Dearest IFMSA Family, As a Young Medical Student with firsthand knowledge about the struggles of the healthcare system, I realized early enough the need to have a tangible understanding of global health, it’s decision making processes and its several proceedings. I got introduced to IFMSA in 2017, 4 Years, 4 Trainings, 4 IFMSA Meetings, 5+ external meetings later, IFMSA has become home. My name is Olayinka Fakorede, a fresh doctor from NiMSA Nigeria and now I present to you my candidature for the position of Liaison Officer to Students Organizations. My interest in External Affairs started when I participated in the WHO simulation session, AM 2019. IFMSA had taught me not to accept the status quo, to always challenge things I am not comfortable with and that I cannot have a clear conscience when injustice happens around us but experiencing how major health decisions that affect billions are made in the WHO Simulation was just exciting and intriguing and then i decided that i would one day organize same WHO simulation in Nigeria. Well, I didn't organize it in Nigeria but I did for the Africa Region. This single event awoke my interest to question our policy making system, empower them to critically analyze and propose solutions to our challenges. As a local Projects Officer for my NMO in 2017, I was introduced to IFMSA Programs which complimented my experience with coordinating campaigns and implementing effective initiatives. During this period I organized programs with other healthcare students in my university. The relationship amongst healthcare practitioners around me was quite dysfunctional, i realized this and decided my generation should do better. I was then privileged to be selected as the 2019-2020 IFMSA Program Coordinator for Healthy Lifestyles and NCDs. In my tenure, I coordinated a SWG and also took part in several SWGs, including SWGs that worked on IFMSA policies. Then I attended the first virtual Pre WHA and WHA as a delegate of IFMSA and also the WHO ARC as one of the 3 delegates from the African Region.
During these events, I was exposed to writing position statements, working in groups with people to deliver these statements and thinking of innovative approaches towards advocating for meaningful youth participation and presenting the idea as a form of side event which shows forth activities of youths, we did this under the tutelage of the LPH, I was a major contributor to this idea all attributed to my experience with IFMSA programs. These experiences gave me a deeper insight about UN and WHO structure and processes. Now as External Affairs RA, i have Represented the region to work with AFRIYAN, Y-ACT and UNAIDS on a policy document which is about African youth consultation on ‘Ending AIDS’, Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) on the coordination of the regional consultations. Held meetings with externals and potential partners from WHO, AMREF, The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation etc. I have become more confident working with externals. I have represented IFMSA in collaborations with Healthcare students in Africa, first in a side event organized by All Healthcare students summit in Africa (AHESS) discussing UHC and as a Panelist in the same event. Then I Organized Webinar series on Policy and Advocacy and hackathon on Meaningful Youth Participation in collaboration with Federation of African Medical Students (FAMSA) and IPSF International Pharmaceutical Student Association AfRO amongst other achievements. Now with these experiences, I would like to represent IFMSA on a bigger platform. Now more than ever, we are challenged to work together as youths from related fields for the greater good, for a healthier and safer World. My passion, skills set and experiences aligns perfectly with the role of the LOSO position. The ingenuity of collaborating with other raw talents is an exciting one for me. The health workforce is a major building block of UHC hence the need for Inter professional Collaboration, i understand this concept and this is the reason behind me proposing the topic "sustainable health workforce as a response plan in health emergencies" as the theme event of the Online ARM 2020, the WHO Technical officer on Health Workforce was invited as a panelist and we discussed the importance of health workforce inter professional collaboration especially as a preparatory plan for health emergencies I joined a team to write a paper on the therapeutic options of COVID which was published in 2020. Last year the roles of the LOSO evolved and a lot of collaboration was done on COVID. I intend to improve on this and I am confident that with my research experience, interest and activity management experience, I would do a great job. I am a team player, I am dedicated and more importantly hardworking. IFMSA has given a lot to me. I want this opportunity to give back to this association that has given so much to me. I want to be an example to those coming behind that hard work pays, I want to bring opportunities closer to IFMSA Members, I want to make collaborations with healthcare students more meaningful and sustainable not just internationally but also with local impacts. There are young innovative students all around the World, fighting to let their voices be heard, taking the lead in campaigns, setting up organizations to fight global health issues. Now more than ever we need to come together. We all are healthcare students and would form the health workforce someday, our voices would be heard as we speak as one, our opinions would matter, our contributions would be appreciated. I would like to be a part of this. Join me in this mission of mine if it makes sense to you. See you in Zoomland Warmly, Olayinka
Effective Handover and Stakeholders analysis
