22 minute read
Feeding Happiness
always keep coconut milk and unsweetened curry paste on hand to whip up a red Thai curry, my favorite 15-minute dinner. Simply add fresh or frozen vegetables and protein of choice and you have a satisfying, flavorful meal that is faster than delivery.” Waddle’s healthy comfort foods include nuts of different flavors, dried fruits and baked Brussels sprouts with nitrite-free bacon, black pepper and a sprinkle of nutmeg. “The food you consider comfort food is comforting because it’s familiar,” she says. “When you start eating healthier food more often, it will become comfort food. Just keep trying new things.”
Feeding Happiness Lifting Moods with Feel-Good Foods
by Marlaina Donato
Whether it’s a pandemic, a breakup or a busy day with the kids, heading to the kitchen for a carb fix or a pint of ice cream is a common knee-jerk response to stress. It’s easy to get caught in a whirlpool of poor eating when our bodies need nutritional support more than ever. Sustained or chronic stress can reduce levels of dopamine and serotonin— neurotransmitters linked to feelings of both satiety and happiness. “When serotonin levels are normal, it leads to both emotional satisfaction and a sense of fullness after a meal,” says Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Maria Marlowe, in New York City and Dubai. “Conversely, when serotonin levels are low, it can lead to depression and a tendency to reach for sweet and starchy foods.”
Avoiding Extremes Stress-eating sparks only temporary physical and emotional fulfillment. “When your brain is in need of energy, it can mimic the symptoms of depression and anxiety,” notes Tara Waddle, holistic life coach at The Center of Balance, in Greeley, Colorado. “Finding healthier substitutes that are less processed can make a huge impact.” Experts agree that concentrating on weight loss or super-strict diets during times of adversity might do more harm than good. “Focusing on the need to lose weight during crisis will only do two things—make you feel guilty if you’re not eating what you think you’re supposed to and potentially make you eat more out of guilt,” says Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Jennifer Neily, in Dallas. Opting for healthier versions of favorite comfort foods is a doable compromise that can prevent endorphins from plummeting after the usual temporary spike. “With the right ingredients and recipes, we can satisfy our cravings for sweet, salt, creamy or crunchy with healthier upgrades of our favorite junk foods,” says Marlowe.
Friendly Fare Eating to stay healthy during hard times can tickle the taste buds without a lot of invested time. Marlowe’s go-to favorites like homemade banana ice cream or chocolate truffles not only take minutes to prepare, but fortify the brain. For must-have salty favorites, she suggests opting for snack foods seasoned with unrefined or pink Himalayan salt, fresh guacamole, salsa, olives or pickles. Filling a seaweed sushi wrap with avocado can be a satisfying and easy snack. For easy-exotic, Marlowe says, “I
Keep it Simple The kitchen can be our greatest ally during any life-storm, but having a stress-free strategy is key, especially paying attention to emotional states. “Ask yourself, ‘Is it head hunger or belly hunger? Above the neck or below the neck?’ If it’s the latter and that’s truly what is desired, don’t deny yourself, but choose with conscious understanding. Savor the flavor,” says Neily. Marlowe recommends easy meal planning and maintaining an eating schedule. “This helps remove some of the stress and decision fatigue that comes with figuring out what to eat in the moment, especially with random ingredients in the fridge.” Food shopping can be an instant junk food trap. Waddle’s approach is a sure way to outsmart impulse buying based on habit. She says,“Start with the produce department first. This fills your cart with fresh foods and your cart will be full by the time you get to the snack aisle.” Self-compassion can be one of the most important, yet overlooked considerations. “Regardless of what you choose to eat, be gentle with yourself,” notes Waddle. “The guilt of eating poorly is more damaging than the food.”
Marlaina Donato is an author and a composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.

