received a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s degree in urban education from California State University-Los Angeles, and, in addition, engaged in doctoral coursework in politics at Claremont Graduate University. Miriam López Claudia Puig Florida International University Located in Miami, Florida International University (FIU) is a four-year public research university with an enrollment of more than 40,000, making it one of the 25 largest universities in the nation. It awards more bachelor’s and master’s degrees to Hispanics than any other institution. It also has the distinction of having two Hispanic women serve on its 13-member board of trustees. One is Miriam López, president and chief lending officer at Marquis Bank, a position she has held since August 2010. Prior to this, López

Miriam López

spent 25 years at TransAtlantic Bank serving as president and CEO for 18 years. She was chair of the American Bankers Association Community Council from 1999-2000 and president of the Florida Bankers Association from 2000-01. A FIU trustee since 2001, López says she enjoys being able to interact with the community

organizations, including the Doctors Hospital board of directors, and the Mercy Hospital Foundation board of directors. She also is a mentor in local public schools, where she is an advocate for education. “I explain how I came to this country with very little and the same held true for my parents and that you can overcome difficulties and still follow your dreams,” she said. “I stress that the one thing that can never be taken away is your education.” López graduated from Barry University with a bachelor’s degree in education and attended graduate school at the University of Miami and also received a certificate in business administration with an emphasis in accounting. Claudia Puig has been a trustee since 2003. She is senior vice president/southeastern regional manager of Univision Radio, which owns some of the top-rated Spanish-language radio stations in Miami. A Cuban native, Puig began her work experience in advertising and sales with BellSouth. Prior to her current position, she was vice president and then VP/general manager of Spanish Broadcasting Systems in Miami. In recognition of her experience as a broadcast executive, President George W. Bush appointed her to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 2003. She also is a board member of the City of Miami Arts and Entertainment Council. Puig has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of Miami Dade College. Rita DiMartino City University of New York

Claudia Puig

of students as well as have a direct impact on their education. “I really like participating in commencement ceremonies.” she said. “It is great to see the enthusiasm and to know that many of our future leaders are sitting in this arena with me.” López is a member of several community

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Rita DiMartino




When New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg appointed Rita DiMartino to the City University of New York (CUNY) Board of Trustees in 2003, he cited her “extraordinary record of corporate experience and her status as an esteemed member of the Hispanic community and nationally recognized expert on Hispanic affairs.” DiMartino worked for AT&T for 25 years, starting in the area of college relations, in which she interacted with various higher education institutions, and represented AT&T at many national higher education conferences. She rose to the position of vice president of Congressional Relations for AT&T, involving her in AT&T’s interactions with the administration, Congress and with state governments. A CUNY graduate from the College of Staten Island, DiMartino said she considered the opportunity to be a trustee as the chance to “pay back my alma mater for the quality of education I received.” She also holds an M.P.A. from Long Island University (C. W. Post Center). DiMartino received several presidential appointments, including one from President

Ronald Reagan, who named her ambassador to the UNICEF Executive Board in 1982, and another from President George H. W. Bush to the USO World Board of Governors in 1992. In 2005,

Varsovia Fernández

DiMartino was appointed by Secretary Elaine Chao to the U.S. Department of Labor National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships and served on the Commission on Federal Election Reform. She has also served on 12 International Electoral Observation Missions. She has received numerous awards and honors, including a Lifetime Achievement Award from the New York State Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. DiMartino is chairman of the board of BronxLebanon Hospital, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a board member of the National Endowment for Democracy, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, Ana G. Méndez University System, and the advisory board of the Inter-American Foundation. She has previously served on the board of trustees of Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry. Being a trustee for CUNY entails overseeing one of the largest urban universities in the United States, with more than 260,000 credit students. The City University of New York is composed of more than 23 colleges and institutions, including community colleges, senior colleges, a technical college, graduate school, law school and a medical school.

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Varsovia Fernández Community College of Philadelphia Varsovia Fernández, vice chair of the board of trustees at Community College of Philadelphia (CCP), said that her belief in giving back to the community was instilled during her upbringing in the Dominican Republic. As a young girl, she watched her parents volunteer with the Dominican Republic Red Cross as the country transitioned from a dictatorship to a democracy. “My parents made many people’s lives better by their example,” she said in a broadcast on National Public Radio. “I hoped that some day I, too, would be able to do such great things for people with fewer resources.” Today Fernández is president and chief executive officer of the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GPHCC), which she joined in 2006. Her decision to join the chamber followed years of working in the profit sector, which made her realize that Philadelphia’s corporate community needed to become more diverse and that she could help Hispanic businesses. During her tenure, the chamber achieved record levels of membership, revenues and member-driven activities. Fernández launched GPHCC’s Professional Mentoring Network, a work force development initiative to help Hispanic professionals connect with executives and with Hispanic youth. Under her leadership, the chamber has created a voice for Hispanic business in the region by developing a programmatic strategy that builds on the small business, professional and corporate Hispanic markets. Prior to GPHCC, Fernández worked with Congreso de Latinos Unidos as vice president of External Affairs. At CCP, Fernández is part of a 15-member group of diverse leaders from the city’s legal, financial, economic and pharmaceutical sectors. The college has 70 degree programs and enrolls approximately 39,000 students in credit and noncredit courses. Women comprise 67 percent of the student body, which is 10 percent Hispanic. Fernández is committed to philanthropic and civic endeavors and serves on the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperative Authority and Philadelphia’s Zoning Code Commission. She attended Temple University and graduated from Rosemont College.


No More Pencils, No More Books F

by Frank DiMaria ewer than 50 percent of the students at “The solution for overpriced textbooks is to ness curriculum to all its students. Virginia State University (VSU) have the make them more affordable, not to find ways to Many conventional textbooks cost more than means to purchase the textbooks needed for pay for something that has exceeded its value $200, and a typical college student can spend their courses. Even with the odds stacked against proposition. Flat World materials are a viable solu- $1,000 or more per school year on textbooks. them, some complete their courses, albeit with tion since the goal is to provide students with high- For those students who are at or below the great difficulty. Others, sadly, fail. Many students quality content at an affordable price. We looked poverty line, the cost of textbooks is a major have convinced themselves that they can get to Flat World, not because the other option was obstacle to earning a degree, according to a along without the textbooks, and some borrow unsustainable, but because the other option did Public Agenda research report for the Bill & books from friends. Instructors, sensitive to the not offer a real solution to the problem,” she says. Melinda Gates Foundation. Martin’s agreement needs of financially strapped stuwith Flat World Knowledge removes dents, place copies on reserve in the textbook costs as a barrier to higher library. But none of these three education. approaches is completely reliable, Virginia State University is a and students soon fall behind, only Historically Black University, and 94 to drop or fail the course. percent of its students receive finan“This is a tragic waste of student cial aid, a situation with which Martin resources since they are paying for can personally identify. Born in Cuba the classes and will sometimes pay under the Communist regime, she for the same class multiple times. was permitted to leave the island with This is a vicious cycle, and the stuonly her grandmother and sister, leavdents ultimately lose out. I am looking behind her father, mother, brothing to break this cycle, not just place ers, grandfathers and other family. a Band-Aid on it,” says Dr. Mirta M. She migrated to Spain and eventually Martin, dean of the Reginald F. Lewis came to America. She spoke no School of Business and professor of English but did what she needed to do management, Virginia State to put food on the table. She went to University, and the commonwealth’s school full time and worked full time first Latina dean. stocking shelves, standing for hours Frustrated with stories about stuby a tomato-picking assembly line and dents performing poorly because cleaning houses with her grandmoththey could not afford textbooks, er. She earned 50 cents per hour, Martin made a pledge that no needy bringing home just $20 a week. student would go without a textClearly, the financial challenges VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY book. She asked community officials that Virginia State University students and others to donate to a fund that face influenced Martin’s decision to Dr. Mirta M. Martin, Dean, Reginald F. Lewis School of Business, would purchase books for students enter into the agreement with Flat Professor of Management, Virginia State University who needed financial assistance. Word Knowledge. Martin’s plan yielded $4,000 worth of books for Martin is well on the way of breaking a “Just like the Hispanic population, many of needy students. But to Martin, this was just the vicious cycle, one in which students repeatedly my students work in excess of 40 hours per week Band-Aid of which she spoke. To find a more pay for courses they have failed because they to support their families or themselves. They permanent solution, she reached out to publish- could not afford the necessary textbooks. Starting often have to ask themselves, ‘Do I purchase a ers who offered a bulk rate that would allow the this school year, the Reginald F. Lewis School of textbook or do I send money home to help my school of business to pay for textbooks for all its Business purchased a digital site license for each family, or which book do I purchase so I can still students. That’s when she found Flat World of its students for Flat World Knowledge text- send money home?’ Family always wins, and for Knowledge, a company that offers openly books. Each license offers the student openly that, I admire them. I need to break the cycle licensed, low-cost, digitally delivered textbooks licensed college textbooks as part of the school’s and put textbooks in their hands,” she says. to students and professors. broad initiative to deliver an integrated core busiMartin’s textbook agreement with Flat World


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Knowledge will not only make a college education more affordable to her students, it plays a key role in the business school’s revolution of excellence, a goal to increase retention and graduation rates through technology-based solutions. “A college degree is essential in today’s world, and too many of our students are frustrated in their efforts to obtain that degree because, as they plan for the cost of their education, they factor in tuition and living expenses but don’t necessarily understand how much of an impact textbook costs will have,” says Martin. As a result of these unplanned costs, students have to choose between going without certain textbooks or working longer hours to pay for the books. Either choice can be disastrous. Many students are confronted with a Catch 22. If they work too many hours, they will not have the time to study, and if they don’t buy the textbooks, they will not have the materials with which to study. “No one wins when the students don’t have access to the tools and materials necessary for their education,” says Martin. For years, many have wondered why the cost of textbooks has not been included in a student’s tuition or living expenses, Martin being one of them. She says that institutions and their business models have been in place for a long time, and campus bookstores have traditionally shouldered the burden of the costs associated with administering textbook sales and maintaining inventory. “This has been convenient for universities and created a niche for bookstores,” says Martin. But it is only since the cost of textbooks began to rise precipitously that institutions started to question this model. “As we rethink the process – institutions of higher learning, not just VSU – perhaps we need to consider including textbooks in tuition costs. This, however, raises other possible issues. The cost of course content needs to come down; in other words, we cannot continue to raise tuition to meet the demands of rising costs of textbooks at the expense of parents or students. If that cost is somehow ‘hidden’ in the price of tuition, we haven’t solved the problem; we have only obscured it from view. In the end, the real issue is we’re living in the 21st century and we need to learn to use 21st-century technologies to deliver knowledge in an efficient, effective and affordable manner,” says Martin. And one of those 21st-century technologies is the Internet. Open-licensed textbooks, such as those offered by Flat World Knowledge, are delivered over the Internet (among other devices) and provide a lower-cost alternative to traditional textbooks. If a traditional textbook costs $150 and a student takes 15 credit hours, the student could end up spending $750 per semester on textbooks alone. A Flat World seat license is $20 per course. If open-licensed textbooks are available for all




courses a student takes, he or she would save $650 per semester or $1,300 per year. “This would mean 180 fewer hours, or four and a half weeks of full-time, minimum wage employment that a student would need to work and could devote to their studies,” says Martin. The numbers she quotes are a conservative estimate because many of the business textbooks, especially the accounting textbooks, cost in excess of $200. “I believe my students have the talent, intellect and ability to succeed, but they did not have the proper resources. Using this innovative digital approach to the delivery of knowledge, we believe, will have a direct impact on student success and retention. I can tell you it already has had an impact on their morale,” she says. Under the agreement, Virginia State University will purchase seat licenses for students enrolled in eight courses in the core business curriculum, with VSU adding more courses next year. In its standard model, Flat World Knowledge offers free access to its textbooks only while students are online. If students want to download a copy to their own computers, they must pay $24.95 for a PDF, and a print edition will set them back about $30. But the publisher offered the business school a bulk rate of $20 per student per course, and it will allow students at the school to download not only the digital copies but also the study guide, audio version or iPad edition, a bundle that would typically cost about $100. Flat World’s licensing model approaches textbooks as intellectual property that can be delivered in a variety of formats for greater convenience and at a more affordable price. VSU students and faculty will have choices to access and use the texts in ways that aren’t possible with conventional textbooks sold under a traditional publishing business model. Students can read their textbooks in the format that best fits their individual learning style. The pre-paid license includes Web, PDF, audio and e-reader versions for the iPad, Kindle and other e-readers. Online and interactive study aids are also included. Students with print disabilities will have access to the texts in DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) and BRF (Braille Ready Format) formats. Accessibility, says Martin, is a major feature when one is delivering digital content, emphasizing that Flat World textbooks are not merely e-books. “Many publishers offer e-books at a reduced cost alternative to their print textbooks, but access and use is still limited. E-books are read online; requiring Internet access. Flat World textbooks can be delivered in a variety of ways and do not require continuous Internet access,” says Martin. That means that a student can download a textbook in mobi [mobile read] format and read the text on a Kindle. The student can read that 0 2 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 1

same file on a laptop using a free Kindle application. Those who wish to print out individual chapters can download PDF versions of the files, giving them the option of storing these files on a flash drive. They can print these files as necessary. “Either way, they can carry their textbooks on lightweight, portable devices,” says Martin. For those auditory learners, Flat World textbooks are also available as podcasts, which can be downloaded to iTunes. Students can listen to the texts as they walk, jog, work out or drive. “Digital delivery increases the flexibility and the accessibility of the material. It is also comforting to think that a student who mistakenly leaves a textbook at school over Thanksgiving break can go online and access the material to study for the final exam,” says Martin. The digital files do not have an expiration date, nor are they encumbered with digital rights management (DRM) copy-protection, giving students unprecedented freedom to transfer the content from device to device for as long as they wish, even after they graduate. For students who prefer the more traditional physical book, soft-cover textbooks are also available to VSU students for $30. But it’s not only the VSU business students who will benefit from these digitally delivered materials. Unlike an all-rights-reserved copyright license, Flat World Knowledge’s Creative Commons license transfers control of the textbook content to VSU’s faculty and provides online editing tools that allow faculty to customize and tailor a textbook to meet their individual teaching goals. Currently, professors can reorder chapters and sections of chapters and delete material they deem irrelevant. Professors can also annotate specific parts of the book, clarifying or highlighting certain material. They can also add updated examples to the textbook, keeping them fresh. “Once a professor makes the changes, his or her customized textbook will reflect those changes. This means that the book his or her students read will contain those changes in any of the print formats they access or download. ... This technology is changing, and more and more options for customization are becoming available,” says Martin. While the university is covering the initial roll-out costs for this school year, moving forward VSU will look at various options to transfer the license costs to students. The university is exploring ways in which it can continue to offer digitally delivered textbooks in an affordable and reliable manner. However, Martin believes that the students might expect to be responsible for the cost of the seat license times the number of classes they are taking in a given semester. “Still, $200 for the year or $20 times 10 courses per academic year is far better than the $1,500 to $2,000 they are now expected to pay,” she says.

In the Trenches...

