ON THE WAY to school, Rick scouted out every likely- looking heap of junk on his walk for more forgotten road signs. There was a depressing number of heaps of junk, one of them guarded by two protective pit bulls. And there was a depressing number of road signs: none. He was reluctantly coming around to the idea that he was going to have to steal signs from Ms. Diamond. He wished his parents hadn’t raised him to know right from wrong, because this definitely fell on the side of wrong. But, he argued with his uncomfortable conscience, it was going to make something else right. Plus, the signs were recycled materials, and he’d be recycling them to a new purpose that would bring joy to Los Angeles, just like Ms. Diamond and the Girl Scouts wanted him to. He kept throwing justifications at his conscience, which would catch them, examine them, and then throw them back, embroidered with the statement Taking stuff that doesn’t belong to you without permission is wrong. That afternoon when he climbed into Abuelita’s big red car with Mila, he brought Aleks’s old extra-big camp-- -
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