people through this
PANDEMIC COVID has been disproportionally difficult for young people. Jade Saffer offers some insight into how we can help…
AST year and this, our world has been hit by a global pandemic that left devastation in its wake. We are trying to adjust to the new ways of living in order to eradicate the virus, whilst dealing with the fear of ourselves and others contracting it. It is having a profound effect it is having on the next generation of adults. The uncertainty we all feel about our health, education, jobs, finances and future is impossible to ignore. However, we must keep our strength and resolve for our young people as they have us to lean on for guidance and support getting through this pandemic.
Firstly, it is helpful for us to understand how our young people have been affected by the pandemic and lockdown. Mental health, morale and finding a job are amongst the most severely affected issues young people are suffering with as a result of the virus. It started in March, where lockdown was enforced; Schools, colleges and universities were closed and education felt stunted. Our freedom was taken away from us and families were made to live in one space, others were left to live alone. Whether being in constant close proximity to your family for days, weeks at a time or being confined to a lonely space on your own – one thing was for sure; we all suffered at one point.