2 minute read
Where There is Faith There is Hope
Experience China as Never Before
The Path of Hope: A Study on Climate Action for Faith Communities, is an online discussion series by the Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston at 5 p.m. Thursdays from December 1 through 22, 5 p.m. It features 15-minute videos with interviews with U.S. faith leaders, representatives of climate-impacted communities from the global south and presentations by UN officials and other experts.
Covering four key climate policy issues that intersect with universal faith concerns for vulnerable and marginalized people, the series focuses on how climate change is impacting the core ministries of faith communities around the world, how those impacts will increase in the future and why these impacts create an imperative for people of faith to advocate for strong U.S. climate action.
A discussion guide is included that asks participants to think deeply about how their own local faith community’s direct service programs intersect with climate impacts and how knowledge and experiences gained through these programs might help to inform climate policy. The study’s Action Center provides practical, step-by-step instructions for advocacy activities, as well as recommended policy asks for local, state, and national leaders.
Register at Tinyurl.com/ClimateAndFaith. For more information, email Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com.
Shen (divine) and Yun (inner charm) describe the beauty of divine beings dancing. The Broadway hit Shen Yun, A Divine Culture Lost, will be performed from December 26 through January 2, 2023, at Jones Hall for the Performing Arts, in Houston.
Comprising 20 pieces, the artistic revival and celebration of China’s rich cultural heritage displays themes ranging from the elegance of Tang court ladies to the heroics of valiant generals, the timeless philosophical works of Lao-Tzu and spectacular tableaus of magical realms. Today’s China is represented as well, shining a light on the oppression many citizens experience for their spiritual beliefs.
Touring to 150 cities around the world each year with stunning costumes, high-tech backdrops and original orchestra compositions, Shen Yun conveys the depth and breadth of Chinese culture, bringing the magnificence of 5,000 years of civilization to life on stage.
Location: 615 Louisiana St., Houston. For tickets, call 877-663-7469 or visit Tinyurl.com/ShenYunTickets. See ad on pages 2 and 3.

Dickens on the Strand
“So beautiful and so moving!”Galveston’s annual holiday street festival, Dickens on The Strand, takes visitors —Vikki Carr, world-renowned singerback to the Victorian era with live entertainment on multiple streets, strolling carolers, roving musicians, bagpipers, jugglers, entertainers and costumed revelers from “I feel elevated, I feel like I’m in a better mood. You can be December 2 through 4, in the downtown Strand Historical District. immersed in love and compassion here, so come see it.” Other events include the crowd favorite Whimsical Whisker Revue; a facial hair —Taiya Himebauch, therapist contest for the bearded and the dandy; the Dickens Victorian Bed Races; a Victorian costume contest; and daily parades. Many people dress up in their Dickensian finest Jones Hall Dec 26, 2022–Jan 2, 2023 ShenYun.com/Houston 877-663-7469 ALL-NEW PROGRAM WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA (or raggedy threads) and take to the streets to shop, eat, party, parade and celebrate this holiday tradition. Admission is $20/adults, $14/children 7 to 12 and free for youth 6 and under. For tickets, visit GalvestonHistory.org/events/dickens-on-the-strand/tickets. For more information, call 409-765-7834.