PORTFOLIO Vivian Ho In Kuong
Conic Cricket Club
Cores Play
Natural Monument
Prisoner Hotel
Half and Half
Gas Station Playground
Figuring out DTLA
Co n i c C ri c k e t C l ub Fall 2016 Core I | Instructor : Cameron Wu | Harvard GSD
This project is a investigation of the generic and the specific. The conic module is used as the generic to designed for the specific. Through various geometric operation (rotate, mirror, scale) of the conic module, the modules are able to adapt to different programmatic requirement. Sitting on a slope, the cricket club provides both large span court space as well as cellular utilitarian programs such as offices and changing room.
con ic cricket clu b
con ic cricket clu b
Top: Transverse Section A Middle: Longitudinal Section B Bottom: Longitudinal Section C 6
con ic cricket clu b
Final Model 7
con ic cricket clu b
Top: Second Floor Plan Bottom: Third Floor Plan 8
con ic cricket clu b
C or e Pl a y s Fall 2017 Core III | Instructor : John May | Harvard GSD
This project challenge the conventional notion of core in a institutional building . Core is considered as the unchanged and repetitive element on each floor. The stability of the cores allows for the complexity of the program to change around it. Even though the cores are the same on each floor, the perception of the cores can be different when different program start attaching to the core, or when the exterior envelope start to move in and out. The flexibility of openings in the cores helps to regulate the public and private complexity of the program, and can become a threshold between two programs. When people are in the core, they are away of the larger spaces above or below them, while in the floor plate they only perceived of their own program.
cores play
cores play
Left: Birds eye view Right: Worm’s eye view 12
cores play
public core
student core
residential core
staff core
egress core
connection core
Core Taxonomy Diagram 13
cores play
Top: Section through auditorium Bottom: Section through three cores 14
cores play
1 balcony level entrance 2 black box theater 3 auditorium 4 practice room Fourth Floor Plan 15
cores play
third floor plan
fifth floor plan
first floor plan
second floor plan
cores play
N at u r a l M on u m ent Fall 2018 | Instructor : Pezo vaon Ellrichshausen | Harvard GSD Collaboration with Huma Sahin Nature is a house that we don’t allow ourselves to dwell in, that we are not allowed to dwell in. We are building our second house. A house inside another house. To make a house is a subtraction from nature, as much as it is an addition of itself. It is making an abstraction from an unlimited plane, from the unlimited air. We do not dwell in nature, we dwell in houses and nature is out there to be found. We can challenge this binary; the tradeoff is discomfort. The five houses express and amplify the tension between human and nature. They ask if there is value to be found in capturing the moment of transformation, heightening the experience of transition, dividing through connection, radicalizing the sameness of moments, finding unstable equilibriums.
n atu ral mon u men t
n atu ral mon u men t
House Model 1:50 20
n atu ral mon u men t
Site Model 1:500 21
n atu ral mon u men t
Plate House
Strip House 22
n atu ral mon u men t
n atu ral mon u men t
Block House
Dice House 24
n atu ral mon u men t
n atu ral mon u men t
Tower House 26
n atu ral mon u men t
n atu ral mon u men t
n atu ral mon u men t
Pr i s on e r H ot e l Spring 2017 Core II | Instructor : Tom dePaor | Harvard GSD
The prisoner holiday club is a space for prisoners to spend twenty-four hours with their family and friends. Seven concrete walls hold up the structure of the building. The opening in the wall creates corridors, spaces or view frame. The height of the opening to the ceiling implies the depth of the beam. Different proportion of beams create different kinds of spaces. Guards makes sounds. Sounds indicate spaces, though unseen. The prisoner is always being watched, physically and mentally. The addition of floor places indicates activities, and the subtraction of wall allows activities. The building is a dialogue between sight and sounds, prisoner and guard, square and circle, addition and subtraction‌etc.
prison er h otel
prison er h otel
Opening Taxonomy 32
prison er h otel
prison er h otel
3 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
restaurant swimming pool patio hotel room guard room guard rest area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
meeting hall meeting cubicles changing room prisoner arrival hall bridge visitor’s room film screening room guard room
Fifth Floor Plan
8 1 3
Second Floor Plan
prison er h otel
Longitudinal Section through Courtyard
prison er h otel
Wall and Floor Material Assembly
prison er h otel
H a l f a nd H a l f Collaboration with Tony Hu | Finalist for ArchSharing Competition
This proposal is a re-interpretation of a typical Nepalese village house. Traditionally the entire function of a house is bounded within the solid walls as interior space, and dwelling happens within. By displacing and slipping the house volume into two, the notion of inside-outside is challenged, resulting in two types of spaces. The sheltered room recalls a gabled-roof structure that houses essential functions for the community. The exterior courtyard receives activity from the rooms and links the community back to nature.
h alf an d h alf
Top: Pavilion Plan Bottom: Section through community room 40
Ga s S ta t i on Pl a yg r ound Spring 2015 STU 123 | Instructor :Jimenez Lai | UCLA
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean facilisis neque augue, vel tristique ligula vestibulum sit amet. Quisque faucibus placerat euismod. Cras efficitur massa id nisl suscipit luctus. Nunc ac vehicula nibh, at condimentum lacus. Cras id nulla at magna tristique interdum. Sed commodo neque et felis rutrum, sed feugiat tortor mollis. Quisque in lacus vestibulum, convallis magna sit amet, ullamcorper justo. Duis diam mi, pretium nec nulla placerat, finibus tincidunt massa. Aenean congue libero vitae libero porta, in finibus sapien congue. Praesent interdum sit amet ex et gravida. Maecenas vitae iaculis nulla. Ut molestie metus dui, ac mattis turpis tincidunt id.
gas station playgrou n d
gas station playgrou n d
Gas Station Follie Taxonomy Plan And Description 44
gas station playgrou n d
Gas Station Follie Taxonomy Axonometry 45
gas station playgrou n d
Islands Taxonomy Description 46
gas station playgrou n d
Islands Taxonomy Axonometry 47
gas station playgrou n d
Physical Model Collage 48
F ig u r i n g out DT L A Spring 2018 Core IV |Instructor : Jeannette Kuo |Harvard GSD Collaboration with Kevin Chong An exploration of interplay between the hidden and the hyper-exposed as a driver for designing for flexibility and alternative lifestyles for housing in DTLA. The project uses “figures� that are composed of aggregates of storage spaces and other functionally irreducible infrastructural elements, such as wet cells and structural elements, to reconcile the hyperexposed and the hidden. These curated figures are manifested as specific interventions to generic gridded residential floor plans. The use of figures allow for mediation between contrasting spaces and the sculpting of a hidden world flexible for alternative lifestyles. Similarly, the building mass provides a filtering effect between highly trafficked arterials and a hidden public courtyard unprecedented in scale and function in DTLA. 50
figu rin g ou t dtla
site plan 51
figu rin g ou t dtla
figu rin g ou t dtla
figu rin g ou t dtla
figu rin g ou t dtla
town house
town house
town house
figu rin g ou t dtla
figu rin g ou t dtla
Top left: Second Floor Plan Top Right: Ground Floor Plan Bottom Left: Transverse Section Bottom Right: Longitudinal Section 57
figu rin g ou t dtla
figu rin g ou t dtla
Top left: Seconf Floor Plan Top Right: Ground Floor Plan Bottom Left: Longitudinal Section Bottom Right: Transverse Section 59
axonometry of three unit type work-live, townhouse, apartment 61
figu rin g ou t dtla
figu rin g ou t dtla
e mail: viviku on g220 8@gmail.com tel: = 1(626)585-5125