Women Lawyers, Women Leaders
Fall/Winter 2023
Honoring the Life and Legacy of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice and first female majority leader of any state legislative upper house, passed away on Dec. 1, 2023, at the age of 93. She was a peerless trailblazer who left a lasting impact on the legal profession.
Below is a closer look at O’Connor’s life and many accomplishments:
The Early Years
O’Connor was born in El Paso, Texas, on March 26, 1930. Her parents owned the Lazy B Ranch, the largest and most successful cattle ranch in southeastern Arizona. In the beginning, the remote ranch did not have electricity or running water, so she learned to be resourceful, which helped shape her character as she developed her belief in hard work. Because the school options were limited in such a remote area, her parents sent her to live with her grandmother in El Paso, where she graduated high school at age 16.
O’Connor went on to attend Stanford University, where she excelled and became senior class president before graduating in 1950 with a bachelor’s degree in economics. She continued her studies at Stanford Law School, where she was a member of the Stanford Law Review board of editors. In 1952, she graduated third out of 102 students – two places behind fellow law student and friend William Rehnquist, who also went on to become a Supreme Court justice.
Lawyer, Legislator and Judge
After graduating from law school, O’Connor applied for employment at law firms in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Because of gender discrimination prevalent at the time, she found it difficult to be hired as a lawyer. She turned down a position as a legal secretary, and took a position as a deputy county attorney in San Mateo, California, initially offering to work for no salary or office.

She also married John O’Connor, who was one class behind her at Stanford. Upon his completion of law school, the couple moved to Germany, where he served as an attorney in the U.S. Army while she worked as a civilian attorney, specializing in contracts.
We witnessed another strong year of female partner promotions at the firm in 2023. On Dec. 18, the firm announced the election of 21 new equity and 46 new non-equity partners, effective Jan. 1, 2024. Women constituted 42 percent of the equity partner promotions and 48 percent of the non-equity partner promotions. With the recent promotions, the firm currently has women representing 21 percent of the equity partners and 33 percent of non-equity partners, resulting in a combined 27 percent of the total partnership at the firm.
The following women became equity partners:
Leila Batties (WAS)
Real Estate
Valerie Brown (PHL) Litigation
Jennifer Duplissey (DAL) Real Estate
Stacie Goeddel (SFO) Real Estate
Rachel Marmor (BOS) Litigation
Christin Petroski (ORL) Business
The following women became non-equity partners:
Rachel Agius (CHI)
Meg Brown (WAS)
Real Estate
Meaghan Colligan (WAS) Government
Flynne Dowdy (NSH) Litigation
Cynthia Gierhart (WAS) Litigation
Kelly Hellmuth (JAX) Business
Morgan Ivey (NSH) Healthcare
Monika Jain (NYC) Business
Congratulations to all!
Andrea James (HOU) Litigation
Rachel Katz (NYC) Real Estate
Lindsey Kernan (LAX) Business
Jennifer Lada (NYC) Litigation
Olufunke Leroy (PHL) Real Estate
Vanessa Lopez (MIA) Litigation
Vanessa Madrid (MIA) Real Estate
Nneka Obiokoye (DEN) Business
Judy Nemsick 212.513.3514 judy.nemsick@hklaw.comAshley Shively (SFO) Litigation
Theresa Wanat (HOU) Litigation
Melissa Wong (BOS) Healthcare
Upon their return to the U.S., they settled in Phoenix. O’Connor and another lawyer opened a law office, but for the next few years, she devoted most of her time to raising her three sons. She also volunteered with groups aimed at improving the community and began to take an active role in local politics.
In 1965, O’Connor returned to full-time employment as an Arizona assistant attorney general. After the state senator from her legislative district resigned in 1969, Arizona Gov. Jack Williams appointed O’Connor to replace the vacant seat. When the position next became open for election in 1970, O’Connor won it and was easily reelected in 1972. She was chosen as the Republican majority leader by her colleagues in the state senate in 1972 – the first woman in the country to hold that position.
Sarah Parker (ATL) Business
Maggie Sandwith (NSH) Real Estate
Meghal Shah (BOS) Business
Adrianne Waddell (AUS) Litigation
Genna Yarkin (SFO) Government
Parker Young (HOU) Business
In 1974, O’Connor chose to leave the state senate and legislature to enter the judicial branch of government, becoming a Maricopa County Superior Court judge. Five years later, she was elevated to the Arizona Court of Appeals. She also founded the Arizona Women Lawyers Association, as well as the National Association of Women Judges.
Making History
During the final month of the 1980 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Ronald Reagan stated that if he was elected, he would appoint a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace Justice Potter Stewart following

his retirement. In July 1981, President Reagan kept his promise and nominated O’Connor, who was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate and was sworn in as the first female justice on Sept. 25, 1981. At the time she was nominated, O’Connor also became the first person appointed to the nation’s court in 24 years who had state
court experience, as well as the first justice in 32 years with lawmaking experience, having served in a state legislature.
O’Connor’s remarkable Supreme Court tenure spanned nearly a quarter-century. A moderate conservative, she was known for her dispassionate and meticulously researched opinions and was highly regarded as an independent thinker and a leader on the court. She often cast the deciding vote in important Supreme Court decisions affecting civil rights, environmental protection, personal privacy, voting rights, affirmative action and more. On a more personal level, O’Connor said she felt a responsibility to demonstrate women could do the job of justice. She also was a proponent of collegiality among justices on the court, often insisting that the justices eat lunch together.
During a commencement speech she gave at Stanford in 2004, O’Connor reflected on her appointment by President Reagan: “His decision was as much a surprise to me as it was to the nation as a whole. But Ronald Reagan knew that his decision wasn’t about Sandra Day O’Connor; it was about women everywhere. It was about a nation that was on its way to bridging a chasm between genders that had divided us for too long.”
O’Connor retired from the Supreme Court on Jan. 31, 2006, and was succeeded by Justice Samuel Alito. Reflecting the trailblazing nature of her career, only two percent of law students were women when she attended law school in the 1950s. By the time she retired, that percentage had risen to 48 percent. Her legacy also lives on through the Sandra Day O’Connor Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization she founded in 2009 to advance American democracy through multigenerational civil discourse, civic engagement and civics education.
What They’re Saying
After her death, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts called O’Connor “a beloved colleague, a fiercely independent defender of the rule of law, and an eloquent advocate for civics education.”
Justice Sonia Sotomayor shared that O’Connor “changed the world and made history. Indeed, her entire life was pathbreaking. She served in all three branches of government, was a brilliant champion of women’s rights, and promoted civic education in a way that transformed how children learn about our shared responsibility as citizens.”
President Joe Biden said she was an “American icon,” dedicated to public service and the “bedrock American principle of an independent judiciary.”
In addition, countless media reflected on O’Connor’s life and impact, including the following:
• The Difference That Sandra Day O’Connor Made, The New Yorker
• I Clerked for Justice O’Connor. She Was My Hero, But I Worry About Her Legacy, The New York Times
• Sandra Day O’Connor, Champion of Federalism, The Wall Street Journal
• Sandra Day O’Connor Defined a Supreme Court Era. We’re in a Vastly Different One., The Wall Street Journal
• Sandra Day O’Connor’s Extraordinary Final Chapter, The New York Times
• What Sandra Day O’Connor Could Teach Today’s Supreme Court, Politico
• Sandra Day O’Connor: The First, PBS
“As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it.”
— Address to the 16th Annual Olin Conference, Nov. 14, 1990
Dallas Hosts Inaugural Regional Leadership Retreat
Holland & Knight’s Dallas office hosted the inaugural Women’s Initiative Regional Leadership Retreat on Sept. 28-29. The two-day retreat was led by business growth coach and author Deb Feder
Fifty-two women attorneys from the firm’s Austin, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Dallas, Denver, Houston and Nashville offices attended the event and represented a wide range of practices, including Corporate Services, Corporate – Oil and Gas, Corporate – Trade Regulation, Financial Services, Healthcare Regulatory & Enforcement, Healthcare Transactions, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, Litigation, Public Policy and Regulation, Real Estate and Tax/Executive Compensation & Benefits. To relive some of the retreat’s best moments, please view the online photo album
Day One
Day one kicked off with a welcome lunch and networking and introduced the theme, “Building a Strong Practice Through Connection and Collaboration.” Three sessions focused on creating powerful introductions to make connections, developing a no-prep pitch and building a simple, effective and accountable networking plan.
Later in the day, the Dallas partners hosted a mix-andmingle cocktail reception before dinner. During the evening session, attendees focused on creative intelligence strategies to define and share goals and priorities.

Day Two
Day two began with a breakfast to welcome 15 clients and the theme, “Showing Up How You Want to Be Seen… and Leading Your Powerful Career.”
The morning sessions focused on leadership and included discussions on communication styles, building trust, and managing in-person and virtual platforms, as well as time management and productivity strategies. During lunch, Partner Tricia DeLeon (DAL) led a panel discussion
that featured three clients who shared professional and personal challenges they overcame during their careers. The afternoon focused on staying present by understanding the secret weapons of mindfulness and self-care, as well as ending 2023 with intention and energy to launch into 2024 with a plan in place.
The retreat wrapped up with closing remarks and a social hour.
Positive Feedback and Future Events
One of the client participants – Allie Parnell, DXC Technology Assistant General Counsel – shared her thoughts on the retreat.
“During this inspiring event, we delved into the power of taking risks, embracing resilience in the face of failures and navigating challenging conversations with grace, reaffirming the profound superpowers inherent in women leaders,” she said.
Based on the program’s success, the Women’s Initiative plans to offer additional retreats in the future.
“We look forward to replicating the valuable collaboration and positive energy generated by the women attending this inaugural Women’s Initiative retreat,” said Partner and Women’s Initiative Chair Judy Nemsick (NYC). “Special thanks to Deb Feder and her team, as well as to Tricia and Area Marketing Coordinator Jennifer McConnell (both DAL), for making this event such a success.”
Tricia, who serves as a co-chair of the Dallas Women’s Initiative, added her thoughts on the retreat’s success.
“Women were genuinely excited to be together,” she said. “Beyond personal growth, I made some meaningful connections with new colleagues that will help us grow business. These retreats accomplish more in a few hours than I could do by setting up Zoom calls over an entire year with my partners.”
The retreat’s success was echoed by Associate QuynhAnh Kibler (NSH): “As a legacy Waller associate, one of my favorite things about the Regional Leadership Retreat was having the opportunity to meet with more Holland & Knight women attorneys post-combination,” she said. “Everyone was so supportive of each other, and we learned a lot through workshops that allowed us share and cultivate ideas.”
Conferences, Webinars Focus on Professional Development

During the fall, Holland & Knight women attorneys participated in several conferences and webinars aimed at networking and business development.
NAWL’s General Counsel Institute
On Nov. 8-10, Partner Caitlin Saladrigas (WPB) attended the National Association of Women Lawyers’ (NAWL) General Counsel Institute (GCI), a multi-day program of networking, education and inspiration designed for senior in-house women counsel.
Sessions with the general counsel of major corporations and other inspirational speakers foster frank, collegial discussions about career advancement. Workshops on key topics with leading experts provide opportunities to refine skills. GCI creates a unique environment to connect with other women counsel, share the highs and lows of inhouse life, and build legal and leadership skills.
GCI is typically limited to in-house counsel and event sponsors. However, NAWL board members – like Partner Courtney Worcester (BOS) – and participants in NAWL’s 10-week leadership training program – like Caitlin, who
also co-chairs NAWL’s Women in Litigation Practice Area Affinity Group – are permitted to attend.
Holland & Knight is a proud sponsor of NAWL and, as such, all attorneys are entitled to free membership in NAWL. To learn more about membership and ways you can become involved, contact Caitlin or Courtney
Wrapping Up 2023 for a Strong Launch Into 2024
Business growth coach Deb Feder hosted a webinar on Nov. 7 that focused on best practices to close out 2023, as well as setting goals for 2024. Approximately 120 attorneys attended. Feder highlighted ways to build off your successes from the past year and use those learning experiences and reflections as a guide to jumpstart 2024. She provided a “Year-End Checklist,” suggesting, inter alia, that we send notes of gratitude to those who had a positive influence on the year; revisit and close the loop on any unresolved discussions with clients; identify people you want to support next year; and touch base with two clients who you want to work with in 2024. Feder also provided data points, along with material to consider when completing self-evaluations.

Seattle Diversity in Law & Leadership Summit
Holland & Knight sponsored and had a notable presence at CenterForce’s Driving Diversity in Law & Leadership Summit in Seattle on Oct. 5, with attorneys from the Portland office attending and speaking at the event.
Partner Shannon Armstrong (POR) was a panelist during the presentation, “The Meritocracy Myth: Pipeline Development and Advancement for Diverse Candidates.” In discussing initiatives to retain diverse lawyers, she described Holland & Knight’s Rising Star program as a benchmark for success.
“Each year, our Rising Star program focuses on leadership development and has had measurable success in retaining women attorneys at the firm,” Shannon said.
In addition, Partner Kristin Asai (POR) led a general counsel roundtable, “Using a Growth Mindset to Create More Inclusive Teams.”
“Where possible, we should break down unnecessary barriers that prevent us from seeing the full growth potential for our teams and ourselves,” said Kristin.
The conferences for in-house counsel and corporate leaders across various industries offer stimulating, thought-provoking discussion around a number of topics, including prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in a hybrid workplace, disrupting the “Noah’s Ark” approach to inclusion, understanding the challenges and harnessing the benefits of a multigenerational workplace and shifting the way we communicate and present ourselves in the workplace.

Firm Announces 2024 Class of Rising Stars
The Holland & Knight Rising Star® program has announced its next class of participants. The women in the 2024 class were selected from a large group of applicants, all of whom are extraordinarily talented.

Entering its 21st year, the Rising Star program is a yearlong business and leadership development program for senior women attorneys created by Partners Deb Barnard (BOS) and Janis Schiff (WAS). It has received numerous recognitions and awards, including the “Most Innovative Gender Diversity Award” by Chambers USA and “Best Gender Diversity Initiative by a National Firm (North America)” by Euromoney Legal Media Group.
The 2024 Rising Stars are:
• Partner Jessica Farmer (WAS) – Litigation
• Partner Morgan Ivey (NSH) – Healthcare
• Partner Andrea James (HOU) – Litigation
• Partner Katherine Markel (TYS) – Business
• Partner Brooke Sizer (HOU) – Business
• Associate Anastasia Sotiropoulos (CHI) – Business
• Partner Ilenna Stein (BOS) – Healthcare
• Partner Briana Stolley (TYS) – Real Estate
• Associate Sarah Tremer (NPB) – Litigation
• Associate Lindsey Williamson (ATL) – Government
The firm congratulates the members of the 2023 class as they conclude the program:
• Partner Alexis Alonzo (CCC/LAX) – Real Estate
• Partner Kyla Baker (ATL/ORL) – Real Estate
• Partner Agnes Doyle (HOU) – Litigation
• Partner Marie Larsen (NYC) – Litigation
• Associate Laura Lewis (NYC) – Business
• Partner Emily Lieban (SFO) – Government
• Partner Jen Lowndes (ORL/ATL) – Litigation
• Partner Meg Brown (WAS) – Real Estate
• Partner Meghal Shah (BOS) – Business
• Partner Parker Young (HOU) – Business
For questions about the Rising Star program, reach out to Deb, Janis or Agnes Doyle, who are coordinating the 2024 program.
DEH Speaker Series: Say the Right Thing
As a corporate member of the Debbie Epstein Henry Speaker Series, the Women’s Initiative invited attendees to a webinar discussion with Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law at New York University School of Law and the Director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. The webinar was based on the findings of his new co-authored book, Say the Right Thing
In the current period of social and political unrest, conversations about identity are becoming more frequent and more difficult. During this fireside chat interview, Yoshino discussed how these conversations don’t have to be so overwhelming. With probing questions posed by author and workplace expert Debbie Epstein Henry, Yoshino uncovered the research-backed, practical tools to move from unconsciously hurting people to consciously helping them.
The DEH Speaker Series is a membership organization hosting quarterly, livestreamed and recorded events for companies, law firms and nonprofit organizations. Topics
focus on careers, workplaces, women and inclusion.

