February 27, 2014 | Volume 3, Issue 20 | State College, NBL
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THE nEcTar oF THE Gods page 2
editor's note
THe NeCTaR OF THe gODS Coffee has become the nectar of the gods for practically every college student. It’s remarkable Gamma Phi Beta what a little java can Editor-in-Chief do to your brain in the morning. Coffee has Jacy is a sophomore studying become imbedded into journalism. You may contact her at jacy_2012@hotmail.com. our culture. College students especially will meet up over a cup of Joe or center their studies around going to a coffee shop and gaining some extra caffeine to demolish their lab report.
We should all thank our founding fathers and their desire for independence because without their revolution from England we would probably all be drinking tea for our caffeine fix and gathering around for tea time on a daily basis. The Boston Tea Party changed the game of caffeinated beverages in the New World. The introduction into the Americas helped the coffee industry immensely as well. It nearly doubled the area where coffee could be produced. Brazil is now the biggest coffee bean producer growing, 2,609,040 tones (one tonne is 1,000 kilograms). Luckily, coffee in its natural state isn’t completely bad for humans. It’s those pesky creamers and sugars that we add in during the fogginess of the morning which makes coffee bad for us. Most creamers consist of no dairy. Therefore, what is in those tiny cups of golden deliciousness? Oils, sugar and thickeners are combined to make these no dairy creamers. Unhealthy trans fat which adds 10 to 20 calories, which may not seem like a lot but can soon add up.
If straight black coffee isn’t your deal then go the traditional way and simply add cream and sugar into your morning brew. Coconut milk or almond milk work as yummy substitutes too. It is possible to condition yourself to enjoy black coffee. Slowly decrease the amount of cream and sugar over time. This might now work for everyone, but to achieve hipster status this is crucial. Creamers can add extra calories to your favorite drink, but don’t go overboard because this can cause serious health affects. Most health risks are caused by the caffeine, which is the benefit of coffee for college students besides the yumminess factor. If you have ever went to donate blood, but have been turned away due to an iron deficiency it was probably because of the coffee you drank before. Another important factor that needs to be considered, particularly during finals week, is that caffeine can cause anxiety when taken in high doses. If you believe that the word will end if you fail a final, lay off the coffee, and caffeinated beverages, because after the withdrawals you will remember what reality is. In 2013, the Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that consuming more around 28 cups of coffee a week or around four a day resulted in an increase of mortality in people younger than 55. If this amount of coffee is needed to help you function then you probably want to think about cutting back on your coffee intake. Think about the amount of caffeine your body is taking in each coffee break. If you are a simple brewed person then a 7 oz cup contains 80 to 175 milligrams of caffeine. With an expresso shot 100 milligrams are added to the cup. These are important numbers to remember and consider the next time you start to reach for a second cup. It might not be necessary because it usually takes around 20 minutes to feel the full affect of the caffeine.
photographers Katie Miller
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta
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Delta Tou Delta
Contributing editor Brett Bergstrom Beta Theta Pi
Gamma Phi Beta
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Scene on campus
MICHELANGELO’S NEW DAVID Soap carving doesn’t seem like a hobby that just anyone can participate in. However, the Soap Carving Club at UNL is trying to prove that belief false. Ian Vosburg and Kirby Washburn started the club in 2009, and now Kelsey Loontijer, a senior biology major at UNL is the “Queen” (president) of the club.
Kelsey said. The club meets about once a month on a Monday at 9:30 pm in the Union.
Kara is a sophomore studying English and communications. You may contact her at karacosentino@gmail.com.
“The purpose is for people to have a creative, unique outlet,” Kelsey stated. “We really just want people to have fun trying something new and meeting new people. It’s also a great way to catch up with old friends you might not be able to see every week.” Loontijer got involved with the club her freshman year. And has been very involved with it throughout her college career. “Anyone can get involved with the group simply by showing up to a meeting! We also have a Facebook group, UNL Soap Carving Club, which anyone can request to join. All our meeting dates are posted there and we create events just as a reminder for everyone,”
“During the typical meeting you will walk up to the sign in table, pay $1.50 for the meeting (or $5 if you want to be a member for the rest of the semester), and we will give you a bar of Ivory soap and a pocket knife. Then you’re pretty much on your own to carve what you want! You can stay for however long you want. We also have pop, snacks and music. We will occasionally have competitions, often for holidays. In that case, we’ll let you know what the theme is and you can turn in your carving at the end of the night to be judged by everyone present. The three people with the most votes goes home with a random assortment of prizes. It’s all very laid back.” Not only are the meetings very laid back, soap carving is also a great stress-reliever. “A lot of people will just make ‘snow’ their first few meetings. This is just when you attempt to carve something and end up with just a bunch of really tiny soap scraps,” Kelsey said. Kelsey says even she isn’t a fantastic soap carver, but likes it for the fun and uniqueness of the hobby. With a smile, she said, “Practice makes perfect. Or at least something that’s halfway recognizable.” Sidenote: the pictures were taken by Kelsey. Thank you!