Our First Challenge Is to Entice the Youth of Our State...

by Ricardo B. Jacquez


emester after semester, we continue to celebrate many successes at the College of Engineering at New Mexico State University (NMSU) as we graduate a new group of students ready and eager to take on the future. Nearly half of them, some 42 percent, are of Hispanic or Latino descent. Most receive multiple job offers from employers who come from throughout the nation in search of outstanding engineering graduates from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Many of our graduates go on to assume positions of leadership. And all serve as inspiration to younger generations. We savor our students’ successes all the more, considering that many come from economically disadvantaged families. Many are first-generation college students. And a good percentage are not fully prepared to begin the engineering curriculum without some remedial education. We fully embrace the land-grant mission that our university was founded on more than a century ago. Serving the people of our state is not only our mission, it is our opportunity to change lives as well as enrich our state. Our first challenge is to entice the youth of our state to pursue higher education. Our second challenge is to encourage them to seek degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. Over the past academic year, we reached nearly 7,000 students throughout the state with that message through our K-12 STEM outreach programs. Of paramount importance to the success of these programs in our communities is that they are free to all who participate. Equally important, they are largely available to the rural areas in our state. Approximately 90 percent of the students who participate in these programs graduate from high school and then go on to college. Even when our efforts to recruit these youngsters are fruitful, they may not be fully prepared to succeed – both academically and economically. We offer programs that support students on both fronts. We are the state administrator for the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) with the goal to increase the number of minority students who complete their bachelor’s degrees and who are currently underrepresented in the STEM disciplines. All of New Mexico’s LSAMP programs and activities are designed to guide qualified students into leadership positions in industry, academia and entrepreneurial pursuits. Scholarship funds are the primary focus of our development efforts, due to the substantial financial need of our students. In the past five years, our scholarship funds have more than doubled, and nearly every freshman who enters the College of Engineering receives a scholarship. Some departments are able

to provide scholarships for many and in some cases all returning students. The college maintains a tremendous network of support from corporate partners and alumni. The program is highly regarded and wellrespected, and people are very supportive of our efforts to advance our students and faculty. Many of our corporate partners base their generosity upon the caliber of our students as well as the fact that we are a minorityserving institution. Their support provides for better laboratories and equipment, research opportunities and, ultimately, the ability to compete for job opportunities alongside their peers from across the nation. Aggie engineers Dan Arvizu and Michael L. Connor are evidence of that. Arvizu is director and chief executive of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Connor was appointed earlier this year by President Obama as commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, responsible for the nation’s water management. They show that our land-grant college can produce successful engineers who, in fact, progress to leadership positions that affect the lives of every American. Additionally, they influence and inspire young people who, like them, are Hispanic and came from small, economically disadvantaged communities. Many of our own faculty members came from the same background and are now leading the next generation of Aggie engineers. David Jáuregui, associate professor of civil engineering, came from Silver City, N.M., a small mining community. He now leads our Bridge Inspection Training Program that certifies bridge inspectors from throughout the United States. Jessica Perea-Houston, assistant professor of chemical engineering, who was born in Los Alamos and grew up in Santa Fe, received impressive research funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health in her first year as an NMSU faculty member. I, too, am a fortunate beneficiary of the land-grant process that is such an inherent part of NMSU’s culture. I graduated in 1966 from Las Cruces High School, then the only high school in the city that is home to NMSU. Summers spent working on my family’s cotton farm and a father who encouraged me to aspire to more in life were the primary reasons that I decided well before I attended high school that I wanted to earn my degree as a civil engineer. As a first-generation college student, I never imagined that I would someday become dean of the college. We embrace the land-grant mission as an institution, but our success is the result of the personal commitment of the faculty and staff here at NMSU. I have complete faith that our students will continue with that mission. Mechanical engineering senior Brandon Grelle, who received a HENAAC Scholarship recognizing his leadership to the Hispanic community in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and a native of Deming, N.M., is already started on that pathway. Dorothy Lanphere, electrical engineering graduate student from Las Vegas, N.M., founded the NMSU chapter of Engineers without Borders and is already making a positive impact on the world. I can’t wait to see the accomplishments that they and their fellow Aggie engineers will do to better the world and inspire the next generation in the decades to come. Ricardo B. Jacquez, Ph.D. and P.E., is dean and regents professor, New Mexico State University. 0 2 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 1




Can “Word Choices” Compromise a Woman’s Career? WOMEN/FACULTY/MENTORING


by Sylvia Mendoza

letter of recommendation can catapult a woman into the next phase of the interview process for a particular job – or land her in the slush pile. Word choice in describing this female candidate can make or break her career. Take this scenario: there is an opening for a faculty position at a given university. The applicant pool is impressive. The competition gets stiff. And then, it’s down to two possible candidates – a man and a woman are vying for the same position. They have the same qualifications, similar educational background and work experience, number of published works, number of honors and number of courses taught. What can tip the scale in favor of one or the other when it comes to hiring in academia? Letters of recommendation can tip that scale, especially when a reference’s word choice paints a negative, less than stellar picture of the candidate. Qualities mentioned in recommendation letters for women differ sharply from those for men, and those differences are costing women jobs and promotions in academia and medicine and, most likely, in facets of the business community. “The seemingly innocuous word choices can be damaging to any applicant, despite his or her skills,” says Dr. Michelle “Mikki” Hebl, professor of applied psychology and management at Rice University. With a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, Hebl worked with colleague Dr. Randi Martin, the Elma Schneider Professor of Psychology at Rice, and graduate student Juan Madera (now assistant professor at the University of Houston) in a study analyzing more than 600 letters of recommendation for 194 applicants for eight junior faculty positions at a U.S. university. Their findings appear in Gender and Letters of Recommendation for Academia: Agentic and Communal Differences, published in 2010. The findings were surprising and disturbing, says Hebl. They pointed to the fact that the words used to describe women in letters of recommendation differ greatly from the words used to describe men – and this can affect their careers. In everyday life, the words nurturing, inclu-




sive, helpful, affectionate, kind, sympathetic, tactful and agreeable are pretty positive; however, they are known as “communal” (social or emotive) words and have historically, stereotypically described women and feminine characteristics. By contrast, words like leader, assertive, confident, intellectual, ambitious, dominant, forceful, independent and outspoken are known as “agentic” (active/assertive) words and have

Dr. Michelle “Mikki” Hebl, Professor of Applied Psychology and Management, Rice University

typically described men in the past. “We found that communal is not valued in academia, but we weren’t so surprised with those terms,” said Martin. “We were surprised when we evaluated the negative correlation between communal terms that lowered the evaluation of the recommendation letter. The more communal characteristics mentioned, the lower the evaluation of the candidate.” Martin, along with Dr. Suparna Rajaram

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(State University of New York-Stony Brook) and Dr. Judith Kroll (Pennsylvania State University) received an NSF ADVANCE Leadership award for 2003-20 to support the efforts of the Women in Cognitive Science (WICS) group and promote women in the field. Hebl’s background with gender and various other types of discrimination highlighted their efforts in how women can be discriminated against in the most subtle ways as they climb their own versions of the corporate ladder. This study had also been the first to show that gender differences in letters actually affect judgments of “hireability.” A candidate chooses references she believes will write a positive picture of her and sell her talents, skills, capabilities and leadership qualifications. Often, however, “strong” words are associated with men – which gives women a disadvantage even before they can get past the slush pile and in for an interview. “There is nothing derogatory about these words, but they are not helpful to women in this fashion,” says Martin. In the study, the research team removed names and personal pronouns from the letters and asked faculty members from other universities to evaluate how strong the letters were. They took into account the number of years in graduate school, numbers of papers published, number of publications on which they were lead authors, number of honors received, number of years of postdoctoral education, the position applied for and the number of courses taught. They found that letters of recommendation for men were longer. Despite their qualifications, word choice in recommendation letters greatly influenced hirability ratings. Raising Awareness Letter writers might just not be aware of their biases, especially when it comes to word choices. “It’s a matter of awareness,” says Hebl. “This is a case where people are not aware of what they are doing with something that is seemingly small, as in word choice, but can have profound effects. We have to raise awareness.”

A letter writer – no matter what the gender – is just not aware that he or she is discriminating. If a letter writer asks himself: how do I describe this woman, what pops into his head might be traditionally stereotypical words. Those words become more salient. “All words have stereotypes historically,” says Hebl. “Women have been seen as caring, nurturing and inclusive; men as independent, assertive, strong.” In addition, women were described with what Hebl calls “doubt raiser” words, as well, such as “has the potential to be a good leader” or “might be a good leader,” which can raise the question of whether a woman might or might not be a good addition for that faculty. The man, on the other hand, is described as a leader in phrases such as “He is already an established leader.” The gender-specific words and differences in letters of recommendation can cost an applicant a job, a promotion or a foot in the door for top-tier positions. This study did not break down the applicant pool by ethnic categories, but Hebl realizes that being Hispanic can add more flame to the fire as the U.S. Hispanic population evolves. “We know that the landscape of people who are earning degrees is changing. The White population is growing smaller while the Hispanic population is increasing dramatically. It is critical that they’re placed in higher positions in academia, business and other careers to reflect our changing society.” There is a call to education for Hispanics, explains Hebl, because the boom in the Hispanic population is still offset by it being the lowest in attaining higher education degrees. Once they have degrees in hand, they too will be applying for these decision-making positions. They must be made aware of the subtle biases in letters of recommendation, too. “There is a leaky pipeline for women to be considered for positions in academia, but add being Hispanic to that gender bias. What kind of letters of recommendation can result?” Hebl’s background is in diversity and discrimination, which includes ethnic minorities, women, older people, gender, obesity, sexual orientation. “For all of these, there are laws to protect them against blatant discrimination,” says Hebl. There is zero tolerance and laws to protect citizens and social desirability that can be worked into a given situation. “Much of that type of discrimination has been extinguished,” she says. “That which hasn’t been extinguished is interpersonal interactions.” These micro-inequities are often more subtle and might seem innocuous, but are not innocu-

ous at all, says Hebl. And are rampant in letter of recommendation when it comes to word choice. What is the landscape for minorities? Are they marginalized? Are they seen as less intelligent and less educated as a whole? One amplification builds on existing stereotypes. An interviewer might not see the Hispanic applicant as brilliant, but might say, ‘for a Hispanic, this applicant is smart.’ Stereotypes that can apply to Hispanic women are a double whammy of gender and ethnic discrimination. Micro-inequities can be worse than formal discrimination. “Someone can say, ‘I will not hire a woman,’ and that is openly discriminatory,” says Hebl. “From the eyes of a female applicant, cognitive effort is needed to determine whether that person is always rude or ‘just rude to me because I’m a woman.’ Word choice can make you feel comfortable, like you’re going

Dr. Randi Martin, Elma Schneider Professor of Psychology, Rice University

into a situation with a best friend – or stepping into fire with your worst enemy.” If a woman does not know why she was passed over for a job when she was just as qualified as a male counterpart, word choices might be the culprit. Interestingly, both men and women letter writers often are guilty of using communal words versus agentic words as they describe certain types of applicants. What was found is that even when men

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are described with communal words for stereotypical female jobs such as nurse, teacher or social worker, they, too, are overlooked. “Most are unaware of how this word choice can affect the evaluation of an applicant,” says Martin. She recommends that references truly think about their word choices in letters of recommendation. “How appropriate is this word in regard to employment? Are you describing the intellectual caliber of the applicant? Think twice before writing that letter.” Be a Proactive Applicant Being biased in writing letters of recommendation might not be intentional; sometimes it might just be a lack of awareness by a letter writer. They don’t write these marginal letters of recommendation as part of a hidden agenda. “They are simply not aware of their biases in something as simple as word choice.” “Pick people to write your letters who are supportive of you, people you trust,” says Hebl. An applicant can give letter writers the material he or she wants to accentuate. Give them a list with your own choice words, letting them know that those are the qualities you would like them to stress if at all possible, suggests Hebl. Keep in mind what the criteria are for the job and what the most important aspect is of the academic position for which they are applying. Agentic qualities could include: can run a lab, has leadership qualities in a team scenario, makes informed decisions. Be aware of historically stereotypical “female” roles. For example, caring, sensitive, kind and nurturing are good for a nurse, but “makes good decisions under pressure” is better. What are the qualifications in terms of ability to do the job? Teaching, awards and published credits should be taken into account, as well as the letters. Hebl and Martin continue to gather data for their next tier of analysis of letters of recommendation. They will focus on medical school faculty, which will provide a bigger sample of applicant letters. Look at letters of recommendation in terms of decision making, says Martin. They have the power to make or break careers, garner promotions and recognize talent. Word choice can sway people to believe one perspective versus another. “There is this social commentary many of us are not aware of,” says Martin. “I hope what people get out of this is the need to think about the subtle differences in gender expectations and how words can affect those expectations.”





The Transformation of a University of an Opera Star Who


by Robert D. Meckel

egardless of the color of their skin, young women in Texas during the 1950s shared an environment of inequality in the male-dominated world of academia that seemed to support the notion that a woman’s place was in the home or at best in a job teaching small children. Such was the case for Barbara Smith Conrad in the mid-1950s when she traveled from the comfort of her home in East Texas to become one of the first Black female students at the University of Texas. She recalls it was not a welcoming environment – the few female Black students enrolled at the university were housed separately from the dormitories provided for young White women. Most of the restaurants in town refused service to people of color. “We felt very isolated,” recalls Conrad, who overcame the challenges of being a Black woman of that era and went on to become one of the world’s most celebrated mezzo-sopranos, over a long and distinguished career. Conrad said she could have chosen an easier path to get a college education. But she felt she had a right to attend a good university in her state, one that had quality teachers with knowledge of value to her in her studies to become a teacher and other areas that interested her, such as singing classical music, as she had done back home. Women students were greatly outnumbered when Conrad arrived on campus in 1957. The population on the university’s main campus was more than 19,000 students, about 14,000 of whom were men. More than half of those female students were enrolled in areas considered more appropriate for women – the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. In fields historically for men, the female enrollment was much lower. Examples included the School of Architecture – 345 men, 13 women; College of Business – 2,408 men, 435 women; College of Engineering – 3,801 men, 23 women; and the School of Law – 816 men, 24 women. Conrad said she came from a family of teachers, and teaching would have been her vocation had it not been for an incident in 1957 that became national news and a turning point in her life, creating an opportunity for her to travel to New York City. Conrad’s talent had won her the lead role that year in the university’s opera Dido and Aeneas. But she was removed from that role because she was cast opposite a White student who was the male lead, and the role involved a kissing scene. The young woman found herself at the center of a national civil rights controversy. Prominent Black movie stars and other public figures came to Conrad’s defense and introduced her to the wonders of art and culture in New York City. She was encouraged to study elsewhere but decided to stay and was graduated from the University of Texas in 1959. She left Austin then and did not look back for a long, long time. Conrad, who now lives in New York City, said her feelings about the university since then have been “a journey” that has taken her from having a lack of interest in her alma mater to feeling extremely proud with a sense of belonging to a university that is “helping to make a difference in the




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world.” Her life is chronicled in the documentary When I Rise: The Story of Barbara Smith Conrad, produced by the university’s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. Conrad said her emotional journey in her feelings about the university was a long road that required her to “confront those demons that haunted us.” “I had to confront racism,” Conrad said. “It’s lethal and horrible, but we found ourselves wanting the best for everyone, at the end of the day.” She said she thanks God for the other Texas Exes who, many years ago, extended a welcoming hand and said, “Come along, Barbara, join us.” Through the years, her relationship with the university has strengthened. The Texas Ex-Students’ Association named her a Distinguished Alumnus in 1985, and the university has honored her with the founding of the Barbara Smith Conrad Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Fine Arts. She said it was a “surprise and tremendous honor” earlier this year when she was asked to be the voice for five new broadcast advertising spots promoting the University of Texas-Austin during televised NCAA sporting events. The 30-second ads featuring Conrad’s voice began airing in fall 2010 on nationally and regionally televised football games and have been featured at sporting events on the university campus. All of the ads close with Conrad proclaiming the university’s well-known and celebrated motto, “What Starts Here Changes the World.” Susan Heinzelman, director of the university’s Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, which began as a women’s studies program in 1979, said Conrad and other women students of color demonstrated “extraordinary courage and determination” in their quest for an education and careers in the 1950s, and they helped redefine the future of the university. “They would have come with all the expectations of being kept in their place,” Heinzelman said. “I’m just amazed that they came.” She said the few Hispanic women students on campus also faced the dual challenge of attending a predominantly White male institution with historic boundaries for people of color. The 1950s was a time when men had returned from World War II to reclaim their old jobs, and the women who had been called upon to help in the work force during the war years were being pushed back into the domestic space, Heinzelman said. “I’m sure many of the women who came to the university in the ’50s and ’60s were asked at some time or another, ‘Why are you coming here to get your degree if you are just going to get married and have children?’” Heinzelman said. “I think the joke was that women came here to get an MRS degree” – to find a husband. “Sadly, that still plays as a joke here, but I think many of the young women who come now are quite clear about their own desire to be educated and to pursue a career. It is not icing on the cake for a relationship; it is central to their lives. “As we moved out of the ’50s, the civil rights movement opened up the

and the Journey Returned Home

Barbara Conrad in the 1950s

Barbara Conrad today

possibility for people who had been marginalized, politically, to declare that they had an identity, that they wanted to be recognized,” Heinzelman said. Women who had been trained and conditioned to become “somebody’s secretary” began thinking of the possibility of becoming the boss. That likelihood increased, Heinzelman said, as the number of women attending the University of Texas-Austin grew and their enrollment in studies previously dominated by men moved upward. By 1967, when civil rights issues based on race had expanded to include demands of equality for women, the university’s enrollment of almost 30,000 students included 62.7 percent men and 37.3 percent women. The enrollment of women grew to 43.3 percent in 1977, 46.4 percent in 1987, 49 percent in 1997, and by fall 2003 it had exceeded the male population with an enrollment of 50.5 percent women. The enrollment in fall 2010 was more than 51,000 students, which included 49.5

percent men and 50.5 percent women. Heinzelman said there still are limitations on female students in Texas in terms of their educational options, but most of that happens before they get to the university level. It was so in the 1950s and still seems to be the case that young girls in primary and middle school showing an aptitude for science and math, “unless they are fortunate to be in the right schools with the right teachers, will find themselves steered away from these fields,” Heinzelman said. This is a critical time “when a girl begins identifying herself as a young woman, no longer as a child but as a young woman,” and the cultural pressure is intense for them to conform to the traditional roles for women. The university recognizes this problem and has developed the “Women in Engineering” program and other initiatives to encourage girls in this age group to pursue careers in engineering, science and other nontraditional fields, she said. The university also has implemented several initiatives encouraging ethnic diversity. Success is reflected by preliminary enrollment figures for the 2010 fall semester, released in September, showing that for the first time in the history of the University of Texas-Austin, fewer than half of the first-time freshmen were White students. The freshmen included 47.6 percent White, 23.1 percent Hispanic, 5.1 percent Black, 17.3 percent Asian-American and 0.1 percent Native American. Total student enrollment at the university for the 2010 fall semester was 52.1 percent White. The enrollment reflected increases for Hispanics to about 17 percent and for Black students to about 4.5 percent. The figures reflect changes in the demographics of Texas. The Office of the State Demographer, Texas State Data Center, estimates the state’s eth-

