February 13, 2014 | Volume 2, Issue 18 | Norman, OK
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editor’s note
aRe YOU a ZOMBIe? COSMO QUIZ TIME!! Are you a modern-day tech zombie, wasting countless hours of your life doing Alpha Gamma Delta completely unproductive Editor-in-Chief things? Or are you still confused as to what a Tweet Haley is a senior studying is? Take this quick quiz to classical languages. You may see where you fall! contact her at hmowdy@ou.edu. 1) You’re at dinner with your boyfriend and your phone buzzes. You: a. Reach into your purse, see that it isn’t urgent and get back to your conversation. b. Even though it isn’t super urgent, you figure you’ll go ahead and text back right away…so you don’t forget. c. Switch over from Campus Life to send a message, then immediately switch back. What? He’s playing Angry Birds! 2) You check your Facebook: a. Weekly? Maybe? b. A couple times a day. I like to keep updated with what is going on with my friends. c. Um, when I’m standing in line, or waiting for a class, or walking to class, or, oh wait, I got a like! 3) What’s your TTF (Tweet-to-Follower) Ratio? a. Erm, what? b. I try to limit my Tweets to roughly the number of people I have following me—only relevant stuff. c. I have way too many important things to say to care about how many people read me! I’ve been picked for Tweets of the Week like 12 times! 4) How many social media accounts do you have? a. I have Facebook, and…does MySpace count?
b. Just the important ones: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (for my food pics!) c. I have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, and I manage social media accounts for my chapter too! 5) Finish the sentence: Social Media is… a. A necessary evil that I use to stay connected with the people I care about. b. A source of gossip, entertainment and communication. c. Practically the only way I communicate! Count up how many of each letter you have to determine where you fall in the categories below! Mostly A’s: You’re technologically illiterate. While technology can be incredibly seductive and time-consuming, it can also be a great resource for information, and not just about your friend’s boyfriend’s roommate’s fraternity’s kegger. Try spending a little more time on social media platforms, but use them for productive means! Some options: find a long-lost friend, check out your favorite organization’s page for links to relevant articles or network with some alums in your field of interest! Mostly B’s: You’ve got the right idea! Balance seems to come naturally for you. You know how to use social media for both work and play, but you haven’t let it take control of your life. With you, social media is firmly in your control. Be careful to watch for signs of impending technological addiction, though, and nip it as soon as it starts! Mostly C’s: You’re a walking technology nightmare! You probably spend more time talking to people on Facebook, Twitter and through text than you do in real life. It’s probably time to admit it and cut out the tech addiction. If you find yourself itching for your phone the moment it buzzes, or spend more time shopping for clothes on Campus Life than you spend doing homework, you need to reevaluate your technology usage before it negatively affects your productivity. Instead of reaching for your phone the moment it sounds, try budgeting your time so that you only respond to texts once an hour, and to emails once a day. That way, you can compartmentalize your time and make sure that you’re not wasting your life in front of a screen.
Rachel Campbell
editor-in-Chief Haley Mowdy
Jessica Schaefer
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Chi Omega
editor-elect annie Roach
Recruitment Chair Hunter graham
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Contributing editors
pR Chair Dea pennington
alex Bare
Delta Delta Delta
Alpha Chi Omega
Pi Beta Phi
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campus connections
Wi t h i n p o p c u l t u r e and throughout college campuses, fraternities and sororities are often portrayed as the epitome of manhood and Alpha Gamma Delta w o m a n h o o d , s t re s s i n g traditions of brotherhood Beth is a junior studying psychology. a n d s i s t e rh o o d . W h i l e You may contact her at ba@ou.edu. these traditions define what make these organizations great, it’s important to stay up to date with the world around us, especially when it comes to issues of gender.
Times are changing, definitions and tolerances are expanding and the freedom of gender expression is now a very real part of college life. What better way to learn more and apply more to our lives in the Greek system than through taking one of the many Women and Gender Studies (WGS) classes offered at OU? Although fall of 2013 was my first semester at OU, I already appreciate the benefits of taking a WGS course. The experience came unexpectedly. I needed an English credit and Expository Writing was the most attractive option. When scrolling through the options for subjects, the course Transcending Gender taught by Professor Eric Bosse stood out and sparked my curiosity. I knew the writing prompts would be interesting, to say the least. My decision to join the Greek community came later and I had no idea these two choices would affect each other as I learned more about each. As I poured myself into all the traditions, clichés, and fun of my sorority, I found
myself faced with the stereotypes and expectations I’d always known would come with Greek life. However, being in the Transcending Gender class gave me a new lens with which to view everything. I discovered that some traditions could be considered outdated in terms of feminist values. I also noticed that certain rules prevented more open and unique gender expression, and certain expectations of both fraternities and sororities could be harmful toward women. What I observed, at first, was simple but the ability to take a new perspective on gender in relation to social structures social structures and apply that to my experiences in Greek life developed into a vital tool for making personal changes. However, I realized that real understanding and progress would only result from a larger number of people being exposed to new persepctives on gender. When asked about the benefits of taking WGS classes, especially for those involved in Greek life, Professor Bosse stated that, “WGS classes could prove invaluable to students in the Greek system, since these classes tend to cast a critical eye on the traditions and conventions our society hands down to us, especially as those traditions and conventions relate to gender, power and privilege. If a few people in sororities and fraternities were to take the perspectives and lessons from gender studies classes and apply them within the Greek system, there’s potential for some powerful and empowering change there.” Now, I see the world differently and I see my chapter, and other Greek chapters, differently. I see their value as a community along with their current structural flaws, and, most importantly, their potential. Taking more WGS courses would benefit us, as individuals, by teaching us more about ourselves and others. What better way to help the organizations you love than by being informed and understanding and respectful toward every person willing to love and be a part of them.
PROS AND CONS OF GRADUATING EARLY Upon talking to my friends after seeing an a d v i so r l a st se mes ter, I noticed that a lot of advisors were suggesting that students take the opportunity to graduate early whenever possible. While the thought of graduating OU a semester early may seem daunting and scary to some, there are definite pros and cons to the decision.
recognition for their seniors. This might leave you feeling left out or sad.
An article in the Huffington Post mentioned that the last semester of college provides students with many developmental and social experiences that are essential to life after college. The last semester of college also gives many students the opportunity to take classes outside of their majors or to discover new interests.
Kelsey is a junior studying public relations. You may contact her at Kgosdin@ou.edu.
If you do find yourself staring at your advisor in utter disbelief, there are other options. Having a semester to spare could mean having the opportunity to intern in your field of choice or to study abroad. After some research, it’s clear there is no “right” answer the fits everyone. The situation is always different.
