PHCC Biology New Facutly Orientation Manual

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New Faculty Orientation Manual Biology Department

Natural Sciences – Pennsylvania Highlands Community College 101 Community College Way Johnstown, PA 15904 - (814) 262-6400 -


Welcome…………………………………………………………………………. 3 Frequently Asked Questions …………………………………………………… 4 Lab Classroom / Storage Tutorial …………………………………………….. 6 Storage and Prep Rooms ………………………………………………………. 7 Floor Plans ……………………………………………………………………… 9 Biology Course Descriptions ………………………………………………… 11 Stocked Lab Supplies Listed by Course ……………………………………… 14 Lab Resources Location by Room …………………………………………….. 17 Purchase Orders ……………………………………………………………….. 25 Protocol ……………………………………………………………………….. 26 Lab Safety ……………………………………………………………………… 27 Additional Biology Resources ……………………………………………… 32

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College


Welcome We want to first welcome you to the Biology Department, here at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College. This packet includes information that will be useful in your faculty role as an instructor. This is designed to make your transition into the Biology Department at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College more pleasant and productive. The Biology department provides a solid foundation in science by instilling in students a commitment to search for truth through application of the scientific method, to gain a better understanding of humans, the earth and the universe, and to desire knowledge that can be applied to the service of others. The department offers courses that fulfill the college's Core Curriculum, as well as courses that support the Biotechnology Program. Your role as a member of the department is to aid our endeavors of creating a learning environment that enhances critical thinking, allows for collaboration, and exploration through experience so that we can impart life long learning skill on our students. We hope you have a great semester!

Important Phone Extensions 

Security – x 6247

Security Emergency – x 5555

IT Help Desk – x 6470

Front Desk – x 6400

 To make a local call from any room dial 9 first. Ashley Hollern

Jill Mitchell

Quick Contact List for New Faculty Name Title Jill Mitchell Instructor, Biological Sciences Lead Faculty Ashley Hollern Instructor, Biological Sciences

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College

Contact 262-6487 262-6412


Frequently Asked Questions 1. How do I obtain the keys for my classroom? The keys for your lecture are lab room can be obtained from Mary Ann Lee during the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm. If your class is held after these hours you should contact security at ext. 6427, which can be dialed from any open classroom or from the faculty copy room. 2. Who are the full time departmental employees in biology? Jill Mitchell is the Biology Department lead faculty. Jill teaches BIO110, and BIO115. Her office is located in C. Ashley Hollern is a full time biology faculty member and teaches BIO210, BIO260, and BIO262. Her office is located in C202. 3. Who can I ask for assistance while teaching lecture / lab? Feel free to contact either Jill Mitchell at ext. 6487 or Ashley Hollern at ext. 6412 with any questions or concerns regarding lab or lecture questions. 4. What supplies are available to me? You will find a list of supplies available to you in this manual. 5. Is it ok to borrow supplies from another lab cabinet? We would prefer you obtain the lab supplies from the lab cabinet assigned to your class. However, if supplies are in short supply and you must borrow supplies from another cabinet, please make a note of the need for a purchase order. There is a tablet for “supplies needed” that can be found in C230B Storage room, or C226 B Storage room. 6. Where do I make copies? Copies can be made in the faculty copy room located in C224. 7. Who do I contact if I need additional supplies? If you are aware of the need for additional supplies at the beginning of the semester, you should contact Jill Mitchell with the Supply list, company name and purchase order information so that the order may be processed in a timely manner. 8. How do I address supplies that I run out of during the semester? If you should run out of supplies during the semester and no replacements are available, contact Jill Mitchell ASAP so that an order may be processed. 9. What is the proper PHCC procedure for disposing of laboratory material? You will find a “Lab Safety” section in the manual outlining the proper procedure of handling hazardous materials handled during the semester. 10. Where can I find manuals to the lab equipment available to me? The lab equipment manuals can be found in the C230 A Prep Room, located in the drawer beneath the incubators labeled “Equipment Manuals” 11. How do I address Lab Safety in Lab? At the start of the semester, students should be made aware of proper lab safety protocol. You are required to show a brief video on “Lab Safety” from Flinn Scientific. Following the video ALL students are to receive the “Lab Safety Contract” that they must read and sign, prior to the start of any lab. Please keep the contracts until the end of the semester, at which time you must turn them into Jill Mitchell. 12. The lab stations are out of lab disinfectant, where can I find more? The lab countertop disinfectant can be found in the C230 prep room to the left of the dishwasher in a cabinet marked “Lab Disinfectant.”

