Experiencing Architecture: Technical detail Study

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PROJECT 1 Cheung Hoi Ling Esther Technology & Environment 3 BArch Architecture 2018-19


Project summary


Technical Issues


Precedent 01: Vitra Conference Pavilion


Precedent 02: Manchester Piccadilly Pavilion


Research 01: Drainage System


Research 02: Steel cable installation


Regulatory Approvals


Technical Application


Design Details




Lace Market Square

PROJECT SUMMARY The pavilion is located in the Lace Market Square, one of the industrial area of No ngham in the past. The design is mainly composed in concrete structure with steel to create op cal obstacles. This documenta on aims at exploring the structural and technical construc on details of the pavilion. It will be illustrated by precedent studies, researches in speciďŹ c systems, 3D modelings and drawings. In addi on, the document research into the regulatory approvals to suggest the pavilion is able to go under construc on.


TECHNICAL ISSUES Concrete & steel connec on To begin with the construc onal detailing analysis and researches, it is necessary to ďŹ rst iden fy the technical issues that the pavilion will possibly face. The issues are: 1. Structural stability of concrete elements 2. Durability of concrete 3. Connec on between concrete and steel elements

Tension from steel wire

The document therefore will discuss accordingly to the above issues and suggest a ďŹ nal construc on approach to the design.

Wall stability & durability

Concrete & ground connec on





VITRA CONFERENCE PAVILION Architect: Tadao Ando (Japanese) Loca on: Weil am Rhein, Germany Year of comple on: 1993 The pavilion is built to provide a quiet and medita on space for the furniture company, Vitra. The en re building is construct by reinforced concrete to give atmospheric and structural impact to the design. The use of concrete also way added a drama c eect, especially the narrow L-shaped concrete wall that leads to the entrance.

RELATION TO MY DESIGN PROPOSAL The reason of choosing this project are: 1. Concrete wall structure - Analysis how the concrete elements come together to bear loads especially on ground, wall and roof level. 2. Expressive technical details - Crea ng visual impact through careful considera on in construc on process - Rela on in formwork its exposed faces Therefore, the study will be focusing on analyzing the technical details of how the concrete structure stands in the pavilion and the tectonic solu on that add into its aesthe cs.

Above: (Pfeifer, 2005) Below: (Vitra, n.d.)







The external wall are double skinned with a core of insula on. The wall surfaces are generally exposed concrete with a modular grid of tatami mats. It leaves the impression of the 180cm x 90cm formwork panels with 6 e bar holes and 8 or 16 precisely posi oned nail heads that create the overall architectonic concept.

Form e Tighten formwork (details will be discussed in next sec on)

Interior oor les Screed Rigid Insula on

Concrete wall layer

Reinforcing bars Insula on

Damp proof membrane (DPM) Reinforcing mesh

Wall to founda on sec on


Reinforcing mesh Steel reinforcement bars and components interlocks with each others to e the elements together against tension load. This adds further strength to the concrete.













(Fairs, 2008)

From the aerial photo, it suggests that the top layer of the roof is possibly gravels. Therefore, the roof system is poten ally a Built up roofing system. As this system consist of mul layers, it is quite heavy that the suppor ng concrete roof decking must strengthen by reinforcements in order to hold to heavy load. Flashing

Drip hole

Timber fillet

The parapet drain water toward the centre part of the roof from water poten ally drop from drip holes and rundown the slightly declined roof to the drainage pipe. Brown gravel in asphalts Ply sheets with roofing asphalts (3 layers) Cover board Rigid insula on

Built Up Roofing (BUR)

Concrete decking Steel reinforcement

Form e

Wall to roof sec on



Trapezoidal strip

Formwork e bars prevent the opposing formwork panels from being forced further apart by the pressure of fresh concrete and set the thickness of the cast component.

