Futures: CBD and other drugs
The decriminalisation and widespread use of medical marijuana and CBD products in many countries has resulted in a huge new market. Will other drugs, such as cocaine and psychedelics be next? We check what’s happening round the world…
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the past few years has been the repositioning of marijuana and its non-psychoactive CBD equivalents from being a street drug and illegally obtained form of pain relief for conditions like MS, to a fashionable and mainstream burgeoning health phenomenon. At the moment, prescriptions for medical marijuana in the UK can only be made by specialists and numbers are very low. One source estimates that the cannabis black market is around £2.5 billion a year. Were it to be legalised, the market has been projected to be worth £9.6 billion by 2028. As a comparison, the UK cigarette market as a whole was worth £12.1 billion in 2016, the latest figures available. The CBD market
NE of the most profound
is expected to reach £1.1 billion by 2025.
changes in the shift
This is a similar level to the entire UK market
towards a more holistic,
for herbal supplements, so it makes sense to
integrated approach to
consider how CBD can be incorporated into
health and wellbeing over
your practice if possible.