7 minute read

is cHRonic Pain PHysical oR eMotionally BaseD

Are You Living A Life With Or Without Pain? teenager, all I remember was she had a slight limp I must admit, I’ve been very fortunate and don’t get to affect her walking. It gradually grew worse over me wrong, I’m very grateful that I have never endured the years. Her leg and foot swelled, changed shape, chronic pain. I’ve experienced both physical pain and always quite large. She suffered with pain. emotional pain. Something that is short-lived, (broken toe(s), injuries, falls, hurt of the heart (though some She grew up in the period where alcohol was her way of may say that can last forever). But chronic pain is dealing with her physical and emotional pain, her father another level where whatever the condition, trauma, (my grandfather took his life due to being an alcoholic, ailment etc, you are living with, it becomes part of who before I was ever born) and her personal life was full you are, it’s become your life breath, it’s felt, spoken of of drama! (Oh, the stories to tell!) As she grew older, and you’ve integrated that within, which means it’s, all the last 30 years of her life, she became a reformed constant, all consuming, exhausting and relentless on alcoholic. But it had taken its toll on her. She used a your body, mind and your spirit. walking stick, walking frame, and then being confined I may poke the boundaries on this topic about chronic and physical signs of a person holding a lot of pain. She pain. I want to understand why there are some people was always saying, “Oh I’ve had such a terrible day, I’ve that suffer levels of pain that can affect them to a been in so much pain...” I know there was an awful lot point of being so debilitated they do not know what of emotional pain she went through personally. (Not it’s like to be pain free. Maybe they are bedridden, like most people). But why did her physical body have to unable to walk without an aid. Constantly medicated suffer this amount of pain for most of her life? I believe to eliminate intolerable pain. To them it’s the norm her physical pain was a culmination of years of grief, and they feel that this is their life to this point. They from loss, hurt, deceit, punishment and anger. Her body seem to age before our eyes, they lose all faith that used that torment and cruelly imprisoned her. they will ever be without pain!

And others may experience lesser degrees of pain but with the same condition. So how can a person suffer Being an intuitive energy healer, I know how pain can from chronic pain after an accident (say a broken affect our life. I believe that 99.9% of all physical pain leg, back, or some part of the body) or a genetically results from an emotional base. Why do you constantly predisposed condition (such as osteoarthritis, suffer back pain, headaches, or knee pain? Let’s look at childhood arthritis etc.) where they have required this from an energetic perspective. Is it an intrusion of surgery, yet they are able to manage or cope through some negative energy that has thrown us off balance? the pain, or even yet they heal quicker and their pain When we do not address emotional issues or traumas totally disappears? that have affected us at some stage in our life, I believe we Does it have to do with being in good physical shape developed polio as a young child, and it affected one and her foot and leg looked different and it started to using a mobile scooter, her body endured the visible


All Major Disease Has An Energy Pattern

take these on, not only emotionally but as a physical pain. or strength? Do they look after their bodies by taking We are physical beings (on this earth plane) and our care of their diet, being a vegetarian, not eating meat, emotional health can take a battering. Let’s say you taking vitamins, supplements, do they meditate and tend to develop relationship issues. You may not like to use positive thoughts and practices? be alone, you feel like you need to be in a relationship, you have a need for affection, a need to be loved. If Seeing Physical Pain Come From Emotional Pain you are feeling this way and you are filling a need A dear aunt of mine (now passed on 4 years ago) of yourself to be in any healthy relationship. (not positive energy) you will give too much energy of her legs. Back in those early days it wasn’t quite Behaviours and patterns that keep occurring, result understood what the affects will cause, and they didn’t in the equivalent outcomes as you had before. If have the treatments like today. When I was a young you try and work through whatever it is you are


dealing with emotionally, and somehow you push the that this form of modality can enhance lives and the emotions down and believe you won’t put yourself lives of all humankind! through that situation again, it will fell like trying to put a bottle top on a volcano. Somethings gotta give! ~ I believe spirituality has shifted … it’s the new And if you are vulnerable I believe it will affect you age of total embodiment. ~ at your weakest point. through our ancestors, but we also understand we you may carry similar traits, characteristics that you something within, not just a physical pain that could didn’t understand what it was until I learnt this… to me, I now understand this since I have been working Using energy healing to shift pain, whether its root cause of deep set conditions. Since I started ~ Love, love is all, the beginning and the end, the Genetics Or Past Lives? alpha and the omega. Without Love there is no We use the term genetics, referring to our DNA complications is caused by man. ~ can bring past life issues into this life too. In other Forensic Healing is a proven therapy system words, past lives you’ve lived can affect you now and superior to all healing modalities, because it: end. God is love. It is that simple, all heartache and lived in a past life. Consulting a person’s Akashic or • Profiles the client, identifying negative life patterns, Soul records can also give possible solutions. Akashic archetypes, emotions, belief systems, and much more. or Soul records are a very detailed library of your • Clears curses, negative energies, rituals, and many life, from your thoughts, people you will encounter other spiritual issues. and what you signed up for to live in this or a past • Activates spontaneous healing forces in the body life. Quite often I have people say, “But why would I for immediate changes. want to sign up for something like that?” (lol) Well • Removes the negative conditioning stored in the that’s all part of your souls lessons of learning and DNA or cell memory. to help you grow spiritually. It can even reveal many • Uses healing secrets from ancient healing scripts answers about unresolved fears, pains, and even combined with the most-advanced scientific methods. major illnesses. • Utilizes healing pathways that use physical, emotional, energetic or spiritual elements. Is Chronic Pain Trapped Emotions In Disguise? • Heals deeply at a soul level by targeting soul facets, One nagging problem I had for many years (and I just • Places a blessing on the client at the end of a healing. pushed it aside too) was a pain I held in my left knee. • Educates and empowers the client to understand Some days it was so sore and walking upstairs, I could themselves so they leave with new information to hear it crunching. I couldn’t pin point it, but I felt it was progress in their life. be fixed but something that needed to be released! I See Yourself Having A Dynamic New Experience Please visit my webpage shonasoulsynergyhealing and The left side of our body represents the feminine, check out my special package offers, when you choose spiritual and moving forward. That made a lot of sense to book and pay for a 3 session package! with energy healing. Clients come to see me with I look forward to hopefully meeting you, joining your similar issues or conditions that need to be released journey and helping you in any way to ride the waves and let go, so that they can move forward freely. of growth, new beings and this wonderful life we truly can find inspiring and inspirational! chronic or not using the Forensic Healing modality SHONA RUSSELL is certainly a powerful tool to really get to the Forensic Healer fragments, DNA etc. my journey discovering my ability to use energy healing to help others, I’m of absolute certainty, Click here to work with me.


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