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What is resilience?

Fundamentally, resilience is the ability to adapt when things are not going to so well, to get up, dust yourself off and try again. As my Dad used to say, “All you have to do is make sure you get up one more time than they knock you down.” I don’t know about you, but some days I feel like I’ve gone six rounds with Nigel Benn. Getting up isn’t as easy as it once was. But, like boxing, it is training yourself to get up again – doing it over and over again – that eventually builds resilience.

Play the long game

Back in the nineties, I knew a guy who sold private jets doing telesales, cold calling from a list. He was quite the optimist, as you might imagine, and always had a smile on his face. He once taught me that the secret to success was to celebrate the journey, not the destination.

He did this by calculating how many calls he would have to make to eventually get his sale. Then he divided his sale price by that number. So, then every time someone answered the phone to him, regardless of whether they bought or not, he’d say thank you very much that’s another fiver in the bank. His method meant that the journey was paid for and positive, rather than a load of rejections every day. Try to break your own job into steps towards success, so that simply doing the step

This world weariness is not a mirage. It’s a fact and actually, given all we’ve been through, it’s appropriate. Be kind to your physical body. Eat well, get your vitamins and minerals in, get sleep, and exercise – hell, go and treat yourself to a massage one afternoon!

Importantly, try to separate work from home. Imagine yourself opening the front door with a golden key that locks all your work stuff outside. The golden key opens the door to better time with your family, less worry, and more balance out of hours.

Cultivate a network of support. Work colleagues are wonderful for a way of sharing the work stress, but sometimes people have absolutely no interest in your job are just the tonic your need.

A cruel reality is the busier work is, the more you need to make time for a hobby. Again, we’re going back to the small wins here. Find something that fills you with

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