Sweet Recipes for Healthy Snacking
Banana Ice Cream
2 overripe bananas ¼ tsp vanilla extract
Five-Minute Chocolate Truffles

3 Tbsp cacao powder 1½ cups dates, pitted 3 Tbsp shredded coconut, unsweetened
Toppings (choose a few)
Cacao nibs Cacao powder Sesame seeds Shredded coconut Pistachios, crushed Walnuts, crushed Acai powder Goji powder Maqui powder Pomegranate powder
Add-Ins: choose as many as desired 2-3 tsp cacao powder 1 Tbsp almond butter 2-3 tsp carob powder 3-4 pitted dates ¼ tsp cinnamon 1 cup frozen strawberries 6 mint leaves 1 Tbsp coconut flakes (or coconut butter or shredded coconut) 1 Tbsp ginger 1 Tbsp almond butter or almonds ½-inch peeled ginger piece
Peel bananas, break in half and put in a zip-top freezer bag. Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight. Place all ingredients (banana base plus the add-in ingredients of choice) into a high-speed blender such as a Vitamix, and blend on high until soft-serve ice cream consistency is reached, which should be in about 30 to 60 seconds.
Taste to determine whether any more add-ins are needed and re-blend if desired. Spoon out and serve.
Source: Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Maria Marlowe
Add cacao powder, dates and coconut to a blender. (A bullet blender works well.) Blend until a paste is formed, which should only take a few seconds. Roll about a tablespoon or so of paste into a ball. Repeat. Choose a topping, sprinkle it onto parchment paper and roll date ball in it to coat.

Fast, Healthy Pasta

Gluten-free bean and legume-based pastas provide more fiber and protein compared to traditional pasta, points out Marlowe. She suggests placing a steamer basket full of chopped veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and squash over boiling pasta water for a quick pasta primavera. Add some garlic sautéed in olive oil and a little salt and pepper.
Feel-Good Foods
kiwi, bananas, pineapple, kiwi, plums, all types of berries, tomatoes, raw cacao nibs, 90 percent dark chocolate, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, butternuts (related to walnuts), almonds, eggs, beans, oats, protein-rich foods, sea vegetables, avocados, Swiss chard, beets, green tea and spices like turmeric.

