2 minute read
Daily Devotionals for Global Climate Conference
5,000 Years of Civilization Reborn
A daily devotional for use during the United Nations Climate Conference in Egypt from November 6 through 18 has been created. Printed copies will be distributed from 5:45 to 7 p.m., November 5, and 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., November 6, at Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church. Participants may pray for world leaders at the climate conference each day, and for ourselves, that we may all act as good stewards of God’s beloved creation.
Lisa Brenskelle, founder of the Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston, heads Lutherans Restoring Creation for the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod. She is happy to assist with creation care efforts for any congregation in the synod and assist other Christian congregations in the greater Houston region.
Location: 2353 Rice Blvd., Houston. To view or download an electronic copy, email Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com or visit CreationCares.org.

Shen Yun, A Divine Culture—Lost, will be presented in Houston from December 26 through January 2, 2023, at Jones Hall for the Performing Arts. Shen Yun is a brilliant artistic revival and celebration of China’s rich cultural heritage that conveys the extraordinary depth and breadth of genuine Chinese culture, and brings the magnificence of 5,000 years of civilization back to life on stage. The show tours to 150 cities around the world each year with stunning costumes, high-tech backdrops and original orchestra compositions.
Shen means divine. Yun is personal bearing, or inner charm. Together, the name Shen Yun means the beauty of divine beings dancing. Each performance consists of about 20 pieces, and themes range from the delicate elegance of Tang court ladies to the battlefield heroics of valiant generals, the timeless philosophical works of Lao-Tzu and spectacular scenes of magical realms. Some pieces also touch upon today’s China, shedding light on the oppression many experience for their spiritual beliefs, such as Falun Dafa.
Location: 615 Louisiana St., Houston. For tickets, call 877-663-7469 or visit Tinyurl. com/ShenYunHouston.
Rain Barrel Workshop at First UU Church
Rain barrels not only conserve water, a precious natural resource, they also help to keep water clean and reduce flooding, making Houston a more resilient city. The First Unitarian Universalist Church will conduct a rain barrel workshop from 12:45 to 2 p.m., November 6, sponsored by LyondellBassell and Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages. Participants will discover the benefits of rain barrels, get one for their home or house of worship and learn how to install it.
Rain barrels will be available to be picked up at 12:45 p.m. in the church parking lot, and installation training will take place immediately afterward in the Fireside Room. A recorded training is also available. Registration includes one rain barrel, one connecter kit and training to install them.
Location: 5100 Main St., Houston. Register at galvbay.org/events. For more information, email Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com.