ideas debate & discuss
The TiMe CONSTRaiNTS OF COLLege Junior Year-yikes. Like I said, I’m at the point where I’m getting ready for real life.
The other day, I read a tweet from a sorority girl about her parents coming to Lincoln, and that was awesome to her because that meant they would
Meg RONSPIES Delta Delta Delta
Meg is a junior studying business administration. You may contact her at megsron04@live.com.
give her money. First off, she’s a senior. Second, what? I, too, am anxiously awaiting my chapter’s Parent’s Weekend, but for different reasons. I am looking forward to sharing my stories of independence and success with them. I want to show them a chapter I am proud of being in and all the accomplishments I have made during my time in it. College is the time to excel oneself, not to rely on others. I’ve learned in my three years here that this is all the time I have to prepare myself for the real world. Hence, I better eventually figure out how to grow up. However, college is hard. I think I have $2.57 in my checking account and have an electric bill due in a week. I had three tests this week. I work at 7:20 am every morning. It’s tough. There is a lot to balance. However, I’m proud of all these things. I’m proud I know the value of a dollar. I’m proud I can handle time constraints and make time to study. I’m proud I actually have a job. What can you say? I’m not throwing one of those “I’m not your typical sorority girl” stories at you, I’m legitimately saying, what can you say about yourself? Did you ace your last exam, or did you call your mom and ask for money so you can focus on more important things, like your Thursday night beverages? Are you taking advantage of more opportunities in your chapter than just your social events? Go back to your freshman year of college, or think about it now if you are a freshman. That’s the year to waste. Meet everyone, enjoy everything, you’re still 18 and you really do have no huge responsibilities. Plus, you still recently enjoyed putting that fat wad of cash from your graduation party in your bank account. Now, go to your sophomore year. You’re still young, you have plenty of time left, but you have to get yourself together. Class is important. School becomes a higher priority. Don’t forget that.
There is absolutely no reason my parents should be giving me money, as I should have learned the time constraints of college in the last two years. At this point, you’re realizing you have one year left here. That last year is the time to think about not wasting a second. So, get your act together now! This is the year that might actually matter. Really though, be proud of everything you’ve done or are doing in these four years. Realize what you want to do and where you want to be and go after those things. Real life is going to hit us all soon enough.
Scene on campus
say yEs To THE drEss: ForMal EdiTion
aBBeY WALKER Alpha Omicron Pi
Abbey is a sophomore studying fashion communications. You may contact her at awalker012@yahoo.com.
sister’s closets just lying around and it is the ultimate compliment to someone if you are so in love with their style to wear it. Plus, every girl has a different size and style that you will for sure find a dress that can compliment you in your own way as well. This option is the cheapest and by far the easiest because who wouldn’t want to go through your sister’s closets and maybe even try a new dress style!
With so many formals just around the corner, it is a hard process to try and
Finally, if you really just want to wow everyone at your next formal then actually go
find the perfect dress that no one else
straight to the top and go designer. I’m not talking about actually buying a $600 dress
has. Whether you are going to your own
that you’ll only wear a few times but you can get designer if you look for it. Rent the
sorority’s formal, another frat’s formal or
Runway is a website where you search through hundreds of designers and dresses
even both sometimes, you have to make
and rent whatever one catches your eye. It is an easy to navigate and extremely easy
sure you stand out and make every other
to find the right style for you. From
girl jealous and every guy look at you in
Dolce and Gabbana to Zach Posen,
the room. It gets hard sometimes since there
you can find whatever works
are very few stores in Lincoln that sell the
for you and the renting price is
best formal dresses or at least the one that
normally under $60. This site also
you are looking for, but honestly you have
includes jewelry, handbags, jackets
more options than you think.