Women’s Health in the Digital Age
Holland & Knight’s Washington, D.C., office hosted 131 & Counting for a panel and networking session on Sept. 27. The event, “Women’s Health in the Digital Age: The Rise of FemTech,” explored topics around technology related to health conditions that affect women.
The discussion was led by Jamie White, Health Science Strategy and Relations Lead at the National Institute of Health’s Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH). Panelists included Kelli Frias, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Marketing, American University; Maimah Karmo, Founder and CEO, Tigerlily Foundation; Paige Soya, Managing Director, K Street Capital; Kathryn Schubert, President and CEO, Society for Women’s Health Research; and Dahna Goldstein, Director, Halcyon Angels.
FemTech is a term used to define software and services that use technology tailored towards women’s health. This includes fertility solutions, period-tracking apps, pregnancy and nursing care, women’s sexual wellness and reproductive system health care.
Discussion topics included gaps in women’s healthcare, areas ripe for innovation, how to garner venture capital funding for women’s healthcare technology and more. A few surprising statistics were shared:
• Each year, women pay $15 billion more out of pocket for healthcare than men.
• FemTech received three percent of all digital health funding in 2021.
• Only about 15 percent of people who write checks in venture are women.
A recording of the panel is available online.
The organization 131 & Counting was formed in 2019 with the help of Holland & Knight’s Public Policy & Regulation Group, Senior Policy Advisor Miranda Franco (WAS) and several women’s organizations. The bipartisan effort brings together women public policy professionals, congressional staff and lawmakers to foster meaningful conversations, uplift important issues and voices, and offer high-impact networking. The initiative’s name honors the 131 women who were elected and sworn into the 116th Congress. Today, there are 153 women in Congress.

ABA Report: “Urgent Need” to Support Female Lawyers With Children
According to an October 2023 report from the American Bar Association (ABA) Commission on Women in the Profession, mothers are far more likely than fathers to encounter negative experiences at work, including disparaging comments, lower compensation and fewer advancement opportunities.
The report, “Legal Careers of Parents and Child Caregivers: Results and Best Practices From a National Study of the Legal Profession,” is based on a survey of more than 8,000 lawyers in law firms, corporate law departments and other practice settings in 2022, as well as a dozen focus group interviews. The study reveals that many parents feel having children had a negative impact on their careers, and more than half of working mothers felt they were perceived as less committed and less competent by their employers. The data also
shows that this is not just a law firm problem but a legal profession problem that is impacting caregivers of children in all work settings.
Holland & Knight is committed to a combination of policies, programs and benefits that encourage and support work/life balance and family-friendly policies. To do this, the firm offers a variety of caregiver and behavioral health benefits, along with mentoring and professional development opportunities and on-ramp programs when returning from leave.
Local Women’s Initiatives Host Cocktails for a Cause Events
Several local Women’s Initiatives ushered in the holidays with friends and colleagues during Cocktails for a Cause events, hosted by various Williams Sonoma stores across the nation. Attendees at each location enjoyed a selection of holiday cocktails and holiday-inspired food, along with special shopping experiences that served as fundraisers for selected local charities.
New York
In New York on Nov. 2, the Women’s Initiative - together with the New York office - hosted more than 200 clients and contacts as they enjoyed Thanksgiving-inspired food and drinks, along with a special shopping perk of 20 percent off their total in-store purchases for the evening. In addition, 10 percent of the event’s proceeds benefited New York Cares, a nonprofit organization that coordinates yearround volunteer opportunities for New York City residents who want to take action to address social issues and help schools, social service agencies and other deserving organizations.

In Orlando on Nov. 7, the special wine and shopping event included a host of vendors to answer questions and demonstrate products throughout the store. In addition, a sommelier was on hand to curate wine tastings.

In Chicago on Nov. 9, Williams Sonoma professionals provided recipes and insightful tips geared toward effortless holiday entertaining. In addition, Holland & Knight donated 20 percent of the event’s proceeds, to be matched by Williams Sonoma, to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a nonprofit organization that advances cures and means of prevention for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment.

Spotlight on Our Lawyers
Partner Amy McVeigh and Associate Katie Princivalle (both PHL) help coordinate Holland & Knight’s Afghan asylum team. Senior Counsel Ellen Marcus (NYC), along with Associates Allison Skopec (NYC) and Malorie Eisenbrei (PHL), helped three Afghan refugees receive asylum after they were evacuated in August 2021 as part of Operation Allies Refuge.
A securities class action lawsuit filed in April 2023 against firm client BurgerFi International Inc. was over before it really began, thanks to a team of securities litigation attorneys from the Miami office, with the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissing the suit before the defendants had to file a motion to dismiss or otherwise respond to the complaint. A subsequent derivative action also was voluntarily dismissed. The team included Partners Allison Kernisky, Tracy Nichols and Allison O’Garrow, along with Paralegal Dede Hayes (all MIA).
Partner Tamsen Plume (SFO) led the team that secured unanimous approval from the local planning commission for a redevelopment project to create a 282,000-square-foot life science campus at 1 Twin Dolphin in Redwood City, California. Partners Marne Sussman and Genna Yarkin, along with Associate Deborah Brundy (all SFO), provided assistance.
Senior Counsel Elena Ibarrola (MEX) helped advise health food manufacturer Cincalimentos in a partnership agreement with Innovoali, an affiliate of Grupo Bimbo, that will help both companies deliver top-tier, high-quality ingredients and healthy products to the market.
Through its representation of Alliant International University, the Public Policy & Regulation (PP&R) Group – led by Senior Policy Advisor Lauren Maddox, with assistance from Senior Policy Advisor Leslie Pollner (both WAS) – worked with officials from several executive branch departments to revise a provision in the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed gainful employment rule. The team met with officials at the U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, along with the White House and policymakers on Capitol Hill, to revise the rule that would have been detrimental to Alliant’s graduates. The accommodation Alliant was seeking was included in the final rule.
Partners Lynn Calkins (WAS/NSH) and Chelsea McCarthy (CHI) led the firm’s representation of firm clients Edward C. Miller, the Estate of Virginia Miller and the Estate of Henry A. Getz to secure a federal court grant of summary judgment on the only count asserted against them in a complaint for alleged violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Associate Tammy Eason (CHI) provided support.
Partner Danielle Garno (MIA/LAX) led the representation of Retrofête as the fashion label prepared for its debut show during New York Fashion Week, with assistance from Associate Sydney Landers (MIA). The duo advised on a venue and production agreement for the sunglasses that appeared on the runway.
Partner Lisa Hawke (WAS) helped draft and file an important and successful amicus curiae brief with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of the Association of Critical Care Transport (ACCT). The brief provided more context to the suit between the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the regulation of air ambulance services, ultimately resulting in the denial of an AAMS request for summary judgment. Not only did U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon agree with the Holland & Knight team’s position, but he also quoted the team’s brief twice in his opinion.
Associates Lisa Kim (AUS) and Lauren Pratt (NSH) were part of a cross-practice, multi-office team that helped advertising technology client Infillion acquire the assets of advertising pioneer MediaMath at a “bargain price” in an expedited bankruptcy sale.
Partner Tamsen Plume, with assistance from Partner Genna Yarkin and Associate Deborah Brundy (all SFO), secured approval for another project by The Sobrato Organization, this time in Palo Alto. The firm has assisted Sobrato on a number of other high-profile office and mixeduse projects in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Partner Antonia Tzinova (WAS), with assistance from Associates Libby Bloxom (DAL) and Mackenzie Zales (WAS), aided Royal Brush Manufacturing in securing an important appellate victory against U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on an issue of first impression. The matter was the latest chapter in a due process case that has been ongoing for more than five years.
Associate Jiyeon Barta (ORL) helped advise GoodVets, a leading modern, single-brand veterinary care platform, in its strategic growth investment from General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm.
Partner Tammy Knight (FTL) and Associate Lauren Robertson (TPA) successfully represented firm client Carlos A. Penin in a working capital dispute arising from an attempt by the purchaser of Penin’s business to downwardadjust the price during the 2022 transaction. Holland & Knight also represented Penin in the sale.
Associate Paulina López (MEX) helped represent Banco Santander Mexico in a 2.7 billion pesos (approximately $160 million) syndicate loan in favor of GUMA, an industrial group with operations in the automotive, gas, financial services and renewable energy sectors.
Holland & Knight advised Imperial Dade, a leading distributor of foodservice packaging supplies and janitorial supplies, in two recent acquisitions that were co-led by Associate Michelle Kraus (CHI). In the acquisition of Supreme Paper Supplies, the team included Partners Victoria Zerjav (STC/NYC), Nellie Sullivan (ATL/CLT) and Amy Edwards (WAS), along with Associates Haylie Treas (HOU), Lauren Becker (DAL/AUS) and Alexandra Ward (WAS). In the acquisition of Prime Paper & Packaging, the team included Amy and Nellie, as well as Partner Kerry Halpern (PHL/NYC), along with Haylie, Alexandra, Lauren and fellow Associate Emily Hendricks (BOS/NYC).
Partner Cindy Gierhart (WAS) helped to successfully protect firm client Naked Nutrition’s NAKED trademarks for protein powder and other nutritional supplements against Canadian competitor N8ked.
Several Holland & Knight attorneys are involved in California Forever, an ambitious project to build a new city from the ground up in Solano County, California. The team is led by Partner Jennifer Hernandez (SFO/CCC) and includes Partner Alexis Alonzo (CCC/LAX), who is serving as outside general counsel handling real estate and commercial transactions. Vast and visionary in scope, the California Forever project was announced recently following the completion of real estate acquisitions totaling 55,000 acres over the last few years.
Senior Counsel Marybeth O’Keefe (SCT) co-led the corporate team in the representation of One80 Intermediaries Inc. in its recent acquisition of four companies for approximately $66.25 million. The
team included Partners Diane McDermott (BOS) and Dawn Rudenko (SCT), along with Associates Ariana Mirzakashani (BOS), Allia Howard (DAL) and Leonie Huang (NYC).
Associate Lauren Neville (DAL) helped advise Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking, HSBC Bank USA and National Bank of Canada as arrangers, agents and lenders on a $260 million build-transfer project financing of a 150-megawatt solar generation project developed by a subsidiary of Invenergy Renewables LLC. She was also part of a team that advised the New York branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) and Rabobank, along with Desjardins and Société Générale, as arrangers, green loan coordinators and lenders on a $340 million build-transfer project financing of a 250-megawatt solar generation project being built by a subsidiary of Invenergy Renewables LLC.
Partner Katherine Markel (TYS) co-led a team that represented CanSource, a portfolio company of Broadtree Partners, in its sale to TricorBraun, a global packaging leader offering custom design and stock packaging solutions.
Partner Kara Ariail (TYS), as well as Senior Counsel
Ashley Thomas (WAS) and Associate Lauren Becker (DAL/AUS), advised on other specific subject matters.
A team of litigation attorneys – including Associates Adria Lamba and Katie Princivalle (both PHL) – successfully defended the president and vice president of Christi Insurance Group Inc. in a shareholders dispute that was heard in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Paralegal Deborah Rzepela-Auch (PHL) provided valuable assistance.
Partner Lara Rios (MIA/NYC) co-led the firm’s representation Leyline Renewable Capital, a leading provider of development loans for renewable energy projects, on an acquisition financing and development capital facility for an affiliate of Summit Ridge Energy. Associates Jessica Gonzalez (HOU), Chloe Farrar (DAL), Gabby Engel and Michelle Adams (both MIA) provided assistance.
Partners Erin Estevez (TYS) and Christine Gay (MIA), along with Associates Anna Honig (BOS), Allia Howard (DAL) and Marina O’Brien (WAS), were part of a team that represented Falfurrias Growth Partners I LP (FGP), a new growth equity-focused investment fund managed by Falfurrias Capital Partners LLC, in its recent equity
investment in O2X Human Performance LLC. The transaction was the first by FGP.
Partner Lara Rios (MIA/NYC) co-led the firm’s representation of Leyline Renewable Capital, a leading provider of development loans for renewable energy projects, on a project financing and development capital facility for BESS Power Corp. and its project subsidiaries. Partner Abbey Ruby (NSH) provided additional support on Tennessee-related financial statement filing matters; she was assisted by Associates Jessica Gonzalez and Kitty Xie (both HOU).
Partner Selene Espinosa (MEX) and Associate María Valenzuela (MTY) assisted Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (Bancomext), Mexico’s development bank, in a loan worth up to $100 million (approximately 1.7 billion Mexican pesos) to Megacable.
Attorneys from Holland & Knight’s New York office received an order from the New York Supreme Court’s Appellate Division, First Judicial Department, affirming the trial court’s earlier dismissal of a multimillion-dollar claim against firm client DMRJ Group – a solvent subsidiary of Platinum Partners Value Arbitrage Fund LP (PPVA). Associate Sheila Shen (NYC/LAX) represented DMRJ Group in the appeal. A larger Holland & Knight team won a summary judgment and dismissal in June 2022 in the New York Supreme Court’s Commercial Division.
Partner Victoria Zerjav (SCT/NYC), along with Associates Sydney Landers (MIA), Emily Nguyen (DAL) and Alexandra Ward (WAS), helped represent Kaho Partners and its portfolio company Addtronics in the acquisition of Sirius Automation, a leading developer of laboratory robotic systems for blue-chip biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
Partners Christine Gay (MIA) and Renee Lewis (CHI), along with Associates Andi Howell (CHI), Tanisha Pinkins (ATL) and Alexandra Ward (WAS), helped represent private equity firm Emko Capital and its newly formed holding company SMX Industrial Solutions in the recent acquisitions of Steelmax Tools and Scotchman Industries.
Partner Juliana Saa, along with Associate María Borrero (both BOG), advised the Colombia subsidiary of GreenYellow, a multinational French energy company, on a non-recourse green loan of $35 million (approximately 144 billion Colombian pesos) from Banco Santander for an
energy efficiency portfolio with Colombian food retail giant Grupo Éxito.
Partner Amy Curtis (DAL) helped advise Riley Exploration Permian in connection with the establishment of a $50 million at-the-market common stock offering program. She also helped lead a team in representing Granite Ridge Resources with a $35.5 million secondary offering by two stockholders managed by Grey Rock Energy Management selling 7.1 million shares of common stock at the public price of $5 per share.
Partner Jennifer Rangel, as well as Associates Maya Frazier, Laura Nickerson (all AUS) and Kitty Xie (HOU), helped advise Impact Research Institute (IRI), a clinical trial company located in Waco, Texas, in the $18 million sale of all its equity to Velocity Clinical Research.
Associates Kelsie Knight (HOU) and Emily Smith (DAL) helped lead the firm’s representation of Marble Capital in connection with the formation of Marble Capital Fund IV and its associated co-investment vehicles. Partner Jennifer Connors (NYC), along with Associates Jessica Kirk (DAL) and Caroline Spiers (HOU), provided assistance.
Associate Sarah Molinoff (POR) helped file an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of the Section 965 tax under the 16th Amendment.
Associate Libby Bloxom (DAL) helped represent Singapore-based BW Water as it acquired U.S. company SafBon Water Technology from Shanghai’s SafBon Water Service Inc. Paralegal Leslie McGuire (TPA) provided support.
Partner Ashley Plemons (ATL) and Associate Natalia Davila (BOG) helped lead a team that advised Resolvit Resources LLC, a technology and management solutions provider with service capabilities across Latin America, in its sale to Aditi Consulting. Partner Kara Ariail (TYS) and Associate Lauren Becker (DAL/AUS) provided additional support regarding labor and employment matters.
Holland & Knight’s West Coast Land Use and Environmental Group secured approval for a California project by The Sobrato Organization in San Carlos, California. Partners Tamsen Plume and Genna Yarkin (both SFO) handled all aspects of initial project planning, entitlements, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance, and negotiation and drafting of a development agreement.
Partner Aymee Valdivia (MIA) co-led a team that advised Peru-based Oben Holding Group in its $116 million purchase of Terphane, a Brazilian flexible packaging films business owned by Tredegar Corp. Partners Ari Alvarez (FTL) and Christine Gay (MIA), along with Associates Bibiana Cruz (MIA) and Stephanie Rainaud (NYC), provided support.
Associate Gabby Engel (MIA) helped represent Lincoln Road Global Management LLC on its acquisitions of Houston-based Silversand Services and SLI Landscape, which provide full landscaping, irrigation management, tree care, interior plant care and custom holiday decoration services.
Partner Taite McDonald, Senior Counsel Katie Hantson and Senior Policy Advisor Beth Viola (all WAS) helped advise multiple clients in their application and selection for the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program awards announced by the U.S. Department of Energy. The firm played a role in supporting Plug Power, Mitsubishi Power, Chemours, Fortescue and Orsted in their selection as subrecipients for the Hydrogen Hub Awards, as well as in supporting Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub in its selection as one of the regional clean hydrogen hubs.
Associate Marisa Garcia (NSH) assisted on a recent pro bono victory for an active-duty U.S. Marine seeking to obtain custody of his two nephews. She filed a petition to intervene and successfully filed for custody of the boys on behalf of the client.
Partner Tamsen Plume (SFO) attended the ribbon cutting to open Adobe’s pedestrian bridge, the final phase that expanded Adobe’s campus in downtown San Jose, California. The Holland & Knight team, which also included Partner Marne Sussman and Associate Deborah Brundy (both SFO), helped Adobe complete due diligence in 2016 to acquire the site, obtain project entitlements and initiate construction in 2019, respond to COVID-19 in 2020-2021, obtain final bridge and public art approvals in 2022, and help complete and open the project and bridge in 2023. The project was selected by the Silicon Valley Business Journal as the 2022 Best Large Office Project.
Associate Krystal Anderson (NPB) achieved a favorable settlement of two Proposition 65 matters for a national retailer client that she brought into the firm. Proposition 65 requires California to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Partner Tina Tellado (CCC/PHL) and Associate Sarah Tremer (NPB) secured a significant victory for Tesla. The team defeated two motions to quash Tesla’s subpoenas for critical employment records that would be used to oppose certification of the largest proposed class action race-based discrimination lawsuit ever presented in California (with over 6,000 proposed putative class members).
Senior Policy Advisor Lauri Hettinger and Legislative Assistant Adrianna Williams (both WAS) helped advocate on behalf of Florida’s Osceola County to secure a five-year contract to manufacture microchips for the U.S. Department of Defense. With options, the contract is potentially worth up to $289 million.
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) helped lead a team that secured a favorable arbitration award for global financial services company Marex in a major employment dispute. The claimant, a former Marex futures broker, seized on certain terms of his employment agreement to argue that he was entitled to 50 percent of net revenues “associated with” him. Associate Melissa Gold, Practice Assistant Trish Balnius and Receptionist Maureen Hayes (all CHI) provided assistance.
Partner Kelly Hellmuth (JAX) helped co-lead the development of the Community Foundation Tampa Bay (CFTB), and the relationship led to a sizeable planned gift from a significant donor. The team secured a pledge that integrates a Tampa-based philanthropist’s estate plan with the CFTB, which at maturity will significantly enhance the CFTB’s asset holdings and its charitable activities throughout the Tampa Bay region.
Associate Sophie Kletzien (NYC) was part of a team that prevailed on its motion for summary judgment in a putative class action brought against client Dick’s Sporting Goods, alleging a violation of the Video Privacy Protection Act. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania dismissed the action by enforcing the class action waiver and arbitration clause in the Dick’s website terms of use.
Partner Alexis Alonzo (CCC/LAX) co-led a team that represented JEN Partners – a New York-based private equity firm founded by the former head of the Warburg Pincus real estate group – in connection with a $270 million floating rate note private placement and land banking transaction. The team also included Partner Judy Mercier (ORL), Associates Samara Harris (LAX) and Leizl Hinajon (SFO), and Paralegals Theresa Lee (DAL) and Shannon Starr (CLT).
Partner Megan Schmid (HOU) and Associate Jeanne Harrison (NSH) were part of a team that represented Houston Country Club and its 1,300 members by defeating and settling a $12.5 million dollar claim related to the fiveyear, seven-phase expansion and renovation of the historic, high-end country club at a cost of $110 million.
Associate Elizabeth Fillman (WAS) helped lead a team that represented Acclaim Technical Services, backed by venture capital firm Blue Delta Capital Partners, in its acquisition of Alder Technology. The team also included Partners Erin Estevez, Kara Ariail (both TYS), Bess Hinson (ATL) and Antonia Tzinova, Senior Counsel Ashley Thomas (both WAS) and Associates Lauren Becker (DAL/AUS), Jiyeon Barta (ORL), Kisha Wilson (BOS) and Mackenzie Zales (WAS).
Partner Ashley Plemons (ATL) and Associate Kelly McKeon (SCT) helped lead the firm’s representation of T2S Solutions, a leading provider of research and development, prototyping, engineering, integration and technology products to the federal government, in its sale to Madison Dearborn Partners, a Chicago-based private equity investment firm.
Partners Erin Estevez, Kara Ariail (both TYS) and Bess Hinson (ATL), Senior Counsel Ashley Thomas (WAS) and Associates Lauren Becker (DAL/AUS), Allison Krause (BOS) and Jiyeon Barta (ORL) helped advise Incapsulate, a leading digital transformation consulting firm that specializes in Salesforce solutions, in its acquisition by Accenture.
Partner Theresa Wanat (HOU), along with Associates Heather Montoya (AUS) and Hannah Berny (NSH), were part of a team that earned a favorable outcome on a bankruptcy matter involving two parties. They settled with one party on the eve of bankruptcy and resolved the plan objections with the other party. The remaining ligation will continue in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas, which the Holland & Knight team anticipates will be a better forum for a resolution.
Associate Julia Segovia (MEX) helped represent ArcelorMittal Mexico on the negotiation and execution of a long-term gas supply agreement with CFEnergía as the supplier. The agreement is for a term of 10 years, and the aggregate amount of the same is $2.7 billion.
Partners Brooke Sizer (HOU) and Kyla Baker (ATL/ ORL) helped lead the firm’s representation of Jim Koons
Automotive Companies, a privately owned dealership group, in its $1.2 billion sale to Asbury Automotive Group, one of the largest automotive retail and service companies in the U.S. The team also included Partners Amy Edwards, Meg Brown (both WAS), Sarah Seedig (DEN), Victoria Zerjav (SCT/NYC) and Olufunke Leroy (PHL); Of Counsel Stacy Watson May (JAX); and Associates Anna Boyer (HOU), Amy O’Brien (WAS), Karla Pizarro, Allia Howard (both DAL), Andi Howell (CHI), Jiyeon Barta (ORL) and Cristina Salazar (DEN). Paralegals Lauren Gonzales, Marie Wooldridge (both ATL), Candace Evans (WAS) and Kathy Foley-Barry (ORL), along with Paralegal Assistant Sabrina Lappen (JAX), provided additional support.
Associates Rosa María Cuevas and Paulina López (both MEX) helped advise Fibra UNO on its sustainability-linked bond issuance for 1.5 billion pesos (approximately $86 million), corresponding with the FUNO 23-3L bond that is under its long-term program. Fibra UNO also recently announced the payment of the FUNO 13-2 bond for 3.1 billion pesos (approximately $177 million).
The Atlanta Women’s Initiative held a financial planning event on Oct. 24 that featured Artisan Financial Strategies CEO Meredith Moore. Ms. Moore tapped into her 23-year career in financial planning to empower women to achieve their goals by demystifying money management matters. Her topic focused on “Creating Financial Power for Women: Helping You Navigate Your Personal Relationship Around Money.”