The role of LOSO has evolved especially in the last 1 year. Going through the reports from 3 years back, I have realized the improvement in collaboration and achievements. No doubt IFMSA is the leading Student run Organization, however we have not gotten here on our own and we recognize the importance of collaborating with other raw talents. Many youths and healthcare students are driving change all around the World, these are like minded individuals and IFMSA recognizes the importance of collaborating with such youth organizations . The first official duty of the term is to be handed over to and the last is to handover to the successor. I would complete all pending duties quickly and effectively and continue with ongoing collaborations. I have conducted a Stakeholders Analysis of relevant partners to have a vivid plan and idea of the different organizations and their focus areas and new or better innovative ways to collaborate with them. These include the already existing partners and potential partners. I would be creating my Annual working plan based on this. During my handover to my successor, i will like to make a comprehensive account of my successes and failures during the term and how my successor can do better, i would also utilize existing checlist to help maximize the handover process
Sustaining Meaningful Collaborations with Partners
-Improving collaboration with WHO on COVID resources and campaign by updating COVID, information & youth survey and campaign with WHO and youth organizations -Ensuring improvements in organizing joint campaigns with youth organizations in topics such as UHC, SDGs, Health workforce, AMR, communicable Diseases etc -Intensifying collaboration with The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations(GAVI) on COVID vaccination advocacy , organizing webinars in this regard to educate our members about the recent updates and development with COVID Vaccination and dissemination. -Continuation of collaboration with WHO TB department; ensuring grants for IFMSA national TB actions -Collaboration with WHO and UNESCO Infodemic departments -Communication with ReACT and the IDEA Initiative team for planning and promotion of the Innovate4Health initiative -Organize another edition of Brainfuse competition in collaboration with IPSF -Collaborating with IVSA on ONE HEALTH INITIATIVE and COVID; i am looking into joint research/articles on this topic and possibility of continuing a workshop on ONE HEALTH -Working on abstracts and presentations for events and external meetings -Working on promotion of national and regional inter professional collaboration. -Organizing International youth day celebration with multiple partners
3. Improving External Affairs and Visibility A. Representation and Participation in Meetings and Events; -Representing the Federation’s stance on topics of discussions and concerns at external meetings - Ensuring gender and regional balance in delegation - Preparing IFMSA delegation for external meetings through series of pre event CB sessions. jointly writing position statements on behalf of IFMSA, preparation for elevator pitches and ensuring training of delegation to also focus on targeted potential partners for future collaborations and partnerships - Ensuring solid social media presence of IFMSA’s representation to external meetings by writing summaries, writing engaging tweets and making room for members to ask the delegation questions -Representation of IFMSA in meetings with already existing partners such as World Health Student Symposium (WHSS), International Forum of international students Organizations (IFISO), International Veterinary Students' Association (IVSA), International Association of Dental Students (IADS) IPSF, WHO, AMR events, Communicable Diseases Events etc and contributing meaningfully during collaborations, exploring innovative ideas for better collaborations including hackathons and competitions with prizes, exploring internship options for IFMSA members, research collaborations on COVID 19 including publication and presentation in conferences and ensuring members benefit from such opportunities B. Sustaining Relationship with AMR Partners;INNOVATE4AMR has been one of the most amazing opportunities IFMSA has offered to her members. I plan to maintain and sustain the relationship with the AMR partners which are WHO AMR Secretariat, ReAct, ESCMID, ARC and to explore better options and plans to ensure maximum participation and impact assessment. C. Strengthen Relationship with Regional medical students Associations such as FAMSA, AMSA, PMSA, EMSA; Through the help of the External Affairs Regional Assistant, i would like to strengthen the relationship with regional associations and collaborate better on projects. Also i would like to organize a session for IFMSA delegates to these partners conferences to ensure that our collaboration with them in of optimum impact D. New ideas for partnership and collaboration; In collaboration with VPE, Leverage on networks to create new partnerships such as One Young World, AIESEC, World Merit, IAAS etc -Continue Working on IFMSA new membership in the international society of antimicrobial chemotherapy (ISAC) E. Improving Visibility of IFMSA by -Ensuring invitation to and presentation at side events where IFMSAs activities, campaign could could be showcased and advocated for. -Ensuring continuation and publicity of work done on COVID and information survey -Updating the IFMSA COVID related abstracts for future use in events and promoting them -Ensuring promotion of IFMSA resources and Policies within youth network -Leveraging Social Media to increase IFMSA’s visibility by making IFMSA’s stance known of specific issues. -Collaborating with other student organizations to organize tweet chat on topics like AMR, IPE, Health literacy e.t.c. amongst youths, -Ensuring adequate publicity of IFMSA’s statements in meetings, side events etc. and tweeting at partners. -Ensuring publicity of IFMSA delegation to events and our roles at such event
F. Manual on Inter professional Education and Collaboration; IPE and Collaborative Practice are very important tools for socially accountable education and health services that meet community health needs better. In collaboration with IPSF, the LOSO last term already made a manual but it hasn't been published yet , I would like to look into the manual and make sure that if need be for more content, it would be added, i would like it to have an additional focus on Advocate for IPE to be implemented in universities faculty through interactive methods that allow students to work in inter professional teams on clinical cases and thematic projects, I believe this would also be feasible with the help of the NMOs. Consultations of NMO would be very important here.