Alpha Omicron Pi
The biggest consideration for most people when deciding to graduate early is financial. For those working their way through school, an extra $5,000 doesn’t sound bad. Another positive of graduating early is that you get a head start in the job market. You could enter the workforce half a year early and start to pay off student loans and live independently. If you see grad school, med school or law school in your future, graduating early could give you extra time to apply to schools and take entrance exams. Did I mention it saves money? However, there are some cons to graduating early. Because the majority of students do graduate in the spring, many companies base their hiring calendars around that. There is also the possibility that some graduate programs only offer fall entrance. Second, graduating early requires saying goodbye to activities and friends. Many Greek and non-Greek activities often have senior week activities and
For example, Hailey Thompson graduated from OU this past December. “I wanted to start my career and start getting paid,” she said. “I was out of classes to take and I wanted to move.” To anyone else considering graduating early, Hailey advises you to “consider the fact that December is a really hard time to get a job. Everyone is out for the holidays and not many positions are open and available in January.” I also talked to Hannah Van Amburgh, who recently decided to graduate next December. “The first reason I decided to graduate early was purely credit-based, since I didn’t have enough classes left to take to drag out graduation until next May. I, eventually, decided it would save money and be more beneficial for me to try finding professional work experience early, rather than paying for more classes I wouldn’t put much effort into.” When I asked Van Amburgh what advice she has for those deciding to graduate early, she hit the nail on the head. She said, “I talked to a lot of different people before eventually deciding to graduate early and it was helpful for me to hear tons of perspectives and pros and cons. I would definitely encourage anyone unsure about graduating early to discuss all of the possibilities through with family, friends, advisors and professors.”
debate & discuss
Something that is super common these days is for two people to be stuck in that awkward limbo between being a little more than friends but a little less than boyfriend/ girlfriend. Maybe you’ve gone on a few dates, but aren’t sure if they were actually dates. Maybe you want a relationship but you don’t know how the other person feels. The biggest problem is that one person doesn’t know how the other person feels and they don’t want to be the one to bring things up first. This leaves room for all sorts of problems because neither person actually knows what the other person wants. This is why defining the relationship, or “DTRing” is so important. Here are some reasons why you should DTR. You won’t miss out on any opportunities. This person could potentially be the one for you. But you won’t ever know that unless you determine whether or not you’re actually a thing. If you wait around for the other person to bring up the discussion, it may never happen. You could end up drifting apart or just feeling super awkward because neither of you knows how to act around the other. Things could potentially come to an end since neither one of you actually knows what the other person wants. Don’t miss out on something great because you’re too worried that you’re going to get embarrassed by bringing up the topic first.
You’ll know what you both want and if your plans line up. You probably already know what you want out of the relationship and how you Alpha Chi Omega feel about the other person, Jessica is a sophomore but you don’t know what studying public relations. You may contact her at you’re potential S/O wants. jessica.m.schaefer-1@ou.edu. It’s even more important to know whether or not your desires match. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, but he/she isn’t, then you most likely don’t need to be spending your time dating. I know it’s important to explore all options, but if your plans don’t line up then it isn’t worth it. You need to talk about what you each want, then go from there.
You’ll know what to expect. One of the reasons it’s so important to DTR your relationship is that you’ll know what you can expect from the experience. Maybe he or she wants to date for awhile and then get serious. Maybe, if both parties are ready, you just want to jump into a relationship. DTRing helps you both figure out what you can each expect down the road. Defining the relationship can be one of the best things you can do with a person you’ve been seeing. It can help to eliminate the awkwardness and turn your relationship into something more. On the flip side, it can also make you realize that you’re just wasting your time. Don’t leave yourself in the weird unknown.
FeBRUaRY 14 It’s that time of year again, when all the lights and Christmas decorations come down to make way for heart shaped boxes filled with chocolate, while pink and red streamers are scattered everywhere. While being someone’s Valentine is awesome, I can’t help but feel that college is a little bubble where receiving candy and flowers on Feb. 14 doesn’t actually matter. Yeah, in high school it was always exciting to be the person who received the most carnations out of everyone in your class. And when you’re married, hopefully you’re husband has a real job and can spring for the good stuff, like jewelry. In college, when you receive anything on Valentine’s Day, you really don’t have the bragging rights you once had because we’re adults. It might be because the Valentine gift is probably more about the thought then it is about how much money he spent on your gift. If you went to Catholic school, like me, you’ll know that Valentine’s Day came about because this guy named St. Valentine was martyred. If you think about it, that’s actually a pretty weird reason to celebrate a day about love. I don’t want to deal with the complaining of those who don’t have a Valentine and the gloating of people who do. If you didn’t get
a ring, I don’t want to hear about it.
I’m not saying I hate the Alpha Omicron Pi holiday, I just don’t think Kate is a sophomore it’s practical. And there are studying marketing. always those in-your-face You may contact her at Kate.E.Jenkins-1@ou.edu. people who, for the week leading up to Valentine’s Day and two weeks after, only talk about what they did or didn’t get and who they were or weren’t with. Everyone has emotional baggage and no one wants to deal with yours, too. To bring back some whimsical positivity to this article, here’s what’s good about Valentine’s Day: everyone tells you they love you; you get presents; it’s totally acceptable to eat chocolate all day; you get to wear the color red and that color looks super good on you. If you are one of those people who actually makes Valentine’s Day not about you, you’re doing the holiday right. Valentine’s Day is the one day out of the year that is about loving the people you’re with. No one really cares about cards and flowers. People just care about the fact that someone took time out of their busy day to think of them. I think Valentine’s Day should come more than once a year, based on the fact that everyone, well almost everyone, just wants to let someone know that they are loved and that people do care. If more people during their relationship acted like everyday was Valentine’s Day, I’m thinking relationships would be happier. Valentine’s Day is a day full of giving and receiving. Giving chocolate, receiving flowers, saying I love you to the first person you see when you’re at the bars... It’s a whole day dedicated to appreciating the people you’re with and letting them know you’re thinking of them. Sure, card companies are making a ridiculous amount of money off of you, but if it’s in the name of love then it’s all good with me.
debate & discuss
TIPS FOR DATING WOMEN Having trouble keeping your girl interested after the first date? Is your girl getting mad at you for, seemingly, no reason? Then these rules could really help you. Below, are five basic rules for dating women.
5. Ask to hang out during the daylight. If you wait until after dark to ask to hang out, your nice gesture may come off with bad intentions. No girl wants a text or call at 11:30 p.m. to come hang out. No girl wants to think she is just a booty call.
1. Ask her out yourself. Please, don’t have your friend go tell the girl you like that you think she is cute. Go tell her yourself and ask her out on a really rad date. Okay, now you have her. What now?
Delta Delta Delta Hunter is a freshman studying nursing. You may contact her at hgraham@ou.edu.
Here are some tips if you want bonus points.
2. Open the door for her. Cars, buildings or whatever has a door. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way in a girl’s book. Opening a door for your girl (or any girl, for that matter) just starts your date on the right foot. Not too many guys open doors for their dates anymore so be the needle in the haystack that actually does. Prove that chivalry isn’t dead. 3. Pay. Always pay on your first date. I’m not telling you to pay for every single meal that you eat together from your first date until you die, because that could get really expensive, but for sure pay for the first date. You don’t want to come off cheap, even if you are cheap. 4. Send nice messages throughout the day. The “good morning” and “goodnight” texts are expected between couples today. It is definitely a good way to start and end the day, but something as simple as, “I’m thinking about you, I hope you are having a good day” is just as good.
Bring flowers. For the first date, if you want to make a good impression, but you can’t think of a way to wow her...Bring her something as simple as flowers! After the date is over, she will have those flowers for at least a week to look back on the fun night she had with you. Fill up her gas tank/other nice gestures. It is not necessary to fill up your girlfriend’s gas tank every time she is running low on gas, nor is it necessary to make nice gestures every time you are going to hang out. Every once a while “just because” presents are always welcome. Don’t be clingy. Girls can be guilty of being clingy, too, but texting all day and hanging out at night will get old, fast. Pretty soon, you may find yourselves getting tired of each other because you spend too much time together. Try not texting all day and hanging out every other day. It can help your relationship last longer. To sum up: watch a rom-com/chick flick and do what the guys do in that movie. That’s where girls get all of their crazy expectations from, anyways.