Dopamine boosters for better mood and memory, and warding off neurodegenerative
diseases: artichokes, ripe bananas, tahini, wheat germ, almond butter, leafy greens, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, papaya, red beets, apples, watermelon, blueberries and prunes.
Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible.
Online Guided Meditation 9 am Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation, theory and practice. Upcoming guided meditation sessions will be online. lifestyledocs.com
Virtual Food For Life Cooking & Nutrition
Class 12 pm Food for Life (FFL) is an award-winning nutrition education and cooking class program that provides an innovative approach to diet-related chronic diseases. lifestyledocs.com
Online Vegan Potluck 1pm Join Doctors Bandana and Munish Chawla for their monthly virtual vegan potluck. Bring a vegan dish. Enjoy the food and conversation. Visit the website for more information and to register. lifestyledocs.com
Avalon School of Massage 10am Summer Online sessions begin. avalonmassageschool.com/
Virtual Walk With a Doc 9 am. What better way to start your weekend than on your feet making strides to help your heart and improving your general health to live longer! Visit the website for more information and to register. lifestyledocs. com
Virtual Food For Life Cooking &
Nutrition Class 12 pm. Food for Life (FFL) is an award-winning nutrition education and cooking class program that provides an innovative approach to diet-related chronic diseases. lifestyledocs.com
Online Guided Meditation 9 am Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation, theory and practice. Upcoming guided meditation sessions will be online. lifestyledocs.com
SUNDAY JUNE 28th How You Can Be Empowered to Heal the
World Today 12:30-2 pm. The Climate Action Team of the First UU Church of Houston hosts Dr. Sailesh Rao via Zoom for a presentation on “How You Can Be Empowered to Heal The Earth Today”. Participants will also have the opportunity to interact with Dr. Rao during a live Q&A session. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-youcan-be-a-climate-healer-by-dr-sailesh-rao-tickets-106178356322
Vegan World Radio. 7:00 pm. Hosted by VWR Collective. Telling the story of the vegan revolution that’s saving the animals, the planet and our health. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM. kpft. org
Naturopathic Reiki Self-Treatment Online
Circle 7pm, 2nd Tuesday. Naturopathic Reiki is a subtle vibration healing therapy that gently promotes balance in body, mind, and spirit. FREE alifeofpeace.org/reiki-certification
Blissful Quests® with Doyle Ward-The Pocast.
1:00pm.Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Maybe the real question to explore is not IF you are intuitive, but HOW you are intuitive. Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive medium, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Call in during the show at: 1-760-456-7277, access on-demand episodes or listen live! blissfulquests.com/podcast/
Healing Meditation at First Spiritualist Church of Houston.
7:30 pm Livestream on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FirstSpiritualistChurchofHouston/
People of Earth. 7:00 pm. Hosted by Jacquelyn Battise. A program created to provide Native American and non-Native people with timely news and information about culture, news and realities. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM. kpft.org
Brith Shalom 6:15 pm Shabbat Online https:// www.brithshalom.org
St Luke’s United Methodist Church 8:30, 9:45 & 11 am Online Worship. https://www.stlukesmethodist.org/special-livestream/
Grace Episcopal Church & School.
10 am. Sunday Worship Livestream. https://www.facebook.com/GraceinHouston/
Unity Spiritual Center of Greater Houston
10:15 am Sunday Service. Facebook Live https://unityspiritualcenterhouston.org
First Unitarian Universalist Church 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship Livestream. https:// firstuu.org/
First Spiritualist Church of Houston 10:30 am Sunday Service Livestream. https://www.facebook.com/FirstSpiritualistChurchofHouston/
First Presbyterian Church of Houston 10:45 am. Sunday Worship Livestream. https://fpchouston.org/live/
Christ the King Lutheran Church 10:50 am Sunday Worship Livestream. https://facebook. com/ctkelc
Fairbanks United Methodist Church 10:50 am Sunday Worship Livestream. https://www.facebook.com/believebelongbecomebelove/
Unity of Houston. 11 am Sunday Morning Service Livestreaming. https://unityhouston.org/
Creative Life Spiritual Center 11 am Sunday Celebration. Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/creativelife.org/
Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism
12 noon. Sunday Meditation & Dharma Talk. https://www.youtube.com/user/dawnmountain
Ongo Workshop 1pm June 7-Aug. 15. Join Susan Wildin MD, CPC, for an opportunity to practice Nonviolent Communication at home in community with others by Catherine Cadden and Jesse Wiens. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/ event?oeidk=a07egz9k78qd19a8143&llr=hrs9hgeab
ISKCON 5 pm Sunday Feast Class Livestream https://www.mayapur.tv/
Whole Mother. 7:30 pm. Hosted by Pat Jones. A show that discusses the political and practical aspects of being a mother today. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM. kpft.org
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Houston Integrative Health, Acupuncture and Mindful Movement
716 Chelsea Blvd. Houston, TX 77006 832-215-2039 facebook.com/drlance houstonintegrative
Whether you are looking to optimize your health or take care of an injury, pain or a chronic medical problem, let Lance Westendarp ND, LAc, BCB, CKTP, E-RYT200, help. Lance is a graduate of Bastyr University with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. He has also been teaching yoga and movement since 2003, is board certified in biofeedback and mindbody medicine. Follow him on Facebook and call him today for a FREE phone consultation. See ad on page 9
Jill B. Denson, Founding Consultant Based in Cypress-Serving the Houston Metro truaurabeauty.com/jillbdenson 281-381-9085 jill@jillbdenson.com
A clean and effective line of skincare, anti-aging products and makeup that nurtures your skin’s natural balance. Contact us for a complementary skincare and makeup consultation.
See ad on page 5
Houston Dental Health Center 800 Bering Dr. Houston, TX 77057 713-497-1355 houstonbiologicaldentist.com
Natural Dentistry supports the body and the mind by finding the cause of dental problems. The dental examination includes noticing systemic and habitual influences. If you have dental issues or currently have silver amalgam fillings, call me today to schedule an appointment.
Galveston, Texas cereset.com 409-599-7268
The Cereset™ Gavston location is part of a national network of client centers focused on next-generation brain wellness - helping you relax your brain to manage restful sleep through patented BrainEcho™ technology, which empowers the brain to reset itself as it hears and “sees” its own reflection. To schedule an appoint- ment call: 409-599-7268. See ad on page 5 & 6
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Leslie Shatto - Independent Advocate (832)791-2772 www.NaturalWellnessWithCBD.com
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HealthPro’s dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our patients. We provide a variety of treatment. Dr. Alayna Pagnani-Gendron focuses on woman’s health and paediatrics. Visit our website or call to schedule an appointment.