4. Capacity Building Initiatives; a. Collaborate with VPE, RD, LOs team to design a more structured and comprehensive pre-departure training framework for IFMSA delegations to external meetings with focus on representation to Youth organizations with the aim of maximizing impact and ensuring sufficient follow up in the period after the meeting. b. Proposing a Pre-GA advocacy workshop on AMR e.g A to P on AMR; i would like to work with the SCOPH IT on this to ensure the workshop is standardized and give members the right advocacy skills to coordinate AMR initiatives in their different NMOs. C. In preparation for the INNOVATE4AMR competition, i would like to collaborate with the program coordinator on Communicable Diseases to organize webinar session on AMR and the future of Antimicrobials, promote AMR activities and set up a buddy system for NMOs interested in AMR activities/research to collaborate and share ideas. d. Updating IFMSA’s AMR Resources that would contain compilation of a standardized pool of resources including manuals, training materials, webinar recordings, guides, modules, helpful resources to be available online and continually updated and reviewed for quality assurance. e. SWG on World Antimicrobial Awareness Week; WAAW is celebrated annually from 18 to 24 November. This year i would like to form a SWG to plan the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) before the end of the term and then work with my successor on the project, to ensure increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance amongst future healthcare practitioners and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections.
5. Internal work and Members Engagement A. NMO Needs Assessment Conducting a baseline gap analysis and barriers identification of NMO collaboration with national youth organizations, AMR activities, etc through a thorough evaluation of the situation, we can identify the gap and bridge it helping NMOs identify possible beneficial Youth collaborations in their NMOs and Regions Meetings
B. National Alliances and Members Engagement Sharing contacts of possible youth organizations, giving NMOs directions and sharing resources on students alliances that could be developed on regional level and national level through the External Affairs RAs and VPE, thankfully there’s an external affairs Facebook group now and a mailing list for external representatives from NMOs, this would facilitate conversations between the NMO VPEs and thereby empowering youth organizations collaboration on a national level
C. IFMSA POLCIES; I would work on the renewal of specific IFMSA Policies related to the work of the LOSO e.g AMR, Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases, vaccination, also possibilities of proposing new policies D. COMMITTING to IFMSA INTERNAL MEETINGS, including Month OLMs, TOM, GAs, RMs etc . E. COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER TO -Collaboration with the LWHO during the Pre WHA to deliver sessions and WHA side Events on topics related to UHC, AMR etc -Collaboration with LPH for possible policies proposals and continuation of IFMSA COVID-19 campaign -Collaboration with SCOME IT on Brainfuse competition and health literacy activities. -Collaboration with LRA on collaboration for the youth against COVID campaign F. AM21 Theme event organization and moderation, sessions facilitation, and invitation of externals. etc
CURRICULUM VITAE Fakorede Olayinka Abosede Address: No G26, unit 7, Zone 3, Akingbile Community, near Moniya, Ibadan, Nigeria. Phone: +2347014294435 E-mail: holaryinkafakorede@gmail.com “An enthusiastic and dedicated Healthcare professional with a desire to positively impact patient care. Solid understanding of global health concerns and a commitment to designing sustainable health interventions in local communities towards achieving Universal Health Coverage. Collaborative and hardworking with strong research, program support and organizational skills.