Trapezoidal strip

Cover to reinforcement Fresh concrete Reinforcement Formwork panels

Triangular strip

The system consist of a tube, threaded sleeve, threaded rods and nuts. The cone of the e bars varies form different manufacturers therefore it is be er to specify a type and used throughout the design. As the end of e bars create an impression of hole, it need to be further sealed with bar e plugs or mortar. Bar e plugs are commonly made of water resistant material , metal or concrete. As the hole is visible from the external , it should be fully compa ble to the appearance if the wall.

Foam strip Triangular strip



Plug Mortar

Unfilled bar e holes


Unfilled& shaped bar e holes

In cas ng process Sleeves

Hex nut


Components of e bar installa on Photograph of the set up (PERI Limited., n.d.) Tie bar Concrete cone installa on process Waler plate Wing nut

Formwork panel

Walers Concrete inďŹ ll

Coat the cleaned pocket Components in formwork process


Tie bar


Plate & nut

Insert the concrete cone into the pocket

AFTER Concrete se les



Scrap the surplus compound o & clean surface is formed 1. Cone removal

2. Plug installa on (PERI Limited., n.d.)


Although with the same implica on of concrete formwork , consis ng cast panels and e bars, the effect and altera on can be very different in aesthe cs.


Therefore, the choice within the same material and handing method results appearance of the architecture. It need to be mindful in decision to match the idea of the design.

Plug with grey mortar

Nails Panel joint imprint Vitra Conference Pavilion, Tadao Ando (Vitra, n.d.)

(Room One Thousand., n.d.)

Black plug without mortar, Recessed

Thick formwork panels imprint

The Salk Institute, Louis Kahn (Photo© Iñaki Bergera,2014)

(Room One Thousand., n.d.)

White plug without mortar, Recessed

Ver cal formwork imprint

California State University University Theatre, A. Quincy Jones (Photo ©Darren Bradley, 2015)


(Room One Thousand., n.d.)

Reinforcement mesh



Foo ng/ Founda on 1/ Steel reinforcement set up

1/ Ver cal reinforcing bars are wired to the dowels that project from the foo ng; horizontal bars are wired to the ver cals to form a mesh

Studs Bracing



Formwork panels

2/ Formwork is built in this stage. Plywood sheet is placed to form the face of concrete pouring formwork, while form es secure formwork as well as maintain same thickness between plywood layers.

Completion Form e

2/ Formwork set up

3/ A er the concrete is consolidated and cured, the formwork is pulled off from the concrete. The projec ng ends of the form es will be broken off and the e hole will be filled in.

Steel reinforcement

Concrete wall Form e

3/ Comple on


PRECEDENT02 Architect: Tadao Ando (Japanese) Loca on: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, UK Year of comple on: 2002 It is mainly built in a form of a 130 meters long curved concrete wall. The concave side is covered and housing coee shops and shelter. It was ini ally part of the regenera on of the city and a major element redevelopment coordinate with the Commonwealth Games that housed in Manchester city centre.


1/ RELATION TO MY DESIGN PROPOSAL The reason of choosing this project are: 1. Concrete wall structure in a public space - Able to see the durability of concrete wall under a totally exposed situa on - Structurally how the concrete wall stands alone in an open space 2. It locates in Manchester, one of the UK city - Under a similar climate situa on (precipita on and sunlight exposure) as No ngham - The architect built according to the context, his approach in concrete in the UK 3. The issue of demoli on it is facing currently - Reasons behind people views and ac ons Therefore, the study will be focusing on analyzing the technical details of how the pavilion was built and the reason why people seek to demolish the pavilion in the rela on to its technical issues, following by sugges ng how technical details can prevent the situa on.

Above: Current Piccadilly Garden Pavilion () Below: Redesign proposal ()


(Glynn, 2009)

2/ STRUCTURAL & TECHNICAL DETAILS Form e It is made from poured- in- place concrete, in regular 2x1 blocks created by plywood formwork. He enlarged his standard Japanese size 1.8m x0.9m to 2m x1m to adapt the UK’s weather in curing concrete.


A 6m- long sec on of the 5m tall wall was cast in one pour, using self- compac ng concrete. Structurally, it is similar to his previous work, but it incorporates a drainage channel in contact of the exis ng ground.