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13. Where the emergency gas shut-off located in the lab rooms? The emergency gas shut off is a large red button located near the door. By pushing the button in, the gas is shut “off�. 14. What is the recharging procedure for the chargeable microscopes located in C224/ C226? Microscopes that have been used should be plugged into the outlet strip and the timer knob turned. The timer will turn the charge off automatically after 8 hours. Microscopes that were not used should not be plugged in during this process. Overcharging of the scopes will shorten the life of the battery. 15. Usage of the dishwasher for glassware? What is it primarily used to clean? It can be used to clean glassware, but it is best to have students wash glassware at the end of lab so that glassware remains available to all labs and isn't hanging out in the dishwasher.

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Lab Classroom / Storage Tutorial

Click on the image above to view a tour of the lab classrooms and storage areas of the Richland Campus.

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Storage and Prep rooms BIO 260 Anatomy Lab Storage/ Prep Rooms

C226B Storage

C226A Prep

The Prep and Storage rooms above are located between Lab classrooms C224 and C226. The storage and prep rooms contain the materials and supplies for the labs taught in C224 and C226.

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BIO 262 Anatomy Lab Storage/ Prep Rooms C230A Prep

C230B Storage

C230 Prep Room and Storage room is located between C228, and C230. The Prep and Storage rooms contain materials and supplies for BIO110, 115, 210, and 262.

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Floor Plans

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Microscope Slides Media Autoclave Materials BIO 210 Microbiology Cooler – Cultures/Dissections Specimen Refrigerator – Media/Consumables Grocery Items Laboratory Equipment Biology Club BIO 110 Principles of Biology I BIO 115 Principles of Biology II BIO 210 Microbiology BIO 262 Advanced Anatomy and Physiology II

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fume Hood Autoclave Incubator/Autoclave Materials Incubator/Equipment Manuals Sink/Dishwasher Disinfector/Cleaning Supplies

1. 2. 3. 4.

Microscope Cabinet Microscopy Kits Countertop Scales/Glassware Gloves


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Biology Course Descriptions

BIO 110 - Principles of Biology I This course provides an overview of the basic principles of biology including the structure and function of the cell, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, mitosis, meiosis, genetics and evolution. Lectures emphasize human biology and are complemented by discussions that stress critical thinking. Lab experiments are designed to teach basic scientific skills, and to reinforce the topics covered during lectures. This course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in biology. 4 credits Text: Biology 8e/ Neil A. Campbell

BIO 115 - Principles of Biology II This course provides an overview of the basic principles of biology including the structure and function of animals and plants, including organ systems, reproduction and the regulation of body systems. The course also provides an overview of the Earth’s ecosystems and the diversity of life within each ecosystem. Lectures are complemented by discussions that stress critical thinking. Lab experiments are designed to teach basic scientific skills and to reinforce the topics covered during lectures. This course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in biology. Prerequisite(s): BIO 110 Principles of Biology I 4 credits Text: Biology 8e Campbell / Reece ISBN: 0321543254

BIO 210 - Microbiology This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of microbiology, and the application of those concepts to human disease. Lecture will include the study of microorganisms, their metabolic processes, and their relationship to disease. Laboratory work includes culturing, staining, studying, and identifying microorganisms. Prerequisite(s): BIO105 General Biology with Lab or BIO 110 Principles of Biology I 4 credits Text: Microbiology: An Introduction, 10e Tortora / Funke / Case ISBN: 0-321-55007-1

