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Eco Tip: The 411 on Styrofoam
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Workshops March 7th-28th The 411 on Styrofoam
Why We Should Just Say No
Sahaja yoga meditation is a technique which involves the awakening of a subtle energy that resides in every human irrespective of caste, creed, nationality, religion or color. This energy, when awakened, integrates individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. This process often referred to as Self-realization or kundalini awakening. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi developed this technique to enable this awareness to be given to the masses. She was internationally recognized for her contribution to the humanity through a lifetime of work for peace and the wellbeing of mankind. She received awards and citations from the governments of many countries in recognition of her selfless efforts for social improvement. Many people practice Sahaja Yoga across the US and there are many meditation programs conducted daily across America.
When the kundalini is awakened in a person it brings about a balance within their being. A rejuvenated human being finds unknown depths of energy and creativity to better his living conditions; and to lead a more meaningful life. The practice of Sahaja Yoga makes a person calm and collected and able to cope more easily and effectively with the strains and stresses of life. It not only prevents but also cures the innumerable diseases which are the outcome of modern day living – such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, mental disorders, etc.
Sahaja yoga is widely practiced in Houston. Meditation programs are currently being conducted online for the general public and for people who have been practicing it for a few years. Everyone can join using WEBEX on weekdays and weekends. Anyone can join via link below
https://amrutakarnik.my.webex.com/meet/ houstonsy
All the programs are free and open to all. In month of March, a 21-day workshop is organized between March 7th-28th at 8:45 pm-10:00 pm (EST). Workshop sessions will be streamed live on Zoom and YouTube. Please visit houston-meditation.org or contact at houstonsy@outlook.com for more details. Because it is heat-resistant, extremely lightweight and relatively sturdy, Styrofoam is commonly used for takeout food and beverage containers, egg cartons, craft materials, home insulation and product packaging. The harm it causes to human health and the planet outweighs its convenience, however, and a growing number of cities in Asia, Europe and the U.S. have banned its use, including Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, New York City and Washington, D.C.
The word Styrofoam, which stands for a polystyrene plastic foam made from nonrenewable crude oil, is actually a trademark owned by the Dow Chemical Company in more than 90 countries. Despite city restrictions and growing concern over its safety, 3 million tons of it is produced every year in the U.S.

Human Health Risks Two known toxins—benzene and styrene—are released during the manufacture of this puffed, #6 plastic. The toxins are also released whenever it is subjected to heat—by contact with a hot beverage or in the microwave, for example. In a 1986 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study, styrene was detected in the fatty tissue of every man, woman and child tested. The tens of thousands of people that live and work in environments with high concentrations of styrene have higher instances of cancer, neurological issues, headaches, depression and fatigue, while chronic exposure to benzene is believed to cause blood disorders, negative reproductive effects and increased incidence of leukemia.
Environmental Impacts The manufacturing process of polystyrene was rated as the fifth-largest source of hazardous waste by a 1986 EPA report. It is estimated that 680 pounds of greenhouse gas are emitted to produce 10,000 plastic foam cups. Styrofoam is virtually non-biodegradable, and only 1 percent of it is recycled. Approximately 2.3 million tons end up in landfills every year, releasing toxins into the air and breaking into smaller particles that make their way into waterways, polluting the human drinking supply and posing great risk to marine life that ingests microplastics.
Better Alternatives It is best to avoid using Styrofoam altogether, opting instead for plantbased, stainless steel, ceramic or glass containers to carry food and beverages. Choose manufacturers and shipping companies that use biodegradable packing materials instead of foam. At the grocery store, purchase eggs in paperboard cartons and get fresh cuts of meat from the butcher rather than those packed in foam trays. At home, select Earth-friendly insulation and steer clear of foam-based craft supplies.
Run 10 Minutes for a Brain Boost
Exercise is used by people of all ages to elevate a sluggish mood, and new research shows that a mere 10 minutes of moderate-intensity running also boosts cognitive function. In tests with 26 subjects, researchers from the University of Tsukuba, in Japan, found that a short burst of running improved the set of cognitive processes involved in planning, organizing and self-control by increasing blood flow to the bilateral prefrontal cortex. “Given that running is a whole-body locomotive exercise, it may confer more mental health benefits compared to other forms of exercise such as cycling,” says study author Hideaki Soya, Ph.D.
Environment Damaged by Winter Road Salt
Road crews in regions impacted by snow and ice dump around 25 metric tons of salt on roadways annually, reducing vehicular accidents by approximately 80 percent. All of this salt is wreaking havoc on the environment and our drinking water, according to a University of Toledo (Ohio) study published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Bill Hintz, assistant professor of ecology and lead author, states, “The magnitude of the road salt contamination issue is substantial and requires immediate attention.”
Some easy fixes are within reach. Road salt should always be stockpiled in permanent structures with walls and impermeable floors to prevent seepage. De-icing involves treating roads with liquid salt brine before a storm rather than scattering salt after the snow has fallen. Live-edge snowplows with multiple blades connected by springs, rather than conventional plows with a fixed edge, can remove more snow and reduce the need for road salt. Keep in mind that ordinary road salt stops working when the temperature falls below 15 degrees.
According to the Salt Smart Collaborative, based in Illinois, most homeowners use too much salt to treat surfaces around their homes. About 12 ounces of salt (a coffee mug’s worth) can treat a 20-foot-long driveway. To prevent harmful chlorides from reaching rivers and streams, they can sweep up excess salt that remains after a storm and throw it away.

