It is a world where there are no limits. It is a college med Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a ollege named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no imits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there re no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where the re are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where e there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world d where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a
a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. ll. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Gr Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a colleg ge named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no imits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there re no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where here are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world here there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a
orld where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Gri
there is a road to of endless possibilities. It is a place where independence of thought and social conscience are instilled ‌ ‌ A wide open space of resources, professors, and students in search of truth, understanding, and shared endeavors.
It is a place where there are NO LIMITS. It is a college named .
a place
Table of Contents Academics depth, breadth, and opportunity from teams to tai chi
Athletics & Outdoors
Who We Are people like you and not
2–3 access to the world
International & Away
Campus & Community blue skies and nightlife where dreams become reality
After Grinnell
Arts your stage to create
6–7 you are welcome here
8–9 the road map to no limits
Enveloped by an Iowa sky, a blackboard of creative oppor tunity, the ability to connect ideas in profound and wonderful ways.
sky , the ea r t h , and eve r yth in g in between.
You can study the
[ stargazing to the max
For more specifics, check out
3 In the top 1 percent of colleges and universities for PhDs per graduate 9:1 student/faculty ratio 1,000,000 book and document library 237,000-square-foot Noyce Science Center under renovation
Urban cowboys,
farmer s of the mind , toiler s for humanity.
From fields both near and far, individuals who share a quest to engage in life, liberty, and the pursuit of knowledge.
For more specifics, check out 1,500 students strong 10 percent international, 15 percent students of color 96 percent of faculty live near campus 39 percent of alumni are active donors; 66 percent have given recently
Campus &
An awesome display of
cultural abundance.
The freedom to experience that which is right in front of you, or to go a bit further to a place no one has gone before.
7 500-plus free events each year
100 student organizations State-of-the-art residence halls and campus center
Five-minute walk to downtown
Ar ts
The on an
cur t a i n
bass and percussion
thunder ,
violent pirouettes
unleashed .
Instr ucting the hear t to beat diffe re ntly, the body to bend, the mind to offer a gif t to the rest of us.
The 129,000-square-foot Bucksbaum Center for the Arts World-class exhibitions at the Faulconer Gallery 15 student art and music organizations Major (and free) concerts, productions, and lectures each year
Six consecutive swimming and diving championships. The only Division III basketball team to ever play a regular season game on national television. Twenty intercollegiate spor ts from soccer and football to volleyball and track.
d efi n e the land of oppor tunity . You can
[ A m b e r w ave s o f g r a i n , s oy b e a n s e a s o f g re e n , one swimming championship a f t e r a n o t h e r. 11
20 men’s and women’s varsity sports
] NCAA Division III competition State-of-the-art athletic facilities
One-third of students engage in varsity athletics
There are countless oppor tunities to visit new lands and g a i n d i f fe r e n t per spectives–
people and cultures from all over the wo r l d as intellectual neighbor s . – to engage
[ N ex t d o o r h a s a n e n t i re l y d i f fe re n t m e a n i n g h e re .
More than 55 percent of students study off campus More than 70 programs around the world 3,000 internship opportunities in the U.S. and abroad
a lw ay s on. To guide you and to welcome you back home .
The porch light is
You will embar k on a journey to vocations and destinations that you might never have thought possible just four year s ear lier.
For more specifics, check out 85 percent of students plan to attend graduate or professional school 10 percent commit to full-time community service upon graduation 50 percent are employed within three months of graduation
We are in
of those in search of wonder and
k n ow l ed g e .
Students of life , lover s of learning, collaborators, and creator s. People who want a profound liberal ar ts education.
For more specifics, check out $21 million in student aid
17 Need-blind admission policy
Chosen as “Best All-Around� by Newsweek in 2004
You can get
from there .
clear . There are no limits . The road is
t is a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grin Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a college na amed Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a c ollege named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. t is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no l imits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there ar no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where ther are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where here are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a worl where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is
world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinne s a world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is a colleg amed Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. It is ollege named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no limits. t is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there are no l imits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where there a are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world where t here are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a world wh where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is a wo world where there are no limits. It is a college named Grinnell. It is