7 Factors Enterprises Should Consider While Developing an Application Rapidly
Introduction With Rapid Mobile Application Development Platform: ● ● ● ● ●
ROIs at unforeseen levels Leave your competitors behind Create apps on Rapid Application Development (RAD) Platform at rapid speeds RAD strategy uses pre-built connectors to save time and costs Survey - 94% of IT projects fall behind schedule or go over the budget
Keep in mind these 7 factors while developing a mobile app rapidly
1. Fast Development of Apps ● ● ●
App development partner should use RAD platform Developer friendly coding - No HTML5 or CSS3 Create app 10x times faster
Result? Feature-rich and user friendly app, offering future-proof technology ready for any ecosystem, regardless of your workflow complexity
2. Works Across Multiple Platforms and Devices ● ● ●
Need of the hour is flexibility of use across all OSs and devices Different OS systems = Different programming languages Different OS systems = Increased time and costs
With RAD platform ● ● ●
Same set of reusable codes on all OS systems Native like UI and performance Decreased time and costs
3. Customized Development ● ● ●
Every business is different and requires customization Readymade apps are inflexible Readymade apps cannot address all business requirements
With RAD platform ● ● ● ●
Customizable to address all business requirements Extend usability and collaboration Integrate existing legacy systems Simplify workflows and decrease tickets handling
4. Simple Design Interface ● ● ● ● ● ●
Prominence on end-user’s requirements Same code across OS systems = Uniform look and feel Easy shift for user across platform and devices Easy account syncing across OS systems Stripped down functionality for quick refinement User and workforce feedback to make changes to the app
5. Breaking Down Silos and Data Analysis ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Quick app roll-out with reduced costs = Maximum impact Streamlines business workflows Market intelligence to cut across silos Collate, measure and analyse data Determine consumer behavior trends Minimize operational gaps Feedback structure between Lines-of-Business and IT
Result? Different units work as one. Working in collaboration.
6. Integrates Business with Future-Proof Technology ● ● ● ● ●
The app acts like a comprehensive application performing varied functions Negates the use of multiple apps Frees IT support staff’s time Executives can concentrate on improving efficiency and ROI Nodes for future business expansion and app integrations
7. Performance and Phone Functionality ● ● ● ● ● ●
Mobiles offer more functions than desktops RAD makes smartphone limitations redundant Example for workforce: GPS for asset location, traffic routes Example for customer: GPS for location based offers Lightweight apps to suit mobile processor speed and memory Adaptive images and texts to suit mobile screens
Conclusion In our hyperactive competitive business scenarios, real-time information and analytics drive innovation to influence positive business outcomes. New technology is creating an ecosystem for businesses to add new dimensions, physical and virtual, of contextual awareness between businesses and their customers. Now is the time to make the transition from the web development platform to the mobile with HokuApps Rapid Mobile App Development Platform.
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