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BIO 220 - Biotechnology I Biotechnology I is the first semester course of a two semester sequence that is designed to introduce the student to basic principles of biotechnology and to familiarize the student with application of these principles in modern biotechnology settings. Topics will include exploration of biotechnology careers and research applications, industry standards for safety procedures, basic biotechnology skills and typical instrumentation related to the identification, isolation and manipulation of DNA. Prerequisite(s): BIO105 General Biology with Lab or BIO110 Principles of Biology I; and CHM106 Introductory Chemistry or CHM120 General Chemistry I 4 credits

BIO 230 - Biotechnology II Biotechnology II is the second semester course of a two semester sequence that is designed to introduce the student to basic principles of biotechnology and to familiarize the student with application of these principles in modern biotechnology settings. Topics will include exploration of biotechnology careers and research applications. Prerequisite(s): BIO220 Biotechnology I 4 credits

BIO 240 - Bioethics This course introduces the student to basic bioethics. Theories are discussed in a primary learning level with beginning application levels. Included are current controversial bioethical topics of significance in the field of biotechnology and techniques which enable the student to make justified ethical decisions. 3 credits

BIO 260 - Human Anatomy and Physiology This course introduces the student to the basic structure and functioning of the human body. This is a semester long introduction to Anatomy and Physiology. Course topics will include the organization of the body at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels and homeostatic mechanisms associated with the endocrine, integumentary, skeletal, muscle, and nervous systems. Prerequisite(s): BIO105 General Biology with Lab or BIO110 Principles of Biology I or accepted by CSON 4 credits Text: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th Edition Tortora / Derrickson ISBN: 0470565101

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BIO 262 - Human Anatomy and Physiology Advanced This course introduces the student to the basic structure and functioning of the human body. It is the second half of a yearlong introduction to Anatomy and Physiology. Course topics will include the organization of the body systems at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels and homeostatic mechanisms associated the cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Prerequisite(s): BIO260 Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credits Text: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th Edition Tortora / Derrickson ISBN: 0470565101

BIO 299 - Biotechnology Internship The internship is a credit-worthy work opportunity for students to gain experience in their major areas of study by strengthening and expanding their classroom knowledge through practical application. Prerequisite(s): Students may intern after earning at least two-thirds of their program credits and a 2.0 grade point average. All students must apply to intern during the semester prior to the semester they plan to earn the internship credits. 1 credit (45 hours)

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Stocked Lab Supplies Listed by Course The following is a list of stocked items, and equipment available for each of the biology courses. If you require additional supplies not present on the list, please contact Jill Mitchell with your order ASAP to assure your purchases are made. In your order supply the company name, item name, item number and quantity required. Note: Not all additional orders are guaranteed and are based on funds available at the time.

BIO 110 Principles of Biology                     

Sugar Glycerin Dish detergent Straws pH paper antacid tablets 3 beverages: i.e. soda, iced tea, Gatorade, etc. Milk String Pennies Ethanol Vegetable oil Lemon juice Ammonia Benedicts solution Iodine solution Buiret solution Sudan IV solution Starch solution Glucose solution Egg white Elodea

BIO 115 Principles of Biology II

Storage Room C230B                

Agar Corn syrup Syringes Potato cores Dialysis tubing Well plates Sodium bicarbonate Food coloring Yeast Balloons Bromothyml blue Sucrose Prepared mitosis slides Magnetic chromosome kits Electrophoresis gels, etc. Evolutionary agents kit

Storage Room C230B

Under Development

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BIO 210 Microbiology     

     

        

Microscopes Staining trays Test Tube Racks Gloves Prepared Slides o Letter “e” slide o Bacterial Shapes o Gram Stain Glass Slides Cover Slips Rubber Bulb Pipettes Toothpicks Oil Stains / Alcohol o Methylene blue o Crystal violet o Safranin o Nigrosin o Safranin o Methyl red o Iodine o Ethyl alcohol o Acid fast alcohol o Carbol fuchsin o Methyl green

