4 minute read
calendar of events
Houston Metropolitan Dance Center Presents:
Summer Extravadance 830pm Invigorate your weekend with an evening bursting with energy, music and the intoxicating spirit of dance. Miller Outdoor Theatre 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030. milleroutdoortheatre.com
Faith & Resilience: Spiritual Hubs 3:00 pm online. Join Jim Blackburn, long-time environmental lawyer/planner and Professor in the Practice of Environmental Law in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rice University, for a talk on faith and resilience. Jim’s talk will focus on physical, economic and spiritual resilience in the context of our changing climate and the need to understand its implications and address its impacts. The role of the faith community will be discussed. Jim will also include some climate-based poetry from the recent 365-day virus vigil of poetry and paintings and writings about Earth Church and nature. Please register for this event
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/faith-resilience-spiritual-hubs-tickets-153064466941 Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com with any questions.
Black Authors Matter Interview 7:00 - 8:00 pm CT Live interview with Sherra Aguirre, author of Joyful, Delicious, Vegan: Life Without Heart Disease about preventing and reversing heart disease and health benefits of a plant-based diet. Live streamed on Facebook @ https://www. facebook.com/nationalblackbookfestival No registration required.
A Gulf Coast Juneteenth: Featuring Bobby
Rush. 8:30pm. This annual blues and creole festival features Grammy award-winning blues legend Bobby Rush. This story telling bluesman boasts gritty, sensuous vocals and impressive harmonica chops that wow audiences wherever he goes. Miller Outdoor Theatre 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030. milleroutdoortheatre.com
Holistic Chamber of Commerce 6-8 pm It is the time for our community of holistic practitioners and friends to come together and grow this chapter. Our goal is to be a chapter that will help its members to grow and develop and to help our Houston community learn about our holistic businesses. We each bring unique skills and talents that as we share can help each other and our community and prospects. Please bring yourself and bring a friend to our meeting....Looking forward to meeting all of you. no cost, virtual meeting at https://cp.webinarblaze.live/rooms/130/join Any questions, call or email memorial@holisticchamberofcommerce. com
Critical Mass Houston meet up 6:30-7:45pm, roll at 7:45pm, end at 10:00pm. Critical Mass Houston is a casual bike ride starting from downtown Houston and going wherever. Cars rule the road every day, but one day a month we get together to celebrate our love for bicycles and have fun riding our bikes. This is generally a slow-paced ride where persons of all skill levels can participate. Guadalupe Plaza Park 2311 Runnels St, Houston, TX 77003, criticalmasshouston.com
Brazos Bookstore, Virtual Summer of Wom-
en Book Club 7:00 - 8:00 pm CT Book event featuring Sherra Aguirre’s book Joyful, Delicious, Vegan: Life Without Heart Disease. Discussion with the author and Q&A with participants. For registration and more information go to brazosbookstore.com.
Send your suggested calendar listings to mike@naturalawakenings-houston.com. They are FREE for the months of July, August and September. Deadline is the 15th of the month for the next month’s issue.
The Houston Symphony Presents: Summer
Symphony Nights. 8:30pm. Join your Houston Symphony at the park for a series of family-friendly concerts that showcase outstanding soloists and conductors performing favorites from the classical repertoire. Miller Outdoor Theatre 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030. milleroutdoortheatre.com
Aperio Presents:Lush Life & Latin Beats.
8:30pm. Get ready to feel the beat with orchestral showstoppers by Duke Ellington, Chick Corea, Michael Torke & Arturo Marquez. Miller Outdoor Theatre 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030. milleroutdoortheatre.com
Blissful Quests® with Doyle Ward-The Pocast.
1:00pm.Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Maybe the real question to explore is not IF you are intuitive, but HOW you are intuitive. Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive medium, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Call in during the show at: 1-760-456-7277, access on-demand episodes or listen live! blissfulquests.com/podcast/
Healing Meditation at First Spiritualist Church of Houston.
7:30 pm Livestream on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FirstSpiritualistChurchofHouston/
Living the Change Weekly Online Discussion
Group 6 pmThis 12-week program focuses on making personal lifestyle changes in three areas: transportation; energy; and food. The Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston invites you to join us on this journey, via a weekly online discussion group. . Please register for this event on www.eventbrite.com. For more information, please contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail. com.
No Drop Saturdays 7:30-9:30 am Beginner Level Social Bike Ride All level of riders welcome. This is a slow paced, no drop ride that’s perfect for first time riders, families, or anyone who has not done a group ride before. There will be instruction on how to shift, how to brake, etc., as needed. Bicycle World of Katy, 24555 Katy Fwy, Katy, TX 77494 Call 281-665-1016 for more information.
Houston Zen Center 8”20 am Sunday Sangha. https://houstonzen.org/cloud-zendo
Grace Episcopal Church & School.
10 am. Sunday Worship Livestream. https://www.facebook.com/GraceinHouston/
Unity Spiritual Center of Greater Houston
10:15 am Sunday Service. Facebook Live https://unityspiritualcenterhouston.org
First Spiritualist Church of Houston 10:30 am Sunday Healing & Spirit Greetings Facebook Live
First Unitarian Universalist Church 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship Livestream. https:// firstuu.org/
Unity of Houston. 11 am Sunday Morning Service Livestreaming. https://unityhouston.org/
Creative Life Spiritual Center 11 am Sunday Celebration. Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/creativelife.org/
Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 11 am. Sunday Program. Click on Sunday Program to access the Zoom link. https://ufoh.org/
Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism
12 noon. Sunday Meditation & Dharma Talk. https://www.youtube.com/user/dawnmountain
ISKCON 5 pm Sunday Feast Class Livestream https://www.mayapur.tv/