The Austin Women’s Initiative adopted a family through Texas Advocacy Project, a nonprofit law firm that empowers survivors of domestic abuse through free legal services and access to the justice system. Partner Adrianne Waddell (AUS/HOU), Associate Heather Montoya, Practice Assistant Tammy Greenblum and Office Manager Amy Stork coordinated with Texas Advocacy Project, and local Women’s Initiative coordinators Partners Melissa Davis Andrews and Jennifer Rangel (all AUS) provided the environment to gather and wrap gifts for the family. This was the family’s first holiday in a safe and stable environment, and Holland & Knight was able to contribute in a small way to make it a special one.

The group also hosted a team-building event on Oct. 3 at Board & Brush Creative Studio. Partners Melissa Davis Andrews and Jennifer Rangel (both AUS) served as local coordinators and planned the gathering. Joining them were Partner Ashley Phillips, Associates Lecelle Clarke, Maya Frazier, Tori Harrison, Hannah Maloney, Kelly Metz, Laura Nickerson, Claire Lydiard and Heather Montoya (all AUS). Each participant had a chance to complete a do-it-yourself project and spend time with their mentors and mentees.

In Boston, the Women’s Initiative partnered with Birthday Wishes for a 9/11 Day of Service event in which attorneys and staff helped pack and wrap 48 “birthdays-in-abox” to brighten the lives of children living in homeless shelters. Birthday Wishes makes a difference in the lives of homeless children and their families by bringing them the joy of a birthday party. Each year, the organization serves children living in more than 200 family shelters and transitional living facilities across Massachusetts, Rhode Island and on Long Island, New York.

The group also hosted a day of family fun at Powisset Farm in Dover, Massachusetts, on Oct. 14. Attendees enjoyed hayrides, apple cider, a climbing haystack, live music, scenic walking trails, a story walk, a fall scavenger hunt and a visit with farmyard animals.

The Dallas Women’s Initiative hosted an Italian cooking class and dinner for top clients on Nov. 8 at Eataly. The hands-on class introduced participants to the art of making fresh pasta, pizza, an Italian meat and cheese platter, and
tiramisu. Sixteen guests attended, including Partners Kelly Bagnall, Tricia DeLeon, Jolisa Dobbs, Meghan McCaig (all DAL) and Elissa McClure (DAL/NPB), along with Associates Lauren Becker (DAL/AUS) and Wynter Scott (DAL). Relive the evening’s top moments in the online photo album

The Houston Women’s Initiative hosted a fall fiesta happy hour on Oct. 17. Attendees – including 23 current and prospective clients – enjoyed a tequila tasting experience with a local tequila sommelier as they sampled one of the world’s most loved spirits and learned about some popular cocktail recipes.
The group also took part in the Adopt-an-Angel Annual Holiday Gift Drive, led by Partner Parker Young and Associate Kelsie Knight (both HOU). This year, attorneys and staff added 23 more angels to their list, adopting 158 angels total – the highest number yet. As part of the adoption efforts, participants donated money, shopped for gifts, wrapped presents and helped coordinate gift pickup. For many children, these gifts will be the only ones they have to open during the holiday season.

The Miami Women’s Initiative provided 40 college students with exam-themed care packages. Partners Frances De La Guardia, Annie Gamez, Christine Gay, Jessica Hoch, Tiffani Lee, Rebecca Plasencia, Miriam Soler Ramos, Lara Rios and Aymee Valdivia, Of Counsel Kate Inman, Associates Sydney Alexander, Bibiana Cruz, Annelise Del Rivero, Gabrielle Engel, Audrey Kirschenbaum, Jenifer Norwalk, Becca Rosen and Ngozi Giwa and Senior Attorney Recruiting Manager Alina Quintana (all MIA) filled tote bags with items such as snacks, blankets and study materials, including notebooks, highlighters and sticky notes. Each student receiving a care package also received a $15 gift card to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.

The Nashville Women’s Initiative hosted a day of selfcare for attorneys and clients at Bamford Wellness Spa. Partners MaryEllen Pickrell, Miranda Kelley, Laura Merritt, Elle McCulty, Wells Trompeter, Lindsay Irving, Abbey Ruby, Catie Lane Bailey, Ashleigh VanLandingham and Tonya Scharf, Senior Counsel Erin Hughes and Associates Marisa Garcia, Karolyn Perry and Renee Wilson (all NSH) attended the Sept. 7 event. Guests received facials or massages, along with light hors d’oeuvres and champagne. It was an enjoyable time for everyone to relax and connect with friends and colleagues.

New York
The New York Women’s Initiative hosted a pizza making experience on Dec. 20. Attendees learned how to make pizza by hand using traditional Italian techniques and all-Italian imported ingredients, then enjoyed the delicious final products with some wine, a DJ and a caricature artist.

In addition, the women of the firm’s Representations and Warranties Insurance (RWI) Team hosted a mixology class on Oct. 11 at the Raines Law Room in New York. Clients were invited to learn how to make their own signature cocktails from an expert mixologist.

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Orlando Women’s Initiative hosted an inspiring conversation with four-time Olympian Novlene WilliamsMills and Dr. Stephenie Poris, owner and operator of Poris Plastic Surgery. Partner Judy Mercier and Area
Development Manager Tanyeka Lambert organized the Oct. 4 event, with support from Associate Shanice Cameron, Staff Attorney Arielle Lewis, Office Services Supervisor Milena Kojic and Receptionist Leyla Jacques (all ORL).

The group also participated in the 2023 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk held on Oct. 28 in Lake Eola Park, successfully raising $2,243 to benefit the American Cancer Society. Partner Suzanne Gilbert (ORL), Tanyeka and Shanice organized the effort.

Partner Shannon Armstrong (POR) hosted the Fall Women Trial Lawyers’ Happy Hour on Oct. 11. Attendees had the opportunity to catch up with fellow litigators while
sampling a variety of wines from women winemakers and women-owned wineries in the Pacific Northwest region.

San Francisco
The San Francisco Women’s Initiative hosted a trivia and wine tasting event for 21 attorneys and staff on Dec. 13. Attendees were grouped into teams of three to answer 30 questions about women in (mostly U.S.) history while tasting seven wines from the Northern California region. Partner Ashley Shively planned the gathering, Office Manager Gina Roth served as the game show host, and Associate Rebecca Durham (all SFO) acted as sommelier, taking everyone through four rounds of wines that were all procured or somehow managed by women in the wine industry.

A toiletry drive was also held in December to benefit the St. Anthony’s Foundation, an organization that works to feed, clothe, heal and lift the spirits of San Franciscans in need. Partner Ashley Shively (SFO) organized the effort.
Southern California
The Los Angeles and Century City Women’s Initiative hosted “An Evening of Art and Apps” that started with a visit to The Broad, a contemporary art museum in downtown Los Angeles. Holland & Knight attorneys and guests enjoyed the famous Infinity Mirror Room and impressive pieces by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein at The Broad, followed by drinks and hors d’oeuvres at nearby Vespaio. Partner Lydia Lockett (LAX) and Associate Lauren Moritz (LAX) organized the Oct. 25 event highlighting the women attorneys of the firm’s Los Angeles and Century City offices.

The Century City Women’s Initiative collected donations and prepared toiletry kits for women experiencing homelessness at the Downtown Women’s Center in Los Angeles. During the month of November, the office placed a donation box and then coordinated a gathering on Dec. 6 to package and assemble the toiletry kits. Associate Anna Ayar (CCC) organized the effort.

The Newport Beach Women’s Initiative hosted an evening of art and networking at the Orange County Museum of Art on Oct. 24. The event was co-hosted by Co-Net Women, a corporate women’s networking organization in Orange County that endeavors to bring business owners and business advisors, including lawyers, together to encourage connection and collaboration. Partner Wendy Kottmeier and Associates Krystal Anderson, Sarah Tremer and Miranda Wheeler (all NPB) represented Holland & Knight.

The Stamford Women’s Initiative hosted their annual cookie exchange and a white elephant party on Dec. 12. A holiday gift drive was also organized to benefit Kids in Crisis, an organization that provides emergency shelter, crisis counseling and community education programs for children of all ages and families facing crisis. Donations were delivered on Dec. 11.

The Tysons Women’s Initiative hosted two holiday events. Attendees gathered for a flower arrangement class on
Dec. 12. They also collected toiletries for Bethany’s House of Northern Virginia and held a packing event on Dec. 14.