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nicity in 2010 to be 45.1 percent Anglo (White), 38.8 percent Hispanic, 11.5 percent Black and 4.6 percent Other. The state’s ethnic/race distribution by 2020 is projected to change to 37.6 percent Anglo (White), 45.2 percent Hispanic, 11.2 percent Black and 6 percent Other. The university’s transformation to a more diverse institution also is reflected by the number of women enrolled in studies previously dominated by men. The university’s Office of Information Management and Analysis enrollment report for fall 2010, for example, showed enrollment figures included the School of Architecture – 315 men and 392 women; School of Business Administration – 2,988 men and 2,332 women; School of Engineering – 5,993 men and 1,669 women; and the School of Law – 636 men and 557 women. Dr. Gregory Vincent, the university’s vice president for diversity and community engagement, said he is pleased the university has made progress in gender equity for students, faculty and staff through the years, but there is still much room for improvement. “We need to make sure that women are continuing to take on leadership roles, that they are involved in every aspect of decision making on campus,” Vincent said. University records show that in 1975, women totaled 12.8 percent of the 1,598 faculty listed as professors, associate professors and assistant professors. The faculty classified as full professors included 32 (5.2 percent) women compared to 589 (94.8 percent) men. Records for the 2010 fall semester show women total 30.5 percent of the 2,008 faculty and that there are 210 (20.9 percent) women compared to 1,006 (79.1 percent) men classified as full professors. Vincent said a 2008 report from the university’s Gender Equity Task




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Force pointed out challenges facing the university and that it’s important to recruit women for leadership roles when opportunities arise. He said, for example, that there should be more women deans. “I think we are making progress, but we can do an even better job,” Vincent said. Heinzelman agreed and expressed optimism about the university’s willingness to deal with gender issues. “What has happened,” Heinzelman said, “is that the upper administration, the provost and president, have taken seriously the gender equity report.” Heinzelman said she believes there has been a concerted effort to address salary inequities at the full professor level for women, to promote more women from associate to full professor and to put more women in leadership positions. An important element toward success will be finding ways to help women faculty coming to the university to balance work and family, she said. “So, yes, things are definitely changing, but it’s slow. It’s been very slow,” Heinzelman said. “It’s taken years to get us in this position, and you can’t change it overnight. It’s going to be 10 years before we see the full results of what is happening. But at least we are moving in the right direction.” The status of women at the University of Texas-Austin, described by Heinzelman as “moving in the right direction,” seems to run a parallel path with the “journey” Conrad described in her relationship with the university. It has transformed to become a more welcoming environment for women and people of color. “We are a long long way from 1957,” Heinzelman said. “But now we know what needs to be done. That’s a long way from where we were in the ’50s.”

Interesting Reads Mexican Community Health and the Politics of Health Reform By Suzanne D. Schneider This book explores the emergence of grass-roots health groups in Morelos, Mexico, and the local strategies used to improve the health care process through the stories of the women participating in the groups. 2010. 200 pgs. ISBN 978-0-8263-9. $29.95 paper. University of New Mexico Press. (505) 277-3291. unmpress.com.

The She-Devil in the Mirror By Horacio Castellanos Moya Translated from the Spanish by Katherine Silver, this is a detective story set in post-civil war El Salvador. The narrative is voiced by a woman who has to deal with the shock of her best friend being murdered. 2009. 160 pgs. ISBN 978-0-8112-1846-7. $14.95 paper. New Directions Books. (212) 255-0230. www.ndbooks.com.

Women and Change at the U.S.-Mexico Border: Mobility, Labor and Activism Doreen J. Mattingly and Ellen R. Hansen, eds. The lives of women on both sides of the border are chronicled as a way to examine environmental and socioeconomic conditions that are shaped by daily life and global economic conditions. 2006. 232 pgs. ISBN 0-8165-2528-5. $45.00 cloth. University of Arizona Press. (520) 621-3920. www.uapress.com.

and Media...

Latin American Women Artists 1915-1995 This DVD documents an exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Museum of work by Latin American women. It features the work of Frida Kahlo and María Izquierdo – as well as that of living artists Fanny Sanin, Soledad Salame and Elba Damast. 2003. 27 minutes. ISBN 978-1-4213-2538-5. $149.95 DVD. Films for the Humanities and Sciences. (800) 257-5126. www.films.com.

Mirrors by Eduardo Galeano Nation Books, 2010, 391 pgs. ISBN 978-1-568-58612-0. $16.95 paper.


easy to chronicle the history of the world if you can take volumes to tell the story and make sure it is told from the point of view of the victorious. Galeano has taken the more difficult path in this endeavor. He chooses to relate history in small bites that often depict the perspective of the downtrodden and vanquished. Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone picks up where Galeano’s previous effort, Memory of Fire, took the reader. In Memory of Fire, Galeano retold the history of North America by relating 500 stories about its past. This time, the author chooses 600 stories to encompass the history of the entire world. But the succinct and powerful style of this storyteller is not diluted by expanding the geography. These poignant vignettes weave staple facts with personal human stories that punctuate many of the most significant moments in the history of the world. An inescapable theme in this book is that the playing field throughout history has never been level. Powerful interests have always directed the fate and future of what is called the “unseen, unheard, forgotten” and powerless of the world. Galeano illustrates that idea by coupling related themes, including reflections on the 20,000 workers who built the Taj Mahal over 20 years with the Black slaves who built the White House. He mixes real-life experiences with those of the gods as he effortlessly moves from fact to fable to make his larger points. He draws readers into his story of Odin, the Viking god of war who launched his magic lance to wage war from afar and reminds us that Odin’s lance was a precursor of remote controlled missiles. Galeano is not afraid to use humor to make a larger, more sobering point that the cultures of the world are not so different as they share a collective humanity. The ride through time is not chronological. Galeano moves back and forth through the ages to illustrate how alike our human life experiences have been from the beginning of man’s recorded history. He parallels stories of Egypt’s Osiris and Isis and the Bible’s Adam and Eve. In an interview, Galeano summarized what he had in mind when he compiled these stories. “I wanted to write a book without borders, unbounded by time or place, and that is why, from the outset, writing Mirrors was an adventure in freedom.” And what an adventure he has created!

Reviewed by Mary Ann Cooper

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Researchers the Gender L

by Melissa Campbell

“The reality is that math is an

ability and a skill set that can be nurtured and developed over time.” Catherine Good, Ph.D., Baruch College




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ongstanding stereotypes about women’s inferior ability to succeed in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields have been difficult to eradicate. Indeed, much research in the realm of social psychology indicates that stereotypes are nearly impossible for people to relinquish. However, an ongoing study by Catherine Good, Ph.D., of Baruch College looks to circumvent the negative effects of these stereotypes through a construct she conceived called “sense of belonging.” Supported by a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the study builds on previous research, also supported by the NSF, that looked at ways that a learning environment and a student’s perspective can either heighten or ameliorate stereotype threat, which occurs when a person who belongs to a group that has a negative stereotype attached to it – e.g., women are not good in math – subconsciously conforms to the negative stereotype. The study revealed that a sense of belonging, characterized by to what degree a student felt a part of an academic community or how well they fit in or were accepted, or how much they were valued in that academic domain, played an important role in combating stereotype threat. “A lot of women left STEM fields not because they couldn’t do well but because they didn’t feel like it was a good place for them, that they were not a real member of the community, they were not valued by peers,” explained Good. “Those feelings may be communicated subtly or overtly. And what does it feel like when you are sitting in an academic domain but not feeling like a member of the club? You may fade into background or leave altogether.” The latter is exactly what happened to Good, who became interested in this topic based on her own personal path in academia. “I was always good in math,” she said. “I went to graduate school with the intention of getting a Ph.D. in math, but after I completed my master’s degree, I hit a wall. I couldn’t really put my finger on what was happening, but I never felt like it was the place for me. Through a long path through graduate school, I landed in psychology and heard about the concept of stereotype threat. A light bulb went off in my head: That’s what happened to me! I instantly wanted to better understand this idea and focused my research around it.” In the first NSF-funded study on sense of belonging, Good identified two factors that interacted to reduce a woman’s sense of belonging in a STEM domain and ultimately affected performance, i.e., grades, as well as a woman’s decision to leave the field. Stereotype threat and the degree to which a woman perceived stereotypes about women’s abilities in STEM

Look at Ways to Bridge Gap in STEM Fields fields to be prevalent in an academic domain were shown to erode a sense of belonging. The second factor that impacted a sense of belonging related to perceptions of the nature of intelligence, i.e., is intelligence fixed or does it develop over time. The prevailing belief is that it is fixed and that genetic makeup determines both intelligence and academic range. “People assume that math is somehow linked to genes: either you are a math person or not,” commented Good. “The reality is that math is an ability and a skill set that can be nurtured and developed over time. In fact, studies have shown that an intervention as simple as leading students in a discussion about neuroscience and illustrating the way that neurons and dendrites and synapses are strengthened the more they are used helps to combat this idea that just because you are female you can’t do math.” Perhaps the most infamous moment in the history of this topic came when Dr. Lawrence Summers, then president of Harvard University, delivered his damning speech on the inherent abilities of women versus men. Coincidentally, Good was present, scheduled to present her initial findings on stereotype threat and sense of belonging. “That moment really epitomized the perfect storm of constructs that can undermine sense of belonging in the STEM domain,” remarked Good. In the current study, which she is conducting with a Baruch College colleague, Jennifer Mangels, they are aiming to better understand the foundations of a sense of belonging, how sense of belonging can take root and how it affects not just achievement, but learning. “As we discussed in our first study, learning leads to achievement. We know learning is disrupted by these stereotypes, so this study looks to see if learning can be fostered by a sense of belonging.” Good and Mangels are exploring these concepts with two groups of students: seventh- and eighth-graders in Montclair, N.J., and first-year students at Baruch College in New York. They have identified three ways a sense of belonging can be manifested in the classroom. The first is called “achievement-based sense of belonging.” Students feel as though they belong, are valued and accepted when they get good grades. But when students falter, for example, when they get a C, or are when they are enrolled in a tough class that pushes their comfort level, and consequently they experience a dip in achievement, it affects their sense of belonging. According to Good, “Students are now on shaky ground, questioning whether they fit in anymore. In this sense, achievement-based belonging is vulnerable when kids falter. But the reality in learning is that struggles hap-

pen to everyone, so an achievement-based sense of belonging may not be bulletproof in keeping women in the STEM domain.” The second sense of belonging Good identified is social-based. Students feel a sense of belonging when they have strong connections in the classroom; they feel as though they fit in when their friends are with them, and when they pursue things with people like themselves whom they also like. Again, this type of belonging is compromised if a student’s friends aren’t in the same class or decide to pursue other areas of study. Once the social support system is gone, students don’t feel connected, and they too leave the STEM domain. The third way a student can feel a sense of belonging is called effortbased belonging, which is based on the level of engagement and effort and striving. Good believes that this sense of belonging can carry students through the storms of struggling academically and can work to negate the impact of stereotypes. As she puts it, “If a student starts to do poorly, he or she will still feel a sense of belonging through his or her participation, effort and engagement. If teachers instill the notion that struggles are a way to increasing intelligence, effort-based belonging will protect students when stereotypes rear their head or when they are dealing with a hard class or dealing with gender-based perceptions of talent or fixed math ability.” By looking at longitudinal data as well as results from a series of experiments in which various psychological factors are manipulated to test which type of sense of belonging works best, Good hopes to prove her hypothesis that effort-based belonging is what should be fostered in classrooms. The implications of this work lie in providing teachers with evidencebased research that clearly shows the benefits of promoting effort-based belonging to increase learning and achievement and how teachers should focus students around this sense of belonging. “Are there star charts for good grades? That clearly says that the kids who matter are the ones who get good grades – which is not the best way to construct a domain. Personally, I prefer students who are really engaged in content, regardless of their grades. I wish I could fill all of my seats with students like that!” “The bottom line is that we want to value participation because we know it will lead to achievement. But teachers can’t just say, ‘Ten percent of your grade is based on your level of participation.’ Teachers must actively and publicly show that they value participation and reinforce that in the classroom.”

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Patricia Zavella: WOMEN/PROFILES

Exceptional Teacher, First-Rate Scholar, Committed Activist Patricia Zavella, Cultural Anthropologist, UC-Santa Cruz, at a lectern

by Clay Latimer


chair of Latin American and Latino studies, Professor Patricia Zavella is charged with making things run smoothly in her department at the University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC). But her job doesn’t end on the picturesque campus, nestled in the redwood forests and meadows overlooking Monterey Bay. Zavella spends much of her time in another part of the county – another world, really – the migrant labor neighborhoods in nearby Watsonville. For a decade, the acclaimed cultural anthropologist interviewed and observed migrant people for her forthcoming book, I’m Neither Here Nor There: Mexicans’ Quotidian Struggles with Migration and Poverty. Though the book should fortify Zavella’s status as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of feminist ethnography and Chicano studies, Zavella is already thinking about her next project, a trait that surfaced in the 1970s, when she dove into the emerging field as a Cal Berkeley graduate student. “People were shaping Chicano studies back then,” she said. “You knew everyone working in the field. You could literally count on your hands the number of Chicano anthropologists. I’d go to conferences with fellow grad students who ended up writing very influential papers in the field. “So I feel like I grew up with the field, as it changed right around me. It was pretty clear we were pioneers. ... I had no idea it was going to be as big and complex as it has become.” Today Zavella is a much-decorated role model for a new generation of up-and-coming scholars. With her first book, Women’s Work and Chicano Families: Cannery Workers of the Santa Clara Valley, now in its fourth printing, Zavella became the first Chicana to publish a single-author book focusing on Chicanas. She is the author, too, of Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonies, which features life stories of Latina feminist scholars, a compilation that won the 2002 Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award. In 2007, she co-edited the new book Women and Migration in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: A Reader. Eight years ago, Zavella received the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Scholar Award and also was named one of the 100




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Most Influential Hispanics in Hispanic Business magazine. And as former director of UCSC’s Chicano/Latino Research Center, Zavella is also credited with increasing understanding of labor, health, sexuality and other facets of Mexicana and Chicana life. Yet despite her accomplishments, Zavella has never abandoned her community activist roots, as she revealed during a 2008 UCSC Founders Day Dinner, where she was honored for her work as a teacher and researcher. Addressing a stylish crowd at the Cocoanut Grove, just minutes after receiving a standing ovation, Zavella said she felt her late grandmother whispering in an ear, urging her to ask UC-wide administrators to sign a new labor agreement with the union representing gardeners, maintenance workers and food service staff. “UC contributes to poverty in the community,” she declared. Zavella’s empathy for workers began in childhood. Her mother and grandmother cleaned houses, and her father worked in the Air Force, which meant frequent moves. The family settled for a time in Colorado Springs, near her maternal grandmother, who encouraged her to read. “My sisters say I always had my nose in a book,” said Zavella, who graduated high school in California. “Of course, I don’t remember that.” Though she won a university scholarship, Zavella decided to go to Chapman Community College instead, becoming the first in her family to attend college. “I didn’t have any good friends who were going to go to the university. I felt very intimidated by the application process and about moving out of my family home,” she said. After Chapman, it was on to Pitzer College for Zavella and then an M.A. and Ph.D. at Cal Berkeley, where she encountered resistance from the old guard, which objected to the concept of Chicano studies. “I very much felt like I was out on a limb. I wanted to do my research with Chicanos in the United States. My advisor kept saying there’s no such thing as Chicano studies. You have to be a Latin Americanist. That felt very unfair. It was something that was uncomfortable – but exciting. I just didn’t worry.

