15 minute read
The Helpful Nature of Houseplants
eco tip
The Helpful Nature of Houseplants
Nestled among books on a shelf, soaking up sunlight by a kitchen window or filling the bare corner of a living room, nothing adds beauty and interest to a home quite like a living plant. Bringing nature indoors also has numerous human health advantages.
Benefits of Houseplants
They oxygenate the air. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while plants do the opposite during photosynthesis. This makes them ideal air fresheners. At sundown, when photosynthesis stops, most plants go back to absorbing oxygen and releasing CO2, except for orchids, succulents and bromeliads, making them wonderful bedside companions.
They eliminate toxins. Studies have shown that plants filter indoor air, removing volatile organic compounds like benzene, xylene, toluene, trichloroethylene, ammonia and formaldehyde, which are commonly found in furniture adhesives, paints, carpets, chemical cleaners and craft supplies.
They humidify the indoor environ-
ment. Through a process called transpiration, moisture travels from plant roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released into the air. In arid climates and during winter, this creates a favorable indoor atmosphere that decreases dry skin, colds, sore throats, dry coughs and even the transmission of the flu virus.
They enhance our mood. Research shows indoor plants boost our mental health. One study found that viewing plants while recovering from surgery led to physiological improvements by lowering blood pressure and reducing the perception of pain, anxiety and fatigue. Also, the act of taking care of plants has been shown to be emotionally helpful.
They help with productivity. Placing a philodendron by the computer might be a good idea, as a number of studies have shown that being close to nature improves concentration, memory and productivity.
Pet-Friendly Varietals
Some plants can be toxic to dogs and cats, but here are a few that are perfectly safe for our furry best friends: rattlesnake plant, spider plant, parlor palm, ponytail palm, African violet, bird’s nest fern, Venus flytrap, Boston fern, polka dot plant, orchid, staghorn fern, bromeliad, date palm and herbs.
Maintenance Tips
Watering: Over- or under-watering are the most common houseplant killers, but there are easy fixes. One is a relatively inexpensive moisture meter that helps monitor hydration levels in a planter. Or simply stick a finger into the soil and add water only when it is dry one inch below the surface.
Low-light choices: Many plants thrive indoors with partial, indirect sunlight, and some are low-light tolerant, including lucky bamboo, spider plant, pothos, snake plant, staghorn fern, English ivy, peace lily, maidenhair fern, philodendron, anthurium, corn plant and dragon tree.
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HOUSTON METRO Chiropractic Guide
Core Chiropractic
Dr. Philip Cordova, DC 1770 St. James Place, #210 Houston, TX 77056 713-622-3300 corechiropractic.net
Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center
Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, DC 8100 Washington Ave, #210 Houston, TX 77007 713-521-2104 n8chiro.com
HealthPro Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, DC 4101 Green Briar Dr. #135 Houston, TX 77098 281-506-0105 healthprochiro.com

Not FDA approved to cure, treat, prevent, or treat any illness or condition. Click QR code for further info.
Franson Chiropractic
Dr. Brett V. Franson, DC 1652 South Dairy Ashford Rd. Houston, TX 77077 281-701-1596 fransonchiropractor.com

Expertise Plus Experience Equals Trust
Dr. Brett Franson has worked with dozens of health care practitioners across many fields in Texas clinics over nearly 30 years, which exposed him to multiple approaches and allowed him to learn the best from everyone he has encountered. Clinical practice experience seeing patients and working with them to see what works best, and reading the latest research and applying what they learn are great strategies.
Franson Chiropractic uses gentle, traditional therapeutic techniques that leverage the body’s natural healing powers. He treats chronic pain, migraines, back pain, sciatica, neck pain, subluxation (vertebra misaligning or dislocating from its position, leading to severe stress and pain on the spine), herniated discs and more. He says, “Most people don’t even realize they have a herniated disc, which can cause severe pain in the back, neck or even legs.”
A member of ChiroTrust, Franson has personally experienced numerous injuries and health challenges himself and can truly relate to what patients are going through. It is wise to choose a doctor that not only has the clinical experience, but the personal experience, as well.
Franson Chiropractic is located at 1652 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., in Houston. For appointments and more information, call 281701-1596 or visit FransonChiropractor.com.
Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. ~Brené Brown