Positive change starts now! 832-628-4113 blissfulquests.com
Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Tune in to his weekly PodCast, Wednesdays at 1 pm on inflowradio.com
See ad on page 21
1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336 joycelongwellness.com/
Established 1989. Call to schedule any of the following services: massage therapies, lymphatic drainage massage and facials, reflexology, infra-red sauna, ion cleanse foot or hand baths, Chinese cupping or colon hydrotherapy (prescriptions only- yours or ours). By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY!
Beyond Factory Farming

plus: Gut Health
ErinThole.com Thole.erin@gmail.com
Get to the Root Cause of your Health Conditions. Erin has been working in the health and nutrition field for over 11 years specializing and working extensively with those suffering from: autoimmune, digestive, hormonal and inflammatory disorders. She works with each client’s unique biochemistry to determine what dietary, supplementation and lifestyle changes will work best for them as an individual. There is NO one-size-fits-all program. All appointments are conducted via phone! This makes it very easy and convenient to receive care from any location. If you want to reach your true health potential, Email Erin today to schedule your FREE 45 minute initial phone consultation. Hours until 5 pm Fridays. See Ad page 9
361 West 19th Street Houston, TX 77008 713-868-4725 venushairhouston.com
Venus and her staff can do any age with any style, from a trim to a Mohawk. She is a wizard at color! If you are in The Heights, drop by, check out her art car, The Hairse, and say Hi!
Now OPEN by appointment me only!
“Better Health Naturally” Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991 HoustonHolisticHealthClinic.com
Have you spent years in hope for finding answers to your symptoms or illnesses? We offer people an alternative solution to conventional medicine by determining the specific nutritional needs of your body so that it can to heal itself.
We now also offer medical thermography useful in early diagnosis of cancer and chronic inflamatory pain.
Call today to schedule an appointment.
(by appointment only) 281-849-4610 cautry@gmail.com claudiaautry.com
Want to stop smoking or lose weight? Looking for ways to relax or increase the joy in your life? Hypnosis can help you. Call TODAY to book your appointment. Let’s form a partnership for your growth!
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HBOT America is Houston’s top recovery facility. HBOT is the breathing in of higher amounts of oxygen in a pressurized chamber. Whether its ADD/ADHD, sports injury, autism, diabetes, PTSD, migraine, Cancer, TBI’s, autoimmune disorders, or stroke we can help! Call to schedule your appointment today!
2500 W. William Cannon Dr., Suite 603 Austin, TX 78745 737-208-0831 DrLindaI.com
For more than 20 years, Dr. Linda Isaacs and the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez offered individualized protocols involving diet, nutritional supplementation, and detoxification for cancer and other degenerative diseases. They published multiple articles in peer-reviewed medical journals about their results. The work is based on that of the Texas orthodontist Dr. William Donald Kelley. Dr. Isaacs is currently seeing new patients.
1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336 joycelongwellness.com/
Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs, where it can causing swelling. Lymphatic massage can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY!