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HOUSTON METRO Chiropractic Guide
Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center
Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, DC 8100 Washington Ave, #210 Houston, TX 77007 713-521-2104 n8chiro.com
HealthPro Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, DC 4101 Green Briar Dr. #135 Houston, TX 77098 281-506-0105 healthprochiro.com
Franson Chiropractic
Dr. Brett V. Franson, DC 1652 South Dairy Ashford Rd. Houston, TX 77077 281-701-1596 fransonchiropractor.com
Nominate your chiropractor. Email their contact info to: mike@naturalawakenings-houston.com

Via Colori Houston
April 2-3
Via Colori® Houston 2022 is a reimagined creative arts and cultural event drawing thousands of families, artists, and festival goers annually to join in the street painting festival. This event will be held April 2-3, 2022, in downtown Houston at POST, the historic Barbara P. Jordan Post Office. Via Colori means “color street” beckoning us to engage with the environment around us and to connect with our own sense of well-being as we celebrate art and artists.
The Institute for Spirituality and Health is the new charity beneficiary and is honored to welcome sponsors, artists, volunteers, and attendees and Via Colori® Houston. This event promises live music, food, and Via Bambini - an art wonderland for kids of all ages. The focal point of the festival is to invite artists of all levels to create street paintings inspired by and in support of the mission of The Institute. For more information please visit, viacolorihouston.org and follow the event on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @ viacolorihouston. See Ad page 24
The Face of God
Thursdays, Mar. 3 – Apr. 7 (except Mar. 17), 6 p.m. online
From the melting permafrost that threatens churches in Alaska to the wildfires that ravaged California this past year, to the U.S. South where hurricanes are becoming stronger and more deadly, communities around the globe are already feeling the rising impacts of global climate change. The Face of God is a film about God and nature, faith and climate change, and the experience of communities around the world facing and experiencing changes in their lives now. The film showcases important Christian voices, scientists, politicians, lay leaders, theologians, and communities around the world, and gathers the witness of the whole church on the defining issue of our time. Join us online each week to view segments of the film and discuss them. Can’t make it every week? Join as you are able. Register on www.eventbrite.com at: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/the-face-of-god-tickets-252042886057. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs. lrc@gmail.com for more details.

The Magic of the Equinox Sun
Experience the energy of true beauty. March 13 -20, 2022.
Most of us know that sunrises and sunsets are special moments of the day. But what makes the moment so magical? Find out, during a seven-day exploration of the history, rituals, and spirituality of the equinox sun. The equinox sunrise has very special qualities; beauty, balance, and grace. Join Karen and Dominique in this wonderful opportunity to deepen the connection to the sun and experience these qualities.
Because the sun is essential for life, it has been part of rituals and ceremonies since the beginning of time. During our time together, learn and experience working with the sun’s powerful energy. The equinox is a time of grace, balance, and beauty and actually feeling the energy of true beauty is possible.
Participate in simple, but potent exercises. Discover sacred equinox alignments. Explore healing rituals from ancient times. Prepare charged healing water, a secret guarded by the alchemists. Feel the beauty of the equinox sun and expand your spirituality.
March 13 -20, 2022. $37 Receive daily emails, exercises, short informational videos, and participate in a Zoom session to share personal experiences of the equinox. Karen and Dominique Susani of Energetic Geometry will be hosting this challenge leading up to and including the equinox. For more information and to register, visit energeticgeometry.com/equinox-sun/