EDUCATION 2012 – 2021 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery- MB;BS (In Progress) Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria 2012 - 2016 Bachelor of Science Physiology. Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS EXPERIENCE External Affairs Regional Assistant for Africa at International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)( Major Achievements from October 2020-January 2021
Representing the region to work with AFRIYAN, Y-ACT and UNAIDS on a policy document which is about African youth consultation on ‘Ending AIDS’ Representing the region to work with Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) on the coordination of the regional consultations. Organized, Coordinated, Chaired and trained volunteers for the WHO Simulation on Climate Change at the Online Africa Regional Meeting (OARM) 2020 Attended the Resumed sessions of WHO Africa Regional Committee Delivered Advocacy and Policy Training in Africa with EA Policy Assistant IT Working group on UHC Policy. Facilitated external Affairs Sessions at the OARM Worked with other members of IT and LWHO on WHO youth delegates program toolkit Coordinated the OARM Theme Event which had the WHO Technical Officer in the department of Health Workforce in attendance as the Panelist Coordinated a Small working group for Policy Training for all healthcare students in Africa in collaboration with FAMSA and IPSF AfRO which would involve Webinar sessions from connoisseurs in the field of Medical Policies, Competitions, Hackathons and Policy Simulations Represented the Region as Panelist for Africa Health Care Students Summit Side Event Presentation for Africa Health Care Students Summit
AMEE ONFERENCE 2020 Abstract Presenter and Delegate. September 2020 -Attended over 12 sessions with focus on medical education, research, ethics and simulations -Presented an abstract on social accountability in medical school WHO Africa Regional Committee. August 2020 -Roles in the meeting were; to represent and deliver IFMSA statements. -Based on the meeting made recommendations to IFMSA on how to better work with the regional office Small Working group on Health Emergency Policy. JUNE 2020 -Worked with a group of medical students from different regions on comprehensive policy documents for IFMSA which cover all aspects of health emergencies from preparedness to response and recovery PRE-World Health Assembly and World Health Assembly (IFMSA Delegate) Virtual. May 2020 -Worked with other medical students on Policy formulation and advocacy on Meaningful Youth -Participation in Climate Change by proposing a side event in form of a booth exhibition and panel discussion Small Working group on Rural Health Policy. December 2019 -Worked with a group of medical students from different regions in IFMSA on the link between PHC and rural health and the needs of rural health.
IFMSA EXPERIENCE POSITIONS HELD External Affairs Regional Assistant for Africa (CURRENT POSITION) Vice President External to IFMSA From Nigerian Medical Students’ Association (NiMSA) Jan-Dec2020 -Served as a link between Medical Students in Nigeria and IFMSA, Organized Trainings on capacity building for medical students in Nigeria, coordinated and supervised the NMOs first Policy documents ever. Program Coordinator for Healthy Lifestyles and NCDs In IFMSA (October 2019-September 2020) -Assisted Activity coordinators in 5 regions to enroll, report, coordinate, evaluate and monitor activities related to NCDs and affiliate them with IFMSA -Co-Lead small working groups on World hypertension Day and World Breast Cancer Awareness Month International Campaigns Public Relations Officer Bowen Association of Medical Students’ Nigeria (2018 - 2019) -Headed the publicity and communications team to publicize and drive social media engagement. -Generated, edited, published and shared engaging contents daily on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to raise public awareness on health issues. Local Public Health Officer (2017-2018) -Activity coordinator for over 10 Activities Planned locally for Nigerian Medical Students’ Association (NiMSA) and affiliated with IFMSA)
IFMSA MEETINGS ATTENDED Online Africa Regional Meeting December 2020 69th August GA, OGA. August 2020, (Head of Delegation) 69th March General Assembly of IFMSA, Rwanda (Head of Delegation) March 2020 IFMSA 68th August General Assembly of IFMSA, Taiwan (SCOPH Sessions) August 2019 IFMSA 68th August General Assembly Pre-GA Taiwan, August 2019 Africa Regional Meeting of IFMSA Ghana December 2018
Activity Management Online Course. May 2020 TRAINER SMART; Activity Management Journey from idea to Impact at IFMSA Pre-GA February 2020. TRAINER Project Management in Global Health Workshop by University of Washington. February 2020 TRAINEE Public Health Leadership Training of Trainers (PHLTT) February 2020. TRAINEE Strengthening Social Accountability in Primary Health Care Workshop Pre-GA August 2019, Taiwan. TRAINEE IPAS safe Access to Abortion Training, Nigeria. May 2017 TRAINEE
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS Strengthening Social Accountability in Medical Schools Abstract for AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) September 2020 Current Knowledge on the Pathogenesis of and Therapeutic Options against SARS-CoV-2; An extensive review of the available evidence. May 2020 Community Medicine Research Project on awareness and practice of Self Breast Examination and Breast Cancer among market women in Ogbomoso. Community Medicine Department of Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso. July 2018
LANGUAGES English- Fluent Yoruba-Mother tongue French-Beginners
COMPUTER SKILLS; Google suite, MSword, Powerpoint, SPSS, Editing and design apps e.g CANVA
ADDITIONAL SKILLS Sound Clinical Acumen, Proposal writing, Partnership/Stakeholders engagement and management, Research, Academic and Report writing, Social media etiquette, Great Human Communication skills