“When I found my footing was when I went and did field research for my dissertation. I moved from Berkeley to San Jose, which at the time felt like the hinterlands. Trying to figure out how to do ethnographic research was tough, but I just started talking to people and doing interviews. I did observations with a group of dissident workers. Eventually, I got to the point where it was full time every day and sometimes day and night. “I felt like I learned a lot, even though I didn’t really feel like I knew how to write a dissertation. I felt like I had something to say, and in the end it worked out.” Zavella converted her thesis into a book, published in 1987 as Mexican-American women were entering the labor force in increasing numbers. By linking new theories about Chicano family structure and feminist theory, she brought to life the plight of Chicano women who worked in Northern California’s fruit and vegetable canneries. “It was at a time when the field of Chicano studies was really starting to blossom, and also at a time when there was little work being done on women,” Zavella said. “It was definitely sort of a path-breaking work. “ Following a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford’s Center for Chicano Research, Zavella joined the UCSC faculty in 1983, where she helped build the community studies program, enabling the school to produce some of the field’s most distinguished young scholars. In the late 1990s, she was named co-director of the school’s Chicano/Latino Research Center. In 2003, the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies presented its annual Scholar’s Award to Zavella, describing her as “an exceptional teacher, a first-rate scholar and an activist committed to social change.” At the same time, Zavella was immersed in research for her latest book, which involved more than 70 interviews with migrant people and focus groups and surveys with a hundred more. While trying to pinpoint the causes of poverty, she came across a recurring theme: language. Whether migrants spoke English determined what kind of work they were offered, how socially involved they became outside the home, and how American-born Mexicans treated them. Some of the stories tugged at her heart: A woman who earned a postgraduate degree in Mexico ended up working in the fields in central California because she couldn’t speak English. A Mexican doctor served tables at a Watsonville restaurant. “I decided early on I wasn’t going to write just about the heart-wrenching stories. I wanted to write about the ways in which people try to find dignity and occasionally even resist or avoid the exploitation they’re put into,” she said. “For example, one woman trained in accounting came here without documentation, so her accounting degree didn’t count. She didn’t speak English, so she had to take the only job she could find. She was so demoralized. She finally started volunteering at her children’s school. Eventually, over a long period of time, she started learning English through her church, found another apartment, moved out and eventually she became a paid bilingual assistant (at the school). It was a very modest accomplishment, but for her it was all the change in the world. It’s not the money that mattered but that she was able to get out of the home and do work that was meaningful. She did it for self-esteem. “ Zavella’s latest book also examines migrant journeys to and within the U.S. and the ways in which cultural memory is preserved through Latin American and Chicano protest music and Mexican folk songs. “There’s a fine line between anthropology and sociology, particularly if you’re working in developed countries like the U.S.,” she said. “Basically,

an anthropologist spends a long time in the same place and gets to know the people, the language and has very in-depth relationships and learns what’s going on in relation to a set of phenomena. It could be cultural; it could be religious.” Because of a remarkable rise in migration in the world in recent decades, cultural anthropologists are increasingly focusing on the U.S. and other first-world countries, fueling the need for more young scholars. Three decades ago, there were fewer than a dozen Latino cultural anthropologists; today, says Zavella, there are more than 400.

Patricia Zavella, Cultural Anthropologist, UC-Santa Cruz, with Chancellor George Blumenthal receiving her 2008 Chancellor’s Diversity Award

“Today I’m one of the old guard,” she says. “That’s fine. It’s really exciting to see young women who are great students building on our work and developing their own analyses, their own books and papers. “It’s partly driven by the huge increase in immigration from Latin America in the 1990s. In California, Latinos are now the majority of elementary schoolchildren. A lot of people feel the need to understand the population and figure out what’s going on. There are so many changes in the U.S. in relation to the Latino population. The field is flourishing.”

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Irma García: Blazing Trails & Scoring Success It’s

by Jeff Simmons

lonely at the top for Irma García. Since 2007, when she was named the athletic director at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, N.Y., she has remained the first and only Hispanic woman to lead a Division I athletic program. “I like where I am at,” she said recently. “I have been really blessed, though I wish there would be more females getting into this role.” If she has anything to do about it, then there likely will be others who follow in her sneakersteps. García proudly wears the distinction, using her experience to help shape legions of athletes into better, more well-rounded individuals before they head out into the post-collegiate world of work and greater responsibilities. García first arrived at St. Francis in 1976 as a student-athlete and played on the women’s basketball team. Her strong defense won her a coveted starting role. When she graduated, she didn’t have to look too far. She became the girls’ basketball coach at St. Joseph by the Sea on Staten Island. And in 1988, she returned to St. Francis, then as the head coach of the women’s basketball team. García received accolades, and after the 1997-98 season, she earned the Northeast Conference Coach of the Year award. Off the court that season, her team had the 23rd-highest grade point average among more than 300 Division I programs, and her students bested that distinction the subsequent year, when her team had the fourth-highest GPA among all Division I programs. She turned in her coaching jersey in 1999 to serve as St. Francis’ associate director of athletics, a role in which she needed to handle fundraising and budgeting and which paved the way to her elevation to athletic director in 2007. “Because of her experience with the college as a student, an athlete and a coach, as well as her administrative duties in the athletics department, Irma was the best-qualified person to become our next director of athletics,” said St. Francis College President Brendan J. Dugan. “The fact that she is a trailblazer for Latinas is an added bonus in several ways. It offers an example for the younger generation to aspire to and also gives our cur-




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“I learned so much in that

NACWAA seminar about administration and who I am now, what I am supposed to be doing.” Irma García, Athletic Director, St. Francis College rent and future Latino students a supportive and friendly face to help them adjust and succeed at St. Francis.” García earned a master’s degree from Brooklyn College in 2001 in sports administration and is an active member of the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics, the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWAA), American Council on Education, and Minority Opportunities Association.

She’s been featured by numerous media outlets, from USA Today to ESPN to American Latino, a nationally syndicated TV show. She remains awed by all of the attention – the numerous awards citing her glass-ceiling-busting distinction. Recently, García was recognized as one of the recipients of the 2010 “Mujeres Destacadas Award” by El Diario La Prensa, the premier publication serving New York-area Latinos. And just over two years ago, in October 2008, she was honored by the not-forprofit organization MANA, which presented her with its Las Primeras Award at the White House. She sat down with The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine to discuss her role, vision for student achievement and future goals.

who wanted to go into athletics. They grouped people together based on their interest. It was just amazing. Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez was at my table. I was so upset that my mom wasn’t there. She would have enjoyed sitting with so many Puerto Rican women at my table. We exchanged stories about Quinceañeras; they told us that today you are all princesses for the day, and gave us all little crowns. The only regret I have is that I didn’t invite my mother. She lives in Florida and, had I known more about the event beforehand, I would have flown her in to attend. HO: Do you see yourself as a role model, and if so, what do you hope

The Hispanic Outlook: You were honored at the White House as a 2008 Las Primeras Award Recipient by MANA for becoming the first Hispanic woman to run an NCAA Division I athletics program. What was that like? Irma García: I didn’t know I was being honored at the White House. It was two combined events, and what ended up happening was that my parents were flying in to Washington, D.C., and I asked if they could come the night before, and then the part of the event was at the White House. I was really excited. But that was the night that there was a vote on the first stimulus, so there really was nobody around at the White House. Even the person Irma García (far right) with the Fighting 69th Infantry and Senior Woman’s Administrator Meghan O’Brien (far left) who was supposed to give me the award couldn’t attend. I took as many pictures as they allowed me to. It to convey to students, particularly Hispanic women? was a day I will never forget because my parents were there. I am one of García: Yes I do. When I found out that I was the first Hispanic woman eight children. My dad worked two jobs, in the post office and as a car- as an athletic director, I could not believe it. I didn’t know what to do. I penter. And my mother was a paraprofessional and a school crossing was like, “What am I supposed to do now?” At the time I was getting the guard. They constantly worked, so they were unable to attend any of my award at the White House, Dr. [Frank] Macchiarola, the college’s presibasketball games. So this was a wonderful experience. I still have the pic- dent at the time and one of my mentors, allowed me to take part in a protures from that day. fessional development seminar, NACWAA, because I was becoming athletic director. I learned so much in that seminar about administration, and who HO: More recently, you received a 2010 “Mujeres Destacadas Award” I am now, what I am supposed to be doing. At the end of the seminar, there from El Diario La Prensa. What did that mean to you? were all of these gifts handed out, and in each gift was a word. The word I García: They didn’t tell me what it really was until I arrived. When I picked up was “inspire.” I became very emotional and cried because I arrived, there was a huge picture of Judge [Sonia] Sotomayor, and I was realized that this was what I was meant to be doing, inspiring people. I saying, “Oh, my goodness.” I had e-mailed her when she was appointed took that and ran with it. That’s what I have been doing all along with to the U.S. Supreme Court, and she answered back, which I thought was Hispanic kids. It is important for me to reach out, to help Hispanic women phenomenal. and students. A few months ago, I spoke on a panel to female students and faculty. Many of these women do not know what is out there and what is HO: What did she say? available to them. It was important for me to speak and let them know they García: She thanked me and congratulated me as well. Once I saw the should get out there and go after their dreams. I try to mentor as many stupicture, I thought she was going to be at El Diario’s event. Instead, her dent-athletes as possible, not just female students. At the panel, there was a best friend was the keynote speaker. El Diario’s event was interesting; they Latina woman who asked the question “How do I find a mentor?” I made us feel like princesses. They seated me with a high school student responded, “You just did. I will be glad to be your mentor.” It was impor-

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tant for me to reach out to her and other students, to tell them they can do whatever they want in life, and show them there are ways you can get things done and live your dream, because I’m living my dream. HO: What makes a good mentor? García: You really have to understand the students. You have to understand what somebody needs. You have to be a great listener. To me, everybody has a story. When you hear their story, you can tell some of the things they need to tweak, make suggestions, be there for them. Everybody has a story; everybody has a struggle. Old, young. Everybody faces bumps in the road. If I can help them to see the whole picture and let them know how to get past the bumps in the road and not to take things personally, that can help. If we take things personally, we can never achieve our goals. There are always steps to take, and there is no substitute for hard work. That’s what makes a great mentor. You constantly repeat all of these things and show a passion for what you have. It can be very contagious. In my three years as athletic director, my day is full and constant, and it feels so good and rewarding to me when our student-athletes accomplish their goals. It is wonderful when you can make a difference. To me, mentors are difference makers. It’s a great achievement. HO: So what is your typical day like? García: I get up at 6:30. I don’t need a clock. I do a little bit of exercise, and I have a moment to reflect on what I need to do for the day. I usually take the train to work from Manhattan to Brooklyn. From the moment I get off the train, it may take me awhile to get to my upstairs office because I stop to say hello to so many neighbors on our block, to students, student-athletes and faculty. I have a wonderful staff; they are very young and full of energy. I meet with my senior staff, and we go over the day. I have an open-door policy all day. Even if I have a full day, the students come first, and the president of course! I attend many meetings and many games. I make every effort to attend every home game. HO: How many students are involved in your sports programs? García: We have between 180 and 200 in 19 sports. It’s important for them to see me and understand that I am in this with them. We just had a seminar for student-athletes on how to write a résumé. We had 75 kids signed up for this program. We just don’t teach them about sports. It’s not about the X’s and the O’s; it’s about many other things, and helping others so you can learn about who you are. I always think our student-athletes are going to get hired before others because they perform so much community service and understand the value of leadership and giving back. HO: What types of community service are they encouraged to perform? García: This is an integral component of every student-athlete. We encourage them to do community service and to give back. We are involved with the Committee for Hispanic Children and Families. They work with New York Road Runners and Boys and Girls Club. And we did this wonderful event where we had 200 donors who donated shoes for 200 underprivileged kids. The kids did not know they were getting the shoes before the week of a basketball game. The donors came in and wrapped the gifts with our student-athletes and gave each kid a box with the shoes in it. You could see the look on their faces, the donors as well as the student-athletes, as the kids opened up their gifts. It was some good stuff! We have other programs as well, like Think Pink and Relay for Life. Now I am




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challenging all of the student-athletes to do more community service and share their experience with other athletes besides their team. Our teams are competing against each other to see how much they can do different types of community service. I tell them this is part of their growth and if they want me to recommend them, then they need to perform community service. I don’t recommend anyone who does not give back. It is important that they learn to give back early on. HO: Tell me about the challenges that today’s students face. García: Kids don’t always have it easy. Most of our student-athletes work, and many have to bring up their siblings. For them to find the time to do all of the things we expect them to do can be a challenge for them. Many of our kids come in with very sad stories. Our school is very diverse, and a majority is either Black or Hispanic; they often are dealing with a variety of different issues on a day-to-day basis. We have a good counseling center, and a number of kids are involved with the center. The dean of students and I work very well together, and this can be rare at many colleges, but she’s great. We understand each other’s role. I give kudos to the coaches. They do a lot with their student-athletes, who are dealing with everything, like not getting enough sleep or dealing with death in their lives. I hear their challenges. I listen to them. I tell them they have to find ways to overcome these challenges. I am big with prayer, and not because we are a Catholic school, but because I believe in having faith. HO: Was basketball your first love? García: As I mentioned, I was one of eight children. We played many sports together and against other kids. We had a softball team comprised of my siblings and cousins; it was Team García, and we played against everybody else. I am a lefty. Back then, if they made two lefty gloves, that was a lot, so I had to put my glove on the wrong hand. We played against everybody, so I always played with the boys. The first six of us were girls, and my father wouldn’t let us out. He was a carpenter and built everything in our backyard. We always sat with him and watched basketball on television. Because we were not allowed out often, we played basketball in front of the house. We didn’t have a basketball hoop, so we played to “hit the sign.” You had to hit – or “tap” – the “No Parking” sign. That was a shot, and that’s how we first played basketball. We used to beat the boys at “taps,” even if they’d give us girls an extra point to start. It turned out I was really good at basketball. When we mixed up teams, the guys always chose me first. So when I got to high school, I didn’t know the rules of the game, so I got cut from the team, but I could shoot better than most of the kids at the school. I remember the coach telling me that I needed to learn the rules. But next year, she ended up not being the coach, and the new coach took me on the team. I was a junior, and I scored most of the points, and I had learned the rules. I still love watching basketball, but I don’t pick up a ball anymore. Now I’m into golf! HO: You are the only Hispanic woman breaking through the glass ceiling. How challenging is it for others to attain this? García: Unfortunately, it’s mostly an all-boys group. There are some phenomenal women, but apparently schools are hiring more lawyers and people from the business world as athletic directors. I went through the ranks of physical education and sports. I really believe that if you are going to be a good director of athletics, that you need to know about sports; you’ve played it, you’ve coached it, and you need to know sports if you are going to admin-

ister it. In some places, the athletic director does the fundraising while the senior associates do the day-to-day management. I am fortunate to have a president who allows me to be involved in the day-to-day operations and to serve the student-athletes and coaches. I like where I am. I have been really blessed, though I wish there would be more females getting into this role. I served on the NCAA’s Minority Opportunities Interest Committee and sat with all of the young NCAA interns. I asked how many of them wanted to be an athletic director, and five of them said they did. I told them they definitely could reach that goal, and I will take them by the hand and show them how to get it done. People have to give them a chance. Presidents have to give more women a chance. The good thing about women is we have that mommy gene; we know how to multi-task, how to develop and be passionate about what we do. We are very good listeners, and we know how to delegate. We think outside of the box. Given the opportunities, women can run a really good program. I am hoping that there are going to be more women athletic directors. I don’t want to be the only one. It gets lonely. HO: Do you have any recommendations for others who want to follow in your footsteps? García: They really need to not only network with other women but with men, and they need to meet presidents. They need to go to professional development seminars. The American Council on Education does a great job in promoting women. They should apply for internships and apply for a grant somewhere and learn more about what it takes to be a Division I athletic director, or a vice president or a president. If they want to be mentored, they need to reach out. Women need to share their stories, their struggles, and I am sure that people will open up and try to help them out.

in touch. She married a baseball player that attended St. Francis College, Michael Jaworsky, and they now have two beautiful kids. This taught me a couple of things about living your life and believing in yourself. For her to give life, to bring more life into the world, it teaches you about what life is really about and how valuable it is. HO: What honor or distinction has meant the most to you? García: The MANA. It really made me feel so special to be able to thank my parents, and I have never been able to do that in front of so many people. There were about 300 there. It stays with me. I am very humbled by all of this. I get to meet so many amazing people. It was the greatest feeling to be up there and say, “Mom and Dad, this day is because of you.” HO: What do you do for fun? García: I enjoy riding my bike in Central Park, and I love golf. HO: Any other personal and professional goals? García: I would like to go back to school and get my Ph.D. And I would like to see if I could ever become a college vice president or a president someday. HO: Have you told the current president about that? García: Not yet. I would like to be just like the former president [Dr. Macchiarola] or the current president, President Brendan Dugan. They’re just great mentors and great people.

