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calendar of events
Drawdown EcoChallenge-Online. You choose “challenges”, from among 80 of the most substantive solutions to climate change, to implement in your life, forming new earth-care habits over the course of the month. Join the team or learn more at https://drawdown.ecochallenge.org/challenges
Actions Faith Communities Can Take 11 am Loren Hopkins, Chief Environmental Science Officer for the City of Houston’s Health Department, will discuss current Houston Health Department programming and policies directed toward reducing pollution and pollution-related health effects. Learn more/register at: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/pollution-public-health-faith-communities-tickets-143588120935.
Celebrate Earth Day 2021 Virtually
The COVID-19 pandemic may be with us for some time, but there are still many ways to participate in the 51st anniversary of the global environmental movement. The Biden administration will host world leaders at an Earth Day 2021 global climate summit on April 22. Many important environmental events have occurred on Earth Day since 1970, including the 2016 signing of the Paris Agreement, as Earth Day continues to be a momentous and unifying day each year. Be a part of this historic climate summit by taking action to restore the Earth. For more information, visit the Earth Day Network at EarthDay.org.
The Causes & Effects of a Healthy Galves-
ton Bay. 6pm. Join Sasha Francis, Community Engagement Coordinator at the Galveston Bay Foundation, as she discusses the very significant links between the health of Galveston Bay, the health of people in the Galveston Bay watershed (50% of the population of Texas) and the economy in this region. Please register for this talk on www. eventbrite.com Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs. lrc@gmail.com with any questions.
plan ahead
2021 Houston’s Heroes Award Luncheon
11:30 am The Annual Houston’s Heroes Award Luncheon honors individuals and organizations who have given exemplary services to make Houston a safer place to live, work, learn and play. Royal Sonesta Houston 2222 West Loop South Houston, TX 77027 For ticket purchases or more information please visit https://crime-stoppers.org/get-involved/2021CSLuncheon.
Core Focused Yoga 6:30-7:30 pm Strengthen your body, relax your mind and find your center with this dynamic flow yoga sequence with John Tran. Discovery Green 1500 McKinney St.Houston, TX 77010. discoverygreen.com
YIN With Lin 9:30 am Yin yoga targets the deep connective tissues: fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It’s slow and meditative, facilitating the space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body. RSVP Required. 713.858.8595 Lin Weiss - Certified Yoga Therapist linweiss@conscioushealingnow. com
Blissful Quests® with Doyle Ward-The Pocast.
1:00pm.Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Maybe the real question to explore is not IF you are intuitive, but HOW you are intuitive. Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive medium, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Call in during the show at: 1-760-456-7277, access on-demand episodes or listen live! blissfulquests.com/podcast/
Healing Meditation at First Spiritualist Church of Houston.
7:30 pm Livestream on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FirstSpiritualistChurchofHouston/
People of Earth. 7:00 pm. Hosted by Jacquelyn Battise. A program created to provide Native American and non-Native people with timely news and information about culture, news and realities. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM. kpft.org
Living the Change Weekly Online Discussion
Group 6 pmThis 12-week program focuses on making personal lifestyle changes in three areas: transportation; energy; and food. The Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston invites you to join us on this journey, via a weekly online discussion group. . Please register for this event on www.eventbrite.com. For more information, please contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail. com.
Brith Shalom 6:15 pm Shabbat Online https:// www.brithshalom.org Integrative Hatha Yoga 9:30amTherapeutic and flowing asana practice focusing on heart and hip openers, twists, postural alignment, the energetic subtlebodies and meditation.Lin offers the wisdom of many traditions to address each student’s goals, whether beginner or advanced. RSVP Required. 713.858.8595 Lin Weiss - Certified Yoga Therapist linweiss@conscioushealingnow.com
Houston Zen Center 8”20 am Sunday Sangha. https://houstonzen.org/cloud-zendo
Grace Episcopal Church & School.
10 am. Sunday Worship Livestream. https://www.facebook.com/GraceinHouston/
Unity Spiritual Center of Greater Houston
10:15 am Sunday Service. Facebook Live https://unityspiritualcenterhouston.org
First Spiritualist Church of Houston 10:30 am Sunday Healing & Spirit Greetings Facebook Live
First Unitarian Universalist Church 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship Livestream. https:// firstuu.org/
Unity of Houston. 11 am Sunday Morning Service Livestreaming. https://unityhouston.org/
Creative Life Spiritual Center 11 am Sunday Celebration. Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/creativelife.org/
Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 11 am. Sunday Program. Click on Sunday Program to access the Zoom link. https://ufoh.org/
Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism
12 noon. Sunday Meditation & Dharma Talk. https://www.youtube.com/user/dawnmountain
ISKCON 5 pm Sunday Feast Class Livestream https://www.mayapur.tv/
YogaMass® Online 5-6:30 pm. In YogaMass, we remember and embody the promise of Jesus, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” YogaMass® is a unique worship experience engaging and integrating all of our dimensions -- physical, psychological, emotional, mental, energetic, social, and spiritual. It reconnects us, through sacred ritual and practices, to the divine presence among us, within us, and in the sacred meal that we share as we seek to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. Donations accepted. Via Zoom. Go to yogamass.com to register.
Whole Mother. 7:30 pm. Hosted by Pat Jones. A show that discusses the political and practical aspects of being a mother today. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM. kpft.org