Ver cal reinforcement bars

Horizontal reinforcement bars

L-shaped reinforcement bars Clay channel


DPM Founda on

Sand binding

Reinforcement Mesh Wall & founda on on ground level sec on (Not to scale)





Dark gravel in asphalts Timber fillet Ply sheets with roofing asphalts (3 layers) Cover board Concrete decking Built Up Roofing (BUR) From the aerial photo, it suggests that the roof of the pavilion is a parapet flat roof. The top layer of the roof is also gravels that the system applied in it is poten ally a Built up roofing system.

Steel reinforcement Form e

Wall to roof sec on (Not to scale)



Certain spot for drainage are also visible that they indicate an internal drainage from the roof top. Strainers are installed and toward them the roof inclina on decline to as to direct water to the strainers.

Gravel on asphalts Ply sheet layers DPM Rigid insula on Steel reinforcement


in inclina


Concrete decking


Flashing clamp device & gravel stop

Lead flashing flange

The parapet drain water toward the centre part of the roof from water poten ally drop from drip holes and rundown the slightly declined roof to the drainage pipe.

Roof draining system (Not to scale)

However, the photo also clearly shows stain on the concrete surface. Therefore, the next sec on will discuss on this issue.

All iden cal to create a pa ern

Further explore the formwork system used in this design. There are 5 panels ver cally, each dimensioned as 2000 x 1000mm with 6 e holes on it. This create a pa ern for the concrete ďŹ nishes.


3/ CURRENT ISSUE: DEMOLITION The public (including residents, visitors and stakeholders) raised the concern about the aesthe c and condi on of the garden in rela on to the pavilion. Cri cs have also argued the wall divide the public space and described the design as “bleak and depressing”. Public urge the council to demolish the concrete wall and redesign the garden with a new pavilion by summi ng pe on that demand “either demolishing of transforming its unloved concrete wall”. In response to the public, there are several op ons of retaining the wall, however, the public s ll concluded that the wall would s ll look una rac ve and maintenances is not worthy. As a result, a er many years of delay, the council eventually agree in demolishing the wall and replace the square with a new design that appear to be more a rac ve to the public.

Above: Current Piccadilly Garden Pavilion () Below: Redesign proposal ()

(Gibson, 2016)


Overflow drips from the edge

Run down the wall

Stain at wall edges

Excess water accummulated & spill

Channel to drain

This pavilion was built in a precise concern in details in its structural design and construc on methodology. However, it lacks the considera on of its durability in a completely open space, leading to the deteriora on of its aesthe c under constant precipita on and sun exposure, especially in UK’s wet climate.

Stain at ground corner

As the concrete wall declines in its condi on and appears una rac ve to the public, it was demanded to be knocked down. Stain appears in both the top part of the wall and its connec on with the ground due to the dampness of rainwater that stay on its surface. The issue of aesthe c can be solved by technical design. The situa on can be prevented by careful design in draining away water from the concrete surface. This lower the possibility of leaving stain on to the concrete surfaces and ensure its aesthe c is long- las ng. Therefore, the following chapter will further discuss and explore the drainage system of concrete structure. Cracking

(Architects Journal, 2016)






1/ THREATS As iden ďŹ ed in the Piccadilly Gardens Pavilion precedent, rainwater and dampness can cause deteriora on of concrete surfaces aesthe cally. To avoid decline in condi on of the wall in the pavilion design, it is essen al to create a drainage system to drain away excessive water to reduce the possibility of accumula ng water over the surface and mark stain a er a period.



The problem is o en occurring on several spots: 1. Roof 2. Wall 3. Ground The drawing illustrates how the problem is caused in these spots by rainwater. As a result, this chapter researches the possible ways in draining rainwater and suggest a drainage system within the concrete element. FLAT WALL


2/ DRAINING: GROUND 1. Channel Collection They are similar to ground pavement les, usually made from clay with close colour to the pavement. They are coherence with the pavement aesthe cally, however, they are rather shallow that unable to contain much water, especially when there is heavy rain.

