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Secondary Education
The Dutch system streams students earlier than elsewhere, not only in terms of academic ability, but also in terms of a future career. Children usually attend a secondary school from ages 12 to 18.
● There are three types of secondary schools in the Netherlands:
- VMBO (pre-vocational secondary education)
- HAVO (senior general secondary education)
- VWO (pre-university education)
● The school week is more dynamic than in many countries. Students start and end their day at differing times, according to their studies. An increasing number of Dutch schools offer their more academic students a bilingual education (TTO). In this system, about 50% of subjects are taught entirely in English.
● Dutch schools offer relatively little in terms of sports facilities or extra-curricular activities. Most Dutch children belong to a sports club outside of school. More internationally orientated secondary schools in Eindhoven and region are:
Stedelijk College (Eindhoven)
Stedelijk College offers bilingual education. At the Henegouwenlaan location, bilingual education (TTO) is offered to mavo, havo and vwo classes. From year 1, the pupils receive half of their subjects in English. After three years, the students receive a diploma showing that they have followed English-language subjects at a certified TTO school. After that, they receive their diploma with the IB-English certificate that allows them to study anywhere in the world.
Henegouwenlaan 2, 5628 WK Eindhoven www.stedelijkcollege.nl
Sondervick college (Veldhoven)
Sondervick College offers Secondary School education catering for all academic levels (Vmbo, Mavo, Havo and Vwo), from vocational to pre-University level. Students have the added choice of bilingual education (TTO) which provides the opportunity to follow on average 50% of the subjects through English. The Dutch curriculum requires a working command of the Dutch language, Sondervick College provides support and guidance for their non-Dutch speaking students. From September 2023, there will be a new department at Sondervick College: the International Middle Years Program (Mavo, Havo and VWO level). This new, English-taught degree program also explicitly focuses on Dutch as a second language.
Knegselseweg 30, 5504 NC Veldhoven www.sondervick.nl/onderwijs/tweetalig-onderwijs
Jan van Brabant College (Helmond)
At this school you can also follow mavo, havo and vwo bilingually. If you follow bilingual education, most subjects will be taught in English. They work with English-language learning methods and speak a lot of English in the classroom.
As a TTO student at this school, you will be offered extras in English in the form of an extensive internationalization program.
Molenstraat 191, 5701 KD Helmond www.molenstraat.janvanbrabant.nl
Secondary schools in Eindhoven:
Gestel Stratum Woensel
- Huygens Lyceum
- Aloysius/De Roosten
- Van Maerlant Lyceum
- Heliconopleidingen
Area Strijp
- Sint Lucas Eindhoven
- Montessori College ROC
- Olympia
- SG Augustinianum
- De Burgh
- Sint-Joris College
- Frits Philips Lyceum
- Eckartcollege
- Novalis College
- De Rooi Pannen
- Stedelijk College Eindhoven
- International Secondary School Eindhoven
Special needs secondary education:
- Sondervickcollege at location de Stolberg
- De Korenaer
- Mgr. Bekkers
- De Beemden
- Mytylschool
- Antoon Schellens College
- Praktijkschool Eindhoven
- VSO Ekkersbeek
- Instituut ‘St. Marie’
- Helder HAVO/VWO
European International School
The European School of Mol just across the border in Belgium welcomes all students (nursery school, primary school and secondary school). Their student body is composed of children from local families as well as from European and overseas families who live and work in Belgium and The Netherlands.