HO: What are the signs of a good coach? García: A good coach is a good teacher. When you are teaching a class, you want the students to learn. It’s not about simply memorizing. I consider teachers who make students just memorize to be poor teachers. A good teacher wants students to understand concepts, and teachers must be productive, inspiring and engaging. We counsel coaches, and we teach the coaches to teach as well. Is it successful? I think it is when students leave and they’ve had a good experience, and they end up being good people. What they hopefully learn is to pass that on. HO: You had served as the liaison to the admissions and financial aid offices and had taken on fundraising. Which is more challenging: fundraising or playing basketball? García: Being on the court is always challenging. Fundraising for the women’s locker room was probably the easiest $75,000 I ever made. I like to fundraise. I want people to give back, so I just don’t want money but time as well. To share their stories with our student-athletes. Everybody knows I have a lot of passion. I want what’s best for St. Francis College. HO: Tell me about a student who changed your life or affected your outlook. García: I coached a point guard at St. Francis, Erinn Siemer. She was one of my students about 10 years ago, and she was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street in Red Bank in New Jersey. They did not think she was going to live. I rushed to the hospital, and thereafter I visited her every day. She ended up making it. I was there when she first snapped out of a coma. It was so scary. She suffered some brain damage, and we have kept

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Report Card for Encouraging STEM Careers: Bayer Survey Gives Nation’s High Schools a D-Plus


by Mary Ann Cooper future of science education is a their childhood, academic and workplace expe- respondents, interest in science began in early growing concern nationwide. riences that play a role in attracting and retain- childhood, regardless of gender, race or ethniciOnly 18 percent of American ing women and underrepresented minorities in ty. Nearly 60 percent say they became interested high school seniors perform at or above the pro- STEM fields. in science by age 11. This parallels the findings ficient level in science, according to the most “If we want to achieve true diversity in of a 1998 Bayer Facts survey of American Ph.D. recent National Assessment of Educational America’s STEM work force, we must first scientists, which included White men. In that Progress. Moreover, significant numsurvey, six in 10 also reported interbers of today’s women and underest in science by age 11. So by the represented minority chemists and time these students reached middle chemical engineers say they were school or high school, they were discouraged from pursuing a STEM ripe for encouragement and eager to career (science, technology, engibe guided in this career path. But neering or mathematics) in high the encouragement did not come, school, according to the Bayer Facts according to the survey respondents. of Science Education XIV survey. They claim quite the opposite. Most The Bayer survey respondents said their enthusiasm was dampened give grades K through 12 a D on in grade school and high school as average for the job they do to well as college. encourage minorities to study STEM The survey reveals that more subjects and a D-plus to high than three-quarters, a staggering 77 schools and for encouraging high percent, said that significant numschool girls to enter STEM fields. Of bers of women and underrepresentcourse, much depends upon the ed minorities are missing from the individual schools and science American STEM work force today teachers. As one Hispanic responbecause they are not identified, dent, a female chemist, says, “The encouraged or nurtured to pursue effectiveness of the schools really STEM studies early on. depends on the district. It depends Researchers point to three conon how much money the school has tributors to underrepresentation in to pay teachers and provide handsSTEM. Hispanics, in particular on experiences.” Latinas, are susceptible to all three: Dr. Mae C. Jemison, Astronaut, Medical Doctor, Chemical Engineer U.S. colleges fare the worst in the lack of quality science and math and Bayer’s longtime Making Science Make Sense spokesperson Bayer survey, however. They are education programs in poorer cited by 60 percent of these same school districts (75 percent), perchemists and chemical engineers as the leading understand the root causes of underrepresenta- sistent stereotypes that say STEM isn’t for girls or place in the American education system where tion and the ongoing challenges these groups minorities (66 percent), and financial issues discouragement happened, and college profes- face,” said Greg Babe, president and CEO, Bayer related to the cost of education (53 percent). sors are cited by 44 percent as the individuals Corporation. “We want to knock down barriers. As one Hispanic female chemist respondent most likely responsible for the discouragement. If we can do that, we’ll be able to develop the said, “Many minorities don’t know how to get The Bayer survey polled 1,226 female, attitudes, behaviors, opportunities and resources scholarships. I learned about them in my high African-American, Hispanic and American that lead to success.” school career center and through the American Indian chemists and chemical engineers about One finding of the survey is that, for the Chemical Society in college.” Another Latina




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chemist noted, “I knew that I needed to set my goals high and achieve them. I made my own way. I sought scholarships and worked extra jobs to finance my education.” Parents can play a role in nurturing their children’s expressed interests in a STEM career. Nine in 10 (93 percent) of the chemists and chemical engineers polled report that their parents encouraged them to do well in school overall. Another 57 percent say their parents both emphasized science as an important subject for them to be learning and encouraged them to learn about science on their own through books and other materials. However, in a survey conducted by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc., among a sample of 500 science teachers and 506 parents, including 406 parents of school-aged children, teachers say they see parental involvement lacking in students developing an interest in science. Nearly all (94 percent) of science teachers surveyed wish their students’ parents had more opportunities to engage in science with their children. And more than half (53 percent) of parents of school-aged children admit that they could use more help to support their child’s interest in science. While science teachers agree (98 percent) that parental involvement is important for children’s interest in science, the survey shows it to be among the subjects parents are least comfortable discussing with their children. Barely half (51 percent) of parents say they are “very familiar” with what their children are learning in science, and only 15 percent cite it as the subject they feel “most comfortable” discussing with them, compared to 33 percent for language arts and 28 percent for math. Approximately seven in 10 parents say they are “very familiar” with what their children are learning in language arts (71 percent) and math (69 percent). “Science education has been identified as a national priority, but science teachers can’t do the job on their own. They need help and support from key stakeholders, especially parents,” said Francis Eberle, NSTA executive director. “We know that family involvement is important, and parents need help getting involved with their kids in a subject they may not feel comfortable with themselves. We must continue

to find ways to break down the walls of the classroom and encourage learning together among families.” Parental involvement is not the whole picture, however. The Bayer survey suggests that parents are nowhere near as influential as educators in shaping their children’s career interests in STEM fields. Survey participants say science teachers play a larger role than parents in stimulating and sustaining interest in science. During the elementary school years, 70 percent of the respondents say teachers have the most influence. During high school, 88 percent say teachers do. In addition, STEM industries are cited by respondents as not communicating the message to women and minorities that they are wanted or needed in these fields (51 percent). Cultural

Greg Babe, President and CEO, Bayer Corporation

issues are also a factor. Twenty-four percent of Hispanic males and 23 percent of Hispanic females cited the fact that people in their families didn’t completely understand what scientists and engineers do.” As one Native American female chemical engineer put it, “Going into science was unheard of in my family. I had to believe in myself – that I was smart enough to succeed.”

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Surviving the lackluster support in high school and college is no guarantee of a welcoming environment in the marketplace for new chemists and chemical engineers. Nearly two-thirds (62 percent) of those polled in the Bayer survey say that underrepresentation exists in the work force of their company, organization or institution. Leading workplace barriers for the female and minority chemists and chemical engineers include managerial bias (40 percent), company/organizational/institutional bias (38 percent), lack of professional development (36 percent), no/little access to networking opportunities (35 percent), and a lack of promotional/advancement opportunities (35 percent). One Latina chemist sees improvement in the workplace but explains that there is still much to do. “We still have to overcome bias. We work hard to show knowledge and not be overlooked or be perceived as not worthy. There is a different type of managerial speak. We have a Hispanic leadership team at my organization to help new hires.” Nearly three-quarters (70 percent) of the chemists/chemical engineers say it is harder for women to succeed in their field than it is for men, and more than twothirds (67 percent) think it is more difficult for minorities to succeed than it is for nonminorities. Across the board, respondents give their employers a C for having women and underrepresented minorities in senior positions to serve as role models and mentors for the younger employees. “This and previous Bayer Facts surveys confirm something I’ve long known – that interest in science is genderless and colorless,” says Dr. Mae C. Jemison, astronaut, medical doctor, chemical engineer and Bayer’s longtime Making Science Make Sense spokesperson. “All children have an innate interest in science and the world around them. But for many children, that interest hits roadblocks along an academic system that is still not blind to gender or color. “These roadblocks have nothing to do with intellect, innate ability or talent,” says Jemison. “On the contrary, they are the kinds of larger, external sociocultural and economic forces that students have no control over. As students, they cannot change the fact that they do not have access to quality science and math education in their schools. But adults can. And we must.”




CEOs vs. Scientists in Diversity Debate Bayer Corporation’s Bayer Facts of Science Education XIV surveyed underrepresented minority chemists and chemical engineers for their views on the state of diversity in the STEM fields. In a previous Bayer Corporation survey, Fortune 1000 STEM CEOs were polled. How did their responses match up with those of the minority scientists polled? Here are some areas of agreement and disagreement: Where they agree: Benefits of a Diverse Work Force Ninety percent of CEOs and 83 percent of chemists and chemical engineers say that a diverse work force that includes women, Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans is an asset in the success of their company’s/organization’s/institution’s success. Underrepresentation in Their Own Organizations CEOs and scientists do not view their own company/organization/institution through rosecolored glasses. Seventy-five percent of CEOs and 62 percent of chemists and chemical engineers believe that their own workplace is underrepresented in terms of women and minorities. Promoting Women and Minorities to Senior Positions Not surprisingly, CEOs give themselves higher grades for recruiting and/or promoting women and underrepresented minorities to senior positions, to serve as mentors and role models for the next generation of chemists and chemical engineers. CEOs give themselves a B-minus in this regard while chemists and chemical engineers surveyed assign CEOs a grade of C.

Where they disagree: Workplace Diversity Recruitment Programs Many CEOs assert that they have specific programs in place that aggressively recruit women and underrepresented minority STEM professionals. They say that they are doing all they can to address the STEM professional shortage in the United States by recruiting all qualified candidates. Yet when chemists and chemical engineers were polled, 35 percent said their company/organization/institution didn’t have such programs or they were not aware of their existence. STEM Industry Outreach/Communication Nearly 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 STEM CEOs say that they believe their companies effectively communicate to today’s high school and

college students, including women and minorities, that there are significant career opportunities for them to explore in STEM fields. Not so fast, say chemists and chemical engineers. Indeed, these same scientists say that STEM industries’ failure to communicate that message is one of the “greatest barriers to pursuing STEM studies and careers.” Diversity: Solution to U.S. STEM Manpower Shortages A whopping 92 percent of all the CEOs polled believe that bringing more women and underrepresented minorities into STEM fields will solve U.S. manpower shortages in these fields. Only 57 percent of chemists and chemical engineers polled believe diversity is the magic bullet to end human resource shortages.

Upcoming Special Issue Dates... Community College Issue March 21, 2011 Advertising Deadline: March 1

Graduate School Issue April 4, 2011 Advertising Deadline: March 15

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HI S PAN I C S O N T H E MO VE Sevilla-Sacasa Named Interim Dean of UM’s School of Business

MSPP Names Lambert Director of Diversity Education and Inclusion

Morales Co-Chairs Washington Regional Task Force

In Florida, Frances Aldrich Sevilla-Sacasa, a University of Miami (UM) alumna and seasoned financial services executive who has led some of the top wealth management organizations in the world, will serve as interim dean of UM’s School of Business Administration. Sevilla-Sacasa has an M.B.A. in international management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management and a bachelor’s degree from UM.

Dr. Stacey Lambert has been appointed director of diversity education and inclusion at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (MSPP). Lambert earned a doctorate at Nova Southeastern University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University’s School of Medicine.

Linda Morales, Salisbury University’s (Md.) interim chief diversity officer, has been appointed cochair of the Washington Regional Task Force Against Campus Prejudice, comprised of administrators and faculty from Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Morales has a master’s and bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York-Fredonia.

Bobadilla Receives Dual Honors

Professor Victoria Sanford of the Lehman College (N.Y.) anthropology department coauthored a paper on human rights abuses in Guatemala that won the 2010 Margaret Popkin Award. Sanford has a Ph.D. from Stanford University, a master’s degree from San Francisco State University and a bachelor’s from California State UniversitySacramento.

Borrero Krouse Receives Hispanic Heritage Award In Maryland, Leila Borrero Krouse, a Salisbury University adjunct history professor, was recently honored with a Governor’s Hispanic Heritage Award for being a FaithBased Champion. Borrero Krouse is an immigration specialist at Catholic Charities in Salisbury, instrumental in reuniting hundreds of Hispanic families and assisting with citizenship efforts.

Photo © Dany Johnson

Sanford Wins Human Rights Award

Michele Bobadilla, senior associate vice president for outreach services and community engagement and assistant provost for Hispanic student success at the University of Texas (UT)-Arlington, was honored recently by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as a National Latina Leader. Bobadilla also recently received an Outstanding Women in Texas Government award.

Flores Selected as a 2010 MillerCoors Líder Aurelia Flores, National Hispana Leadership Institute (NHLI) Executive Leadership Program Fellow, was named a 2010 MillerCoors Líder for her outstanding work in the community. Flores was featured in the book Aim High: Extraordinary Stories of Hispanic and Latina Women (2009).

Brown Introduces Bilingual Readers to Civil Rights Leaders

Aguirre-Molina and Borrell Co-Author Book

Northern Arizona University English Professor Monica Brown has released a bilingual children’s book, Side by Side: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/Lado A Lado: La Historia de Dolores Huerta y César Chávez. Brown has written several children’s books about historical figures from the United States and Latin America.

Lehman College (N.Y.) Professors Marilyn Aguirre-Molina (pictured l.) and Luisa N.

Borrell (r.) have just released a new book, Health Issues in Latino Males: A Social and Structural Approach. Aguirre-Molina has an Ed.D. from Teachers College and a master’s degree from Columbia University. Borrell has a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and a D.D.S. from Columbia University.

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The Hispanic Outlook In Higher Education


ACT Provides First Look at U.S. Student Performance on Common Core IOWA CITY, Iowa

ACT Inc. has released a new report aimed at assisting states as they begin implementing the Common Core State Standards. This first-of-its-kind research report, First Look at the Common Core and College Readiness, provides an estimate of current student performance on the Common Core State Standards using ACT college- and career-readiness data. The report also provides recommendations for local educators and state and federal policymakers that could be particularly helpful to the 43 states that are moving from adoption to implementation of the common standards.

High School Graduates and Dropouts Focus of New NCES Report WASHINGTON, D.C.

Approximately three million 16- through 24-year-olds were not enrolled in high school and had not earned a high school diploma or alternative credential as of October 2008, according to a new report. These dropouts represented 8 percent of the 38 million noninstitutionalized, civilian individuals in this age group living in the United States, according to Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 1972-2008. The report, released by the National Center for Education Statistics at the Institute of




February 21, 2011

The report analyzed the test results of more than 250,000 11th-grade students in several states who were administered select forms of the ACT Plus Writing exam in spring 2010 as part of their states’ annual testing programs. The students represented in the report are unique in that they are not self-selected, as many college admissions examinees are, span a range of abilities and college aspirations, are from a variety of communities and schools, and include those tested under standard conditions and under accommodations. While the report is not intended to focus on student performance relative to current state standards, it does shed light on areas states will need to focus on in their move from current state standards to the Common Core Standards. Some of the report’s key findings include:

• Across all Common Core domains, strands, and clusters, only one-third to one-half of 11th-grade students are reaching a college and career-readiness level of achievement. • As in other reports, including ACT’s most recent Conditions of College and Readiness Report, the percentages of Caucasian students who met or exceeded college- and career-readiness were uniformly higher than those of African-American, Hispanic and other underserved students. • ACT recommends state and district leaders begin to begin to focus targeted instructional strategies to support student learning in four key areas of the Common Core State Standards: Text Complexity, Language and Vocabulary Acquisition, Number and Quantity, and Mathematical Practices.