EVERYONE IS GETTING ENGAGED! Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is getting engaged? I cannot begin to count how many Alpha Gamma Delta Courtney is a senior candle-lightings I’ve been studying public relations. to and seen pictures of just You may contact her at within this last semester, blossey.courtneyrose@ou.edu. not to mention the number of social media posts I’ve seen of friends flashing photos of their fiancés and the rock on their finger. I’m not condemning getting engaged while in college. Many of my greatest friends have gotten engaged or are in very committed relationships. However, I can’t help but wonder why there is such an excess of engagement announcements.
I certainly extend very deep, genuine congratulations to all newly-wed and engaged couples. This is a sacred and deep commitment that can give you many blessings in your future. What follows is simply my personal opinion. As a hopeless romantic, I love sappy, cheesy, classic relationship stories. I fully expect and look forward to a man getting down on one knee – after asking my father’s permission, of course – and asking me to spend my life with him. There seems to be a pre-conceived notion that we have to have our life together by the time we graduate from college. This is a true notion in many respects, but it’s not clearly defined. What exactly does it mean to have your life together? Many people take it to mean graduating, landing a job, living successfully on your own and pursuing a relationship. However, this is a great deal of pressure to take on.
Life after graduation doesn’t mean you have to have everything figured out. Yes, actively pursue getting a job, but don’t feel like your entire life has to be set. You’re young, so what’s the rush? One of my dear friends passed an article my way by Vanessa Elizabeth titled, “23 Things To Do Instead Of Getting Engaged Before You’re 23.” While I can’t say I agree with everything the author suggests, I found the article very compelling (online at wanderonwards.com). Elizabeth suggests various feats to accomplish before you settle down with your true love. Her article allowed me to look within and realize that I, too, have various things I want to do before tying the knot. I encourage you to make a realistic list of what you’d like to accomplish and check them off. You can “be together” without “being together” with someone. So enjoy the here and now. Collegians tend to romanticize about meeting their soul mate in college. Some of us are meant to, but not everyone. Embrace who you are and where you are. And if you find yourself un-engaged after college, don’t lose hope! Your whole life is in front of you, and the world is at your feet. If you’re ready for an engagement during college, or right out of college, I applaud you! For others, it will come naturally, over time. My best advice is to not rush things. Regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or single, take your time. I’m a firm believer that God has chosen someone for each of us in His own timing. Celebrate your friends getting engaged and embrace your current status. Whether you’re single, in a relationship or engaged, don’t let college dictate where you should be in life. Take time to enjoy who you are and where you are.
business: Career
NOT JUST FOR FOUR YEARS, A LIFETIME Talk of internships, jobs and going into the real world has started to become a reality in my Delta Gamma life. All of the talk about Morgan is a sophomore growing up makes me want studying public relations. You may contact her at to stay in college for as long Morgan.L.Brunelli-1@ou.edu. as possible and I’m only a sophomore. While growing up is simply something that has to happen in our lives, those in the Greek community have something special when going out into the real world.
While you may think that being part of a sorority or fraternity only lasts for your four years of college, that’s not always the case. Being part of the Greek community can benefit you long after your college years. For starters, once you are initiated into your sorority or fraternity, you are part of this special sisterhood or brotherhood bond for life. After college, this can include reunions with members from your university’s chapter or meeting new members of your sorority or fraternity from other chapters around the country. You will always have that initial bond with those who share the same letters as you, regardless of the school you attended. Being a part of the Greek community offer numerous networking opportunities.
Remember the terrifying realization about having to find internships and a job in the near future I mentioned earlier? Well, you’re in luck, because you’re certain to have older members in your chapter, with the same major, who have dealt with the stressful of landing the perfect internship and job. Chances are, these older sisters or brothers would be willing to give you advice to help you land a killer internship. After talking with some older members in my sorority, I’ve gathered some tips to help you land a great internship. Start by researching different companies online you would be interested in working for, whether it’s for the summer, a semester or for good. Everything you need to know about the company and applying for an internship should be accessible on their website. Always continue to update your resume whenever joining a new organization or receiving any sort of recognition. Always submit your resume with a tailored cover letter. This is your chance to let the company know why you want to work for them and the reasons why you are qualified for the internship or job before your interview. Rock your interview. Be familiar with the company and what they stand for, dress to impress and most importantly, be yourself. Landing an internship during your college career will help you find your perfect job after college. That special bond you share with your brothers or sisters will last a lifetime. And who knows, maybe one of your future bosses will be a brother or sister.
10 WAYS TO CREATE THE PERFECT COVER LETTER Since we are students with limited amount of workforce experience, a killer cover letter along with your resume can really get you noticed. Here are 10 quick tips to creating a cover Pi Beta Phi letter that stands out to potential Dea is a junior studying public employers. relations. You may contact her at Keep it short, sweet and to the dpenn@ou.edu. point. Hiring managers do not have the time or desire to read pages upon pages of information about someone they are hiring as a part-time intern or entry-level employee. Keep your cover letter at a page or less. Many believe the three-to-four-paragraph rule is the best way to go. Tell a story. Your cover letter is the best way to tell your personal story since it cannot be listed on your resume. Maybe you have a particular reason you chose the major. Perhaps you participated in a leadership activity that changed your outlook on your career. If there is any way you can humanize your application, this is the time to do it. For example, I lived in eight different cities in six different states before entering high school and, in many of my cover letters, I explain how my background has made me “not only receptive to change, but also a curious student, personable individual and quick learner.” These are skills that I wouldn’t necessarily share on my resume, but are perfect for my cover letter. Use metrics. Everyone is going to say they are a “great candidate for the position.” However, if you have numbers to prove it, use them in your cover letter. You may have run social media for an on-campus club and gained over 300 followers, were on the executive board for an organization of more than 100 people, or you helped organize an event with over 1,000 attendees. Business often comes down to metrics, rather than emotion, so include some metrics in addition to your story. Avoid overused phrases. “I am very hard-working.” “I’m determined and persistent.” “I’m definitely a team-player.” “I’m a people person.” “I will take on any challenge.” “I’ll do anything.”
“I am the perfect fit for this position.” Yeah, you and the rest of the world. Google a thesaurus and find some more dynamic and unique ways to describe yourself. Use the appropriate contact name. You would be surprised how many students send in their cover letters adressed “to whom it may concern.” If you do not know the contact to whom you are sending your letter, call the company and find out. This phone call shows that you care about the quality of the information you are sending the company and it provides an opportunity for you to get your name out there. Be sure to state your name clearly, as well as the position you are applying for. Also, catch the name of the individual you are speaking to (if it isn’t already the hiring manager). You can use this to your advantage in my next bullet point. Name drop. If you have previously come in contact with an employee in the sector of the company you are applying for, use their name in your cover letter. As I stated above, even if you only catch the receptionist’s name, use it. In your first paragraph, include how you spoke with this individual previously. This hooks the reader and shows how you care about the company and your potential colleagues. Remember, it’s not what you know but whom you know that will take you far. Do not regurgitate your resume. You send in your resume with your cover letter most of the time so it is completely unnecessary to list your past experiences. Instead, explain how your past experiences prepared you for the position you are applying for now. Your cover letter is not all about you. In today’s economy, employers are looking for candidates with skills that will help the company as a whole. In your cover letter, make your stories and metrics correlate with the job description. Do not use a canned version. You may not love taking the time to research and write a new cover letter for every place you apply to, but it is part of standing out as an applicant. You need to know about the company, its people and the specific job description to create the perfect cover letter. Using the same cover letter for every place you apply to is going to make you seem unenthusiastic and uninterested, compared to those who take the time to do their research. Peer review. Always have someone else read and edit your cover letter before sending it in. There is no reason to have misspelled words or grammatical errors. Well, there you have it, 10 tips for creating the perfect cover letter. Take your time and remember that quality over quantity always wins when applying for jobs.
