Leading social media expert Unsah Malik looks at whether Instagram could be just the tool you need to help build your business…
a holistic healer on Instagram to gain brand recognition, attract potential clients and for those of you who sell products, convert followers into customers. My methods aren’t an ‘overnight hack’ and nor do they
F you own an Instagram account, the
strategic and focus on growth metrics
require you to use inauthentic means such
chances of you taking a dozen more
instead of vanity, there’s space for you
as engagement pods or buying likes and
endless scrolls these days are high.
on Instagram as much as there’s space
followers. These never work in the long run
You’ve probably run out of patience
for anyone else. Instagram isn’t just for
and tend to harm your brand more than
for Instagram Lives, you can accurately
vacuous influencers with a photographer
help it to grow, but if you remain consistent
predict what your timeline will look like
and Photoshop expert on 24 hour call. Real
and open to being flexible with your
before you’ve even clicked the app — and
people can use it to build business.
strategy, growth will occur.
there aren’t any new notifications because
In fact, there’s even more leverage for
it’s only been a couple of hours tops since
those who consider themselves healers
you last checked.
or a positive impact in any capacity at
Finding your niche and community
this moment in time. We’re living through
The first rule that’ll remain for as long as
it’s worth buckling down on Instagram
a pandemic where the widespread of
social media exists, irrespective of the
right now because they fear they’ve
bad and sad news has amped up online,
platform, is that your audience is the most
either ‘missed the boat’, are up against
and the general social media user is
important stakeholder for your business.
far too much competition, or can’t find
now actively attempting to make their
Every piece of content you upload should
how their specific brand or niche will fit
experience of content consumption less
be for the specific person you want to
on the platform. 99.9% of the time my
attract within the holistic healers’ niche.
All too often, people ask me whether
answer remains the same. Providing you’re
rules to growing authentically long-term as
holistic therapist 2020
In this article, we’ll go through the top