and gowns. Honestly as a fashion
Your first option is making that short road trip to Omaha. It might seem totally out of the way for just one formal but Omaha has great stores that offer unique dresses that
major, this sounds like heaven to me!
no one in Lincoln will be able to get ahold of. Make sure you pay a visit to Westroads,
Formal can be a stressful time
which has Forever 21, Express and Von Maur. It’s always just a place to start the
to try and find the perfect outfit
search but make sure to also go downtown and comb through all of the exceptional
that will really make every frat boy
boutiques and little shops along the way because you never know what you’ll find
swoon but it really should just be
in all of the nooks and crannies of Omaha. But if you do not have success in Omaha,
about the good times you spend
on your way back, make sure you stop by the Nebraska Crossing Outlets in Gretna
with your friends. If you go all
because they are always a for sure find for at least shoes and jewelry, if not a dress.
the way to Omaha or just to the
If driving all the way to Omaha seems to be a little too much effort for formal, your next option is right in your own home! Think about it, every girl in your house has been to at least one formal in her time. There are just hundreds of dresses in your
closet next door, make sure to relax and have a great evening because college is only four, crazy years.
Lookbook fashion
Lookbook fashion
Lookbook fashion
sPrinG TrEnd GUidE HaNNaH SCHINKEL Gamma Phi Beta
Hannah is a junior studying textile and apparel design. You may contact her at hschinkel@ windstream.net.
Winter is often the season of bland colors and repetitive outfits consisting of skinny jeans, boots, sweaters and the occasional vest. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m just over it. Therefore, I came up with a strategy to bring life back to your everyday wardrobe and possibly bring on the next season—the best season. My motto is this: “Dress like it’s spring, and spring will come.” Consequently, I started wearing bright colors, flats instead of boots, and blazers instead of jackets. The first couple of times I did this, it was still 25° out. Which means I was freezing my butt off but I looked good so that’s all that matters. Now that spring is actually here, we can all break out the colors and finally put away our sweaters and boots. Here is a list of some trends seen on the runway at New York Fashion Week that we can and should implement into our wardrobes this season! 1) Pastel Colors I am actually really excited for this color scheme to make its way to the Midwest. I’m sure it will take a few months, but gosh darn-it let’s start it now! Something about pale colors is that even though you think it will wash you out, if you pick the right color for your skin tone, it can really accentuate your skin tone—whatever that may be. When I think of pastels, I instantly think of blush or pale pink. Although that is a beautiful color and surprisingly looks good on a lot of people, its not the only pastel there is! Mint green, sky or baby blue, lavender—these are all examples of beautiful pastel colors that look good on almost anyone and even work when paired together! So go on, mix and match and go crazy with pastels this spring. You won’t be sorry you did. 2) Dresses over pants This trend is pretty “high fashion” for most Midwesterners. Most people around us won’t feel comfortable making this trend happen, but for those that can and will—rock it girls! I know that in my closet, I have a few shirts that could either be a really short dress or a long shirt. This is most likely how this trend came about, and I actually love it. It instantly makes the “wearer” look trendy and it’s a way to wear your spring dresses in this awkward transition between winter and spring. If any readers try this, send me pictures! I’m curious as to how this trend is interpreted by different people
3) Pointed Nails When I first saw pointed on girls, it freaked me out. It kind of seems weird that a new shape of nails would be a trend. But if you look around to peoples’ nails in your classes (don’t be to obvious, that’s kind of creepy) you can see more and more girls going away from the typical “square” nail and branching out to the point. If you browse nail designs on Pinterest, this trend is very evident. There’s really a lot you can do with it, more designs and more embellishments. The only disadvantage to this trend is that you have to have long nails—or get acrylics. I’d say its super worth it. 4) Overalls Wait…what? The other day I walked into Forever 21 and to my utter displeasure, I saw overalls everywhere. I’m not so sure how I feel about this one but this is the epitome of what fashion is. Fashion is all about opinion and doing this outside the box. They always say what goes around comes around but I never thought MK and Ashley trends would come back around. 5) Boxy jackets This is another 90s trend that is making its way back to the runways. The cool thing about trends that come back around is that you don’t have to break your ‘college-girl budget’ to wear these. You can most likely find these trends in thrift stores such as Goodwill or vintage stores such as Home & Closet right here in Lincoln. 6) Collar button-downs Button-down tops aren’t necessarily a new trend. However at NYFW, button-downs are all the rage. Paired with skirts or jeans makes this trend more casual than wearing button-downs with only business pants. Be creative! 7) Tea-length skirts aka ‘Midi’ Something a lot of people don’t know about fashion is that new trends aren’t just new