business: Career
As college students, we all know how difficult and stressful serching for a job after college can be. In this difficult market, you need to think about all possible options and focus on a smarter approach to finding a job. The key to any successful venture is to establish yourself early. What better time than during the four (or five) years of college? If you are like most job seekers, you follow the same traditional routines when looking for work. You search the Internet, magazine ads and journals related to your field of study. Next, you prepare a nice cover letter and practice interview questions. However, nowadays, this approach may not be as effective. Employers are looking for more than someone who can answer a few standard interview questions. They are looking for people who show promising professional characteristics along with a strong desire to learn and grow in their career field. The key to a successful business venture begins by establishing yourself in the professional field early. This begins in college. Even if you are not interacting with an actual business organization, joining several different organizations on campus allows you to develop communication skills and also serves as a resume booster. Additionally it allows you to learn to become acquainted and familiar with different groups of people. Find a way to make yourself more familiar with the people who are doing the hiring. Ask them questions. Show interest in their company and in them as a person, and, most likely, they will return that interest. Start making connections while in college. This could be as simple as getting to know your professors. They are very influential people who always “know a person who knows a person” in your field of study. Professors are also excellent people to go to when looking for professional recommendation letters. If you, as a student, participate, show interest during class and communicate with them outside of class as well, then professors are going to be a lot more willing to write a recommendation letter. This helps to get a foot in the door, and a bit of a
confidence boost when going in for the interview.
Take on a leadership position—or two. Holding a leadership position in college Alpha Phi gives you experience in time Christina is a sophomore management, teamwork, and studying advertising. also how to communicate in a Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t c.l.ortyn@ou.edu professional way. Plus, having various responsibilities while in college will make the transition into the real world less of a shock when the time comes. Another thing you can do is work your network. Many first-time job seekers want to snag their first job on their own to prove their independence and ability to conquer the professional world. However, the goal is to get a real job and this is more difficult that many would think. After a few months in your new job, no one will care or remember how you got there. The important thing is that you did get there. This is one of the many benefits of networking while still in college. As stated earlier, there is always a benefit of knowing someone who knows someone else. Many students land summer internships and post-graduation jobs by having family and/or friends in a particular business organization. So, go out and do some networking. College is a once in a lifetime experience that lasts for only four years. Yes, it is important to “live life to the fullest” during your time here. However, life does go on after the four-year party. So, while enjoying the perks of college life it is important to also focus on setting yourself apart from the other 30,000 students on campus. After all, they are going to become your competition when it’s time to look for a job. Do some networking, build your resume, and begin establishing yourself as a serious individual who is eager to learn, grow, and become successful in the professional world.
philanthropy & adventure
OKLAHOMA CARES ABOUT HUNGER One quick glance at the state’s statistics let’s you know Oklahoma cares about hunger. It’s a cause that often gets Chi Omega overlooked, but many towns Holly is a freshman studying in Oklahoma are stepping up journalism. You may contact her to do their part. Unlike most at Holly.E.Roberts-1@ou.edu. towns or regions, Norman’s food collection efforts aren’t just confined to one specific building, organization or food bank that’s responsible for obtaining nonperishable items destined for Norman’s less fortunate. Instead, Norman is abundant with churches and organizations full of servant-hearted people eager to help out.
The majority of the food banks in Norman are run by churches. Organizations like Trinity Baptist Church, Central Oklahoma Community Action Agency, Crosspointe Church and the Salvation Army of Norman all host food banks, constantly accept donations and are open to all people in need in the community. Most of these organizations have set hours when people can come to utilize the food bank and to donate goods. It says something about Norman that so many churches and organizations take it upon themselves to help out their city and community. Right down the highway from our beloved town is the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, located in Oklahoma City. According to their website, “more than 675,000 Oklahomans will wake up today and wonder where their next meal will come from.” This staggering image was enough to kick the founders of the Regional Food Bank into high gear. The nonprofit organization “provides enough food to feed more than 90,000 people each week – one-third of which are children.” The majority of
affected people that the Food Bank serves are working poor, children and elderly. Another eye-opening statistic from the bank’s website says “more people are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, than any other time in Oklahoma’s history and unemployment is at a five-year high.” Unlike the food banks in Norman, the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma does receive grants and corporate donations, as well as individual donations. In addition to locally donated food, (which is redistributed only to local people in need) the Regional Food Bank also gets nationally donated food from an organization called Feeding America –The Nation’s Food Bank Network. This nationally donated food is turned around, repackaged and shipped to the Bank’s affiliates in Texas, Kansas, and New Mexico. The Food Bank is very successful in making sure that financial contributions go directly to meeting their goal of ending Oklahoma hunger. According to their website, “our administrative and fundraising costs for fiscal year 2011 were less than 4 percent – allowing us to use 96 cents out of every dollar to feed the hungry.” That’s pretty impressive, considering the number of hungry people they try to reach! If you’re looking for somewhere to volunteer in the upcoming spring semester, any of these food banks would be happy to have your help! The churches and organizations in Norman run entirely with volunteers’ work and always need extra manpower. The Regional Food Bank also works extensively with volunteers and has a bit more structure. There is a link to their volunteer application on their website at http://www.regionalfoodbank.org/Take-Action. A food bank is a fun and easy way to make a big difference in the lives of people in need in Norman, as well as in Oklahoma at large!
STUDYING ABROAD: WHEN IS IT RIGHT? week to allow for travel and two trips are included in the overall program fee. Practice a foreign language in the country of its origin. Being immersed in a culture that speaks the language that you are learning is the best way to learn. But don’t be intimidated by the language barrier as you’ll find English speakers all over the world.
aLeXIS HAMES Kappa Kappa Gamma
Alexis is a junior studying Public Relations. You may contact her at alexis@ou.edu.
Now for the tricky part – deciding when to go. This was difficult for me, as there are pros and cons to each time frame.
When in your life will you have the opportunity to live in a foreign country, to explore a new part of the world, not as a tourist? The answer is right now. The University of Oklahoma has many great study abroad programs with helpful advisors to assist you in planning your adventure. Here are just a few reasons why you should step outside of your comfort zone and your country: Change your view on the world in a positive way. Experiencing another culture has a powerful impact. Since I have been away I have gained understanding and appreciation for the food, language, beliefs and general way of life of Spain. America is not the center of the universe and our way isn’t the only way. Shocking, I know. Shake up your routine. Studying abroad breaks up the monotonous four-year undergrad routine. This means unfamiliar scenery, new means of transportation, a completely different campus feel and new friendships to form. The ease of travel within Europe. The opportunities for travel throughout Europe are exceptional. Hop on a train to Paris or snag a quick flight to Prague, it’s way more affordable than you’d imagine. Traveling country to country on the weekends is expected. In fact, my program only holds class four days of the
Summer. This is the time when most students decide to study abroad so it’s more likely that you’ll be traveling with people you know. Summer sessions usually run from four to six weeks, so it’s not as big of a commitment. You can even convince a few friends to join you. The best part about studying abroad in the summer is the ideal weather. Arezzo, Italy averages 71 degrees in July. As for the negative aspects of summer travel, you’re likely missing a relaxing summer at home with family, a beneficial internship or a paid job. Fall. If you commit to studying abroad in the fall, you’ll miss out on OU football season and CAC events such as Howdy Week, Homecoming, U-Sing and Dad’s Day, to name a few. However, fewer students study abroad in the fall, so if money is a large factor for you it might be easier to sublease your apartment or rental home in the fall to someone who is studying abroad in the spring. Spring. If you decide to take the plunge in the spring, you’ll be skipping out on the infamous crush spring date parties and CAC events like Winter Welcome Week, Soonerthon, Big Event, Relay for Life and Scandals. You might miss spring break with your pledge class, but you’ll get a memorable one abroad. If it seems like you’d be missing out on a lot by studying abroad in the spring or in the fall, just remember – it’s Japan, it’s France, it’s Chile, it’s practically wherever you want it to be. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime for a longer period of time. Don’t worry, Norman will anxiously await your return.
fashion trends
IRRELEVANT FASHION TABOOS IN 2014 We’ve all heard the fashion laws: don’t wear white after Labor Day, don’t mix patterns and don’t wear black and brown together. Well, in 2014, most of these rules no longer apply. Here are five fashion rules to break this year.
aLeXaNDRa BARE Delta Delta Delta
Alexandra is a senior studying professional writing. You may contact her at alexandra.bare@ou.edu.