A Shining Star on the Chiropractic Scene
Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, owner of Health Pro Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture, graduated from Texas Chiropractic College and currently serves as president of the Texas Chiropractic Association. Her goal in the treatment of patients is preventative care. She believes in a healthy living lifestyle and treating patients to help them to return to their normal state of health. Pagnani-Gendron loves to treat the entire family from birth and beyond and keep everyone healthy.
Pagnani-Gendron is also fully certified in pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic. She holds special certificate training in Webster Technique, advanced Webster Technique, acupuncture, myofascial release and Graston technique. She has specialty training in craniosacral therapy and pre- and post-frenectomy body work.
The doctor enjoys treating her pregnant patients and helping them to feel their best throughout their pregnancy, as well as treating infants and children at each milestone in their lives and keeping them healthy as they grow.
The immediate past president of the American Chiropractic Association, and a member of the American Pediatric Chiropractic Association, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, Women Chiropractors Organization, Houston Area Lactation Consultants Educators Association and, Women Leading Medicine, she also enjoys supporting local philanthropic organizations around Houston.
Health Pro Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture is located at 4101 Greenbriar Dr., Ste.135, in Houston. For appointments and more information, call 281-506-0105 or visit HealthProChiro.com.

CORE Chiropractic is a Family affair
Natalie Cordova, DC, and Philip Cordova, DC, at CORE Chiropractic, founded in 2006, offer chiropractic care, spinal decompression therapy and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. They graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in 1997 and practiced in Phoenix before moving to Houston. CORE employs six other chiropractors, as well at two locations. Among other awards, they were named Best Chiropractor for 2022 by the Houston Chronicle and their book Better Posture Fast was an Amazon bestseller.

Dedication and a Sense of Purpose
Dr. Jackie St.Cyr has been in the chiropractic profession since 1980. Her career began as a chiropractic assistant where she served from 1980 to 1992. Her main focus and, love was the direct “hands-on” experience of working with patients to heal their body and their life. In 1982, she attended her first Parker Chiropractic Success Seminar. There she was inspired by the passion and philosophy taught by chiropractors Dr. Jim Parker and Dr. John Demartini, and she decided to become a chiropractor.
Philip says, “We take X-rays on most new patients and then base our adjustments on the measurements we take on those X-rays. We also evaluate for leg length discrepancy using X-ray to get any anatomical differences down to the millimeter. We believe the combination of specific adjustments and addressing the foundation leads to better and longer lasting results.
“The combination of analysis and the services we offer work well for those patients that don’t want to just get “cracked.” Those patients that want a plan and longer results do well with our office. We are also in-network providers for all major insurance plans.”
Natalie says, “We believe in hiring the best chiropractors we can find and then continuing to grow and train them. We believe in strong mentoring of all of our team. We have watched them grow and get better and better each year. We also train regularly on customer service and seek input from our team on how we can make our office better.”
CORE Chiropractic is located at 1770 Saint James Pl., Ste. 210 (713-622-3300); and 14811 St. Marys Lane Ste. 155 (281-752-7388), in Houston. For appointments and more information, visit CoreChiropractic.net. With confidence in her healing touch, a dream and desire to serve more, she entered the Parker College of Chiropractic, in Dallas, in January 1992. She excelled and graduated from Parker and received a Texas state chiropractic license in January 1995.
St.Cyr’s approach to health and wellness incorporates a full-spine, whole-person approach using the gentle technique of NetworkSpinal Chiropractic and the Bonfire Method of Coaching. She says, “I am a doctor of chiropractic because I honor the unborn potential of everyone to be healthy, because I desire to help the newborn, the aged and those without hope, because I choose to care for the patient, not the disease, because I wish to assist rather than intrude, to free rather than control, because I seek to correct the cause, not its effect, because I have been called to serve others, because I want to make a difference, because every day I get to witness miracles and because I know it’s right.”
Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center is located at 8100 Washington Ave., Ste. 210, in Houston. For appointments and more information, call 713-521-2104 or visit N8Chiro. com.