Half- round glazed clayware open channel Soil

(Marshall, n.d.)

2. Precast concrete channel blocks This method is achieved by laying concrete block con nuously along the void. The blocks are formed off site with gradient around the slot to direct water flowing into the void.

Con nuous slot Precast concrete channel block Soil

(Moore Concrete, n.d.)

3. Mesh grating over channel This method is usually applied along traffic road as it can quickly drain away a reasonable amount of water when the cars pass fast but s ll ensure the water not overflowing easily by covering the channel with gra ng. Aesthe cally, it does not look as pleasing as the above method due to the contrast of shininess between steel and solid les.


Steel mesh grate Concrete paving in slope Steel channel drain Concrete bed Soil

(John Davidson (Pipes) Limited, n.d.)

4. Concrete Block Permeable Paving (CBPP) This method unlike tradi onal impermeable surface that direct surface water to drainage channels and pipe, it filters and removes pollutants before dispersal. The retained water percolates into perforated drainage pipes before flowing on to a drainage discharge system. Through the no infiltra on system of CBPP, water can be collected, stored and diverted to a suitable treatment facility before being returned to the natural environment. This not only solve the draining issue but also harvest “grey water” that can be reused for other purposes There are different colours of paving that can be choose to match the aesthe c of the project

Priora permeable block paving--- Charcoal & Buff (Marshall, n.d.)

CBPP needs to follow the requirement stated in Bri sh Standard (BS EN 1338) The Marshall group provide concrete block pavement which meet the standard.

Surface water filters through sand filled joints Ground surface

CBPP, Concrete paving blocks

50 to 75mm bed of sharp sand Permeable geotex le membrane

Hardcore permeable sub-base Concrete founda on Perforated drainage pipe Impervious flexible membrane


3/ DRAINING: WALLS In most of the me, wall does not need to be drain speciďŹ cally as it is normally the of the intermediate element of the draining process, for example holding the down pipes. However, when the wall is self- suppor ng without roof, it is necessary to drain the element itself by sugges ng ways for water to run through to the ground level.

1. Channel - Crea ng void to channel water from the top to the ground and to the ground channel - The channel surfaces will get stain as water constantly run through it

3. Low drip edge - Water drip over the edge that near the ground level to make sure water is not staying on the wall near the ground - Most of the wall surface will stain, only the surface near ground level is safe - The form of the wall changed


4. High drip edge - Water drip over the top edge that make sure water is not staying on the large wall surface - The top part of the wall will stain and the form of the wall changed

2. Angled top face - Angled to create height dierence between two face that direct water running to the shorter face - The shorter face will stain eventually as this method only tries to gather rainwater to run through one surface

5. Internal drainage - Angled top surface to direct water to the channel and to the hole that run down the wall internally between solid - Achieve aesthe c completeness by hiding the pipe work

4/ DRAINING: ROOF The main principle to create an efficient roof draining system is to direct water to adequate points of drainage and let it discharge through pipework. It is then carried to the ground level through drainage

1. Scupper drain Able to see the down pipe from the external walls There is possibility that the water s ll on the flat surface as it does not direct water to a lower point, only water falls near the hole is able to run down

2. Gutter at low end of roof - Able to see the down pipe from the external walls - Water is directed by slope to lower point of the roof and gu er, parapet keep the sense of a flat roof

3. Internal drainage system - Hide the down pipe that it is not affec ng the overall external aesthe c

The roof should be designed to achieve adequate falls that promise water move to the designated low points. It also needs enough number and suitable sized outlets to collect and discharge the surface water. There are several methods that normally used in flat roof design to drain away water.