1. Don’t mix patterns. While it seems like some patterns clash, in reality, they can complement each other. For example, animal print and floral, floral and stripes or stripes and polka dots are all great pattern and print combinations. The most important thing to take into consideration when mixing patterns is the boldness of the patterns and the color schemes. Stripes and polka dots are usually bolder than floral and animal print, so when paired with another bold print like paisley or chevron, they make the stripes and polka dots smaller or subtler. 2. Don’t mix black and brown. I’m not sure where this rule came from, but these two neutral colors don’t clash. While black is on the chicer side of fashion, brown tends to be more casual and warm. Make an LBD (little black dress) more casual by pairing it with brown accessories like a belt, boots, heels or even a brown jacket. These two powerful tones were meant to be together. With all of the cute booties in style this season, instead of sticking to your traditional black, pick up a pair of tan or chocolate brown and start mixing up the neutrals in your closet.
3. Don’t wear sparkly items in the daytime. Glitter isn’t just for the clubs anymore. This powerful style can be appropriate for all hours of the day. The key is balance. A sparkly jacket, scarf and blouse aren’t exactly subtle. Instead, pair a shimmery top with a solid blazer and jeans for a more casual look. Or, if you’re still not 100 percent comfortable with bringing the glitter to the daylight, grab a scarf with a little shimmer in it and pair with jeans and a subtle patterned top. 4. Don’t wear white after Labor Day. While this seems a little old fashioned, some people still religiously follow this rule. What I want to know is why white isn’t allowed. It’s true that white usually looks better when you have a tan, but wearing ivory and cream in the winter and spring isn’t as scandalous as some think. Basic white is on the blue side of the color scale, while ivory and cream are more yellow and warmer shades. Wear these colors freely and bring some brightness back into the cold months. Ivory scarves, vests and blouses go with every color and are good basic items for your wardrobe. 5. Don’t wear clashing colors. This is my favorite rule to break. I don’t think there’s a problem wearing hot pink and coral, or orange and salmon. Matching colors is my favorite. While some of my choices get weird looks, when people try them on and see it together, they’re surprised that it actually works. I’m not suggesting you close your eyes and pick out your clothes, but do think outside the box next time you pick out an outfit. You might be surprised by what your creativity can put together. For help, check out http://colorschemedesigner.com/ to mix and match colors and see which combinations you can think up.
HOW TO DRESS IN DURESS It’s spring semester in the lovely state of Oklahoma, meaning a plethora of unexpected twists and turns in the weather. Because of the constant changes in everything from temperature to tornadoes, it can be extremely difficult to transition daily wear to stay weather appropriate. After years of experiencing the storm of random that is Oklahoma’s climate, I’m here to help you gracefully transition through the daily changes. Shorts are sometimes best. It’s always obvious when it’s hot or cold outside, but there are days when you step outside and it seems like even the sky has no idea what is going on. For those days of strong winds and partly cloudy sunshine, with a constantly fluctuating temperature, don’t be afraid to throw on shorts. You can always throw on a jacket, but you’re less likely to get hot if you have shorts on below. If the clothing proportions are done right, your arms can stay protected from the wind with a comfy hoodie while your legs bask in the warmth of a random ray of sunshine through partially cloudy skies. Layer up.When you leave for your 8 a.m. class and it’s 30 degrees out, naturally you throw on pants and boots and a huge jacket and scarf. But what happens when you get out of the morning cold and it’s 60 degrees by 1 p.m.? This is where layering saves a lot of sweat threat. T-shirt, light
jacket, heavy jacket, scarf and simple tennis shoes are your best bet for having a transitional, yet practical, outfit to make it through a day in Oklahoma’s climate. If you can deal with cold legs in the morning, shorts aren’t a bad idea once February and March hit.
aNNIe ROACH Chi Omega
Annie is a sophomore studying p ro f e s s i o n a l w r i t i n g a n d international studies. You may contact her at annieroach@ou.edu.
Carry an umbrella. Between storm and tornado season, it becomes pretty essential to have an umbrella on hand. I’ve seen the sky go from clear to pouring buckets in mere minutes, so it’s necessary to prepare for everything that can be thrown at you. Having an umbrella has often been the difference between making it back to my sorority house safe and dry versus returning like a wet dog. Looks and clothes aside, laptop equals life in the college world and carrying an umbrella is a simple line of insurance and protection for our most prized possession on a rainy day. Rainboots. These puppies are a must. I used to resist the urge to buy all sorority staples, but after trying to do all of last spring semester in Chacos I finally gave in and snagged a plain black pair at Academy for $15. I have yet to regret choosing warm toes and splashing in puddles over wet feet and damp straps creating blisters. These are, also, the one pair of boots that are generally acceptable with shorts. So if you’re one of those who has yet to give up wearing Uggs with shorts – a pretty awful decision, but I’m a firm believer in the ‘you do you’ philosophy – a good pair of rainboots can act as a transition away from that habit which screams overall confusion in an outfit. While a lot of this is trial and error, with a little time and help Oklahoma’s spring season can be tackled with the purchase of some good rain equipment and a light jacket.
10 sports talk
Valentine’s Day can be lonely unless you have the proper amount of distraction and imagination. If you’re like me, you’ll spend National Single Alpha Phi Awareness Day watching sappy Jennifer is a freshman rom-coms and going to OU studying journalism. baseball’s 3 p.m. opener against You may contact her at Seton Hall solely to check out the jennifer.n.nygren-1@ou.edu. baseball boys. I think I would call that a successful V-Day. But if you’re too busy for that, I have collected the top ten hottest couples in the sports world who are the most justifiable to envy.
10. Rory McIlroy and Caroline Wozniacki The best thing about this couple is that they just got engaged! The former best golfer in the world and this star tennis player started out 2014 with a ring. Rumors swirled that these two had broken up, but it appears that things may be better than ever. The only trouble I foresee for this couple is deciding whether their kids will play tennis or golf. 9. Jake Dalton and Kayla Nowak Jake Dalton is one of our OU Olympians, while Kayla is a former OU gymnast. The duo have been dating for over four years and got engaged last May. Dalton was known to be at all of her gymnastics meets whenever OU hosted. 8. Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn Although Tiger Woods has been quite scandalous in his former relationships, he and Lindsey Vonn seem to be hitting it off. Both have been there to support each other in their respective sports, golf and alpine ski racing.