Lookbook fashion
pieces of clothing or new colors, but it also includes new shapes or lengths of pants, skirts and dresses. One type of skirt that tried to make its way into the market last year was the tea-length skirt now commonly known as “midi”. I think this type of dress or skirt really brings a lot of class to one’s wardrobe. Thank God that mini-skirts are increasingly becoming unpopular. You are classy women, dress that way! 8) The “dressy” t-shirt My favorite. If I could wear a t-shirt every single day, I absolutely would. On the runway, these dressy t-shirts are paired with blazers, skirts, dress pants, tied over dresses—you name it. I love getting my basic tees from Gap because they have so many different colors and they are made of the softest cotton ever. You can also get these tees from Target, Old Navy, or really anywhere. 9) Wide-leg trousers If you must wear business or dressy pants, go for the wide-leg trousers. This shape really elongates your legs and surprisingly makes your waist look smaller (something we all love). 10) Florals…duh This one is a given, but comes around in a new way every spring. Floral will never go away so it’s better to start a good relationship with it now. I was talking to a friend of mine about this trend her words, “Floral…how original.” But really, what is a way that we can make floral not boring. Wear it in a new way—on pants, socks, tights, shoes, etc. I hope this helped you in your adventures into the world of fashion. Trends come and go, but style is an attitude. Remember the famous words by Marilyn Monroe, “ A smile is a girl’s best accessory.”
Sports local
Way Too Early MlB PrEdicTions Ahhhh--it’s almost that time of year again. With both pitchers and catchers reporting these last few Delta Tau Delta weeks and full rosters set Christian is a sophomore studying broadcasting. to report soon, America’s You may contact him at pastime is right around the christianfolsom@gmail.com. corner. With Boston’s miracle season last year following the Boston marathon bombings, baseball is coming off of a tremendous year. It seems like only yesterday the Red Sox clinched their eighth World Series victory. Don’t worry Yankees fans, we all know you’re jealous but you can get over that green monster this season. Or can you? Get out the white chalk, because this Major League Baseball season is soon to be underway!
National League East: Washington Nationals- With an insane pitching rotation and the youngest player in the game, Bryce Harper, the Nationals look to capitalize on their talents and win the East this year. Atlanta Braves- Coming off 96 wins last year, look to see the Braves clinch one of the wild-card berths as they will likely miss out on the top spot in the East by less than 3 wins. New York Mets- A great starting rotation, Matt Harvey and David Wright all combine to get 81+ wins this year for the first time in over six years. Philadelphia Phillies- Fallen from their previous dominance (winning the division every year from 2007-2011) the Phillies are riddled with age and not enough spark. 75 wins this year, if they’re lucky. Miami Marlins- Terrible franchise with owners that absolutely do not care about their team. Blew billions on a new stadium and manager two years ago that everyone hated and then traded away all of their talent. 65-70 wins, tops. National League Central
Chicago Cubs- What can I say that Cubs fans don’t already know? National League West Los Angeles Dodgers- Pitcher$, Infielder$, Outfielder$ and manager$. With the second highest payroll in the MLB, the Dodgers easily could afford to resign Clayton Kershaw. When you already have the best pitcher in the game, it doesn’t hurt to also have Yasiel Puig, Zack Greinke and Hanley Ramirez all coming back healthy for the first time in two years. If the Dodgers do not win this division, it may be considered one of the biggest wastes of money and pure talent of all-time. San Francisco Giants- As Husker fans we’re all accustomed to hearing about the dominance of the 90’s, but the San Francisco Giants are currently living it. The Tom Osbourne at the helm of this baseball powerhouse is none other than Bruce Bochy and he, along with his team, look to make it to their third world series in the last 5 years. Having won the world series in 2010 and 2012, if the pattern continues, they’re due for another this season. San Diego Padres- Things are on the rise for the Padres who are no longer the laughing stock of the West. 75 wins this year. Arizona Diamondbacks- The signing of Mark Trumbo will give them more fire power, but the Diamondbacks still have a long way to go. Colorado Rockies- Hey at least the Broncos did really well this sea---- oh. American League East Boston Red Sox- The champs are back and with the return of every major player, the Sox should be able to take the East. A weaker division without a truly dominant team, the Red Sox “blue collar” work ethic, as well as their pure hate for the Yankees should be enough to get it done. Tampa Bay Rays- Signing David Price was one of the bigger offseason surprises for the Rays. With a much older Yankees club, and a young squad, I don’t foresee any team other than the Red Sox really slowing them down this year. Maybe even a wild card.