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Unparalleled Personalized Care at Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture
Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture owner April Bui is a licensed acupuncturist, licensed Chinese herbalist, certified Usui/Holy Fire III reiki master and certified flower essence therapist, practicing since 2008 in Houston. Her alternative holistic healing clinic specializes in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Holy Fire Reiki energy healing. Her most popular services are acupuncture and Holy Fire reiki energy healing in individual sessions and classes.
Other services include internal medicine, pain management; women’s health; pre- and-postnatal, menopause, emotional and trauma healing; chakra clearing and balancing; stress, anxiety and mood disorders; hormones, energy and sleep imbalance; diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid and gastrointestinal issues; and more.
Bui states, “My healing philosophy is people-focused and result-focused. At my clinic, I give all my patients unparalleled personalized care, high-standard healing practice and dedicated patient service. As I understand the important role of knowledge in the healing process, I not only treat, but also educate and empower my patients.”
She cites high success rates and satisfied patients that have regained health, well-being and a quality life for her success. Thanks to patient loyalty and referrals, Bui plans to offer Holy Fire reiki practitioner training in the next six months.
Free consultation. Reiki & Acupuncture is located at 9039 Katy Fwy., St. 504, in Houston. For more information, call 713-922-3474 or visit abui-acupunctureclinic.com.

Cooking Starts with the Spices
Gistarb Spice Blends sells all-natural seasonings online, and aims to market them through grocery retail markets in the future. Owner and founder Gwen Gistarb, a retired teacher and author of two books, holds a Bachelor of Science degree and has 10 years of business experience as a fashion designer.
They offer nine flavors of all-natural seasonings: Rotisserie Chicken Blend, Spicy Chicken Blend, Seafood Blend, NoSalt Sensation-All Purpose Blend, Herb Veggie Blend, Pork & Steak Blend, Spicy Pepper Blend, Turkey Blend and Cajun Blend. “Unlike other spice businesses, we promote starting from the inside-out, says Gistarb. “This means when starting to prepare a meal, start with the clean seasonings of all-natural spices without additives and preservatives. Gistarb Spice Blends promotes the benefits of each natural herb used in making our seasonings. As the spices are blended together, many ailments are being targeted.”
Gistarb Spice Blends was founded in early 2014, after Gistarb’s son, a chef, began making his own seasonings due to high blood pressure. She says, “I began cooking with his seasoning and noticed a change in my digestion, lack of bloating and lower blood pressure. After always taking from his stash, I decided to make various batches for my own pantry. I began to research to understand the benefits of each herb I planned to use and make all of them low-sodium. This has been a lifesaver for my everyday discomforts. Acid reflux had become my worst friend, and I didn’t like it. I must give all the thanks to my son for unknowingly finding a remedy for my high blood pressure and stomach ailments. High blood pressure is a hereditary illness in my family, and one day I hope I will be taken off all medications.”
For more information, call 832-725-6342 or visit GistarbSpiceBlends.com.
Nature’s Virus Killer
Copper can stop a virus before it starts
By Doug Cornell
Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.
Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness.
Colds and many other illnesses start when viruses get in your nose and multiply. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.
Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.
“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.
Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.
The EPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe
with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect. When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never happened. I used to get 2-3 bad colds every New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds. year. Now I use my device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.” He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years. Users say:
“It works! I love it!” “I can’t believe how good my nose feels.” “Is it supposed to work that fast?” “One of the best presents ever.” “Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!” “Cold sores gone!” “It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.” “I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” “Best sleep I’ve had in years!”
After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.

Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoy life.
Customers report using copper against:
Colds Flu Virus variants Sinus trouble Cold sores Fever blisters Canker sores Strep throat Night stuffiness Morning congestion Nasal drip Infected sores Infected wounds Styes Ringworm Other microbial threats
The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.
The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.
Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA31.
Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.