7. Kevin Durant and Monica Wright An NBA/WNBA romance made in basketball heaven. No need to worry if Monica Wright is taking away from Kevin Durant’s scoring abilities because he has already beaten his all time scoring record this season. 6. Mike Fisher and Carrie Underwood After she shot to stardom through American Idol and he became a major player in the National Hockey League, neither has let anything go to their head. Sticking to basics, with the root of a strong Christian faith, is not something you always see in the gossip magazines. 5. A.J. McCarron and Katherine Webb They’re worth a mention since Katherine Webb became a national overnight phenomenon just for being the Alabama quarterback’s girlfriend. You have to give her props for still supporting him in their upsets this year, especially since she’s an Auburn University alum and had been turned into a gif. 4. Christian and Samantha Ponder It seemed like out of nowhere that the Vikings quarterback and an ESPN sideline reporter got married. I can’t imagine having this couple’s crazy schedule as they both work football games every weekend, but they seem to make it work! 3. Andy Roddick and Brooklyn Decker Before Brooklyn Decker was the babe in Adam Sandler’s Just Go With It, she was being set up by an agent to meet her husband, tennis player Andy Roddick, who noticed her on TV and requested to meet her! 2. David and Victoria Beckham The soccer player and Spice Girl make up the ultimate British power couple. Not only are they super gorgeous, but their children have inherited both of their good looks. 1. Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen He is one of the best quarterbacks of all time and she is the highest paid model in the world. It’s hard to believe that two of the prettiest people on the planet were set up on a blind date.
DON’T LOOK LIKE A GOOF AT THE GYM The gym is a fun place. You go there to work out, get a good run in and make yourself feel good overall. If you’ve been going for a while, you’ve probably got a groove that you’re into. You throw in the headphones, work through your machines and move through your workout. However, every once in a while you’ll see that one guy and ask yourself, “what is he doing?” You have just caught a glimpse of the newbie. Whenever someone first starts going to the gym, before they get really into it, there is a stage where, yeah – they’re going to work out, but they have no idea what they’re doing. This is a guide to spotting the newbie. The most obvious indicator of the gym freshman is that he will more than likely be wearing the same clothes he was in all day long. I don’t care if you’re just lifting chest, that doesn’t mean you need to wear your jeans to the gym. Nothing traps heat, makes you sweat harder or look more stupid than wearing any kind of denim at the gym. I’m sure those cargo shorts are great for holding whatever you put in cargo shorts, but when you’re at the gym you don’t need access to 15 pockets. Notice that this is the exact opposite of the gym douche who dresses in what is, basically, a thong for his pecs. So don’t underdress to try to look
like you belong. Just throw on a pair of gym shorts, which you can tell are what you’re supposed to wear because that’s what they’re called.
eRIC PARSONS Lambda Chi Alpha
Eric is a junior studying Another defining chemical biosciences. You may characteristic of the new-lifters contact him at snosrap@ou.edu. is the way they act. They come in two varieties – the guys who are painfully shy and introverted and the guys who are gonna jump right in even if they don’t know what to do. The former is noticeable because he workouts from behind the screen of his iPhone. I’m not sure if these guys are the most popular kids ever or if they just play flappy bird. Regardless, they will not speak to anyone at the gym. They also, generally, pull the creepy card and sit on a machine and watch everyone else to see how they’re lifting. I don’t mind watching to see how to do something, but wouldn’t it be better to put down the cell phone and maybe ask? While silent-but-creepy is one example of a new lifter, the outgoing newbies guys are, by far, my favorite. Instead of being daunted by this new environment, they jump in with both feet. They hop on the first machine that catches their attention, regardless of whether or not they know which muscle they want to work out. They put on so much weight that they having to bring in their legs to do a bicep curl. Let me go ahead and say that if it looks like you’re having a seizure to get that first rep, you have too much weight on or you are doing that lift heinously wrong! One of the best examples I’ve seen was an individual wearing jeans at the pull up bar. Instead of doing chin ups, like a regular lifter would, he flipped his body so he was upside down and his legs were above his head. Then he began to spasm on the bar in, what I call, a shin up. This is a perfect example of the classic blunder of acting before you know what is going on. So, avoid these actions, dress like you’ve done something athletic before in your life and you’ll be fine.
health & fitness
SHape YOUR SWeeT TOOTH! With Valentine’s Day approaching, it can be difficult to stay away from all of the candy flooding Kappa Kappa Gamma the grocery stores and Matty is a sophomore restaurants. This year, don’t studying journalism. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t let the holiday bring you madison.t.williams-1@ou.edu. down! When you’re upset about not having a date, or simply craving something sweet, try these simple yet healthy ideas to satisfy your sweet tooth! These treats are easy and affordable for busy college students.
Frozen bananas. This is the perfect dessert for if you are craving something sweet and cold! Find a banana and cut it into about ten slices. Put the sliced bananas in a bag and store it in your freezer for about one hour. If you are craving ice cream, throw the frozen bananas into the blender to create an enjoyable thick cream. If you are a chocolate lover, dip your sliced bananas into a bowl of melted chocolate before freezing. Once they are frozen, you can eat these just the way they are. Frozen chocolate covered bananas are both delicious and nutritious! Chocolate milk. Research shows that chocolate milk should be consumed after a hard workout. Chocolate milk is an excellent source of protein and helps with hydration. This
drink is easy and affordable for almost all college students! If you find are tired after a workout or simply crave something sweet, grab a cup of milk and add a squeeze of your favorite chocolate sauce. All milk contains vitamin D and calcium that helps strengthen the bones in your body. This is the perfect quick snack that helps lead to a healthy lifestyle while also fulfilling your sweet tooth! Graham crackers and peanut butter. Before unwrapping your favorite candy bar after lunch, give this quick and easy snack a try! All you need for this tasty treat is two graham crackers, peanut butter and a knife. Take your knife and spread some creamy peanut butter across one of the graham crackers. Put the second graham cracker on top of the newly spread layer of peanut butter. Your little snack should now resemble a small sandwich. All that is left to do is to take a bite and enjoy this perfect mixture of sweet and salty goodness! This is the perfect sweet snack that provides protein and energy until it is time for your next meal. Yogurt parfait. Start your day off right with this scrumptious healthy meal. Forget about the high-calorie pancakes and try a yogurt parfait instead! For this sweet treat, pick out your favorite flavor of Greek yogurt. Put the yogurt in a bowl and stir until it appears as one solid color. Next, pick your toppings! You can add mashed up graham crackers, a variety of mixed nuts, sliced fruit, or all three, to add some sweetness to your meal. All Greek yogurts contain potassium, calcium, vitamin B and protein. These are essential ingredients for living a happier and healthier lifestyle. Greek yogurt has also been proven to help flatten and tone your stomach.
GAINING WEIGHT IN COLLEGE So, you know when you’re creeping on your old high school friends on Facebook and you realize that they all look a little, uh, different? You’re just chugging along, looking through all of the drunken photos and then you come across someone who you really haven’t seen in a long time. “Wait a second, is that Becky? What happened to her?” “Since when has John looked like that?” As it turns out, the classic freshman 15 holds true for college students across the nation and not just for freshman year! Who saw that one coming? However, today we’re going to take a solid look at the reasons behind this annoying weight gain and the ultimate demise of our youthful metabolisms. The weight accumulation starts right off the bat freshman year with the Caf. The problem stems from the 500 options for bad health decisions all in one place. Italian, Mexican, Asian, Greek and American cuisine all present in one building makes eating a salad seem like a ridiculous choice. Not only are there awesomely delicious cultural options for your main meal, but there’s that oh-so-tempting dessert bar. Oh, that place will get ya. You see it right when you walk in and all you can think about is how you power walked to class today so you had better reward yourself with some of that turtle cheesecake. And how about that Couch Express? Those grilled cheeses provide my source of dairy and the tomato
soup is like my daily serving of vegetables, so it’s healthy, right? No shame and no regrets until you get home for the summer and you finally have enough free time to come to terms with the ugly truth.