Washington, D.C.
The Washington, D.C., Women’s Initiative hosted a holiday lunch and its end-of-year service project to benefit Suited for Change, a nonprofit organization that provides professional attire, coaching and skills training to women in need who are seeking employment. Partner Christine Shiker and Senior Counsel June Marshall (both WAS) organized the lunch and donation drive.
In advance of the holiday lunch for Women’s Initiative members on Dec. 12, Christine and June requested donations of freshly washed or dry-cleaned women’s professional business attire such as suits, separates, shoes and accessories from the entire Washington office. Accessories such as jewelry, scarves, belts and women’s shapewear were also requested.

The Women’s Initiative Mother’s Network, led by Senior Policy Advisor Miranda Franco (WAS), hosted a sparkling wine tasting on Oct. 24. The owners of wine and
champagne club Sparkle-ist introduced the group to four sparkling wines. The group had the opportunity to enjoy their bubbly drinks while connecting with other mothers in the office.

Awards and Accolades
Super Lawyers
Super Lawyers has named several Holland & Knight attorneys as “Super Lawyers” and “Rising Stars” for 2023, including the following women:
Rising Star
Kelly McKeon: Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Super Lawyers
Jessica Early: Business Litigation
Shari Levitan: Estate Planning & Probate
Rising Stars
Stephanie Merabet: Employment & Labor
Cara Santoro: Nonprofit Organizations
Rebecca Wilsker: Mergers & Acquisitions
Nashville Super Lawyers
Nora Liggett: Health Care
Marlee Mitchell: Securities & Corporate Finance
Nashville Rising Stars
Emily Duncan: Health Care
Mary Julia Hannon: Health Care
Lindsay Irving: Mergers & Acquisitions
Morgan Ivey: Health Care
Juliana Lamar: Health Care
Karolyn Perry: Business Litigation
Maggie Sandwith: Real Estate
Emma Stephens: Real Estate
New York
Super Lawyers
Marion Bachrach: White Collar Crimes
Rising Stars
Roxanna Brahimy: Real Estate
Rachel Katz: Real Estate
Jennifer Lada: Business Litigation
Sheila Shen: Business Litigation
Texas Super Lawyers
Susan Coleman (DAL): Real Estate
Amy Curtis (DAL): Mergers & Acquisitions
Melissa Davis Andrews (AUS): Appellate
Tricia DeLeon (DAL): Business Litigation
Meghan McCaig (DAL): Business Litigation
Mary McNulty (DAL): Tax
Lee Meyercord (DAL): Tax
Emily Parker (DAL): Tax
Ashley Phillips (AUS): Environmental
Elizabeth Schartz (DAL): Employment Litigation
Megan Schmid (HOU): Business Litigation
Debra Villarreal (DAL): Energy & Natural Resources
Latin Lawyer 250
The latest edition of Latin Lawyer 250 mentions 39 Holland & Knight lawyers for their legal skills, including the following women:
Alexandra Aguirre (MIA/NYC)
Maria Currier (MIA)
Marisa Marinelli (NYC)
Aymee Valdivia (MIA)
Turenna Ramirez Ortiz (MEX)
Jimena Nieto (BOG)
Juliana Saa (BOG)
The Legal 500 Latin America
Holland & Knight is recommended as one of the top international law firms in Latin America, including Colombia and Mexico, in The Legal 500 Latin America 2024 edition. The firm earned 26 practice rankings and 21 lawyers received recognition in the guide, including the following women:
Leading Individuals
Turenna Ramirez Ortiz (MEX): International Trade and Customs
Next Generation Partners
Juliana Saa (BOG): Banking and Finance
Julia Velásquez (BOG): Corporate/M&A
Inés Vesga (BOG): Energy and Natural Resources
Rising Stars
Margarita Solorza (BOG): Environment
Estefanny Pardo (BOG): Energy and Natural Resources
The Best Lawyers in Colombia™
Nineteen attorneys from the Bogotá office have been selected for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in Colombia™, a significant increase over the firm’s seven selections for 2023. The following women were recognized:
Natalia Cuberos: Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Alba Malagón: Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Juliana Saa: Banking and Finance Law
Julia Velásquez: Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Inés Vesga: Energy Law
The Best Lawyers in Mexico™
Forty attorneys from the Mexico City and Monterrey offices, spanning 23 practice areas, have been selected for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in Mexico™. The following women were recognized:
The Best Lawyers in Mexico™
Selene Espinosa (MEX): Banking and Finance Law, Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Project Finance and Development Practice
Regina Legorreta (MEX): Project Finance and Development Practice
Turenna Ramirez Ortiz (MEX): International Trade and Finance Law, Trade Law
Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Mexico™
Sofia Alcantara (MEX): Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions
Catalina Mandujano (MEX): Tax Law
Julia Segovia (MEX): Energy Law, Natural Resources Law
María Valenzuela (MTY): Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Associate Katie Princivalle (PHL) has been named to the Philadelphia Business Journal’s Best of the Bar in the Pro Bono category. The list honors the region’s most impactful lawyers, who are selected based on
demonstrated success, including the significance of the matters and the size of the results of their legal work.
Associate Krystal Anderson (NPB) has been selected as a 2023 “Top Young Diverse Lawyer of Orange County” by the Orange County Coalition for Diversity in Law (OCCDL). The award honors attorneys practicing for 10 years or less who have been recognized by their peers for demonstrating legal excellence and displaying a commitment to DEI principles. The OCCDL also named Holland & Knight a “Top Legal Organization for DEI of Orange County” for advancing DEI in the local legal community.
Associate Karolyn Perry (NSH) was named to the 202324 class of the Nashville Bar Foundation Leadership Forum (NBFLF). The NBFLF provides a select group of 25 nominated attorneys who have three to eight years of experience and practice in Davidson County with the opportunity to develop leadership skills through monthly workshops and activities focused on local legal and community issues. The NBFLF encourages diversity in the practice of law and helps to build relationships among attorneys with diverse backgrounds and practices.
Two London attorneys received individual honors in the 2024 edition of The Legal 500 United Kingdom guide. Partner Victoria Koob is listed as a “Next Generation Partner” in Aviation, as well as Transport Finance and Leasing. Associate Noelle Boyce is listed as a key lawyer in the Transport Finance and Leasing category.
Partner Jamie Moses (ORL) was awarded the 2024 Orange County Bar Association J.C. “Jake” Stone Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes an outstanding attorney who has made a significant contribution to pro bono service through casework and leadership throughout one’s entire career. Jamie also ran the New York Marathon in November, raising more than $6,500 for GROW Health Kids Inc., a nonprofit organization founded by Colleen Gonzalez, the wife of former Orlando Partner Luis Gonzalez. In addition, Jamie received the Florida Supreme Court’s 2023 Tobias Simon Pro Bono Service Award, given annually to the one Florida attorney who has given the most outstanding service in the area of pro bono legal assistance.
Partner Ashley Shively (SFO) was selected as a Lawyer on the Fast Track as part of The Recorder’s California

Legal Awards. The Recorder is honoring the California law firms and legal departments that are instrumental to the state’s thriving technology sector and recognizing the most accomplished women leaders in technology law.
Partner Victoria Koob (LON) was individually ranked in the 2024 Chambers UK guide in the Aviation: Finance category.
Partners Alexandra Aguirre (MIA/NYC) and Aymee Valdivia (MIA) were selected by Latinvex for its 2023 Latin America’s Top 100 Female Lawyers ranking. Alexandra and Aymee were recognized for their work in Corporate/ M&A. Alexandra has been included on the list for five consecutive years, and Aymee has been listed three times.
Partner Amy Edwards (WAS) was elected to serve a three-year term on the Board of Regents for the American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL). Amy, who was selected as an ACOEL Fellow in 2019, was also reelected for a second one-year term as secretary of the ACOEL Foundation. The ACOEL is a professional association of distinguished environmental law attorneys who are dedicated to maintaining and improving the ethical practice of environmental law, the administration of justice and the development of environmental law at the state and federal levels.
Holland & Knight was awarded the Pro Bono Champion for Justice Award by Legal Services of Greater Miami Inc. (LSGMI) for work that attorneys and professionals from the firm’s Private Wealth Services (PWS) Group have done to promote home ownership and preservation in Miami’s minority communities. Associate Rebekah Allison (MIA) has been a major contributor to LSGMI’s new practice area of heirs property law and has provided considerable support in various trust and estate matters. Private Wealth Fiduciary Administrator Amy Khamissian, Practice Assistant Josie Hernandez (both MIA) and others on the PWS team have also aided in the effort. In addition, Partner Tracy Nichols (MIA) serves on the board of the Legal Services of Greater Miami Foundation.
Partner Barbara Martinez (MIA) has been named to the board of directors of YWCA South Florida. YWCA is one of the oldest and largest women’s organizations in the nation, serving women, children and low-income families.
Partner Kathryn Lehman (WAS) was named a Top Lobbyist by The Hill for the 13th consecutive year. The publication honored the corporate lobbyists, hired guns, association leaders and grassroots activists who leveraged their skills, knowledge and connections to make a difference in the nation’s capital in 2023.
Partner Miriam Soler Ramos (MIA) served on the host committee for the Anti-Defamation League’s Partners Against Hate Awards. Also attending were Partners Danielle Garno (MIA/LAX), Jessica Hoch, Marilyn Holifield, Barbara Martinez (all MIA) and Meital Stavinsky (MIA/WAS), as well as Associate Audrey Kirschenbaum (MIA).
Partner Antonia Tzinova (WAS) was named a “Distinguished Adviser” in Financier Worldwide’s 2023 edition of “Power Players Foreign Investment & National Security.” The publication also ran a profile on her as part of the recognition.
Partners Kelly-Ann Cartwright, Tiffani Lee (both MIA) and Karen Walker (TAL/WAS) were recognized among Florida Trend’s “Notable Women Leaders in Law.”
Associate Hadeel Abouhasira (NSH) has been named among Virginia Business’ “Legal Elite 2023: Immigration Law.”
Partner Brooke Sizer and Associate Kitty Xie (both HOU) each received a Commitment to Pro Bono Award from Lone Star Legal Aid. The award recognizes the organization’s volunteers who handled complex legal matters for clients.
Newsworthy Networking
Holland & Knight has launched a Middle Eastern/North African (MENA) Affinity Group to develop a broad and inclusive network among our MENA attorneys. The group is co-chaired by Partner Hamid Namazie (LAX), along with Associates Tahany Alsabahi (CHI) and Associate Sina Faizy (DAL).
Associate Lisa Kohring (WPB) participated in the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Summit on Dec. 14. The event featured presentations on topics ranging from affirmative action to employment and education law.

Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) co-hosted a webinar titled, “2023 Legal Ethics Year in Review,” on Dec. 13. In addition to reviewing some of the most important developments of the last year (or so) in legal ethics and lawyering, the speakers also shared practical guidance from ethics opinions and case law and reviewed what lawyers should know to protect their clients and themselves and practice more effectively.
Holland & Knight co-hosted the 2023 Nashville Year-End Tax Forum with Marcum on Dec. 12 to discuss the current tax climate, the potential impact of new legislation and the Corporate Transparency Act. Associate Christine Younger (NSH) was a panelist during the session, “Year-End Tax Planning for Individuals and Businesses,” and Associate Amelia White (NSH) spoke during the session, “Trust and Estate Planning Considerations Leading up to 2024.”
Partner Tamsen Plume (SFO) joined a Strafford webinar, “Development Agreements: Contracting for Vested Rights from Public and Private Perspectives,” on Dec. 12. The hosts discussed tips on negotiating, drafting and enforcing development agreements. They also identified the role of force majeure and the different types of changes in land use that wouldn’t breach a development agreement.
Associate Nicole Lamanna (NYC) was a panelist during the Strafford webinar, “Corporate Transparency Act: Impact on Non-U.S. Entities and U.S. Entities with Foreign Beneficial Owners,” on Dec. 6. The webinar discussed certain state laws that may impose similar reporting requirements as the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), examined the impact the CTA has on foreign entities, covered who is considered a “foreign reporting company” and whether any exemptions apply.
Partner Jessica Magee (DAL) moderated a CLE breakfast coordinated by the Dallas Chapter of the Society for Corporate Governance on Dec. 5. The session, “Navigating the Latest SEC Cyber Disclosure Rules: Implications and Best Practices for Compliance,” provided an overview of the regulatory landscape and detailed the specific requirements that companies must now adhere to regarding cyber risk governance and incident disclosures.
Director of Business Development Tara Derby (PHL) and Associate Sara Jaskot (AUS) helped coordinate a Dec. 4 event in the Washington, D.C., office to celebrate the National Bar Association’s Women Lawyers Division
Revolutionary Report on the State of Black Women in the Law. Partner Tiffani Lee (MIA) shared opening remarks about the firm’s ongoing commitment to promoting DEI, and Partner Kwamina Williford (WAS) served on a panel of key leaders in the legal profession. Attendees included Partners Kendall Wilson (TPA), Kelly-Ann Cartwright (MIA) and Leila Batties, along with Senior Counsel June Marshall (both WAS).
Senior Counsel Estefanny Pardo (BOG) participated in the Business Sanctions Law Seminar hosted by the Chamber of Commerce Santa Marta, Magdalena. The Nov. 29 program focused on the environmental sanctions regime in Colombia.
Partner Inés Vesga (BOG) was a panelist for the Nov. 22 Energy Industry Meeting organized by the Bogotá Energy Cluster Initiative and the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. She discussed the progress of Colombia’s energy transition and its potential challenges.
Partner Selene Espinosa (MEX) was a speaker at the National Mining Law Congress organized by Universidad Externado de Colombia on Nov. 17. Her panel centered on reform in the Mexican mining sector and the nationalization of the lithium industry within the country.
Holland & Knight’s maritime attorneys hosted the Ship Finance Academy at Marine Money’s 24th Annual Ship Finance Forum on Nov. 16. Speakers included Partner Marie Larsen, who co-led the session, “Default, Enforcement & Remedies,” as well as Partner Barbra Parlin (both NYC), who led a segment focused on bankruptcy.
Partners Jessica Magee (DAL) and Allison Kernisky (MIA), along with Associate Maddie Tansey (HOU), led the Holland & Knight webinar, “Navigating the SEC’s Wells Process,” on Nov. 16. The webinar examined the critical issues to consider when a Wells notice of an impending enforcement action is received in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation. The informative virtual training was well received and attended by more than 75 professionals from current and prospective clients, including in-house counsel, directors and managers.
Partner Madeleine Tan (NYC) spoke at the 16th Biennial Parker C. Fielder Oil, Gas and Energy Tax Conference
on Nov. 16. Her session focused on the Section 45Q tax credit for carbon oxide sequestration.
Partner Chelsea Maclean and Associate Deborah Brundy (both SFO) were among the presenters during the Holland & Knight webinar, “California’s 2024 Housing Laws Part I: Laws Broadly Applicable to Housing, Including Market Rate Housing,” on Nov. 15. Chelsea helped continue the discussion during Part II on Dec. 13. In both sessions, the speakers discussed the most notable new laws that affect housing in California, including market rate housing, accessory dwelling units, housing law enforcement, financing and other costs, and parking.
Partner Bess Hinson (ATL) led the quarterly Atlanta Women in Cybersecurity Roundtable on Nov. 14. The discussion focused on managing privacy risks in a generative artificial intelligence (AI) world and provided community and resources to help women move ahead in their cybersecurity careers.
Partner Stacie Nelson (SFO/LAX) joined the webinar, “Taming the Wild West,” hosted by The Bar Association of San Francisco’s Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Litigation Subsection on Nov. 14. The speakers explored substantive and procedural differences between civil and probate litigation, including intervention, mediation and jury trials.
Partner Rachel Marmor (BOS) joined a Bloomberg Government webinar, “State Privacy and Data Security,” on Nov. 14. Speakers covered biometric privacy, children’s protections on social media, consumer opt-out rights, protections for health data, data deletion and data brokers. The conversation also covered tools and strategies for monitoring and comparing policy across jurisdictions.
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) was a panelist at the Practising Law Institute’s “Think Like a Lawyer, Talk Like a Geek” program on Nov. 13. She reviewed the legal ethics problems that may arise with the use of ChatGPT.
Partner Melissa Wong (BOS) presented at the “Medicare Part D: Coverages and Rebate Pricing Essentials” webinar hosted by ACI Proficiency on Nov. 13. She covered Part D fraud and abuse concerns, examined Part D formulary requirements, discussed rebate contracting strategies under Part D and predicted potential legislative changes.
Partner Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta (MIA) spoke at the 2nd Annual LATAM Investor State Arbitration Conference, hosted by The Miami International Arbitration Society on Nov. 12. She participated in an audience-led conversation creating debates and discussions focused on Latin America investor-state arbitration.
Partner Mary McNulty (DAL) spoke at the 48th Annual Insurance Tax Conference on Nov. 10. Her panel focused on strategies and procedural options to reach resolution on challenging issues in IRS examinations and appeals.
Partner Renee Lewis and Chelsea McCarthy (both CHI) participated in the ESOP Association’s Employee Owned 2023 hybrid event on Nov. 9. Renee’s panel, “Evaluating & Responding to Offers to Sell the Company,” discussed the different types of inquiries Employee Stocks Ownership Plans (ESOPs) receive and when a response is required, and explained how such companies can maximize the sustainability of their ESOP. Chelsea’s panel, “Managing Conflicts of Interest on an ESOP Board,” discussed the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest, particularly within the board and how to minimize board conflicts.
Partner Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta (MIA) participated in the inaugural Miami Arbitration Week hosted by the Miami International Arbitration Society. On Nov. 12, she moderated the panel, “2nd Debate: A Rule Against Double Hatting Will Impede the Generational Change in ISDS Arbitrators.” She also spoke during the Nov. 8 session, “Greener Grass or Scorched Earth: The Impact of Legislation and Court Reform on Arbitration Friendliness in the Americas.”
Holland & Knight’s ESOP Group hosted its annual “Trio of Taste Food Tour” on Nov. 8 during the ESOP Association’s 2023 Employee Owned Conference. Approximately 65 clients and referral sources within the ESOP community were among the attendees, which also included Partners Renee Lewis, Chelsea McCarthy, Betsy Perdue (all CHI) and Lynn Calkins (WAS/NSH), along with Area Development Manager Amanda Notarangelo (BOS).
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) was a panelist at the Practising Law Institute’s 25th Annual Commercial Real Estate Institute on Nov. 7. She discussed common legal ethics and regulatory issues related to real estate transactions.
Associate María Aponte (BOG) was a speaker in the Sustainability and Legal Context Committee, organized by the Colombian American Chamber of Commerce on Nov. 7. She discussed the legal and practical implications of environmental liabilities in Colombia in order to anticipate corporate environmental management that is comprehensive and strategic.
Partner Nicole Elliott (WAS) participated in a Zeigo Network webinar about innovative alternatives to virtual power purchase agreements on Nov. 7. The webinar discussed how large corporations can navigate the pressure to decarbonize by exploring the potential of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its unique approach to renewable procurement.
Partner Dianne Phillips (BOS) was a panelist during a webinar hosted by the Environmental Business Council of New England on Nov. 7. She focused on 6PPD-quinone, microplastics and harmful algal blooms – three emerging contaminants that are increasing concern not only locally but globally.
Partners Danielle Garno (MIA/LAX) and Leslie Mahre (NSH/HOU) spoke at the Luxury Law Summit on Nov. 7. Danielle participated in a workshop, “The Multifaceted World of Hybrid Licensing Agreements,” and discussed the material terms of hybrid agreements between manufacturers and celebrities. Leslie’s presentation, “Private Equity and M&A Trends in Fashion and Beauty: 2023 and Beyond,” covered the fashion industries’ rampant M&A activity and top deal trends, as well as hot button topics like generative AI, initial public offerings and strategic global expansion.
Partner Lynne Xerras (BOS) spoke at the Conference on Consumer Finance Law’s Annual Consumer Financial Services Conference on Nov. 2-3 in Dallas. She was a panelist during the presentation, “Student Loan Hot Topics.” Partners Tricia DeLeon (DAL), Elissa McClure (DAL/NPB) and Judy Mercier (ORL), as well as Paralegal Kelli Roland (DAL), also attended. During the conference, Holland & Knight partnered with firm client Toyota to host a lunch for general counsel and legal staff from a variety of financial companies, as well as hosted a dinner at Eddie V’s for conference attendees.
Partner Kwamina Williford (WAS) spoke at the Financial Markets Association’s 2023 Legal and Legislative
Conference on Nov. 3. She reviewed enforcement actions taken this year by financial services regulators such as the SEC and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, focusing on recent actions related to improper fees, anti-money laundering and unauthorized communication channels.
Partner Danielle Price (MIA) participated in the Executive Roundtable’s CXO Breakfast & Panel Meeting on Nov. 2. Her discussion focused on private equity, M&A and venture capital.
Partner Melissa Wong (BOS) spoke at the American Conference Institute’s 2nd Annual Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Summit on Medicare Advantage on Nov. 1. Her panel discussed the Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Program established in the Inflation Reduction Act and provided an in-depth overview of the specifics of what is included and its impact on Medicare Part D plans moving forward.
Associate Marissa Serafino (WAS) was a co-presenter of the Holland & Knight webinar, “Artificial Intelligence: Breaking Down the New Biden Administration Executive Order,” on Oct. 31. The team analyzed the highlights of the executive order (EO), sharing information and insights on what’s in the EO and how it will impact stakeholders who are using or considering AI solutions.
Partner Jessica Early (BOS) spoke at the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Inc.’s 9th Annual Appellate Practice Conference on Oct. 31. The panel focused on the potential and pitfalls of generative AI in appellate practice.
Partner Lee Meyercord (DAL) spoke at the 58th Annual Southern Federal Tax Institute on Oct. 30. Her presentation, “Self-Employment (SECA) Taxes Applicable to LLPs, Hedge Funds, Private Equity & Venture Capital,” explored the current state of the law for self-employment taxes under the limited partner exception, what’s to come and shared tips for handling a SECA audit.
Senior Counsel Laura Zielinski (MEX) spoke at the International Bar Association’s Annual Conference on Oct. 30. Her session, “A Taste of Hot Topics,” focused on recent developments in space law, including space tourism, ethics in space and dispute resolution, particularly arbitration.
Associate Catalina Mandujano (MEX) participated in a Thomson Reuters webinar titled, “1st Laboratory in
Practical Points for the Best Compliance in Transfer Pricing,” on Oct.30. She discussed practice concepts and repercussions observed from a regulatory and administrative perspective and analyzed the issue of antiabuse regulations in transfer pricing analyses.
The Hospitality, Resort and Timeshare Group sponsored and took part in Georgetown University Law Center’s 11th Annual Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit on Oct. 25-26. Partner Stacie Goeddel (SFO) showcased her branded mixed-use knowledge by presenting in a summit panel titled “Mixed Use Developments with Hotels Bring a Mix of Legal Challenges.” The firm also hosted a reception and dinner during the summit, with Partners Kelly Bagnall (DAL), Jessica Farmer (WAS), Lynn Calkins (WAS/NSH) and Allison McCarthy (FTL) in attendance.
Partner Amy Simpson (CCC) was a co-host of a Strafford CLE webinar, “Section 101 and Implications for Invalidity Under Alice: Result-and-Attribute-Type Claims, Prosecution and Litigation Guidance,” on Oct. 25. The speakers discussed how the recent decisions have demonstrated that these “attribute” type patent claims may become the victims of Alice and offered tips for patent prosecutors and litigators in addressing these issues.
Partners Ashley Phillips and Melissa Davis Andrews (both AUS), along with Associate Morgan Moore (HOU), hosted a Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law Roundtable Luncheon on Oct. 25. The attorneys spoke to University of Texas School of Law students about the firm and emphasized the Energy & Natural Resources team.
Associate Rachel Deming (DAL) spoke at a Holland & Knight-sponsored luncheon on Oct. 25 to discuss the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), especially as it applies in the family office context. Also attending were Partners Sarah Marks and Mary McNulty, as well as Associate Kate Minnich (all DAL). Director of Marketing and Business Development Kathleen Larrison (OPC) and Area Development Manager Jennifer McConnell (DAL) helped organize the event.
Partner Dianne Phillips (BOS) spoke at a Boston Bar Association webinar, “Climate Change and the MCP,” on Oct. 24. She focused on the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s final regulatory revisions on the Massachusetts Contingency Plan and shared insights into the changes the regulations will bring for companies and
provided tools for understanding how to consider climate impacts when complying plan.
Partner Mary McNulty (DAL) spoke at the Tax Executives Institute’s 2023 Annual Conference on Oct. 24. Her presentation was titled, “Sensitive Tax Department Communications and Financial Audits: What to Watch Out for and Management Best Practices.”
Partner Jessica Early (BOS) participated in a Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers panel, “The Struggle Is Real: Strategies for Practicing Law While Raising Kids.” During the Oct. 23 webinar, she offered strategies for balancing work, children, stress and emotions that come with a legal career and parenting.
Holland & Knight sponsored the 2023 NIC Fall Conference held Oct. 23 in Chicago, with Partners Cindy Brazell (ATL), Elle McCulty, Abbey Ruby and Tonya Scharf (all NSH) attending. The conference offered the Holland & Knight attorneys and other sector leaders the opportunity to form key relationships and acquire actionable insights to identify areas of change that will define the future of senior housing and care properties.
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) was a panelist at the 2023 National Association of Dealer Counsel Fall Conference on Oct. 23. Her panel focused on recent legal ethics and professional responsibility developments that have emerged over the last year.