Education Sciences, builds upon a series of reports on high school dropout and completion rates that began in 1988. It includes national and regional population estimates for the percentage of students who dropped out of high school between 2007 and 2008, the percentage of young people who were dropouts in 2008, and the percentage of young people who were not in high school and had some form of high school credential in 2008. Data are presented by a number of characteristics, including race/ethnicity, sex and age. Annual data for these population estimates are provided for the 1972-2008 period. Other findings include: • Of first-time freshmen in public schools four years earlier, 74.9 percent had graduated with a regular diploma by the end of the 2007-08 school year. The lowest state-

level rate was Nevada’s 51.3 percent, and the highest was Wisconsin’s 89.6 percent. • About 3.5 percent of students enrolled in grades 10-12 in public or private high schools in October 2007 left school before October 2008 without completing a high school program. While there have been fluctuations in the rate since 1990, the 2008 rate is not measurably different from the 1990 rate. • The percentage of 16- through 24-yearolds who were not enrolled in high school and who lacked a high school credential varied by race and ethnicity in 2008. The rate for Hispanics (18.3 percent) was the highest followed by the rate for Blacks (9.9 percent). Rates for Whites (4.8 percent), Asian/Pacific Islanders (4.4 percent) and persons of two or more races (4.2 percent) were the lowest among racial/ethnic groups.

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The Hispanic Outlook In Higher Education

The 2010 Congressional Reapportionment and Latinos WASHINGTON, D.C.

Hispanic voters are nearly three times more prevalent in states that gained congressional seats and Electoral College votes in the 2010 reapportionment than they are in states that lost seats, according to an analysis of Census data by the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center. Based on averages reflecting congressional gains and losses, 15.2 percent of the eligible voter (U.S. citizens ages 18 or older) population in states that gained seats is Hispanic, compared with just 5.4 percent of eligible voters in those states that lost seats. With these reapportionment changes, Latinos likely will play a larger role in

MLA: Report Finds Study of Languages Other than English Growing and Diversifying at U.S. Colleges and Universities NEW YORK, N.Y.

Enrollments in languages other than English at U.S. institutions of higher education have continued to grow over the past decade and are diversifying to include an increasingly broad range of language studies, according to a comprehensive new report covering Fall 2009 by the Modern Language Association of America (MLA). The survey responses indicated significant increases in enrollments in nearly all the languages most studied on U.S. college cam-


February 21, 2011

national politics in the coming decade. Two states that gained seats, Florida and Nevada, have been key swing battlegrounds in recent presidential elections (having voted for the Republican nominee in 2004 and the Democrat in 2008). In both states, Latinos are a growing share of eligible voters. According to the Census Bureau, there were 308 million people residing in the U.S. in 2010, up 9 percent from 2000. Overall, based on 2009 population estimates, Hispanics accounted for more than half (51 percent) of that growth. However, because many Latinos are either too young to vote or are not U.S. citizens, not all of their population growth translates into immediate electoral strength. Among the nation’s 48.4 million Hispanics in 2009, a record 20.1 million are eligible to vote. Yet an even greater number are not eligible to vote. Some 15.5

million Hispanics are U.S. citizens 17 years of age or younger, and 12.8 million of all ages are not U.S. citizens. Even so, the number of the Latinos eligible to vote continues to grow. Since 2000, nearly six million more Latinos have become eligible to vote. The bulk of this growth was attributable to the five million U.S.-born Latino youths nationwide who turned 18 during this past decade. That translates into an additional half-million U.S.-born Latinos coming of age each year – a pattern that is certain to persist, and grow, in the coming decades. The report, The 2010 Congressional Reapportionment and Latinos, is available at the Pew Hispanic Center’s website, www.pewhispanic.org.

puses since 2006, the date of the previous MLA report on language course enrollments. The MLA report is the longest-running and most comprehensive analysis of the study of languages other than English at U.S. colleges and universities. Produced by the MLA since 1958, with the continuous support of the U.S. Department of Education, this is the 22nd survey in the series. The report includes undergraduate and graduate course enrollments in languages other than English in fall 2009 for 2,514 A.A.-, B.A.-, M.A.-, and Ph.D.-granting colleges and universities in the United States. These 2,514 institutions represent 99.0 percent of all higher education institutions offering language courses in the United States. The new survey found that the study of

Arabic registered the largest percentage growth at U.S. colleges and universities since the previous MLA report – 46.3 percent between 2006 and 2009, building on an increase of 126.5 percent in Arabic enrollments in the previous MLA survey, the first in which the language appeared among the 10 most studied at U.S. colleges and universities. Arabic is now the eighth most studied, up from 10th in 2006. Also registering significant increases in enrollments in the new MLA survey are Korean (up 19.1 percent), Chinese (up 18.2 percent), American Sign Language (up 16.4 percent), Portuguese (up 10.8 percent) and Japanese (up 10.3 percent).

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ounded in 1956, the University of South Florida is a public research university of growing national distinction. The USF System is comprised of two separately accredited institutions, USF and USF St. Petersburg. USF consists of the main research campus in Tampa, which includes USF Health, the College of Marine Science in St. Petersburg, and two regional campus-USF Sarasota-Manatee, and USF Polytechnic, located in Lakeland. USF is one of only three Florida public universities classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in the top tier of research universities. More than 47,000 students are studying on USF campuses and the University offers 228 degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate, specialty and doctoral levels, including the doctor of medicine. USF is a member of the Big East Athletic Conference. And, USF is listed in the Princeton Review as one of the nation’s 50 “Best Value” public colleges and universities. The university is currently recruiting for the following positions; the number in parentheses represents the number of positions available to that specific title:

Administrative Positions:

Director Student Services (Engineering) Regional Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor (St. Petersburg) Associate Vice President, Human Resources Director Web Services, Information Technologies

Faculty Positions: College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business

Assistant/Associate Professor (1) Assistant Professor (8) Chair/Associate/Full Professor (1)

Assistant Professor (1) Assistant/Associate Professor (1)


Academic Affairs

Professor/Chair (1) Professor (1)

Associate Professor (1)


Assistant Professor (4) Assistant/Associate Professor (1) Dean (1) Assistant/Associate/Full (1)

Marine Science

PolyTechnic Campus

St. Petersburg Campus

Glendora, CA

Assistant/Associate Professor (8) Assistant Professor (2) Sr. Associate Vice President (1)

Assistant/Associate Professor (2)

Assistant/Associate Professor (1) Assistant Professor (1)

College of Medicine

Assistant/Associate Professor (8) Professor & Program Director (1) Associate Professor/Professor (1) Associate Professor/Professor (1)

Associate Professor (2) Academic General Surgeon (1) Assistant Professor (12) Professor and Chair (1)

We are dedicated to fostering a diverse educational community and cultural learning environment that supports student success in pursuit of academic excellence, economic opportunity, and personal achievement.

College of Nursing Assistant/Associate Professor (2) Associate Professor/Professor (1)

Assistant Professor (2) Associate Dean (1)

For a job description on the above listed positions including department, disciple and deadline dates: (1) visit our Careers@USF Web site at https://employment.usf.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/Welcome_css.jsp; or (2) contact The Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity, (813) 9744373; or (3) call USF job line at 813.974.2879. USF is an equal opportunity/equal access/ affirmative action institution, committed to excellence through diversity in education and employment. www.usf.edu • 4202 E. Fowler Ave,Tampa, FL 33620





Vice President of Student Services Posting # 0600197 Closing Date: March 2, 2011 Pay Rate: $148,534 to $160,655 Position Summary: Under the general direction and supervision of the superintendent/ president, the vice president of student services is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the student services division comprised of the counseling, admissions and records, and, student activities departments. In addition, the vice president of student services supervises the student services programs directed by assigned management and/or faculty personnel, including: athletic eligibility, career/transfer center, student employment, financial aid, student conduct, student grievance procedures, health services, matriculation, articulation, assessment testing, student orientation, extended opportunities programs and services (EOP&S), disabled students programs and services (DSP&S), CARE, calWORKS, bookstore, food services, campus safety, international students, high school outreach, and service learning. Minimum Qualifications: s Evidence of sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, and ethnic backgrounds of community college staff and students, AND s Possession of a Master’s degree, AND s One year of formal training, internship, or leadership experience reasonably related to this management assignment.

Citrus College is an equal opportunity employer.

TO APPLY, PLEASE VISIT: http://apptrkr.com/175591

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Multicultural Affairs and Student Success The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater invites nominations and applications for the position of Assistant Vice Chancellor for Multicultural Affairs and Student Success. The Assistant Vice Chancellor reports directly to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and serves as a member of the Academic Affairs Staff. The position provides institutional leadership for the University's programs supporting student success and programs for underrepresented multicultural and economically disadvantaged students. The Assistant Vice Chancellor will provide leadership and work collaboratively to implement strategies and interventions to increase retention and graduation rates of students and student success, and increase the number and success of nontraditional, low income and students of color. The individual in this position will coordinate all minority student financial assistance initiatives funded through the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, University of Wisconsin System. The position will have nine direct reports: Developmental Studies; Education Talent Search Program; FRESH START; King/Chavez Scholars Program; Latino Student Programs; McNair Scholars Program; Multicultural Initiatives (Academic Network, Native American Support Services, Southeast Asian Support Services); Tutorial Center/Learning Center; and Upward Bound Program. The Assistant Vice Chancellor is responsible for the planning, management, and evaluation of all programs, personnel, and budgets within the unit. Minimum Qualifications: A master's degree from an accredited institution (Ph.D. or other terminal degree preferred); a minimum of eight to ten years of progressively responsible leadership experience in student success initiatives, preferably working with multicultural student populations; and extensive budget planning and management responsibility. Desired Qualities: The successful candidate will be student-centered and possess strong leadership skills, as well as strong communication, team building and collaboration skills. Additional qualifications include: a track record of increasing responsibility, significant experience with professional staff supervision, a strong record of success in securing grants, the ability to develop and maintain productive partnerships with a wide array of constituencies; and demonstrated strategic planning skills.

SEEKING FULL-TIME FACULTY Florida State College at Jacksonville is looking for innovative full-time faculty who are dedicated to student success. We are a progressive, four-year state college offering associate and bachelor degrees. Our northeast Florida location has beautiful beaches, moderate temperatures and a cost of living that is below the national average. Courses are taught in modern classrooms, online, or a hybrid blend of both. Creativity and critical thinking are encouraged in our students and our faculty. Our goal is to make learning enjoyable so that students will want to continue to learn throughout their lives. Our college supports faculty development with programs that encourage the integration of technology and research-based teaching and learning. As a result, social networking and pedagogical tools such as mastery and cooperative learning are used extensively. Our faculty has access to the Blackboard learning management system and a variety of online and proctored testing options. We are constantly striving to give students the knowledge, skills and assistance that they will need to succeed in this ever-changing world. Are you interested in joining our community of dedicated educators? If so, faculty positions are currently available in the disciplines listed below.

• • • • • •

Art Biological Sciences Chemistry Computer Networking Computer/Office Systems Dance

• • • • • •

Developmental Reading Education English Fire Science Mathematics Music

For a complete description of these, as well as other positions that we have available please visit

https://Jobs.FSCJ.edu Review of candidates will begin in mid-late February 2011 and continue until an appointment is made for each position. Interested candidates must submit a Florida State College at Jacksonville online application, available at https://Jobs.FSCJ.edu, and unofficial student copies of transcripts confirming the award of the required degree and/or coursework. A resume will not be accepted in lieu of submitting an online application. Additional information on Florida State College at Jacksonville can be found at http://www.FSCJ.edu. Florida State College at Jacksonville does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services and is an equal access/equal opportunity affirmative action college. Florida State College at Jacksonville is a member of the Florida State College System. Florida State College at Jacksonville is not affiliated with any other public or private university or College in Florida or elsewhere. Florida State College at Jacksonville is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the baccalaureate degree and the associate degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida State College at Jacksonville.

The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater is a comprehensive university with a tradition of excellence in both academics and athletics. Founded in 1868, the university currently has over 11,000 students. The city of Whitewater is located in the southeast part of the state and has a population of over 12,000.


The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater is an AA/EEO employer. Initial review of candidate's materials will begin on March 1, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled. Nominations or letters of application with a resume and the names and contact information of three professional references should be sent to: Christine Clements Dean, College of Business & Economics University of Wisconsin - Whitewater 800 West Main Street Whitewater, WI 53190 clementc@uww.edu ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. NOTE: Candidates identified for hire with UW-Whitewater must successfully complete a criminal background check.

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Lecturer in Spanish


Clemson University cares about its people. And we care in one of the most beautiful and livable places in America. If you want to help us care more by working with us to identify, attract, train and retain top talent, then Clemson invites your application and nominations for the position of Chief Human Resource Officer.

Who is the perfect person for this important position?

Clemson needs a human resources leader that shows up every day with the energy, knowledge and work ethic to make a difference. We need a leader that is brave enough to challenge the norm, creative enough to introduce or recognize new ideas, confident enough to routinely partner with senior management and respectful enough to encourage a successful human resource operation to be best in class. Please visit www.clemson.edu for a full position description and details.

Clemson University: Falling in love with Clemson University is the easy part. We are a leading land-grant research institution ranked 23rd among public universities by U.S. News & World Report with a determined spirit to succeed in everything we do. We are big enough to play in the big leagues for both academics and sports. And small enough where individuals are valued. The University enrolls 15,000 undergraduates and 4,000 graduate students. A faculty of 1,400 and a staff of 3,000 support 40 Ph.D., 73 Masters and 84 undergraduate degree offerings.Our campus extends throughout South Carolina and in three locations in Europe. The University is located in the beautiful lake mountain area of upstate South Carolina between Atlanta and Charlotte on the I-85 research corridor. We are four hours from historic Charleston and the beach, 35 minutes from Greenville, SC, one of the most livable downtowns in America and 30 minutes from the trails and trout streams of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Clemson is an intellectual hub with outstanding college athletics, recreational activities and first class performing arts.

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the University of Florida is seeking a full-time Lecturer in Spanish. The appointed candidate will teach 3 courses per semester in the areas of language, composition, and introduction to Spanish or Spanish-American Literature. The appointed candidate will serve as one of the coordinators for the Lower Division Spanish Program.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Spanish or Spanish-American Literature, experience teaching all levels of Spanish (basic language, conversation, composition, introduction to literature), documented excellence in teaching, experience coordinating basic language programs, familiarity with current course management systems and/or current technologies used in language teaching, and native or native-like proficiency in both English and Spanish. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness and three letters of recommendation to: Spanish Search Committee - PS#00005250 Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies University of Florida P.O. Box 117405 Gainesville, Florida 32611

Application deadline: March 15, 2011. Start date: August 16, 2011. Salary negotiable.

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. (Please visit http://www.hr.ufl.edu/job/datacard.htm to complete a voluntary Applicant Data Card.)

Preferred Qualifications: Minimum of 10 years experience with significant and proven success as a leader in human resources; Strong analytical skills; Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills; Demonstrated success in team building and conflict resolution; Meaningful experience collaborating between human resources units and a wide range of constituencies; Demonstrated success in strategic organizational change; Strong employee relations orientation; and Masters degree preferred or meaningful HR experience. How to Apply: Greenwood/Asher & Associates, Inc. is assisting Clemson University in the search. Initial screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until an appointment is made. For best consideration, materials should be provided by March 4, 2011. Nominations should include the name, position, address, and telephone number of the nominee. Application materials should include a letter addressing how the candidate s experiences match the position requirements, curriculum vitae, and the contact information for at least five references. Submission of materials as MS Word attachments is strongly encouraged. Confidential inquiries, nominations, and application materials should be directed to:

Jan Greenwood or Betty Turner Asher Greenwood/Asher & Associates, Inc. 42 Business Center Drive, Suite 206 Miramar Beach, FL 32550 Phone: 850.650.2277, Fax: 850.650.2272 E-mail: jangreenwood@greenwoodsearch.com bettyasher@greenwoodsearch.com For more information about Clemson University, please visit the website at: http://www.clemson.edu Clemson University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any individual or group of individuals on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic information.