Delta Gamma Emilee is a sophomore studying public relations. You may contact her at Emilee.B.Ohair-1@ou.edu.
The other factor that causes college students to gain weight is the alcohol, obviously. For college students, one of the most common things to do is to throw back a little (or a lot) of alchy every weekend. For many, it’s a great escape from the tests and essays packed into the long week. However, that Natty Light escape is only going to be great for so long until you’ve reached the loosest notch on your belt and your apartment smells like beer and shame. Why do you think girls do everything in their power to wear stretchy pants and ridiculously large shirts every single day? Yeah, I think we all know. I’m definitely not saying that the consumption of alcohol should be stopped. It’s part of the college experience! When else in your life will you be able to start your weekend activities on Thursday nights? Or wake up every Saturday with a raging headache, but still have some priceless pictures on your phone? Probably never, so live it up now, but be aware of the effects it may have on your waistband and liver. There’s no getting around it, college is going to cause the scales to tip, regardless of how hard you try. Even if you do hit up the gym every day of the week, if someone asks you to get a shake at Classics, you don’t pass up that kind of opportunity. Try the chocolate shake with peanut butter, by the way. It’s like drinking a Reese’s Cup while angels sing in the background. You might put on a few pounds in college, but nothing can replace the memories you made while stuffing your face with a Fuzzy’s quesadilla after an eventful night at the bars. Keep that in mind for next weekend, everyone.
entertainment news
FIVE THINGS FOR SINGLES TO SMILE ABOUT We all survived the holiday pressures of countless relatives asking you if you found a boyfriend or girlfriend in college. Correction: we barely survived. Well, get ready for round two, because as nice everyone tries to be about Valentine’s Day, there are some comments, questions and concerns that are unavoidable.
handle a relationship. “This is the best time to be single!” Being single Gamma Phi Beta in college can mean that Sarah is a sophomore studying you’re a raging party journalism. You may contact her at s.elizabethpitts@ou.edu. animal or that Netflix is your best friend. Or you have a 4.0 GPA. Being single in college means living a life of extremity and some balance could be a good thing. Or not. I mean, whatever floats your boat.
“You have to get to know yourself first.” After 20-some years, I’m sure we have a pretty good idea about who we are. We are getting ready for the real world and I’m pretty sure we can
“Good thing you like cats.” Cats are great, so shut up. “I know someone who would be perfect for you.” One thing it’s fine to never do in college is go on a blind date. If it goes terribly, you will probably see the person around campus and you will have to pretend to be nice. “You don’t need anyone.” You got that right.
VALENTINE’S DAY FOR THE CHRONICALLY SINGLE GIRL If you are among the lovely people, like myself, who have been diagnosed with the very serious C h ro n i c S i n g l e n e s s Alpha Chi Omega Disorder, then I’m going Mary is a junior studying English to venture a guess that literature. You may contact her at Feb. 14 is probably not marywallen@ou.edu. your favorite day of the year. Yes, Valentine’s Day – when people hold hands, kiss on the South Oval and ogle each other in a manner that makes bystanders horribly uncomfortable. But, fear not. As a human being who possesses a deeply ingrained knowledge of what it means to be single on Valentine’s Day, I’m going to help you deal. There are three routes you can follow. First, the ‘in denial’ path: just pretend the holiday doesn’t exist. There’s this thing called repression and you’re going to learn how to use it. Turn a blind eye to all the flower bouquets being delivered to your friends and definitely don’t go out to dinner because all you’ll see are couples holding hands over the table like the love-sick fools they are. My best advice is to hole up in your room and blast very unromantic music and anytime someone says valentine or begins the question, “So do you have a date tonight?” just do the mature thing and put your hands over your ears and scream. Not exactly fun, but at least there aren’t any tears (or manly angst for those frat-daddies with tender hearts). Next, you can take what I like to call the Taylor Swift route: just be straight bitter. You can watch Love Actually and The Notebook and complain to your ceiling about all your exes and be in a horrible mood all day. Basically, you can be the person
everyone avoids or fears. Hiss at anyone who looks remotely happy, dress in all black and maybe even scream, “LOVE IS A LIE” in the middle of campus. Listen to Bon Iver curled up in your bed, eat chocolate and ice cream like it’s your job and even cry a little bit because when will someone love me. I don’t advocate the Taylor Swift route. If you’re seriously this devastated about being single then you should probably calm down. You’re in college. You have the rest of your life to be attached at the hip to another human being. The third route, which is my personal favorite and the only actual way to enjoy this day, is the embrace singledom route. When you wake up in the morning on the fateful day of Feb. 14, I encourage you to utilize this mental pep talk: “Hey, (insert your name), guess what? Today is Valentine’s Day, and you don’t have a Valentine. Instead of being a little pansy baby about it, you’re gonna enjoy it. Let’s get weird.” Then get out bed, dress in a snappy little number and enjoy your day like a normal human being. Don’t make your friends, who have significant others, feel bad, don’t glare at people holding hands, and don’t cry because that is so depressing and unnecessary. A fun alternative to crying: blast “Single Ladies” and drive around campus, because I guarantee you that you will make someone’s day (probably mine). Go to dinner with your single friends and if you don’t have any single friends I’m so sorry. Get some single friends. While many of us single ladies and gentlemen think about Valentine’s Day with a strong sense of distaste or dread, I’ve learned to wear my title as a single person like a badge of honor. Don’t get me wrong, I know being in a relationship is cool, but being single isn’t an actual death sentence, so tone down the melodrama. And if you feel a mental breakdown coming on, just remember that a married person invented Valentine’s Day. Probably. I don’t actually know, but the thought helps, doesn’t it? I promise you’ll find your Prince or Princess Charming, eventually, but until then take a nice, deep breath and pretty please don’t channel your inner Taylor Swift.
laugh out loud
PILLOW FARTS, NO BROKEN HEARTS: HOW TO BAIL ON VALENTINE’S DAY With Friday quickly approaching, I’m sure many guys out there are probably dreading the oversentimental mushiness of Valentine’s Day as much as I am. Every year this commercial holiday makes girls fantasize about miraculous dates with flowers, chocolates and fanciful itineraries – putting entirely too much pressure on us. Bailing is the only way to escape this nausea, so here are some effective ways to accomplish this. Family birthday This is a timeless classic for almost any situation you wish to avoid. A day or two before Valentine’s Day, break the news to your significant other that your family is celebrating a dear relative’s birthday which, unfortunately, is on the 14th. Make sure to use an obscure uncle or cousin and also inform her that he or she lives a couple hours away. This will rule out any chance of her wanting to tag along and your “family first” mentality may even increase her attraction to you. A short break So you’ve been dating for quite some time, and your woman is expecting big things from V-Day. What better time than now to go on a “break”. Come up with some internal conflict you are having with the relationship and tell her you need some time alone. Important: send her flowers on Valentine’s Day with a message reading, “Miss you” or “Still be my Valentine?” Her distress and confusion will last a week, maybe two, getting you off the hook for a Valentine’s date and giving you some time to enjoy some simple dude stuff. There will be definite drama when and if she comes around again, so it’s important to weigh your options out on this one. School Although a lot of college students would be willing to put just about anything ahead of studying, there’s no better time than mid-February to get your act together. When it comes time to talk about Valentine’s Day plans, put on a really conflicted face and explain to your lady how you have a huge exam scheduled on February 15th. This exam is going to take all of your study efforts and, as much as you really want to take her out, you just can’t afford to make a bad grade. It will help to put lots of focus on how discourteous of the professor to schedule the exam on this date and how much your success in this class means to your future. Car trouble A method as old as the invention of the motor vehicle itself – the car trouble excuse – involves a lot of risk. Saying your car broke down on the way to a date can make for a hefty amount of suspicion, bad karma or the worst: a concerned girlfriend who wants to come pick you up. This is where backstories come into play. After scheduling a nighttime date, make your Valentine aware that you will be traveling back home from some important trip all morning and afternoon of the 14th. During the day, find a safe house, park in the garage and, at all costs, do not let anyone connected with her see you. Around 2 p.m. is when you make the call saying your car is dead about four hours out and the AAA guy is telling you “it’s gonna be a while.” Cancel the date, express frustration and sorrow, but don’t overdo the acting. After succeeding in your lie, tell her you can reschedule (which you won’t actually do) and continue to lay low for the remainder of the day.