- Penetra ng elements, need to be though ul to how the water is leaving the building on ground level eventually

4. Eaves gutters Able to see the down pipe from the external walls There is possibility that the water s ll on the flat surface as it does not direct water to a lower point, only water falls near the hole is able to run down

5. Water spout

6. Roof Outlet

7. Overflow drain

- Without down pipe, the water will s ll run through the face of the wall, leaving stain on them

- Without downpipe, the outlet of the water will get stain while the other faces keep clean

- Water will only run down when its level exist the hight if the outlet

- Not a though ul solu on to the problem

- This means the design maintain clean surfaces at the expense of allowing a specific spot to get all the stain

- Accumulate water to certain level and add more load to the roof that affect the design structurally


5/ ITERATIONS As the design aim hiding the drainage as hidden as possible, most of the methods does not sa sfy the aim and the internal drainage system (no.3) only applies in the centre rather than to walls, which cannot apply to the pavilion design directly.

Wall Thin wall

Is it possible to combine different ways to suit the pavilion? Therefore look into method 5 & 6 to consider a combina on and itera on.


Considering to cover the outlet of method 5 by using a similar way that method 6 suggests. The outer wall is thicken to do cover the outlet .


To enclose the void so as to making it not visible to the externally, another wall is added. However, structurally the wall is too thin that it is not possible to carry the heavy load of the roof. It needs to be thicken in order to become structurally stable.

METHOD 5 (Water spout)& 6(Roof outlet)


Roof layers to create declina on

Reinforcement bars & mesh


The outlet channel is located more toward to the outer skin of wall in order to give more thickness to the inner one. It then able to have reinforcement within its structure and bear the load of roof and transfer to the ground.



Modifica on of the roof form is considered as flat surfaces have higher poten al in accumula ng water. The parapet is angled toward the roof while the surfaces near the outlet has decline slope toward the void. This is to channel water in a more efficient way.

Channel on top face

Internal drainage system of roof can poten ally apply on the top face of wall.

Downward sloping: suggests way to channel water

Through internal channel

Collect to a drain

Down pipe within wall

Out: to the ground 1/ Ini al idea of wall drainage

2/ Further ideas Rainwater from ground surface can also be absorbed and collected underground Water fall between gravels gaps and channel below ground surface Drainage in roof (Passes wall drainage)

Drainage in wall

CBPP system that poten ally collect rainwater in a sustainable way

2/ Combined wall and rood drainage system ideas

Possible sec on cut through


RESEARCH 02 Tension


Break the structure

1/ ISSUE & PROPOSED EXPLORATION The main usage of wire in architecture are mainly enforcing tension to hold elements together, for example cable stayed bridges. However, cables in this design only aim to create op cal obstacles but has no structural load purpose. The applica on of tension cable is not relevant in this case. Also, the steel cables might pull the walls toward each other as tension happens along cables but concrete is weak under tension. Therefore, to tackle the issue in this design, the cables should force as less tension to the wall as possible. As a result cable railing with concrete post is researched in this chapter as there are less load enforced and it matches the aesthe c goal of the pavilion design. The main focus is on the connec on between 2 material, concrete and steel, meaning the installa on of cables on concrete elements.

(Ultra- Tec, n.d.)


2/ INSTALLATION To hold cables between concrete elements, there need to be a medium to join them together. Concrete anchor and anchor bolts are the intermediate connec on in this system. One of the solu on suggest by Ultra- Tec, a cable railing specialist company, is the Adjust- A- Body with Concrete Anchor Bolt®. It is an exposed, swaged, tensioning fi ng that can hold stainless steel cable with diameter of 1/8”, 3/16” and 1/4” (about 3, 4, 6mm)

Element appearance

The concrete need to first driven into a pre-drilled hole in the concrete surface. Then one side of the bolt will be threaded into the concrete anchor. The cable is fi ed by a ferrule and secured on to the bolt to create tension on the cable. Installation





Wrench flat

Concrete anchor


Section: Internal structure (Ultra- Tec, n.d.)



7x7 Steel wire rope

To achieve the aim of crea ng visual obstacles, the thickness of cable should reaches at least 5mm in diameter, however, the thicker the cable, the more the tension is forced to the wall. Possible solu on is to increase the thickness of cables but not adding a lot of loads to the structural elements. This can be resolved by coa ng the cable, to further add a layer around it to make it visually thicker. PVC, Vinyl, and Nylon can be used as the coat. They are ma in property therefore partly reect the internal steel cable and appear to be thicker when viewing from distance.