St. Louis Cardinals- Yes, the Cardinals look as though they are on track to win yet another NL central title and with their current pitching staff and most players locked up in long term deals, they look to be just as good for the next few years at the very least.
New York Yankees- The good ‘ole boys have become just that—old. The Yankees proved this year that money cannot always buy happiness when they spent over $503 million. The Yankees will be lucky if they hit the 90 win mark this season, but hey, it is Derek Jeter’s last season.
Cincinnati Reds- With Shin-shoo Choo currently not a member of the Reds, I find it hard to see a way they can beat out the Cardinals for the division crown. However, the Reds return much of their lineup and look to try for one of the NL wildcard spots.
Baltimore Orioles- Chris “crush” Davis and his Orioles are back and if they can pickup any talented starter, they could contend for this division. But without that, they’re a 4th place team.
Pittsburgh Pirates- Andrew McCutchen will be back which is great news for Pittsburgh fans, unfortunately they have not been able to keep A.J. Burnett, which will realistically cost them any chance at the postseason.
Toronto Blue Jays- Jose Bautista, Jose Reyes and R.A. Dickey highlight this great lineup, but being in such a strong division top to bottom is what puts the Jays at the bottom.
Milwaukee Brewers- Now this is where the division significantly drops off in talent level. The Brewers are lucky to have Ryan Braun coming back, otherwise I do not think they would finish 4th in the Central.
Kansas City Royals- One of, if not the youngest rosters in all of baseball, has finally locked up a solid starting five. With the return of James Shields and Eric Hosmer (likely
American League Central
Sports local
candidate for the AL MVP) the Royals finally seem as though they have a legitimate shot at the division. Without a playoff appearance since their 1985 World Series championship on the back of George Brett, the Royals may finally play in October. Detroit Tigers- Last year’s Central champs, the Tigers boast one of the most stacked lineups in all of baseball. With two Cy Young award winners, Sherzer and Verlander, and also the best hitter in baseball, Miguel Cabrera, the Tigers are absolutely loaded. The major reason they may not clinch the Central is the loss of Prince Fielder, who, along with Cabrera combined for 243 RBI’s last season. Look for the Tigers to either clinch a playoff spot, or barely edge out the Royals for the division. Cleveland Indians- 92-wins last year, but it won’t happen again this season. The Indians have lost Kazmir and Jimenez as well as shifted much of their infield around to new positions. Never a good formula after having come off of so much success the season before.
American League West Texas Rangers- With addition of Prince Fielder, the Rangers may finally win one of those World Series they’ve been to. After having lost two times in 2010 and 2011, the Rangers are due. Oakland Athletics- Young, talented and balsy. Billy Beane went all-out this offseason, signing Yazmir and bolstering his bullpen. Depending on their success, he could be seen as a genius or an idiot come October. I still do not see a way they do not clinch a wildcard spot in the AL though. Los Angeles Angels- Third place sounds bad, but the Angels should surely make the playoffs this year as well as the other top two teams in the West. Arguably the best division in baseball this coming season, the West will be fun to watch.
Chicago White Sox- Chris Sale will help as always, but the Sox have not been able to duplicate their success from the 2012 season in which they challenged for the Central and lost it to the Tigers.
Seattle Mariners- The Mariners spent over $250 million to land Robinson Cano, Fernando Rodney and Corey Hart this offseason, but even with Felix Hernandez, 4th is pretty realistic. With the top three teams being so strong, the Mariners would be better off in almost any other division.
Minnesota Twins- Things look as though they could be improving for the Twins with the acquisition of Buxton and Sano, but as of right now, last place is exactly where they will finish.