Partner Danielle Garno (MIA/LAX) participated in a webinar hosted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Oct. 19. During the presentation – titled “Fashion, Beauty and Intellectual Property: What Would You Wear –Or Not?” – she discussed fashion, beauty and accessories as they relate to IP protection. She also covered the ins and outs of wearing authentic brands, the history of fashion, sustainability, protecting traditional heritage and dress patterns and wearable technology.
Partner Alba Malagón (BOG) participated in Arias Law’s Compliance Week, where professionals shared trends and developments related to compliance matters. On Oct. 19, she spoke on a panel about the criminal responsibility of a legal entity.
Holland & Knight was a co-host of the 2023 Florida Enforcement Summit on Oct. 18. Partner Jessica
Magee (DAL) was a panelist during the session, “Federal Enforcement Priorities,” and Partner Barbara Martinez (MIA) moderated the session, “A Discussion with the Deputy Statewide Prosecutor: Florida Enforcement Priorities.”
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) co-hosted an American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education webinar, “Legal Ethics Roundup 2023: Current Developments for Every Attorney,” on Oct. 18. She provided guidance on a lawyer’s professional obligations, as well as offered advice to help lawyers mitigate ethical risks, protect their clients’ interests and their professional reputation.
Partner Kathleen Furey (NYC) attended the “Win with Winn: Client Appreciation Tasting Event” on Oct. 18. The bourbon tasting event celebrated Holland & Knight’s successful collaboration with longtime firm clients WinnCompanies and Bank of America.
The Mid-Atlantic Land Use Team hosted a presentation on Oct. 18 that focused on current zoning and development issues in the District of Columbia. Speakers included Partners Christy Shiker and Amy Edwards, along with Director of Planning Services Brandice Elliott (all WAS).
Associate Jessica Kirk (DAL) participated in a State Bar of Texas panel, “Tax Issues with Distressed Partnerships and Real Estate Business,” on Oct. 12, where she discussed the cancellation of debt income, debt versus equity considerations and significant modifications. Additionally, her panel covered the IRS’ recent guidance on increased partnership audit activities and explained how to advise clients on losses and material advisor disclosure requirements.
Partner Jennifer Hernandez (SFO/CCC) was a panelist at the EnerGeo Alliance Annual Conference on Oct. 12. Her panel, “Inside Out: Empowering Communities to Make Energy Possible,” focused on ways to drive energy access at the local level.
Partner Christine Gay and Associates Bibiana Cruz (both MIA), Brittany Cangelosi (NYC) and Claire Sager (DAL) attended and hosted the “Women of Transactional Insurance Mixology Class” gathering with Area Development Manager Amanda Notarangelo (BOS) and Representations and Warranties Insurance Project Manager Elizabeth Rosario (MIA). With guidance from an
expert mixologist, guests at the Oct. 11 event each took a spin behind the bar to create their own signature cocktails, with plenty of time for networking with other industry professionals.
Holland & Knight attorneys presented an informative CLE session on how to handle the ever-increasing effects of AI on their groups. On Oct. 10, Senior Policy Advisor Beth Vecchioli (TAL) was among a group of attorneys who hosted a meeting with four of USAA’s insurance regulatory attorneys.
Partner Glynna Christian (CHI/NYC) spoke at the American Bar Association’s (ABA) 2023 Artificial Intelligence & Robotics National Institute on Oct. 9. Her presentation, “AI at the Speed of Light: Ever-Changing Technology Meets Ever-Changing Legislation, Regulations and Standards,” explored efforts to regulate AI, as well as examined how projects like the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework can facilitate compliance.
Associate Vanessa Suarez (AUS) was a panelist at the Lawtina Network Summit at St. Mary’s University School of Law on Oct. 6-7. The segment, “Leverage Your Latinadad – Lawyers,” focused on how to turn personal narratives into your greatest advantages by using past individual experiences and war stories in practice. Associate Heather Montoya (AUS) also attended the summit.
Holland & Knight sponsored the Spread the Joy 3rd Annual Fundraiser Gala on Oct. 6, with Partner Sarah Korapaty (NYC/CLT) and Industry Development Coordinator Brianna Rowe (NYC) among the attendees. Spread the Joy is a nonprofit foundation aimed at softening the traumatic experience for children admitted to the hospital by providing joy boxes that are designed to entertain, educate and bring hope, love and laughter to pediatric hospital rooms.
Partners Maria Currier (MIA) and Jennifer Weaver (NSH) enjoyed a great evening at longtime client AdventHealth’s Starlight Gala in Tampa, Florida, an event that Holland & Knight sponsored. The Oct. 1 gala, which benefited the AdventHealth Foundation West Florida, featured a concert from musical icons The Commodores and brought nearly 900 community members together to support a great cause.
Partner Marie Larsen (NYC) was part of a three-person team that competed Sept. 29-30 in a mountain endurance competition hosted by the Seamen’s Church Institute, the largest, most comprehensive mariners’ service agency in North America. Marie has competed in the event since 2015 with former Senior Counsel Blythe Daly (NYC), who is now associate counsel at firm client Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.
Partner Kara Ariail (TYS) spoke at the Holland & Knight webinar, “How Contractors Can Manage the Imminent Government Shutdown,” on Sept. 29. The webinar provided the latest developments on the political situation and tips on how to deal with contract-related issues arising from the shutdown. The speakers also provided strategies on how to communicate with and manage employees in light of the shutdown.
Partner Bess Hinson (ATL) was the keynote speaker at the Executive Leadership for Women in Cybersecurity: Strategies to Enhance Success event, organized by WellStar Health System. The Sept. 29 event brought women cybersecurity professionals together to network and participate in workshops on leadership topics. Senior Counsel Ashley Thomas (WAS) also attended the event.
Senior Counsel Kristen Centre (SCT) moderated the panel, “AI Pain Points, Perks and Strategies: Creative Ways Dealmakers and M&A Players Are Navigating Around and Leveraging AI as a Value Creation Strategy.” The Sept. 29 event was part of the Northeast Movers and Shakers Event Series.
Partner Pippa Balestrieri (SFO) spoke at Stella’s Annual Women’s Venture Summit on Sept. 28-29 with other female founders and investors. The event focused on boosting female founders’ access to capital and growing the number of investors who invest in female-led startups.
Associate Amy Fuentes (TYS) participated in an ABA webinar, “The Status of the SBA 8(a) Program PostUltima,” on Sept. 27. She joined a panel discussing the impacts of the Ultima Servs. Corp v. U.S. Dep’t of Agriculture decision on the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 8(a) program, including a closer look at unresolved issues following the decision. She also gave an update on new applicants to the program.
Partner Lindsey Camp (WPB/ATL) participated in the NCEO 2023 Fall Forum on Sept. 27. Her session, “Minimizing Board of Director Liability Throughout the Life of an ESOP,” focused on educating board members and ESOP fiduciaries on the scope of the ERISA and ERISA fiduciary duties.
Associate Allison Skopec (NYC) spoke at the OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast Technical Program on Sept. 26. The annual event allows global marine technologists, engineers, students, government officials, lawyers and advocates to network through discussion of current trends and policies in the marine field.
Senior Counsel Laura Zielinski (MEX) moderated an online panel hosted by the Space Arbitration Association and SpaceWatch.Global about the current state of the space industry in Africa on Sept. 26. The panel addressed public policies and private initiatives in different countries as well as the potential for disputes and available dispute resolution mechanisms.
Partner Nicole Elliott (WAS) was a speaker during a webinar series hosted by Stanford Lawyers for a Sustainable Economy on Sept. 25. The presentation discussed how tribal entities can take advantage of the Investment Tax Credit and Production Tax Credit in the Inflation Reduction Act.
Holland & Knight sponsored the Rosie the Riveter Trust 2023 Annual Gala held on Sept. 23 in Richmond, California. Partner Letitia Moore (SFO), who serves as president of the Rosie the Riveter Trust board, welcomed attendees with remarks that focused on the gala theme of “If it weren’t for the Rosies …” and spoke of the legacy that those early workers provided for the women leaders of today in all professions and industries. Partner Tamsen Plume (SFO) also attended the event.
Partner Renee Lewis (CHI) participated in The ESOP Association’s 2023 Midwest Chapter Regional Conference on Sept. 22. Her presentation, “Timely Topics for ESOP Board of Directors,” covered ESOP benefit levels, distribution policies, repurchase obligations and the longterm viability of the ESOP structure, as well as addressed issues related to economic adversity.
Partner Jennifer Hernandez (SFO/CCC) spoke at the California Continuing Education of the Bar’s Real Property
Institute: CEQA Workshop on Sept. 22. She covered various trending topics related to CEQA.
Holland Knight’s San Francisco office supported the Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco and its Framing the Future fundraiser held Sept. 21 as a silver sponsor. Partners Stacie Nelson (SFO/LAX), Letitia Moore, Tamsen Plume, Marne Sussman and Genna Yarkin (all SFO) attended the event.
Partner Meital Stavinsky (MIA/WAS) spoke to a group of young Israeli professionals in Miami on Sept. 21. She discussed her journey to becoming a partner in the technology sector, how she assists Israeli startups entering the U.S. market, and her passion for agriculture and green energy.
Associate Daniela Arbeláez (BOG) served on a panel hosted by CEA Colombia on Sept. 21. The event, titled, “Viability of the Reform of the Health System from a Social and Reindustrialization Perspective,” explored different aspects of Colombia’s health care system reform by analyzing it from a social and reindustrialization perspective.
HK Women in White Collar hosted a virtual training session, “Parallel Investigations 101: Considerations for Counsel When the Government Contacts Your Client or Company,” on Sept. 20. Consulting Counsel Marion Bachrach (NYC) moderated the program, and Partners Jessica Magee (DAL) and Barbara Martinez (MIA) provided input on the framework of SEC and U.S. Department of Justice investigations, as well as how the agencies operate in parallel. They also shared tips to provide real-time, real-world support and advice to help clients navigate through government investigations.
Partner Juliana Saa (BOG) spoke on the anniversary of the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure on Sept. 20. She discussed challenges for project finance resulting from Law 80 of 1993.
Partner Kelly-Ann Cartwright (MIA) and Associate Lisa Kohring (WPB) co-hosted the Holland & Knight webinar, “Key Considerations for Employers: Operating in the Remote Work Environment,” on Sept. 20. Part of the HR Toolkit Series, the presentation focused on several topics that have emerged as the hybrid workplace has flourished, including the increase in workplace virtual sexual
harassment and the online disinhibition phenomenon, tax considerations for employing remote workers and workers’ compensation coverage for remote work injuries.
Partner Olufunke Leroy, along with Associates Adria Lamba and Charnae Supplee (all PHL), attended the Public Interest Law Center’s 2023 Annual Celebration on Sept. 20 in Philadelphia. Holland & Knight was a sponsor of the event that honored those who have stood up to gun violence and continue to take on Philadelphia’s most urgent challenges.
Partner Barbra Parlin (NYC) spoke at a conference hosted by the Global Restructuring Review on Sept. 20. Her panel, “Cross Border Insolvency Cases - Headwinds for Recognition?” explored cross-class cramdown standards from country to country, newly introduced laws in European jurisdictions and other contributors that are impacting recognition.
Partners Kwamina Williford (WAS) and Valerie Brown, Associate Katie Princivalle, Client Relations Senior Manager Julie Maher and Client Relations Coordinator Shea Lawless (all PHL) joined other industry professionals to celebrate the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association and Foundation at its 2023 Leadership Celebration on Sept. 19.
Partner Stacie Nelson (SFO/LAX) spoke at the webinar, “A Trust and Estate Practitioner’s Guide to Restraining Orders and Other Protective Options,” hosted by the Sacramento County Bar Association on Sept. 19. Speakers surveyed the various protective options available to stop and prevent elder abuse, as well as covered the new anti-isolation restraining orders, elder abuse restraining orders and other alternatives.
Senior Counsel Laura Zielinski (MEX) was a panelist at the GAR Live: New York 2023 event hosted by Global Arbitration Review on Sept. 19. The panel explored legal frameworks governing seabed mining and commercial arbitration in space as these industries continue to grow. She also discussed key issues related to international treaties, environmental concerns, ownership rights and contract breaches.
The Aircraft Finance Team hosted its annual BAY-STAT reception on Sept. 19 for members of the International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading. Approximately
110 guests attended. Partner Audrey Sung, Associate Danielle Santucci, Paralegal Maria Martinez, Area Development Manager Nancy Kumamoto (all SFO), Practice Development Manager Liz Fraticelli (POR) and Marketing Events and Meetings Manager Andrea Rice (JAX) attended the reception.
Holland & Knight was a platinum sponsor and had a strong presence at this year’s American Bankruptcy Institute Health Care Program held Sept. 18-19. Attendees included Partners Lynne Xerras (BOS) and Elle McCulty (NSH); Associates Morgan Allred (BHM), Olivia Al-Sadi, Hannah Berny, Melissa Jones and Esther Luttrell (all NSH); and Industry Development Coordinator Brianna Rowe (NYC).
The Washington, D.C., office hosted the Belmont Shipping Club, a delegation of Washington-based foreign diplomats who specialize in maritime matters, for an engaging dialogue on Sept. 14. Partners Antonia Tzinova (WAS), Anne-Mette Andersen (NYC) and Marne Sussman (SFO), along with Associate Molly O‘Casey (WAS), spoke on a wide range of maritime, international trade and energy issues.
The Energy and Natural Resources Industry Sector Group hosted two events in Houston on Sept. 14. First, several attorneys participated in a breakfast seminar focused on the midstream market, “Lessons Learned in an Ever-Changing Landscape.” Panelists included Partners Ashley Phillips (AUS) and Megan Schmid, as well as Associate Haylie Treas (both HOU). That evening, an Energy Transition Reception – organized by Senior Policy Advisor Beth Viola (WAS) – attracted a strong turnout of top executives and professionals from throughout the energy industry. Partner Taite McDonald (WAS) served as a moderator for the panel; Megan and Ashley were joined at the event by fellow Partners Jennifer Sickler (HOU) and Susan Lafferty (WAS), along with Associate Morgan Moore (HOU).
Holland & Knight served as host and a supporting sponsor of the Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce and its WomenON 2023: Miami’s Women in Leadership event held on Sept. 14. Partner Miriam Soler Ramos (MIA) moderated the panel discussion that highlighted the critical roles women play in driving development and innovation in South Florida.
The Diversity Council hosted “From Intention to Action: 10 Rules for Allyship in the Workplace,” a firmwide program on allyship that featured diversity thought leader Michelle Silverthorn. During the Sept. 13 program, Silverthorn shared what it means to be an ally in today’s workplace, as well as important inequities for allies to recognize. Partner Elissa McClure (DAL/NPB) and Associate Sarah Tremer (NPB), co-chairs of the Diversity Committee for the Newport Beach office, served as moderators for the program.
Senior Counsel Ashley Thomas (WAS) presented “Build Your Practice’s Tech Stack - Best Practices for Vendor Onboarding” at the ABA’s Physicians Legal Issues: Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference on Sept. 8. She outlined the regulatory requirements that might apply to a new vendor relationship, including HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2 and Medicare/Medicaid requirements.
Partner Barbara Martinez (MIA) was a panelist during the keynote address at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida’s 2023 Bench & Bar Conference on Sept. 8. She discussed her experience related to human trafficking and how lawyers in the private sector can do their part to aid survivors, especially through pro bono work.