(Rigging, n.d.)

Visual size Vinyl coat

This also help maintaining the condi on of the pavilion over me as rainwater run away from these material is be er than sole metal that might stain under weathering over me .

7x7 stainless/ galvanized steel wire

Thick vinyl coa ng Horizontal cross section


Cross section

4/ TECHNICAL DRAWINGS By combing both researches on steel cable installa on, 1:1 drawings are produced to show the connec on and rela on of stainless steel cables and concrete element.


50mm spacing

Stainless steel cable Vinyl coa ng Adjust- ABody with Concrete Anchor Bolt®

Elevation cut through

Top section

Vinyl coa ng

Stainless steel cable

Adjust- ABody with Concrete Anchor Bolt®

Concrete Anchor


Side section



1/ Planning Permission The pavilion needs a Planning permission as it is a new building work that have impacts to the development of the general environment of the city which need to be granted by local authori es, in this case, the Development Management Department of No ngham City Council. It can be obtained by summi ng applica on form and documenta ons either by paper to the local council or online through the Planning Portal. The permission will be obtained when the authority grants the applica on. As the site, Lace Market Square, lies in the Conversa on zone of No ngham, it might be more difficult to obtain a Planning Permission. The council therefore might ask to provide more documenta on to ensure the project is not harmful to the metal, environmental and historical concern to the people and the city development


2/ Building Regulation Approvals The pavilion need a Building Regula on approval as it complies to the defini on of ‘building work’ in regula on 3 of the building regula ons as it is “the erec on or extension of a building” (Building Regula on, 2015) It ensures safety and health under the design and construc on for people in or about. The pavilion need to comply with Part A (Structure) ,H(Drainage & waste disposal) , M(Access & use) and Regula on 7(Materials and workmanship). It can be obtained by summi ng applica on form and documenta ons to a Building Control Body (BCB) electronically. The local authority BCB of this project is the Planning and Building Control Department of No ngham City Council.

3/ Health & Safety Regulations The Construc on (Design and Management) Regula ons (CDM) need to be considered for the construc on of the pavilion to manage the risk of every par es throughout the whole project so that they can consult and know about the risks and how they are being managed. The par es namely include the designer (architect), contractors, workers and the client. The designer need to communicate, cooperate and coordinate with all other par es and make sure they know their role and du es under CDM. It is important that the workers know about the informa on as on site cas ng is involved in the construc on and it poses certain danger to them, as well as precau on to the public.

4/ Drawings & Documentation In general, all applica ons need to be summited with: 1. Site Loca on Plan (at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500) 2. Site plan (at a scale of 1:500 or 1:200) 3. Other Drawings related to the design (at a scale of 1:50 or 1: 100) a/ Exis ng and proposed oor plan b/ Roof plan c/ Exis ng and proposed sec ons 4. Ownership cer ďŹ cate 5. Design and Access statement As the design proposal lies in the Conserva on zone of No ngham, according to No ngham City Council, to get consent for the applica on in Conserva on area, addi onal documenta on need to be provided: 6. Heritage Statement This includes: a/ Structural survey b/ An analysis of the character and appearance of the buildings and its impact on the special character of the area c/ Archaeological inves ga ons (as there might be poten al caves below ground surface)



TECHNICAL APPLICATION The design of the pavilion should be design with construc on detailing. Basing on the researches and precedents, the technical applica on of the pavilion will be focusing on concrete forma on and drainage system of elements. The solu on and thinking will be illustrated with technical drawings, 3D modelings and physical modeling.


1/ Formwork detailing

Dierent formwork are visualized in this sec on. This is to understand the eect on its aesthe cs in rela on to the cable installa on. Three 1000 x 2000mm board align ver cally, six e holes each


Remain the horizontality of both elements, visual coherence


From ver cal to horizontal, change of visual impact

1000 x 3000mm board , with 12 e holes each


Down pipe: 60 x 60mm Mortar ďŹ lled e bar holes

2/ Overall arrangement between elements As the down pipes and cables void The overall arrangement ensure the elements without causing problem to another. Dimensions and spacings are speciďŹ ed in the design.