Houston Astros- Fun fact: with their wins being 51, 55 and 56 in the last three seasons, the Astros have won just as many games in three years, as there are games in a SINGLE season: 162. Let that sink in.
Sports local
Gold medals, no medals, triumphs and disasters, the Olympics are always full of entertainment and inspiration. Growing up, Chi Omega my mother was an Olympic Bailey is a freshman studying fashion junkie, a gene that definitely design with communications. transferred to me. As the Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t games begin to slide into baileyjowilliams@gmail.com. their second half, I always feel a bit depressed when they come to an end. Why? Not only because my favorite athletic event is no longer available, but also because I love watching the athletes chase their dreams.
I love seeing the culmination of all their hard work put on stage for the world, and if it doesn’t go the way they hoped, their determination to finish the race or get back up again has always amazed me. But my absolute favorite part about the games, is realizing that all of those athletes were once beginners. I’m going to go ahead and make the assumption that not one of those athletes stepped onto the ice, slope, etc and was perfect right away. Gracie Gold didn’t land her triple lutz-triple toe on her first try, and I’m guessing Shaun White didn’t start shredding the half-pipe right away either. No, they had to start small and work hard for it. I once heard
a quote that went along the lines of, “Even if it a little step, make sure you take it.” As you watch the end of these Olympics and feel yourself become inspired and motivated, take a hint from the athletes you are watching. You can become great and conquer your dreams, but you’re going to have to start with baby steps. Maybe that’s signing up for voice lessons, or going to that club meeting you’ve always been too afraid to join. Yes, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is scary, but that vulnerability is what leads to greatness. And as you pursue your dreams, do not be discouraged by failure. Nothing is ever perfect on the first try. Stand back up, try again, and let your failure motivate you to be better the next time. Whatever you do, don’t let yourself get stuck on that first step. Whether its fear, insecurity, or maybe just lack of time, be strong enough to put all those worries aside. Because no one ever conquered their dreams with their everyday routine, and no one was ever “great” on their first attempt. You have the ability to own the world stage like an Olympian, you just have to find the courage to believe in yourself and do it. Article used for correct ice-skating terms http://www.boston2014.com/featured-skater-gracie-gold/
The list favorite things
MaMMa Mia!
If you love pizza as much as me you’re going to love this article. Since arriving at UNL two years ago I can safely say that I now know where all Sigma Chi the best pizza places are Joel is a senior studying around Lincoln. It’s no advertising & PR. You secret that I seem to binge may contact him at eat pizza as much as I am jpgiro@yahoo.com. slamming down drinks at the Rail every weekend but hey, who’s counting? The fact of the matter is that I seem to have a pizza addiction. Not the kind of addiction where I have to go to meetings but close. But I guess you could call me a pizzaddict.
While I do enjoy the occasional Canes’ or Mcdonalds run, pizza always seems to sneak its way into my head, into my wallet and into my stomach. During my first semester at UNL I spent over $1500 dollars on food alone and yes, pizza was the main culprit. While I’m ashamed for wasting my money on food there is something in pizza that can’t be explained. Maybe it’s the fact that pizza is as iconic to American history as the Statue of Liberty. Instead of that torch, Lady Liberty should be twirling some pizza dough but I digress. The word pizza was first used in 997 AD in a small southern Italian village known as Gaeta. While the pizza variation was different in those early times, people still had the same idea to put oils, sauces, and toppings on top of bread and call it pizza. It wasn’t until the early 1800’s where the modern pizza was conceived in Naples, Italy.