Bring your expertise and passion for teaching to a great college located in the cities of Plano, McKinney and Frisco, Texas. Join a college that values Learning, Service and Involvement, Creativity and Innovation, Academic Excellence, Dignity and Respect, and Integrity, along with outstanding colleagues including three United States Professors of the Year, a Texas Professor of the Year, two Fullbright Scholars, and five Minnie Stevens Piper winners plus 1,000 additional outstanding dedicated professors. We are currently seeking Full-time Professors for the following anticipated positions to begin in the Fall of 2011:

• Economics • Commercial Music • Psychology • Political Science • English • Mathematics

• Physics • Biology • Developmental Writing • History

For complete position descriptions and to apply online, visit


Collin County Community College District is an equal opportunity employer and seeks applications from all qualified candidates regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability or veteran status.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Kean, a comprehensive New Jersey state University, is committed to excellence and access and to developing, maintaining and strengthening interactive ties with the community. Kean University takes pride in its continuing effort to build a multicultural professional community to serve a richly diversified student population of almost 16,000. The University offers more than 90 academic degree programs on the undergraduate and graduate levels in six colleges: the College of Visual and Performing Arts, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Business and Public Management, the College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College. The University sits on three adjoining campus sites covering 180 acres in Union and Hillside Townships, two miles from Newark Liberty International Airport and thirty minutes from New York City. Kean also has a major branch campus in Ocean County, New Jersey, offers programs at a number of sites across the state and maintains educational partnerships with institutions in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Kean University invites nominations and applications for the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs. Reporting directly to the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer responsible for providing academic leadership, budgeting, planning, development, review and coordination of all academic programs and services. Qualifications: The successful candidate will possess an earned doctorate or equivalent terminal degree; a record of distinguished university/college teaching, research and public service to qualify for the rank of full professor; and a minimum of eight years of significant and successful administrative experience in a comprehensive university/ college with a diverse student population. Candidate must have the demonstrated ability to provide sustained leadership in a dynamic and rapidly-changing academic environment; a commitment to excellence in teaching, research, service and shared governance; expertise in academic planning and program development, academic personnel and faculty development and research and creative activity; demonstrated competencies in budget administration; personnel management; program planning, development, evaluation and resource allocation; decision-making and policy development; excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills; and the ability to maintain collegial relationships and work as a team-player. The position is available July 1, 2011, but the start date is flexible depending on the availability of the successful candidate. Complete applications must include the following: letter of interest; resume; and names and contact information for three professional references. Apply directly to: Chairperson, Vice President Search Committee, c/o Office of the President, Kean University, 1000 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083. No electronic submissions. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until an appointment is made. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Comprehensive benefits program included. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment. Kean University is an EOE/AA Institution

The College of Wooster, Ohio:


Visiting assistant or associate professor, with area of specialty open. Full description available on the College's Human Resources web page: http://www.wooster.edu/OfficesDirectories/Human-Resources/ Employment-Opportunities

The College of Wooster is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer






The University of Wisconsin-Platteville invites applications for teaching positions. One of 13 comprehensive universities in the University of Wisconsin System, UW-Platteville is located in Platteville, a community of 10,000 in southwest Wisconsin. The University enrolls approximately 6800 undergraduate and 240 graduate students pursuing degrees in agriculture, the arts and sciences, business, criminal justice, education, engineering and technology management. Additional information is available on the web at www.uwplatt.edu. General Information: All of the positions described below begin August 23, 2011 (unless otherwise stated.) Required for Each Position: Qualified candidates are to send a letter of application addressing the requirements and highlighting qualifications specifically related to the position description, university transcripts, a current resume or vitae, contact information for three professional references, and other supporting material requested below to: UWPlatteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, WI 53818-3099. The letter of application for all positions must address the applicant’s commitment to increasing campus diversity. For more details concerning individual positions, see the web site: www.uwplatt.edu/pers/employ.htm. Employment will require a criminal background check.

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS, INDUSTRY, LIFE SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE Marketing (Assistant Professor) QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum of a Master’s in a business or marketing field containing extensive coursework in marketing with a focus on e-commerce. Excellent verbal, written and presentation skills required. Two years of college level teaching or four years of business experience preferred. APPLY TO: LaVon M. Blum, Department of Business & Accounting, bluml@uwplatt.edu. Review of applications will begin March 1, 2011. Business Administration-Management (Assistant Professor) QUALIFICATIONS: Specialization in management. Minimum qualifications are: 1) a masters degree in business; 2) excellent verbal, presentation, and written communication skills; 3) demonstrated commitment to or experience with diverse populations; 4) at least two years of college level teaching or four years of related industry experience; 5) willingness to teach students in the classroom and at a distance using alternative delivery methods; 6) a record of outstanding performance. All qualifications must be measurable and demonstrable. Preferred qualifications: 1) Doctorate in business; 2) ability to teach business law, small business, and/or international business; 3) experience using educational software; 4) experience teaching students at a distance using alternative delivery methods; 5) four or more years of progressive management experience. APPLY TO: LaVon Blum, Business & Accounting Department, bluml@uwplatt.edu. Application materials must be received by March 1, 2011. Business Administration-Supply Chain (Assistant Professor) QUALIFICATIONS: An MBA or its equivalent with at least three years of related job experience in supply chain management OR a doctorate in business or a closely related field; specialization in Supply Chain Management, Operations, or Logistics; strong interpersonal skills; excellent verbal, presentation and written communication skills; excellent computer skills; a record of outstanding performance; and a willingness to teach in both traditional classroom and distance environments. APPLY TO: LaVon M. Blum, Search and Screen Committee, bluml@uwplatt.edu. Deadline for application materials is March1, 2011. Business Administration (Assistant Professor) QUALIFICATIONS: Specialization in Human Resource Management. Minimum qualifications are 1) a Masters Degree in a human resource management related field; 2) excellent verbal, presentation, and written communication skills; 3) ability to teach human

resource management and international human resource management courses; 4) at least 2 years of college level teaching or four years of field experience. Preferred qualifications are: 1) Doctorate in Human Resource Management related field; 2) experience using educational software; 3) willingness to teach students in the classroom and at a distance using alternative delivery methods; 4) PHR or SPHR certification. APPLY TO: LaVon Blum, Business & Accounting Department, bluml@uwplatt.edu. Deadline for application materials is March 1, 2011.

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE Mechanical Engineering (Assistant Professor) QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s and doctoral degrees in ME or a closely related field are required. The doctoral degree requirements must be met by May 30, 2011. The successful candidate must be willing and able to teach a broad spectrum of ME courses. The successful candidate will also demonstrate a genuine interest in teaching undergraduates and possess excellent written and oral communication skills. Teaching experience, industrial experience, and professional registration are desirable. APPLY TO: Send application materials in electronic form (Adobe PDF or MS Word e-mail attachment) to Dr. John Mirth, Search and Screen Chair, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, mirth@uwplatt.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately.

COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND EDUCATION Criminal Justice (Assistant Professor) QUALIFICATIONS: A Ph.D. in criminal justice, criminology, sociology, or closely related field is required; specialization in law enforcement is desired. ABDs will be considered but Ph.D. must be completed prior to consideration for tenure. Applicant must have some field experience and/or prior university teaching experience. The applicant must have excellent skills in oral and written communications. In addition he or she must have observable enthusiasm for professional engagement with students in and out of the classroom and ability to work in teams in a collegial environment. The applicant may be required to teach courses through alternative delivery methods. Applicants must have evidence of a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, evidence of a willingness to collaborate with both students and faculty, and evidence of involvement in university service. It is expected that the candidate remain professionally active in the criminal justice community. APPLY TO: Aric W. Dutelle, M.F.S., chair, Search Committee, Department of Criminal Justice, dutellea@uwplatt.edu. Application screening will begin February 28, 2011.

The University of Wisconsin-Platteville, an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, seeks to build a diverse faculty and staff and encourages applications from women and persons of color. The names of nominees and applicants who have not requested in writing that their identities be kept confidential, and of all finalists, will be released upon request.

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““CULTURAL CULTURAL C COMPETENCE...� OMPETENCE...� President Glendale Community College


(MFOEBMF "SJ[POB t XXX HDDB[ FEV Maricopa Community Colleges Chancellor, Dr. Rufus Glasper, and the Search Committee invite nominations and expressions of interest for the position of President, Glendale Community College, located in Glendale, Arizona. Please visit: XXX HDDB[ FEV QSFTJEFOUJBMTFBSDI for a comprehensive Position Profile and application instructions. 5IF "QQMJDBUJPO %FBEMJOF JT .BSDI Electronic transmissions are strongly encouraged.

Community Diversity Regard Respect Inclusion

All inquiries, expressions of interest, nominations and applications are to be directed to the search consultant and are strictly confidential. Contact Information .BSUJ + $J[FL 1SFTJEFOU $J[FL "TTPDJBUFT *OD 2415 East Camelback Road, Suite 700 Phoenix, AZ 85016 534gcc@cizekassociates.com 602-553-1066 The Maricopa Community Colleges are EEO/AA institutions.


COLLEGE EGE PRESIDENT DENT The Chancellor of the P The Peralta eralta a Community College g District is p pleased to announce a the official search search process to identify tify and select a College President for Collegee of Alameda. The Chancellor will considerr educational The background, bac kground, professional experience, accomplishments, reputation, and a ccharacter haracter in the sear search ch for the President of College of Alameda. Leading candidates es will have have demonstrated demonstr ated success in en entrepreneurial ntrepreneurial and innovative innovative approac approaches hes tto o addressing the cchallenges hallenges and opportunities nities at the college. Salary placement is co commensurate ommensurate with education and experience. e. Application Deadline Date March is Mar ch 1, 2011.. FFor or a detailed job description ription and application procedures, dures, please visit us online e at:

Sensitivity Awareness

Oakton Community unity College employss individuals who respect, are eager to learn n about, and have a willingness ngness to accept the manyy ways of the world. Oakton serves the he near northern suburbs bs of Chicago with campuses ampuses in Des Plaines and d Skokie. Individuals with ha commitment to working in a culturally competent ompetent environment and nd who reflect the increasing asing diversity of Oakton’s kton’s student body and nd community ity are sought ht for the following tenure nure track faculty position for the 2011-12 academic mic year:


To learn more about this position p and to apply pp y visit our Web site at:

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Listening Start tart Here. Go anywhere.


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This is a 12-month, tenure-track position in the Department of Animal Sciences, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, at the University of Florida. The position has a 60% research and 40% teaching assignment. The major duties of the position are to develop and implement a strong research and teaching program in fermentation microbiology and related subject areas that will benefit the Florida livestock industry. The research focus may include utilization and metabolism of nutrients, anaerobic and aerobic microbiology, bioconversion of feedstocks to biofuel, or other related disciplines. The faculty member will be expected to recruit and advise graduate students, develop a nationally and internationally recognized research program, publish study results in peerreviewed journals, and procure extramural funding. The teaching program will include graduate Fermentation Microbiology and Microbial Physiology courses and undergraduate Introduction to Animal Science and Principles of Animal Nutrition courses. The faculty member will participate in and contribute to extension programs as appropriate including the Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium. Compensation is commensurate with the education, experience, and qualifications of the selected applicant. To view full position description & application instructions, please visit https://jobs.ufl.edu & search for requisition #0806995. Review of application materials will begin on or before March 1, 2011. Position will remain open until a viable applicant pool is determined. The University of Florida is an equal employment opportunity employer.

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Contact Adegbola Adesogan University of Florida/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences Email: adesogan@ufl.edu


Lewis-Clark State College invites applications for two (2) positions due to faculty retirements:Secondary Education Coordinator and PACE Coordinator for online alternative certification in the Division of Education. Both are 10-month positions. The College offers four-year and two-year degrees, technical certificate programs and outreach programs in a variety of fields. A Doctorate degree in Education or related field (advanced ABD will be considered) is required. Minimum of three years teaching in grades 6 -12. Employment to start August 2011. Salary and rank based on experience and qualifications, up to $51,000. For complete job descriptions, visit www.lcsc.edu/hr. Please send cover letter, resume, and name, address, and phone number of three references to: Human Resource Services, Lewis-Clark State College, 500 8th Avenue, Lewiston, Idaho 83501; telephone (208) 792-2269; fax (208) 792-2872; email vswift@lcsc.edu. Application review will begin February 7, 2011. This position is subject to the successful completion of a criminal background check. LCSC is an EEO/AA employer.





Dean of University Libraries

SCHOOL OF MEDICINE The University of California, Davis, School of Medicine is part of a nationally recognized, highly collaborative health system that excels in translating scientific discoveries and new technology into improved patient care and community health. Based in Sacramento, Calif., the UC Davis School of Medicine is seeking talented faculty to join an innovative environment infused with team learning, team research and team patient care. Academic positions are available at all levels in clinical and basic science departments with research, teaching, and/or clinical responsibilities in five academic series. To learn more about the exciting opportunities UC Davis has to offer, please visit http://provost.ucdavis.edu/jobs/ The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to achieving diversity in its faculty and staff.

Search Extended The University of Northern Colorado (UNC) https://www.unco.edu/ invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of University Libraries. UNC seeks a collaborative and innovative leader with a vision toward the future to lead the University Libraries https://library.unco.edu. The Dean will provide insight into national and global trends affecting University Libraries and maintain a leadership position in the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries; ensure that University Libraries has a long-range strategy; interact with regional library personnel and professional library associations as well as state and federal offices on behalf of University Libraries and establish effective partnerships and alliances of mutual benefit; maintain fiduciary responsibility for the University Libraries budget; cultivate private giving; pursue and promote grant and contract funding; and oversee human resource development, providing supportive leadership to University Libraries faculty and staff. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent required; minimum of five years of progressive, substantive and successful experience as an academic library administrator required; a record of scholarly and professional achievement appropriate to an appointment at the rank of Professor of University Libraries; demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively with a wide range of constituencies; demonstrated ability to provide strong and supportive leadership for the University Libraries faculty and staff; demonstrated experience in advocacy for academic libraries consonant with an overall perspective of the needs of the University; demonstrated successful fund-raising and/or grant development experience; innovative responses to the challenges facing academic libraries; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of information and scholarly technologies; appreciation of diversity and ability to work effectively in a multicultural campus and community setting; experience with shared governance. For a complete profile of the position, please visit https://careers.unco.edu, position # 0600417. Applications/Nominations: Please send nominations to the Search Committee chair: Patricia A. Book, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President, University of Northern Colorado, Michener L50, Box 21, Greeley, CO 80639 or Patricia.Book@unco.edu. Candidates must apply directly online in order to be considered for this position at https://careers.unco.edu. The application must include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of five references. References will be contacted only with the permission of the candidate. Review of applications begins March 7, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Northern Colorado is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, creed, religion, sexual preference or veteran status.