Sick Although this path takes creativity and strong willpower, using illness Sigma Alpha Epsilon to escape a lousy date can prove to be golden. You Nick is a junior studying have two options, the first journalism. You may contact of which is to fake an illness. him at nickcallaway@ou.edu. You’re best bet is to use something contagious such as the flu or strep throat. Be prepared to sound and look sick when on the phone and using social media – the last thing you want is to be caught in a fat lie. For those not so blessed with acting skills, take the pink eye route. Acquiring conjunctivitis is as easy as farting on your own pillow before bed or visiting Suger’s for the Wednesday night lineup. Well there you have it. No one should have to suffer through the pathetic fluff of Valentine’s Day with my foolproof excuses. There is one more great method for ditching a date, but I’m using it this year – my apologies. Good luck to you all.
laugh out loud
@ccourtneydiane. people who wake me up from naps are the reason I have trust issues.
@Andrew_S_Matt. Gaining a serious understanding of what “howling winds” are #oklahomaproblems.
@bloomersooner. I can’t take you seriously if you write emails in Comic Sans.
@terahdayne. Positives of dorm life: cable in my room meaning The Grammy’s and The Bachelor wedding so I’m a happy camper.
@_SHMINDIA_. Bey and Jay are and always will be the ultimate couple #bowdown.
@dougie_frsh. Somehow the Norman @Whataburger thinks steak sauce is supposed to go on a honey BBQ chicken strip sandwich. Thanks but no thanks.
@rrickman. Last night I helped a freshmen in the bathroom figure out her name and where she lived, guess that’s what upperclassman do. @oliviamariaaa. All you people who opened my snapchat and didn’t reply....I’m looking at you. @MattClownlee. Following a couple that has broken up on Twitter is the best. So many angry subtweets. @gclangham. I pet a baby tiger tonight. A white baby tiger. @dea_pennington. Oooooklahoma where the wind comes sweeping (howling... whipping... making-me-feel-like-I’min-a-tornado) down the plain. @annefran93. Tried watching Friday Night Lights but netflix wouldn’t work. Watching cooking episodes on my Food Network app instead...normal I promise. @taythor. it’s sad katy perry doesn’t have a single grammy ... #11nominationstotal #stillloveher. @taraplanet. Taylor swift is the definition of #whitegirlproblems.
@totalfratmove. Ferris Bueller skipping school on the day he has a test on European socialism. #TFM. @MikeArmenariz_. Really diggin Panera as a study spot. I mean they got muffins, cinnamon rolls, brownies. Makes me feel at peace just knowing that. @Christiann_G. I have been at the new Whole Foods in Tulsa for an hour now and I think I’m in love #iheartfood #notleaving. @beccaenance. Valentines Day is coming up but then again if you take a left on Lindsey so is Taco Bell so idk. @CommonWhiteGirl. Twitter is like one big family watching tv together. @totalsratmove. Having nicknames for each boy you’re juggling. #TSM. @collegekidrobz. Freezing. Too cheap to turn on heat. #collegekidproblems. @EricCoatney. U-sing and scandals were too easy... I’m gonna tryout to be a backup dancer for Katy Perry.
@alexisRMmurray. Decided it’s time to find my doppelgänger. $5 reward for any leads. @faith_davis. I’ve been off Zyrtec for two days now so I’m pretty confident that I know what a heroin withdrawal feels like. @nathanhoggard. Assignment? But it’s syllabus month..? @AnnaKendrick47. Guys, it happened. I met Beyonce. And she is an angel. And I am not worthy. And I will never stop shaking. #PatheticFanGirlOfTheYear.
aIMee SCHNEBECK Delta Gamma
Aimee is a freshman studying broadcasting & electronic media. You may contact her at aimee.schnebeck@ou.edu.
THAT GIRL I recently read an article a friend of mine shared on Facebook about the desirable characteristics of fraternity guys that girls would like to meet at a bar which, I have to admit, was published by Total Frat Move. I couldn’t help but think that most of the content was total crap.
peTeR SHADID Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Peter is a junior studying letters. You may contact him at petershadid@ ou.edu.
Most guys in fraternities are not as dull as many would like to think. By dull, I mean that we fraternity men do not constantly drool over ourselves about partying and getting lucky. Now, don’t get me wrong. There are guys who fit this mold. Also, by no means, am I claiming to be perfect. That said, I’ve never read an article about the kind of sorority girls a respectable fraternity man might meet at a bar. There are many faces at a bar, mostly new. So, there you are, scanning the crowd. Then you see a girl and you strike up a conversation with her and it’s going pretty smooth. She may like the same music, thinks you’re kind of funny or maybe you have the same political views. Whatever the reason, if you’ve kept conversation going for over five minutes without an uncomfortable pause, you’ve got to be doing something good, right? So, you buy her a drink, then perhaps another. Everything is great. She seems like a 10 out of 10. Then, it happens. The fateful word no single man wants to hear is spoken: “boyfriend.” Now, just because she has a boyfriend doesn’t mean she is an awful person, but girls can be sneaky. They know how to play the game and if a guy is buying her drinks, why not? Because I think it sounds funny and kind of like a bad rom-com, I deem these girls The Betrothed.
Then there are the effervescent girls who everybody knows, the kind who run social media like its nobody’s business. I’m talking over 1,000 followers on Instagram kind of stuff, here. These are the All American Girls – the ones who fit the image of their sorority perfectly. The All Americans talk to everybody at the bar at least once and they are always enjoyable to be around. The only problem with the All American girls is that they might be too popular. If you talk to her for long enough, sooner or later and for no reason, you will get pawned off on someone you’ve never met. The All American girls are always a joy to be around. Just don’t get caught in their wake. Next is that girl who is a little less outspoken, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Here, we have the ever so friendly Girl Next Door. She is usually sitting with her friends, not really quiet, but nor is she throwing back shots like it’s her 21st birthday. The Girl Next Door typically sips on her drink in a respectable manner, ususally through a straw. She may not always initiate the conversation, so it is up to the guy to gain confidence and talk to her. The only bad thing about the Girl Next Door is her choice of, oh, lets say shows, which are probably something along the lines of The Vampire Diaries or Revenge. But maybe that’s most girls. Lastly, there are the girls who are down to buy out the whole bar. For reasons that may be a little too obvious, men find women like this very admirable. Let’s call these girls The Buyers Club. Traditionally, when a man buys a woman a drink, it’s a sign of interest or attraction. Guys have been doing this for centuries. So, every now and then, it feels nice when she does the buying. But it also shows a guy that the girl has humility just like he he does, which is throwing your cash down at a bar and a guy always respects that. Now, I know these are four wildly broad descriptions of girls, but just take it all with a grain of salt. After all, this whole transcript about girls is probably the last thing going through guy’s head when he’s at a bar.
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