Pizza then made the long voyage to the United States through Italian immigrants and made its first appearance in 1905 in New York City. If you Chicago-natives didn’t hear that I said New York City not Chicago… It wasn’t until 1943 when a variation of the original pizza became widely known as deep-dish was introduced at Pizzeria Uno in Chicago, IL. If you want a calculation, that’s 38 years from the time pizza was conceived in New York City until Chicago’s acclaimed “deep-dish”. However if you’re a true lover of pizza you will accept and eat all types of pizza and leave it at that. While I can’t count the number of times I day-dream about pizza I can safely say that pizza is always a good choice when eating out or staying in. How can you go wrong with a food that was made to be shared? If that doesn’t convince you, think about how many late nights you stumbled into the dorms or the Greek houses and instantly thought about dialing Picklemans’ or Dominos. I’m sure the answer was often. If you can’t get enough of pizza there are some other options out there for all you pizzaddicts. Pizza Hut is still selling their scented cologne but I warn you to avoid the campus cats while wearing it. I have attached a list of all the best pizza joints you should try out and yes I added the phone numbers for those blurry Friday and Saturday nights you’ll be experiencing. Enjoy! Piezano’s 2740 South St - (402) 474-3355 Yiayia’s 1423 O St - (402) 477-9166
500 words on pop culture
LaTe NighT ChaNge UP Out with the old and in with the new. This expression clearly states the transition currently happening in late night television. After 22 years, Jay Leno is leaving “The Tonight Show,” with Jimmy Fallon, current host of “Late Night,” taking over.
Danielle is a sophomore studying broadcasting / journalism. You may contact her at dani.wilkerson@aol.com
Leno first began hosting “The Tonight Show” in 1992 and has held on to the top spot in ratings for many years. This transition however, came about with the current threat of stolen ratings from “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Earlier this year Jimmy Kimmel’s show was moved up from midnight to 11:35 pm, which made NBC think about what was happening on their station at that time. Fallon, who has hosted “Late Night” since 2009, brought something new and unique to late night television, something Leno couldn’t deliver. Lorne Michaels, currently the executive producer for Fallon, will make the transition with him, as well as staying with “Saturday Night Live.”
“The Tonight Show” will return to 30 Rock in New York. The show hasn’t been taped there since the Johnny Carson days in 1972. Leno made his exit known though. Going out on top like he always wanted. Leno’s farewell show had a total of 14.64 million overall viewers. This was the show’s largest overall audience in more than 15 years. This season in general was up a total of 16% for overall viewers as well. Why the transition then? He stated he felt like it was time to pass the show on to someone new. He released a statement saying, “Congratulations Jimmy. I hope you’re as lucky as me and hold on to the job until you’re the old guy. If you need me, I’ll be at the garage.” Leno told the “New York Times” he feels better about this transition, referencing the short lived take over by Conan O’Brian and him getting a primetime slot. “The main difference between this and the other time is I’m a part of the process. The last time the decision was made without me. I came into work one day and…. you’re out.” Fallon was a guest on Leno’s final week to show how smooth and harmless the transition is. Fallon is ready to take over. With big names lined up for his first week, including Will Smith, U2, and frequent and favorite guest, Justin Timeberlake. He assured fans the show will stay the same, just grow as he grows. So expect the same humor and bits as before just in a new time slot.
Call me a hopeless romantic but I just want to see a pinning that features the lyrical stylings of Sisquo’s “Thong Song”.
It’s Presidents’ Day.. We should be celebrating that instead of sitting classes
A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.
“Go to sleep.” Do you think I’m voice activated?
Maybe I don’t let myself sleep so I can have something to talk about in the morning.
teen wolf: “tonight’s the coldest night of the year. it’s going to drop to the 20s!” HAHAHAHA @Rachel_Foxwell
When people ask me do I even lift bro, it’s like have you seen how many bags of groceries I can get at one time from my mom’s van?
“I’m not a barbarian.”
done hiding from you all. you guys deserve to know the truth about me. i was the fastest typer at LHS. glad i got that out~
When Taco Bell doesn’t put the sauce on my cheese quesadilla it’s basically ruined
The majority of texts I get from my mom are photos of her coffee with the word “Yummm.” At least I know where my addiction started.
Why is Swiffer not sponsoring the US Olympic Curling team?
My mom just added me on snapchat. What is life.
My Olympic bobsled would be sponsored by @TacoBell, resembling the traditional beefy burrito & named the American Supreme #Sochi
Naps are definitely the most important thing in college.
@WeAllKnowA We all know a girl who loves whales named Hannah
The first time a girl walked up to me and gave me her number I didn’t know what to do so I ate it.
I’m pretty bad at snapchat because I’m never not in a dark room watching Netflix and eating Oreos.
Made it to McDonalds before breakfast ended..today’s a win already
Had no idea Snoop was naming ice skating moves these days. #TWIZZLE
there’s just something odd about screaming ‘MERICA!’ while watching olympic figure skating
“You respect dibs, don’t you?”
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