Glendale Community College



Citrus College Peralta Community College District University of California, Davis

40 45 46


University of Northern Colorado



Florida State College at Jacksonville University of Florida University of South Florida

41 42; 45 40


Lewis-Clark State College



Oakton Community College



Kean University



Borough of Manhattan Community College/CUNY



College of Wooster



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University of Wisconsin-Platteville University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

44 41

*To see all our “Employment and other Opportunities,” including all Web Postings, visit our website at www.HispanicOutlook.com






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Miquela Rivera, Ph.D., is an author, licensed psychologist, speaker and trainer with years of clinical and early childhood program administrative and consultative experience. Miquela and her husband live in Albuquerque, N.M.

hree dreaded words, from middle school classroom through graduate school: “Group project required.” Most of those who dislike group projects have typically done the majority of the work in past collective efforts. Slackers in group projects are slackers everywhere else, so for them, a group project is simply an opportunity to let someone else carry the load while they get the credit. Whether you are doing a social studies project on the original 13 colonies in seventh grade or you are on faculty planning curriculum, it’s all about group projects. It’s wise to help Latino students quell anxiety and build skill in managing collective efforts well. Those skills are transferable to home and work, too, so student competence in those areas helps prevent future angst for many. Predictably, a Hispanic student’s ability to work well with others stems from early experiences with family. If parents have taught children how to get along respectfully, work cooperatively, communicate openly and share the reward with family, group projects are an opportunity to do the same with friends or strangers. If the experience at home has been competitive and unsupportive with volatile arguments or people walking away from conflict, students will feel far less confident about completing the group assignment. Too often, teachers at all levels assign group projects to inexperienced or unskilled students but fail to provide adequate structure and support for helping students understand the process of working in a group. If left without guidance about process, students will typically play out their family dynamics in the classroom group. Those who are responsible take charge and try to pull the group together, and those who are slackers slack. Two key skill sets are required for Latinos to effectively complete work that requires a collective effort: structuring the task and diplomatically working with others through that structure. Instructors can reduce the stress and improve academic quality by helping students become a team first, articulating and walking through the essential group process skills before starting the group project itself. Forming, storming, norm-



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ing, performing and adjourning – all critical phases of group development – are crucial for students to understand first so they can effectively complete group projects later. Students then consciously understand the process and are prevented from sinking or swimming in a sea of panic, confusion or resentment. Diplomacy also greases the group process skids. Teaching Latino students to become acquainted with others, knowing the difference between communicating information and conveying emotion, listening effectively, offering helpful criticism, using feedback objectively for improvement and dealing with conflict are the interpersonal skills that can make the difference in a student’s experience and success in group projects. Structuring the work is the second skill set Latino students need for effectively completing group projects. Defining the task, identifying the group’s goal, clarifying expectations and roles, breaking the assignment into tasks and assigning group members to complete them, developing timelines and monitoring progress are all concrete steps in the project management process that students need to know. If they can manage a group science project at age 12, they can run a laboratory successfully at 40. Given the concrete training in handling people, understanding the technical aspects of the work and knowing the steps of project management, Latino students can succeed more easily. Instruction in both process and content assures that students will have the skills needed to do the group work, instead of assuming they will magically learn them simply because the group project was assigned. Finally, continual feedback from and periodic, ongoing consultation with the instructor helps assure that the group-related skills have taken root and that the process and project itself are graded objectively and fairly.

These articles appeared online only in the 02/21/11 Issue


Arcela Núñez-Alvarez, Ph.D. Facing Hate, Promoting Humanity


by Sylvia Mendoza 2006-07, hate mail came nonstop to the office of Dr. Arcela Núñez-Alvarez at California State University-San Marcos (CSUSM). It wasn’t the first time she’d been targeted. But this time, the response was to her editorial commentary in a local newspaper on an immigration issue. Scathing e-mails and letters attacked her, saying she had taken advantage of the American system as an illegal immigrant, reaping the benefits of education and health care while she grew up here. “They knew everything about me,” says Núñez-Alvarez, a history professor and civil rights activist. “I didn’t feel safe.” Throughout her lifetime, Núñez-Alvarez has witnessed the bashing of immigrants, sometimes subtle, often blatant and, on occasion, violent. Racist hate crimes at the University of California-San Diego garnered national coverage in 2010. And hate messages were written around the Cal State San Marcos campus in North San Diego County. “There’s a new sense of fear,” Núñez-Alvarez says. “It seems as if we are taking so many steps backwards, as if we went back in time.” Addressing that fear and finding ways to restore dignity and pride to the Latino community is crucial to moving past the injustices. As interim director of the National Latino Research Center (NLRC) at CSUSM, Núñez-Alvarez is passionate about the center’s commitment to community outreach and awareness. The Oral History Project was launched with the belief that communities are built on personal contributions. Latinos’ personal stories validate their historical presence in a community. The idea of the Oral History Project is to preserve Southern California’s historic multicultural richness one person at a time – and Latinos are paramount in this history. With the help of the San Diego County Library, the grass-roots outreach effort travels from library to library and stays for several months in a given location. Elders in the community are invited to document and record their personal stories, which are captured through audio/video methods, letters, diaries, professional and business papers, photo albums and artifacts. The Oral History Project also provides an opportunity for cultural engagement when museums, college libraries, city halls, community centers and similar outlets preserve, recognize and exhibit different voices as part of community history. “History can become skewed if told and accepted from only one perspective,” she says. Despite negative media coverage, Latinos have to believe their individual contributions have helped build communities in this nation. “Our stories fit into a broader collective history. Inclusion reflects the multicultural society we live in. We can move away from differences and aim to find connection of humanity.” There is no bitterness when she speaks. Instead, Núñez-Alvarez speaks with confidence and the assurance that this is a way to validate Latinos’ positive presence in this country. “The ‘personal’ is core to history in this community, in this nation,” says Núñez-Alvarez. “How do we make everyone in our community feel valued? Where does your story fit in the growth of the U.S.? They all matter.”



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Dr. Arcela Núñez-Alvarez (l.), Interim Director, National Latino Research Center, CSUSM, with her mother

Skewed Perceptions Idyllic images of Mexico and California history intertwining are what Arcela imagined when she was growing up and taking history classes in her native Guanajuato. Her grandpa lived in the United States; his stories were all positive – that there was plenty of everything one could imagine, that no one had to worry about anything, that everyone lived in big mansions, had lots of clothes, and that there were grocery stores on every corner. Núñez-Alvarez believed her own positive impressions after learning about her homeland in relation to the U.S.-Mexican War. She was taught that Mexican citizens would have certain rights and guarantees after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, and California and Mexico would be positively connected. Culture shock awaited her when she moved to Escondido, a San Diego suburb. “That’s the story I heard there, but here, in high school and college, I heard the opposite – that Mexicans didn’t belong here, that I couldn’t speak Spanish, that I wasn’t welcome. History didn’t make sense. As an immigrant in the U.S., I had to figure out why history had been so skewed.” So poor was her family, their only hope was America. Her father had come many years before them. Her mother struggled. Despite all her labor, it was a desperate time. She sold everything they owned to move. Her family begged her to leave one or two of her six daughters behind to make the transition easier; she refused. Her mother inspired Núñez-Alvarez beyond measure. “My mom was actually the first female to migrate from our hometown. I never saw her have second thoughts, ever. She said, ‘I’m not going to give up my kids; they’re my responsibility. We all make it together or we all die together.’ We didn’t question her. We had no idea where we were going, nor did we have a choice.” Reality hit them even before they arrived. All their luggage was stolen in

Tijuana. They lived with an uncle for a month until they found an apartment. Her mother worked 12-hour shifts at a textile factory, walking there before sunlight with a purpose, says Núñez-Alvarez. “We were her purpose. She made the move and worked that hard for us. She believed we were here for a good education.” All the immigrants they came with had a connection to each other because the transition was not easy. At school, Núñez-Alvarez’s older sisters were placed in the ESL program, but at the elementary school, they did not know what to do with the incoming students. “A lot of the kids were being placed in special ed classes because we didn’t speak the language,” says Núñez-Alvarez. “Sixth grade was a waste of time. I just sat in the classroom and didn’t understand one thing that was taught.” But she had been a good student in Mexico and had solid math skills. With supportive teachers, by ninth grade she was placed in all college-prep classes. “I loved school. There was never a question about doing well. This was the unwritten expectation. We knew that’s why we were here.” Well known as the family of “those six girls” in the district, teachers and administrators helped them get donations of clothes, shoes and whatever they needed so they could concentrate on school. Because her dad had been a farmworker here in the late ’50s, NúñezAlvarez and her sisters were able to enroll in a migrant education program. It was their first introduction to college. One hundred migrant students from all over the state took part in a six-week immersion class at the University of California-Los Angeles to try a couple of classes and live on campus. “I took Chicano studies, wrote in the newspaper, was introduced to museums in Los Angeles,” she says. “That changed my life. That’s when I knew what I would do with my life.” Skewed Perceptions – Magnified As president of MEChA at her high school, Núñez-Alvarez was asked to make a presentation to the formal school board on behalf of the Mexican students. Her neighborhood was known as Little TJ (Tijuana), and her school was known as “the Mexican” school. Another school was about to open on the other side of town. People on the board said they wanted to redraw boundary lines of the district specifically so that Mexicans could not be bused over to attend the new high school, says Núñez-Alvarez. She witnessed the “great divide” – lots of Mexican families on one side of the room and White families on the other side. She saw faces that couldn’t connect to what she said, nor did they acknowledge the Mexican students as the individuals they had known for years. The controversy and buildup of hate and prejudice lasted for almost a year. “They said we were lazy and didn’t value education,” Núñez-Alvarez says. “We were straight-A students and were upset when we got B’s. They said Mexicans would bring violence to the new school. We just wanted to go to the best schools possible. Their perception was uncalled for, unsubstantiated and humiliating.” That incident opened her eyes to the truths they faced and raised her consciousness to a new level. Gone were the innocent images of a land of plenty for everyone. In the end, even though the new school was not segregated, the social perception of disparity affected Núñez-Alvarez for a long time to come. “To me, I saw freedom as White middle class and that’s what I wanted – yet there was such a big divide. It made me ask, ‘Well, where do we fit in here?”

Taking the High Road Today Núñez-Alvarez attempts to connect teaching with service to Latino communities through her work and personal convictions. With the National Latino Research Center educationally proactive in its approach to community enlightenment and advocacy, she has found a sturdy foothold on which change can take root. When the NLRC was chartered in 1990 and moved from San Diego State University to Cal State San Marcos, she joined the staff to try to develop the kind of research center that could help enable better understanding of Latino communities and their needs in useful, meaningful and practical ways. “We wanted to look at broader social contacts to find bigger issues.” Now it conducts and connects local and national research focused on Latinos. Its programs, projects, classes and outreach efforts have covered educational equity, partner violence, mental health, transportation problems, health, medical coverage, cultural competency, food stamps, juvenile justice, environmental justice, civic engagement and naturalization. The center has addressed safety and the issue of parents not sending kids to school for fear of repercussions, of being deported, of being targeted. Once the center takes on a project, it gathers quantitative and qualitative data and aspects of the given problem, works with agencies and community reps to solve that problem and provides copies of NLRC reports and fact sheets to legislators for action at the next level, when appropriate. Opposition is almost always expected for any given problem, says Núñez-Alvarez. For example, a community effort was once made to provide internationally recognizable identification cards issued by this country for Mexican citizens. An effort took place at a community church to register people for these standard ID cards. However, Minutemen lined the street with big American flags – but also with horrible signs, yelling the most inhumane and offensive things, she says. “Innocent people had to pass by them and be subjected to such hate. Moms pushed strollers with all the integrity they could muster, wanting to cover their children’s ears. What an impression on a 4- or 5-year-old. How do we preserve dignity in the face of that?” Yet her work with NLRC keeps her positive and forward thinking. She still believes there can be a great level of resilience and optimism. “As bad as it is, it’s a big source of motivation for change,” she says. “From an organizing perspective, these are precise moments we wait for – to expose the ugliness surrounding us.” Of concern are the many kids who feel disconnected, with no sense of belonging here or there, explains Núñez-Alvarez. However, many who participated in the 2006 walkouts, for example, experienced a whole new movement. Students are in a great position to tap into their potential, to figure out their place here and be a positive influence in their communities. In addition, if the younger generation can see its elders’ sacrifices and contributions in building U.S. communities, they might more readily connect the best of both worlds to their roots. Validating Latinos’ contributions to United States history through efforts such as the Oral History Project is one way to strip away prejudices, straighten skewed perceptions and get down to basic facts. Despite the hatred and heartache, ideally there is potential for a bigger sense of human connection. “This is a teaching moment in history,” says Núñez-Alvarez. “The divide teaches bigger lessons, expects more of us as individuals and will leave a legacy of civil rights.”

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Literature an Enduring Passion for Profe ssor Este r Gonzále z WOMEN/FACULTY

by Clay Latimer

ItClasses, exams, meetings – the routine routine.

was an ordinary day for most students at Johns Hopkins University.

But there was nothing mundane about it for Ester Gimbernat González, a young, ambitious literature student from Argentina. Filled with anticipation, she stepped for the first time into the campus library, a vast place where every section was lined with books she wanted to read or catch up on. “When the doors opened, I was so happy, I couldn’t leave,” she said. “I was in heaven.”

Ester Gimbernat González, Professor of Hispanic Studies, University of Northern Colorado, at the Senior Banquet last April

That was 1971. In time, González would enroll at Hopkins, earn a Ph.D, form lifelong friendships with her literature classmates and then embark on a career that eventually led her to the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), where today she shares her enduring passion for great books as professor of Hispanic studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies. Her résumé is filled with honors. In 2000, the school picked her for the Lucille Harrison Award, its highest honor, for a long career of professional excellence in teaching as well as in professional activity and service. In 2007, her Introduction to Hispanic Literature was named one of the top 10 Spanish literature courses in the nation by the College Board



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Advanced Placement’s course study conducted by the Educational Policy Improvement Center. The course has been a model for National Advanced Placement high school courses, both for content and teaching practices. The class introduces students to prominent contemporary writers and includes theater, novel, short story and poetry in translation. “I’ve taught this course a long time. I didn’t realize it was something different. So I was surprised,” she said. “In my class, we read and talk and write about Spanish literature. It’s a very demanding class. I choose one novel they have to read that is written in Spanish. They cannot take a novel that has been translated into Spanish. They have the final exam on that novel. “That adds something to that course. It’s a big, big change. They start the class, and the first two weeks they hate me. They finish the class, and they love me, saying, ‘Please send me a list so I can read more like this.’” González has also written four books on writers in Argentina, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries and contributed to two other books. To promote their works, she has invited them to UNC and other western campuses. And she is editor of Confluencia, a Hispanic magazine of culture and literature. Not only has González used her contacts with poets and novelists to bolster its reputation, but she also has encouraged young writers and artists to publish therein, achieving a mix that now includes contributors from Asia, Europe and Australia. “The journal was very small and modest when I took over in 1993,” she says. “I believe it’s come a long way. We don’t have a lot of subscriptions, but you can read it in many ways,” including online. “It’s an important part of my life.” González isn’t the only academician in the family. After studying at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina, in the early 1970s, her husband, Luis Jorge González, enrolled in the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Md. (Ester earned a Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins). He taught for a few years at Peabody and in Austin, Texas (Ester taught at the University of Texas), before accepting a position with the College of Music of the University of Colorado (CU)-Boulder in 1982 as a professor of composition and music theory (Ester took a job at Northern Colorado). During Luis Jorge González’s distinguished career, he has won the coveted International Wieniawski Composition Competition with his Unaccompanied Violin Sonata. He received a Guggenheim Fellowship (1978-79) and has received commissions from the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra, Colorado Music Festival, American Guild of Organists, Cosanti Foundation, Austin Music Festival, and many universities and performing ensembles. The Gonzálezes’ son is a Ph.D. candidate in literature at CU as well as a musician.

“He developed both of our interests,” Ester said. In 1971, Luis had accepted a 10-month fellowship to study at Peabody and, because he lacked a visa that allowed him to return to Argentina and leave again, the Gonzálezes didn’t plan on staying in the U.S. “My plan was to stay in Argentina,” Ester said. “In Argentina, there were hard times politically. It was dangerous.” Instead they stayed in the U.S., a change in plans that altered their lives, setting Ester González on course to become an American academician, a process that began with her first tentative visit to Hopkins’ library. “I couldn’t understand English at all – when I went to the library the first three or four times, I couldn’t find the books. One day, I got on the elevator and went down to the fourth floor. When the door opened and I saw all those books ... it was like Dante’s Inferno, you go down, down, down – except that it’s a paradise. “I couldn’t leave the library; I lived there for four years. I was there from eight in the morning until night. I had my desk, and I studied and studied. We were a very small group. Just 12 students in Romance languages. They are my family in this country. They are still very close friends.” After earning a master’s degree and Ph.D., González accepted a position at the University of Texas in the early 1980s, presenting a dilemma for the couple. “Luis didn’t have a job; he didn’t have a visa. He finished his Ph.D. dissertation and went to Argentina, and I stayed in Texas. I’m a happy person, but it wasn’t a happy situation in Texas.” The decision that changed their lives occurred when Luis accepted a position in Boulder and Ester took a job at Northern Colorado, about an

Ester Gimbernat González, Professor of Hispanic Studies, University of Northern Colorado, with student at UT-San Antonio

hour’s drive from Boulder. “At UNC, I felt right at home from the start,” she said. “I love it here. I love to teach, and I feel so young.” Meanwhile her husband’s music has been widely performed throughout the United States, and in South America, Europe and Japan. The Gonzálezes’ Boulder home, however, looks more like a library than a conservatory. “My library has spread to three rooms.”

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