EmBee Lifestyle Docs
Houston’s first Holistic Lifestyle Medicine Clinic Bandana Chawla, MD & Munish Chawla, MD 4500 Bissonnet, Suite 355 Bellaire, TX 77401
We are board certified Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine physicians committed to providing holistic care and addressing the root cause of disease. Personalized plan to empower you to treat and reverse many chronic medical conditions including diabetes, obesity and auto-immune diseases. Medicare and most Insurance plans accepted. Call 713 592 8900 or visit our website embeelifestyledocs.com
Reversing Medical Disease Clinic
Dr. Mary A. Washington, MD 2525 N. Loop West, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77008 832-306-3941 marywashingtonmd.com
Are you overweight or obese? Do you suffer from diabetes or have high blood pressure? Are you ready to take back control of your health? Dr. Mary A. Washington, MD has over two decades of experience as a kidney specialist. Let her design a custom diet and exercise plan just for you. Dr. Washington doesn’t just tell you, she shows you and motivates you to make the changes you need to make. Visit herwebsite TODAY for more information about her programs and events or to schedule your first appointment.
See ad on page 6
LIN WEISS MH, CYT HOLISTIC HEALER MEDICAL/SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE MASTER TEACHER Houston, Texas 77025 713.858.8595 linweiss@earthlink.net conscioushealingnow.com
26 Houston
Through her WHOLE-istic approach, Lin weaves inspired wisdom with proven healing traditions for integrating mind/body & soul. ALL NATURAL, ALL THE TIME.
Call Lin today to find out if she can help you.
12129 Bellaire Blvd., Houston 77072 281-568-1568 • zen@cthouston.org cthouston.org
Chan/Zen Meditation Classes, guided by Ordained Zen Masters of Chung Tai Chan Monastery
Currently, due to corona virus outbreak. there are no events or classes scheduled. Check the web site (event calendar) for the most current information. See ad on page 4
A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute
Claire Villarreal: Meditation Instruction for Transformation
Akua Gray - Naturopath 11201 Richmond Avenue, Suite A Houston, Texas 77082 832-303-3277 alifeofpeace.org drakuagray.com
A Life Of Peace is a promise of nature, let’s work together to learn, live and teach the ways of wellness. Dr. Akua Gray, ND, a certified traditional Doctor of Naturopathy offering classes in wellness education.
Online meditation classes to help you bring your practice into your daily life. Whether you are an experienced meditator or just beginning to meditate, Claire Villarreal, PhD offers online classes to help you make a lifesytyle of Coming Home to Your Mind. The free mini-course is available on her website and the full course with a discount for Natural Awakenings readers is available at clairevillarreal.com/come-home-to-your-mindnatural-awakenings
During this time of added stress when in-person meditation communities are closed, take advantage of this opportunity to receive timeless teaching and practice in the comfort of your home.
See ad on page 15
Check out our events in this month’s Natural Awakenings calendar.
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For fresher breath, whiter, smoother teeth and healthier gums, try the NEW Oratrue bamboo toothbrush, oil pulling product or teeth whitening system. Created by a local Texas dentist, Oratrue not only helps you to have superior oral health but also helps save the environment. Unlike plastic, bamboo is renewable and compostable. Oratue products can be found at Herbal Connection in Conroe or may be ordered online. Visit our website TODAY and start on the path to better oral health naturally!
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Ching Chi Institute
Life energy education and research Kun Wu, Ph. D. Integral chi healer Chi H Wu, L. Acupuncturist 9894 Bissonnet, Suite 292 Houston TX 77036 832-654-2885 www.chingchiinstitute.com
The program of integral chi healing is based on the formulae: Innate intelligence + Energy = Health i.e. you are healthy if energy is available in the body. At the early stage of the healing process, the energy is provided by the healer via Acupuncture/Herb, energy healing and psychology. The major focus of the institute to teach clients the principles and techniques of self-healing to generate its own energy for the final healing. The content of the teaching is covered in a program called Energy Realization Program. The final goal is to realize energy. Once the clients realize energy, they would conserve energy and self-heal automatically. They can also discern minor health problems and take care of them energetically before they become major illnesses. Please call for a free consultation if you want to know more about the integral chi healing.
Shaman Spirits
Galveston, TX 4 0 9-7 6 2 - 6 0 2 7 anthony@shamanspirits.net ShamanSpirits.net
“Shamanism provides personal and spiritual healing with ancient, elegant and time tested methods. Shamanic healing opens new pathways for personal growth and spiritual awareness. If you’re looking for a way to connect with spirit without dogma, shamanism offers methods to access your healing spirits for transformation, guidance and teachings for a better way of living filled with love and compassion. Contact me at 409-762-6027 for more information.”
4040 West Bellfort Street Houston, TX 77025 713-666-1408 GraceInHouston.org
We are a welcoming, inclusive and affirming Christian community, committed to abundant, holistic living in the way of Jesus of Nazareth. Guided in our life together by the Episcopal Church tradition, we are committed a way of love. Come walk on our Tree of Life Labyrinth by appointment anytime. Grace: you are welcome here. Spiritualism is a common sense religion, one of knowing and living. We accept all truths and endeavor to prove their validity. Truths are found in nature, in other religions, in writings, in science, in philosophy, in Natural Law and are received through spirit communication. We are a growing family and would love for you to visit us
Sunday Healing & Spirit Greetings 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Open Healing Service 7:30 p.m.
Thermal Imaging Services 24550 Kingsland Blvd. Katy, TX 77494 713-621-4406 info@thermalimagingtexas.com thermalimagingtexas.com
Thermography views what cannot be seen by the naked eye using a high definition infrared camera. It senses temperature patterns and changes which provide information for evaluation. Offering Full Body, Health with abdominal and Breast Study at our Katy location as well as limited dates in our satellite offices. Visit us online at thermalimagingtexas.com or phone us at 713-621-4406
See ad on page 8

Coming Next Month
Gut Health
plus: Beyond Factory Farming