Associate Allison Skopec (NYC) was invited by the World Shipping Council to share recent developments in the shipping industry, as well as on U.S. and international regulatory developments related to maritime autonomous surface ships, sustainability and safety at a seminar on Sept. 7. Allison is the secretary of the U.S. Maritime Law Association’s Committee on Autonomous Ships and Smart Marine Technology.
New Hires
Erica Adams, Associate
Miami | Real Estate – Miami
Caroline Barber, Associate
Tampa | Corporate – South
Anne Beehler, Partner
Newport Beach | Litigation – West Coast
Julia Bennett, Associate
Washington, D.C. | Litigation – Washington D.C.
Jeannette Bond, Of Counsel
New York | Financial Services
Isabelle Carbajales, Associate
Miami | Litigation – South Florida
Vicky Ceballos, Staff Attorney
West Palm Beach | Litigation – South Florida
Erika Clifton, Associate
Nashville | Litigation – Mid South
Jessica Crain, Staff Attorney
Fort Lauderdale | Litigation – South Florida
Jean Donohue, Associate
Philadelphia | Litigation – Philadelphia
Alexandra Duplin, Associate
Boston | Syndication
Emily Earnshaw, Associate
Dallas | Tax/Executive Compensation & Benefits
Jamie Ehrlich, Associate
Boston | Litigation – Boston
Malorie Eisenbrei, Associate
Philadelphia | Corporate – Northeast
Linhadley Eljach, Associate
New York | Real Estate – New York
Alison Ellis, Senior Counsel
Richmond | Litigation – West Coast
Dani Estis, Associate
New York | Real Estate Capital Markets
Abby Flanagan, Partner
Chicago | Real Estate – Texas
Hollie Forst, Associate
Jacksonville | Litigation – North Florida
Barbara-Ellen Gaffney, Senior Counsel
Dallas | Labor and Employment
Denise Ganz, Senior Counsel
West Palm Beach | Financial Services
Elizabeth Gaskins, Associate
Chicago | Corporate – Central/West
Sanaa Ghanim, Associate
Dallas | Tax/Executive Compensation & Benefits
Ngozi Giwa, Associate
Miami | Financial Services
Isabella Granucci, Associate
San Francisco | Litigation – West Coast
Emily Griffin, Associate
Nashville | Labor and Employment
Hannah Guo, Associate
Century City | Corporate – Central/West
Jasmin Hampton, Law Clerk Exempt
Nashville | Real Estate – Mid South
Carrol Hand, Senior Counsel
Richmond | Corporate – Trade Regulation
Tamra Harris, Associate
Chattanooga | Healthcare Regulatory & Enforcement
Kim-An Hernandez, Senior Counsel
Philadelphia | Data Strategy Security and Privacy
Flora Ho, Law Clerk Exempt
New York | Asset Finance
Stephanie Hudson, Staff Attorney
Atlanta | Litigation – Atlanta
Ginny Ingels, Staff Attorney
Atlanta | Private Wealth Services
Kharissa Jacobsen, Associate
Nashville | Private Wealth Services
Summer Johnson, Associate
Dallas | Real Estate – Texas
Brenna Johnson, Associate
Birmingham | Healthcare Regulatory & Enforcement
Kayla Joyce, Associate
New York | Litigation – New York
Isabel Knott, Associate
New York | Litigation – New York
Samantha Ladines, Associate
New York | Litigation – New York
Jessica Linse, Associate
Philadelphia | Litigation – Philadelphia
Carolina López, Associate
New York | Litigation – New York
Dayle Lower, Associate
Orlando | Corporate – South
Esther Luttrell, Associate
Nashville | Financial Services
Claire Lydiard, Associate
Austin | Corporate – Texas
Roshni Mahendru, Associate
Houston | Litigation – Texas
Hannah Maloney, Associate
Austin | Litigation – Texas
Amy Marino, Associate
Houston | Real Estate – Texas
Anya Martin, Associate
Nashville | Labor and Employment
Glafira Mercado, Senior Counsel
Monterrey | Corporate – Latin America
Katya Mingov, Associate
New York | Corporate – Northeast
Heather Montoya, Associate
Austin | Bankruptcy and Creditors Rights
Kylee Neeranjan, Associate
Fort Lauderdale | Litigation – South Florida
Jenifer Norwalk, Associate
Miami | Litigation – South Florida
Olivia O’Dwyer, Associate
Boston | Labor and Employment
Taylor Oglesby, Associate
Tysons | Corporate – Mid-Atlantic
Abigail Page, Associate
Nashville | Corporate – Mid South
Lindsay Parish, Associate
Dallas | Financial Services
Nishma Patel, Associate
Charlotte | Litigation – Atlanta
Melissa Pereira, Associate
Boston | Corporate – Boston
Bianca Poehailos, Associate
Stamford | Corporate – Northeast
Meredith Rasmussen, Law Clerk Exempt
Los Angeles | Litigation – West Coast
Michelle Ratledge, Staff Attorney
Chicago | Litigation – Chicago
Cristina Salazar, Associate
Denver | Corporate – Central/West
Stephanie Sanchez, Associate
Miami | Real Estate – Miami
Allysan Scatterday, Associate
Nashville | Intellectual Property
Abigail Schultz, Associate
Dallas | Litigation – Texas
Fay Shaulson, Associate
Miami | Corporate – South Florida
Nisa Sheikh, Associate
Dallas | Real Estate – Texas
Sara Shivamber, Associate
Nashville | Financial Services
Amanda Siciliano, Associate
Miami | Corporate – South Florida
Samantha Skabelund, Associate
Washington, D.C. | Tax/Executive Compensation & Benefits
Brittany Smith, Associate
Orlando | Construction
Emily Vest, Associate
Dallas | Litigation – Texas
Alex Welfringer, Associate
Los Angeles | Private Wealth Services
Ellen Wiah, Associate
Philadelphia | Litigation – Philadelphia
Keiana Wilkerson, Associate
Tallahassee | Litigation – North Florida
Liz Young, Partner
Washington, D.C. | Syndication
Vicky Yuan, Associate
Nashville | Corporate – Mid South
Courtney Zotaj, Associate
Birmingham | Corporate – Mid South
During the past several months, our women attorneys have demonstrated their thought leadership by authoring or contributing to the following externally published content.
Real Estate Joint Ventures: Sharing Pursuit Costs for The Practical Real Estate Lawyer – Anna Ayar (CCC), Jan. 2024
In The World of Legal Ethics, 10 Trends to Note from 2023 for Law360 – Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC), Dec. 20
Constitutional Danger Zone Redux: SEC’s Latest Supreme Court Battle Presents Significant Collateral Implications for The Texas Lawbook – Allison Kernisky (MIA), Dec. 18
A New Wave of Guidance for Safer Seas Act Compliance for Law360 – Allison Skopec and Chiara Kalogjera-Sackellares (both NYC), Dec. 12
Plataformas Digitales de Reparto: Alternativa Rescatable de la Reforma Laboral for Lexir –Mariangela Cáceres (BOG), Dec. 12
Commercial Lending Law: A Jurisdiction-byJurisdiction Guide to U.S. and Canadian Law, Third Edition (book), Texas chapter – Michelle Suárez (DAL), December 2023
Perspectiva del Derecho Marcario Desde la Inteligencia Artificial for Legal Industry Review Colombia – María Pinzón (BOG), December 2023
U.S. Supreme Court Holds Tribal Sovereign Immunity Expressly Abrogated by U.S. Bankruptcy Code for Pratt’s Journal of Bankruptcy Law – Barbra Parlin (NYC) and Lynne Xerras (BOS), November-December 2023
Navigating the Domestic Content Bonus Credit Guidance for Tax Notes Federal – Nicole Elliott and Mary Kate Nicholson (both WAS), Nov. 27
10 Takeaways from New HHS Federal Compliance Guidelines for Law360 – Melissa Wong (BOS), Nov. 22
Guía de Orientación Jurídica para los Damnificados del Huracán Otis 2023 – Claudia García (MEX), Nov. 17
Modernización de las Reglas Sobre Conflictos de Intereses for Asuntos Legales – Paulina Rendón (BOG), Nov. 16
Consider Immigration Issues When Hiring Int’l Medical Grads for Law360 – Nora Katz (NSH), Nov. 14
A Look at Health Care Timelines Set by Biden’s AI Order for Law360 – Miranda Franco (WAS), Nov. 9
Internal Investigations: Disclosures to External Auditors for LexisNexis – Barbara Martinez (MIA) and Sarah Molinoff (POR), Nov. 9
Integrating Nonlawyer Professionals in Law Firm DEI Initiatives for The Legal Intelligencer – Olufunke Leroy and Ellen Wiah (both PHL), Nov. 7
What Affordable Housing Developers Should Know About Emerging Contaminants for Affordable Housing Finance – Dianne Phillips (BOS), Nov. 2
HHS Proposes Information Blocking Disincentives for Healthcare Providers for Lexology (reprint of Holland & Knight alert) – Beth Pitman (BHM) and Sakinah Jones (ATL), Oct. 31
La Facultad Discrecional en los Pliegos de Condiciones. ¿Una Fuente Excesiva de Poder de la Administración? for Lexir – María Gómez (BOG), Oct. 24
Large Partnerships Should Prepare Now for New IRS Enforcement for Bloomberg Tax – Mary McNulty and Lee Meyercord (both DAL), Oct. 20
An Overview of Congress’ Proposed Drug Shortage Solutions for Law360 – Miranda Franco (WAS), Oct. 18
¿En qué Consiste la Ley “Dejen de Fregar”? for Lexir –Catalina Gutiérrez (BOG), Oct. 11
United States: Private M&A Comparative Guide for Modaq – Leslie Mahre (NSH/HOU) and Emma Solaun (MIA/TPA), Oct. 10
Tax Asymmetry for Legal Industry Review Mexico –Andrea Iturbide (MEX), October 2023
The Knight Watch: The Next Wave of Partnership Litigation—APA Challenges to BBA Regulations for TAXES – The Tax Magazine – Lee Meyercord (DAL), October 2023
Enforcement Imperialism or Applying Precedent?
SEC’s NFT Enforcement Actions Reignite Digital Asset Debate for The Texas Lawbook – Jessica Magee (DAL), Sept. 28
¿Puede el Titular de la Empresa Unipersonal Ser el Administrador de la Misma? for Lexir – Michelle Sperling (BOG), Sept. 26
Navigating PFAS Compliance with FDA, Emerging State Laws for Law360 – Dianne Phillips (BOS), Sept. 21
Payday Mayday–Compensation Rules for Private Foundations and Public Charities for Trusts & Estates Magazine – Cara Santoro (BOS/SCT), Sept. 18
¿Que Derechos de la Inversión Extranjera se Protegen Bajo un TLC? for Asuntos Legales – Estefanny Pardo (BOG), Sept. 18
Prevailing Wage Rules Complicate Inflation Act Tax Incentives for Law360 – Nicole Elliott (WAS), Sept. 8
Derechos Adquiridos en Materia Ambiental: El Florero de Llorente for Asuntos Legales – Estefanny Pardo (BOG), Sept. 6
U.S. Department of Labor Announces Final Rule Revamp of the Davis-Bacon Act for LexisNexis Practical Guidance – Nicole Elliott (WAS), Sept. 6
How Section 101 Claims Can Trigger Invalidity Under Alice for Law360 – Amy Simpson (CCC), Sept. 5
Vinculación Oficiosa del Extremo Demandado en la Solicitud de Medidas Cautelares: ¿Cambio de Postura de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio? for Legal Industry Reviews – Ana Cabrales (BOG), September 2023
Shareholders’ Rights & Shareholder Activism 2023 for Chambers and Partners – Amy Leder (NYC), September 2023
Quoted in the News
Associate Daniela Morales (BOG) was quoted in a La República article titled, “Conozca para qué Funciona la Unidad de Valor Tributario y a Cuánto Sube en 2024,” on Dec. 20.
Partner Beth Pitman (BHM) joined the American Health Law Association’s Speaking of Health Law podcast for an episode titled, “Navigating Information Blocking Regulations in Health Care Transactions,” on Dec. 19.
Partner Rachel Marmor (BOS) was quoted by Law360 in an article titled, “Calif. Privacy Board to Wade into AI Waters at Friday Meeting,” on Dec. 7.
Senior Policy Advisor Beth Viola (WAS) was quoted by The Washington Post in an article titled, “The UAE Has Big Plans for a ‘Success Story’ at the COP28 Climate Talks,” on Nov. 29.
Partner Aymee Valdivia (MIA) was quoted in a Latin America Advisor article titled, “Can Cuba Attract New Investments to Spur the Economy?” on Nov. 27.
Partner Inés Vesga (BOG) was quoted in a Portafolio article titled, “Lo Que Se Necesitaría Para Que Colombia Importe Gas de Venezuela en el 2024,” on Nov. 25.
Senior Policy Advisor Yasmin Nelson (WAS) was quoted by The Hill in an article titled, “‘Pipe Down’: Biden Allies Step Up Calls for Dems to Rally Around President,” on Nov. 24.
Senior Policy Advisor Miranda Franco (WAS) was quoted by Law360 in an article titled, “Speaker’s New Health Care Aide Could ‘Bolster His Agenda,’” on Nov. 20.
Associate Daniela Arbeláez (BOG) was quoted in a Portafolio article titled, “Reforma no Solucionaría las Finanzas del Sector de la Salud,” on Nov. 19
Partner Danielle Garno (MIA/LAX) joined an episode of the How I Lawyer podcast on Nov. 17 to discuss her career trajectory and offer related advice to other lawyers.
Partner Adrianne Waddell (AUS/HOU) joined an episode of the Austin Bar Association’s Council of Firsts podcast on Nov. 14 to discuss her legal career and her role as president of the Hispanic Bar Association of Austin.
Partner Jennifer Hernandez (SFO/CCC) was quoted by The Washington Post in an article titled, “The Fossil Fuel Era Isn’t Done Yet, Not by a Long Shot,” on Nov. 10.
Partner Melissa Wong (BOS) was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article titled, “Amgen’s Wezlana Adds Legal Obstacles to Drug Pricing Battle,” on Nov. 9.
Partner Allison Kernisky (MIA) was quoted by the Hedge Fund Law Report in an article titled, “Recent SEC Whistleblower Cases Focus on Repressive Language in Employment-Related Agreements,” on Nov. 9.
Partner Lara Rios (MIA/NYC) was quoted in a Daily Business Review article titled, “As Domestic Transactions Stall, Dealmakers Look to LatAm Energy Market For a Charge,” on Nov. 6.
Associate María Mercado (BOG) participated in an interview with Infobae that is covered in the article, “Así es el ‘Lavado’ de Activos en Colombia, un Delito Que Cobra Vidas, Impulsa la Corrupción y Desestabiliza la Economía,” which published on Nov. 5.
Partner Shannon Hartsfield (TAL) was quoted in the November issue of Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement in an article titled, “Don’t Skimp on Sanction Policymaking, Feds Warn.”
Partner Amy Edwards (WAS) was quoted in a Law360 Real Estate Authority article titled, “Brownfields – The Basics,” on Oct. 31.
Partner Susan Banks (DEN) was quoted in a Modern Healthcare article titled, “How 340B Drug Pricing Program Policy Reversal a ‘Gut Punch,’” on Oct. 30.
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) was quoted in a 2Civility article titled, “Marking the Retirement of Jerry Larkin, Who Led the ARDC with Exceptional Foresight, Integrity and ‘Irish Wit,’” on Oct. 27.
Associate Dana Feinstein (PHL) participated in an episode of SHRM’s Honest HR podcast titled, “Marijuana in the Workplace: What’s HR to Do?” on Oct. 27.
Partner Annie Malo (BOS) was featured in an episode of the Real Finds Podcast titled, “High Volume Commercial Real Estate Transactions,” on Oct. 25.
Partner Tina Tellado (CCC/PHL) was featured in a Los Angeles Business Journal article titled, “Leaders of Influence: Labor & Employment Attorneys 2023 – Tina Tellado,” on Oct. 24.
Partner Jessica Magee (DAL) was quoted in a Daily Business Review article titled, “‘Call the FBI Immediately’: Top Officials Urge Action on Cybersecurity Breaches at Holland & Knight’s Florida Enforcement Summit,” on Oct. 23.
Associate Ana Cabrales (BOG) was quoted by Asuntos Legales in an article titled, “Si Pagué por un Evento y Este Fue Cancelado, ¿Cómo Debe Ser la Devolución del Dinero?,” on Oct. 23.
Senior Counsel Estefanny Pardo (BOG) was interviewed by La Voz Minera about upcoming changes to Colombia’s mining sector on Oct. 23.
Senior Counsel Estefanny Pardo (BOG) was interviewed by Atlántico Noticias about the first day of the Colombian Fenalcarbon Coal Summit on Oct. 20.
Partner Tamsen Plume (SFO) was quoted in a San Francisco Business Times article titled, “‘It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride’: Bay Area Leaders Are Split on the Region’s Future,” on Oct. 16.
Partner Inés Vesga (BOG) was quoted by La República in an article titled, “Estos Son los Desafíos y Barreras Legales que Hay en Regulación para Usar Hidrógeno,” on Oct. 13.
Partner Mary McNulty (DAL) joined the Talking Tax podcast, presented by Bloomberg Tax, for an episode titled, “New IRS Unit Targeting Partnerships Will Test Tax Laws,” on Oct. 12.
Senior Policy Advisor Beth Viola (WAS) was quoted by The Washington Post in an article titled, “Why Another War May Further Delay Aid for Nations Ravaged by Climate Change,” on Oct. 11.
Partner Aymee Valdivia (MIA) participated in a segment of Encuentro Virtual titled, “Empresario Cubanoamericano Explica Por Qué se Reunió con las Mipymes,” which aired on Telemundo Miami on Oct. 9.
Partner Lee Meyercord (DAL) was quoted in a Tax Notes article titled, “Treasury and IRS Revisiting Guidance on Limited Partner Exception,” on Oct. 5.
Partner Janene Jackson (WAS) was featured in a Washington Business Journal article titled, “Banks in D.C. Form Trade Group to Give Industry More Say in Regulation, Legislation,” on Oct. 2.
Partner Mary McNulty (DAL) was quoted by Bloomberg Tax in an article titled, “New IRS Pass-Through Unit Is No Quick Fix to Partnership Worries,” on Oct. 2.
Partner Trisha Rich (CHI/NYC) hosted an episode of the Chicago Bar Association’s @theBar podcast titled, “The World’s Most Famous Doll (Who Shall Remain Nameless for Legal Reasons) Goes to Court to Protect Her Brand,” on Sept. 27.
Partner Melissa Wong (BOS) was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article titled, “Tax Penalty, Patient Market Weigh on Pharma’s Price-Cut Decision,” on Sept. 25.
Partner Jennifer Hernandez (SFO/CCC) was quoted by The San Diego Union-Tribune En Español in an article titled, “Así Fue como los Legisladores de California Dieron Luz Verde a Que Se Pueda Construir ‘Cualquier Tipo de Vivienda Asequible Que Se Desee’” on Sept. 24.
Partner Courtney Worcester (BOS) joined the National Association of Women Lawyers’ NAWL Podcast for an episode titled, “Criminal Justice Advocacy with Tara Lenich,” on Sept. 22.
Partner Mary McNulty (DAL) was quoted in a Law360 Tax Authority article titled, “Real-Time Partnership Audits Would Give IRS Trove of Data,” on Sept. 21.
Partner Kristin Asai (POR) was quoted by The Bulletin in an article titled, “Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Public Defense Case,” on Sept. 20 and a Courthouse News Service article titled, “Oregon Supreme Court Takes On Appeal by Overburdened Public Defenders,” on Sept. 19.