Reinforcing bars, Dimension: 10mm

Vinyl coated stainless steel cable

1.5 Arrangement of e holes, down pipe & cables

1.40 Arrangement sec on Reinforcement grid: spacing 250mm

Down pipe: 60 x 60mm


3/ Wall Arrangement

Steel cable

Bar e: spacing 500mm

1.20 Wall arrangement sec on The top proďŹ le of each sec on of the wall are dierent as the aim is to create an angled top surface so as to drain water from the lowest point of the surface. The strategy and detailed design in 3d will be further explained.




Bar es & cable

Wall drainage



As the design of pavilion is mainly composed by similar arrangement of walls, with cables joining them and partly roofed. Therefore a fragment of the arrangement is made in 3D model to further explain the technical solu on of the design under the overall design.

3/ With roof 2/ Self standing wall (Might have draining pipe in between)

There are 3 different elements in contact with the wall in different part of the long concrete wall, the roof, drainage and steel cables. The following will explain in the fragment in different sec ons through physical and digital models and diagrams.

1/ Join with cables


1/ Wall structure & cable installation

Steel reinforcement

This sec on of the wall show the connec on between the wall and the cable as well as the structural elements, steel reinforcement and form bar e

Form bar e

Cable installa on


Bar e: Hold the formwork together in the concrete pouring process and maintain consistent wall width

Plug: Filling the hole a er formwork process and keep the e bar in place Concrete or mortar inďŹ ll: Cover the hole to give a more united appearance

Vinyl coat: Increase the diameter of the steel cable for be er visual impact Diameter; 15mm

Screw: Fasten the anchor head to th wall to contain the component in the right a

Void in wall: Drilled for loca ng the component, marked the spacing between them.

Stainless steel cable: Linking the end walls together Diameter: 6mm

Anchor body : Hold the cable and connect it with the anchor cover and the wall

Anchor head: Fixed to the wall by screws and allow the body to be inserted.



2/ Wall structure & Drainage

The model shows structure of the wall with drainage pipe running down to the ground. The design applies the CBPP system which sustainable collect water form the pipe as well as ďŹ lter water naturally through mul ple bases and levels.


1.10 drainage and structural model


Drainage channel with grate

Clay le pavement (CBPP system):

Permeable geotex le membrane

75mm layer pf sand: First layer to ďŹ lter sediments

Hardcore: Large stones to Sub-base

Perforated drainage pipe



1.2 Top of the wall fragment

Steel reinforcement:

This sec on of the wall show the connec on between the wall and the roof. It focuses in coopera ng drainage system through the wall to drain the water from the roof. Although it appears as a flat roof from ground level, the actual construc on does not consist a flat roof. Instead, most of the surfaces are angled to create a drop to the drainage.

Form e


OP Decrease in slope as water flows from high to low levels

Drainage channel

Reinforcements remain within the wall, not interrupted by the drainage void


Drop to the pipe

Stainless steel Grate and pipe

Reinforcement to keep and support the form of the wall that incorporated with drainage

Formwork wall e


3/ Wall structure & Roof

This sec on of the wall show the connec on between the wall and the roof. It focuses in coopera ng drainage system through the wall to drain the water from the roof. Although it appears as a at roof from ground level, the actual construc on does not consist a at roof. Instead, most of the surfaces are angled to create a drop to the drainage.

1.20 Wall to Roof Sec on




Part of the wall that does not connect with the roof

Flashing and Drip hole: Slide and channel water from the top Stainless steel covered channel with grate

DROP Cover board: Provide a base and support to lie the upper deck layers. Create angled roof to suggest drainage

Moisture control layers Insula on: 80mm layer As the pavilion is exposed outdoor, thermal considera on is not very important, does not require thick insula on layer Concrete roof : 200mm slab Steel reinforcement



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