Partner Jennifer Hernandez (SFO/CCC) was quoted in a CalMatters article titled, “How California Lawmakers Greenlit ‘Any Flavor of Affordable Housing You Could Possibly Want’,” on Sept. 19.
Associate Daniela Arbeláez (BOG) was quoted in a Semana article titled, “Abogados Piden Cuidar el Derecho a la Salud en la Reforma Que se Discute en el Congreso,” on Sept. 16.
Partner Inés Vesga (BOG) was quoted in a Semana article titled, “Revolcón a los Servicios Públicos: ¿Es Conveniente?” on Sept. 16.
Partner Kathryn Lehman (WAS) was quoted by Bloomberg Tax in an article titled, “GOP Chairs in Safe Seats Rake in Campaign Cash They Don’t Need,” on Sept. 15.
Partner Inés Vesga (BOG) was quoted by Asuntos Legales in an article titled, “De 10 Abogados Rankeados en Chambers and Partners en Colombia, Tres Son Mujeres,” on Sept. 11.
Partner Liz Craddock (WAS) was quoted by The 19th in an article titled, “The 19th Explains: How Congress Funds the Government,” on Sept. 11.
Associate Camila López (BOG) was quoted in an Asuntos Legales article titled, “¿Cómo Proceder si un Proveedor de Servicios Viola Mis Derechos como Consumidor?” on Sept. 8.
Holland & Knight Publications
Holland & Knight’s women attorneys wrote or contributed to the following content published on our website during the last several months.
A Look at New California Labor and Employment
Laws for 2024 – Linda Allderdice (CCC/SFO), Hannah Jolkovsky, Mary Vu (both CCC), Lauren Polk (LAX) and Tina Tellado (CCC/PHL), Dec. 29
Reforma a la Ley del Mercado de Valores en México –Rosa María Cuevas (MEX), Dec. 29
Ministerio de Minas y Energía de Colombia Emite Reglamentación Sobre Hidrógeno Blanco – Inés Vesga (BOG), Dec. 27
Min Trabajo de Colombia Establece Plazos para la Autoevaluación del Sistema de Gestión de SST – María Zarco (BOG), Dec. 22
Treasury, IRS Release Section 45V Clean Hydrogen PTC Proposed Regulations – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Dec. 22
Colombia Will Have a Second Hospital Contracted Through Public-Private Partnership – María Gómez and Daniela Arbeláez (both BOG), Dec. 21
Domestic H-1B Visa Renewals Start in January 2024 –Hadeel Abouhasira (NSH), Dec. 21
Interior Department Holds Largest Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale in Years – Liz Craddock and Molly Broughton (both WAS), Dec. 21
California Mandates Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosures Beginning Jan. 1, 2024 – Emily Lieban (SFO), Dec. 20
FTC and DOJ Issue Final Merger Guidelines That Expand Reviews and Limit Combinations – Beth Vessel (NSH), Dec. 20
Continuing an Annual Tradition, the NDAA Contains PFAS Provisions of Note – Dianne Phillips (BOS) Chiara Kalogjera-Sackellares (NYC), Dec. 19
An In-Depth Look at Section 45X Proposed Regulations – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Dec. 18
IRS, Treasury Department Release New Section 40B
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit Guidance – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Dec. 15
A Year in Review in Healthcare Antitrust: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know – Beth Vessel (NSH), Dec. 15
Treasury, IRS Release Section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit Proposed Regulations – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Dec. 14
CFTC Moves to Set Voluntary Carbon Market Standards – Halley Townsend (WAS), Dec. 13
Florida Legislature Amends Ban on Restrictive Development Requirements After Recent Hurricanes –Alessandria San Roman (MIA), Dec. 11
La Agencia Nacional de Minería (ANM) Determinó Minerales de Interés Estratégico para Colombia –Estefanny Pardo (BOG), Dec. 7
EPA Issues Final Methane Regulations for New and Existing Sources – Liz Craddock (WAS) and Ashley Phillips (AUS), Dec. 6
A Look at Foreign Entities of Concern and the Section 30D Clean Vehicle Tax Credit – Nicole Elliott, Mackenzie Zales and Mary Kate Nicholson (all WAS), Dec. 5
Treasury Department, IRS Release Foreign Entity of Concern Proposed Regulations – Nicole Elliott and Mary Kate Nicholson (both WAS), Dec. 1
The Safer Seas Act: The New Wave of Compliance Obligations – Allison Skopec and Chiara KalogjeraSackellares (both NYC), Nov. 30
Breaking Down the Section 48 Investment Tax Credit Proposed Regulations – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Nov. 28
EPA Issues Guidance on Maui Factors – Dianne Phillips (BOS), Nov. 28
Colombia Reglamenta los Pagos por Servicios
Ambientales para la Paz – Maria Aponte (BOG), Nov. 27
SuperSociedades de Colombia Publica Borrador Sobre Programa de Sostenibilidad Empresarial –Paulina Rendón (BOG), Nov. 22
SEC Announces Record-Setting Enforcement Results for Fiscal Year 2023 – Jessica Magee (DAL), Nov. 21
CMS Issues Final Rule on Ownership Transparency –Tonya Scharf and Abbey Ruby (both NSH), Nov. 20
Section 48 Proposed Regulations Detail Treatment of Qualified Biogas Property – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Nov. 20
U.S. Ramps Up Sanctions on Companies and Vessels Violating the Russian Oil Price Cap Regime – Sulan He (WAS), Nov. 20
Cooperation with SEC: Yielding More Benefits, but Lack of Predictability Remains – Allison Kernisky (MIA), Nov. 17
CMS Releases CY 2024 OPPS and ASC Final Rule –Miranda Franco (WAS), Nov. 17
Colombia Expide Normas Para el Aprovechamiento de Recursos Naturales en Territorios Colectivos –Maria Aponte (BOG), Nov. 17
Reforma a la Ley del Mercado de Valores de México –Rosa María Cuevas (MEX), Nov. 17
Treasury Department, IRS Release Long-Awaited Section 48 ITC Proposed Regulations – Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Nov. 17
Se Acerca Fecha Límite Para Postularse al Incentivo de Nuevos Empleos en Colombia – Diana Bolívar, Mariangela Cáceres and Manuela Peralta (all BOG), Nov. 16
Appeals Court Restores Offshore Oil, Gas Lease Sale Without Rice’s Whale Protections – Liz Craddock (WAS), Nov. 15
CMS Issues CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule – Miranda Franco (WAS), Nov. 15
U.S. Department of Education Issues New Certification Procedures for Federal Financial Aid – Maddie Fenton (PHL/SFO) and Jean Donohue (PHL), Nov. 13
OIG Releases New Compliance Program Guidance for All Healthcare Stakeholders – Melissa Wong (BOS), Nov. 10
CMS Issues Final Rule Remedying Underpayments to 340B Covered Entities – Miranda Franco (WAS), Nov. 9
Colombia’s Superintendency of Industry and Commerce Issues External Circular No. 002 of 2023 –María Pinzón (BOG), Nov. 9
Twinkle-Twinkle Little SAR: SEC & FINRA Settle with Broker-Dealers and Registered Rep – Allison Kernisky (MIA), Nov. 9
Agreement Modifies Imported and Exported Merchandise Regulated by SENER in Mexico –Mariana Salinas and Maite Laris (both MEX), Nov. 8
Nuevo Periodo de Vigencia de Certificación IVA-IEPS
Rubro AA y AAA en México – Turenna Ramirez and Cinthia Hernández (both MEX), Nov. 8
Public Utility Commission Rules Taxpayer Entitled to Collect Tax Expense, Notwithstanding NOLs –Mary Kate Nicholson (WAS), Nov. 8
The 340B Drug Pricing Paradox – Susan Banks (DEN), Nov. 8
The Law on ERISA Plan Arbitration Provisions
Remains Unsettled – Lindsey Camp (WPB/ATL) and Monica Perkowski (ATL), Nov. 8
Lawsuit Seeks to Block OCR HIPAA Guidance on Online Tracking Tools – Shannon Hartsfield (TAL), Nov. 7
New Administrative Capability Requirements
Announced for Colleges and Universities – Maddie Fenton (PHL/SFO) and Jean Donohue (PHL), Nov. 7
New Artificial Intelligence Executive Order Contains Numerous Healthcare Implications – Miranda Franco (WAS), Nov. 6
Winds of Change: SEC’s SolarWinds Lawsuit Signals
Hotter Cybersecurity Enforcement – Allison Kernisky (MIA), Nov. 6
A First Look at the EPA’s Clean Ports Program – Liz Craddock, Beth Viola, Leslie Pollner, Lauri Hettinger, Emma Ekman and Rebecca Sereboff (all WAS), Nov. 2
New Financial Responsibility Requirements from U.S. Department of Education – Maddie Fenton (PHL/SFO), Nov. 2
Safe Harbor Policy Bolsters Case for Strong Environmental Due Diligence in M&A Transactions –Amy Edwards, Alexandra Ward and Meaghan Colligan (all WAS), Nov. 2
The Latest from the World of Ripple and Its (Ripple) Effects – Allison Kernisky (MIA), Nov. 2
A New General Notice Requirement for Financial Institutions – Ashley Shively (SFO) and Dina Gayanova (PHL), Nov. 1
Beneficios Fiscales a Contribuyentes de las Zonas Afectadas por el Huracán Otis en México – Catalina Mandujano and Andrea Iturbide (both MEX), Nov. 1
Employers Must Use New Form I-9, Effective Nov. 1, 2023 – Elvira Rodriguez and Nora Katz (both NSH), Nov. 1
Holland & Knight Data Privacy and Security Report: November 2023 – Marissa Serafino and Parker Reynolds (both WAS)
Agency Guidelines Confirm That Climate-Related Financial Risk Is Real – Amy Edwards (WAS) and Dianne Phillips (BOS), Oct. 31
California’s 2024 Housing Laws: What You Need to Know – Chelsea Maclean and Deborah Brundy (both SFO), Oct. 31
HHS Proposes Information Blocking Disincentives for Healthcare Providers – Beth Pitman (BHM) and Sakinah Jones (ATL), Oct. 31
What to Know About the New Artificial Intelligence Executive Order – Marissa Serafino (WAS), Oct. 31
Federal and Florida Officials Discuss Enforcement Priorities, How Companies Can Minimize Risk –Jessica Magee (DAL) and Barbara Martinez (MIA), Oct. 30
Primera Ronda de Energía Eólica Costa Afuera en Colombia – Natalia Suárez and Paulina Rendón (both BOG), Oct. 30
Se Declara Inconstitucional el Límite Temporal de Cancelación de CFDI en México – Catalina Mandujano and Andrea Iturbide (both MEX), Oct. 27
Good as Gold? Dual SEC/CFTC Trials Loom for Alleged Precious Metals Coin Fraud – Allison Kernisky (MIA), Oct. 27
A New House Speaker: Who Is Michael Johnson? –Kathryn Lehman (WAS), Oct. 26
Thorough Exam: SEC’s Division of Examinations Announces Fiscal Year 2024 Priorities –Jessica Magee (DAL), Oct. 26
Decree Limiting Fuel Imports in Mexico – Turenna Ramirez, Julia Segovia and Sofia Alcántara (all MEX), Oct. 25
Eyes on Energy Tax Update: Third Quarter 2023
– Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Oct. 25
Fifth Circuit Upholds Nasdaq Board Diversity Rule –Jessica Magee (DAL), Oct. 24
OIG Looks at How Employed Physicians Bonuses Are Paid from ASC Profits – Nora Liggett (NSH), Oct. 23
SBA, DoD-NISP Release Notice on Security Clearance Requirements for Joint Ventures – Erin Estevez, Kelsey Hayes (both TYS), Antonia Tzinova and Hillary Freund (both WAS), Oct. 23
OFAC Suspends Certain U.S. Sanctions with Respect to Venezuela – Catherine Yepes (MIA), Oct. 20
Understanding the Department of Justice’s New Safe Harbor Policy – Megan Mocho (TYS) and Jessica Magee (DAL), Oct. 19
Condemned to Lose Your ADIT? – Mary Kate Nicholson (WAS), Oct. 18
Holland & Knight Health Dose – Miranda Franco (WAS), Oct. 17
EPA Publishes Comprehensive PFAS Reporting Rule Under TSCA – Letitia Moore (SFO), Dianne Phillips (BOS) and Meaghan Colligan (WAS), Oct. 17
New Gainful Employment Rules Impact For-Profit and Nonprofit Colleges and Universities – Maddie Fenton (PHL/SFO), Oct. 17
Nearshoring: U.S., Mexico Announce New Tax Incentives – Turenna Ramirez (MEX), Oct. 13
New York Drafts Policy for Evaluating Permitting Impacts on Disadvantaged Communities – Amy O’Brien, Meaghan Colligan and Alexandra Ward (all WAS), Oct. 11
SEC Settlements Over Whistleblower Protections Pile Up – Maddie Tansey (HOU), Allison Kernisky (MIA) and Jessica Magee (DAL), Oct. 10
Treasury, IRS Release Proposed Regulations and Procedures for Clean Vehicle Credit Transfers – Nicole Elliott and Mary Kate Nicholson (both WAS), Oct. 9
California’s New Nationwide Focus on Noncompetition Agreements – Linda Allderdice (CCC/SFO), Oct. 4
EEOC Issues Updated Workplace Harassment Guidance – Tina Tellado (CCC/PHL), Mary Vu and Hanna Jolkovsky (both CCC), Oct. 3
State Action Immunity Trumps Federal Pre-Merger Notification Requirements – Beth Vessel (NSH), Oct. 3
ANH Colombia Publica Acuerdo 6 de 2023: Incentivos de Exploración y Transición Energética – Natalia Suárez (BOG), Oct. 2
Baby HSRs: States Are Modeling Laws After Federal Act to Investigate More Transactions – Hannah Maloney (AUS), Oct. 2
Florida’s Live Local Act and Important Tax Exemption Deadlines – Alessandria San Roman (MIA), Oct. 2
IRS Announces Sweeping Enforcement Effort Targeting Partnerships – Lee Meyercord and Mary McNulty (DAL), Oct. 2
Holland & Knight Data Privacy and Security Report: October 2023 – Marissa Serafino and Parker Reynolds (both WAS)
Holland & Knight’s China Practice Newsletter: September-October 2023 – Libby Bloxom (DAL), Jennifer Lada (NYC) and Hailey Cho (WAS)
$300 Million for FAST-SAF Grants Now Open – Liz Craddock, Beth Viola, Kristian Havard and Isabel Lane (all WAS), Sept. 29
Interior Department Announces Five-Year Lease Plan for Offshore Oil and Gas – Liz Craddock (WAS), Sept. 29
Closing the Deal: Getting Cross-Border Business Aviation Transactions Done Right – Libby Bloxom (DAL), Sept. 28
Greenhouse Gas Guessing Game: California’s Latest Climate Disclosure Legislation – Emily Lieban, Deborah Brundy (both SFO) and Amy Edwards (WAS), Sept. 28
SBA Issues More Guidance on Use of 8(a) Program During Ultima Injunction – Erin Estevez, Kelsey Hayes, Amy Fuentes (all TYS), Leila George-Wheeler (WAS/ TYS) and Hillary Freund (WAS), Sept. 28
Smackdown in SPAC Town: SEC Penalizes Pair of Auditors and PCAOB Tags In – Sara Babineaux (DAL) and Allison Kernisky (MIA), Sept. 28
Florida Law Increases Permit Extensions, Makes Changes Regarding Natural Emergencies –Alessandria San Roman (MIA), Sept. 27
Preparing for the Legal Effects of PFAS Legislation and Litigation on Your Business – Anne-Mette Andersen (NYC), Dianne Phillips (BOS) and Meaghan Colligan (WAS), Sept. 27
Government Shutdown Advisory: Summary of Contingency Plans for Lapse in Appropriations – Lisa Barkovic, Leslie Pollner and Adrianna Williams (all WAS), Sept. 26
Tenth Circuit Dismisses Claims Related to High-Cost Funds, High Recordkeeping Fees – Sara Benson (WAS), Tammy Eason and Chelsea McCarthy (both CHI), Sept. 26
ERC Claim Scrutiny Increases as IRS Provides Opportunities to Limit Exposure for Invalid Claims –Elle McCulty (NSH), Sept. 25
End of Fiscal Year Awards: Know Your Debriefing and Protest Procedures, Deadlines – Amy Fuentes (TYS), Sept. 21
A Contractor’s Guide to the Impending Government Shutdown – Kara Ariail (TYS), Sept. 21
Congreso de Colombia Sanciona Ley de Pasivos Ambientales – Maria Aponte (BOG), Sept. 20
Acciones Afirmativas para Mujeres en Materia Penal en Colombia – María Mercado (BOG), Sept. 18
Summary and Early Analysis of New SEC Private Fund Rules – Stacy Thomas (JAX/BOS), Sept. 18
Corte Constitucional de Colombia: Sentencia Sobre la Suficiencia de Planes de Manejo Ambiental –Margarita Solorza and Janine Acosta (both BOG), Sept. 15
Virtual Shareholders Meetings: Draft Decree Amends Mexico’s General Law of Commercial Companies –Magda Reza (MTY), Sept. 15
Nueva Circular Externa 100-000003 de 2023
Superintendencia de Sociedades de Colombia –Michelle Guevara and María Mercado (both BOG), Sept. 14
EPA Plays Hurry Up and Wait on Vessel Incidental Discharge Act of 2018 Regulations – Chiara KalogjeraSackellares (NYC) and Dianne Phillips (BOS), Sept. 12
FDA, PFAS and Food Packaging: More to Come? –Dianne Phillips (BOS), Sept. 12
Paquete Económico para el Ejercicio Fiscal 2024 en México – Maite Laris (MEX), Sept. 11
CMS Proposes Minimum Staffing Standards for LongTerm Care Facilities – Abbey Ruby and Taylor Monnig (both NSH), Sept. 7
Colombia: Superintendencia de Sociedades Mantiene Competencia para Conflictos Societarios – Isabella Díaz, Diana Serrano and Michelle Guevara (all BOG), Sept. 6
Highlights of the Proposed Regulations on IRA Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements
– Nicole Elliott, Mary Kate Nicholson and Rachel Provencher (all WAS), Sept. 6
Nuevo Proyecto de Decreto que Reglamenta la Figura de Extinción de Dominio en Colombia – Margarita Solorza (BOG), Sept. 6
A Fast Approach: The Corporate Transparency Act’s Impending Impact on Business Aviation – Libby Bloxom (DAL), Sept. 5
Many California Local Governments Face Tight Rezoning Deadlines – Chelsea Maclean (SFO), Sept. 5
Autorización para Laborar Horas Extras Deberá Ser Renovada en Colombia – Diana Cabrera (BOG), Sept. 1
Desconexión Laboral: Un Derecho Humano de Todos los Trabajadores en Colombia – Mariangela Cáceres and Manuela Peralta (BOG), Sept. 1
Se Modifica la Ley 99 de 1993 Sobre Áreas de Interés para Acueductos en Colombia – Maria Aponte and Janine Acosta (both BOG), Sept. 1
Holland & Knight Data Privacy and Security Report: September 2023 – Marissa Serafino and Parker Reynolds (both WAS)
Mission Statement
The Holland & Knight Women’s Initiative is dedicated to the recruitment, retention and advancement of women attorneys, and to sustaining a positive and supportive environment for the firm’s women attorneys. The main goals of our Women’s Initiative program are to enhance professional opportunities both in and outside the firm for women lawyers, and to encourage all of the firm’s attorneys to be active leaders in professional and civic organizations in the communities in which they live and work.

Judy Nemsick New York

Nichole Olajuwon Houston

Meghal Shah Boston

Courtney Worcester Boston

Karyn Pilcher Operations Center

Jessenia Rivera Operations Center

Austin Waters Operations Center