Storage Room C230B     

Hot Plates Clothespins Wax marking pencils Alcohol Pads Specimen (All specimen are located in cooler unless otherwise noted)

o o o o o o o o o o o  

Escherichia coli Staphlococcus aureus Streptococcus pyogenes Clostridium botulinum Bacillus megaterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae Micrococcus luteus Enterobacter aerogenes Serretia marcescens Mycobacterium smegmatis Saccharomyces cerevisiae

What’s in your water Kit Agar: o Nutrient o Eosin Methelyne Blue o Sabouraud agar o MacKonkey agar o Trypticase Soy agar o Nutrient broth

Pond Water Sterile Swabs Bibulous paper Kim wipes Petri plates Test tubes Sterile Cotton Swabs Inoculating Loop Bunsen Burners

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BIO 260 Anatomy and Physiology I                    

Storage Room C226B

Microscopes (25) Dissecting Kits Small (12 total) Gloves Synthesizing Macromolecules lab Set Dialysis Tubing Iodine Starch Onion Root Tip / Ascaris Slides Tissue Slides Disarticulated Bones (2 boxes- green, blue) Skeletons (4) Muscles (see models below) Scalpels Mammal Spinal Cord (1 per group of 4-5) Mammal Brain (1 per group of 4-5) Mammal Eye (1 per group of 4-5) Human Senses Lab Kit Phenyl-thiocarbamide (PTC) Thiourea Sodium Benzoate

Note: The microscopes are rechargeable. Please make sure when you place the microscopes back in the cabinet that they are plugged in and the timer is set for 8 hours.

BIO 262 Anatomy and Physiology II

Storage Room C230B

Microscopes (25) Gloves Dissecting Kits Dissecting Trays Large (10 Total) Blood Group Identification Lab Mammal Heart (1 per group of 4-5) Double Injected Cats (1 per group of 4-5) Blood Pressure Cuffs (12) Stethoscopes (12) Models: See Room C226 Storage below

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Lab Resources Location by Room Prep / Storage Room C230A/B -

Microscopes Balances Hot Plates Stirrers Water Distiller Bunsen Burners Microscopes Autoclave Incubators (2) Fume Hood (2) Dishwasher Cooler Refrigerator Gel Electrophoresis Chambers Micro pipets Thermometers Glassware Test Tube Racks

Note: The lab equipment manuals can be found in the C230 A Prep Room in a cabinet drawer labeled, “Equipment Manual

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Prep / Storage Room C226A/B -

Beakers Microscopes (cordless) Cooler

Drawer A. Microscopy Labs Microscopy: Kim Wipes Glass Slides Cover Slips Methylene Blue Knife Spoon Tissue Example Cards Rulers Tissue Slides: Fish / Onion Mitosis Set 3088164A (3) Human Thick Skin nasco (3) Box #1 Liver Tissue 30-8568 (4) Box #2 Ciliated Epithelium 31-2432 (2) Human Glandular Epithelium 31-2444 (2) Box #3 Simple Squamous Epithelium 31-2342 (5) Mammal Transitional Epithelium 31-2462 (3) Box #4 Amphibian Simple Columnar Epithelium 31-2402 (4) Box #5 Mammal Aerolar Tissue 31-2686 (3) Box #6 Human Stratified Squamous Epithelium 31-2534 (3) Mammal Stratified Squamous Epithelium 31-2510 (5)

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Box #7 Letter “E” Wards 94 W 9111 (9) Box #8 Letter “E” Wards 94 W 9111 (5) Letter “E” Fisher S10227 (4) Box #9 Ascaris Mitosis 30-8922 (5) Onion Mitosis Root Tip 30-2396 (5) Box #10 Ascaris Mitosis 30-8922 (6) Onion Mitosis Root Tip 30-2396 (6) Box #11 #12 Epithelial Tissue A. Covering and Lining Epithelium Mammal Simple Squamous Epithelium 31-2342 Human Simple Cuboidal Epithelium 31-2372 Human Simple Columnar Epithelium 31-2426 Human Stratified Squamous Epithelium 31-2534 Human Stratified Columnar Epithelium 31-2558 Mammal Transitional Epithelium 31-2462 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelia31-2498 Amphibian Ciliated Epithelium 31-2432 B. Glandular Epithelium Human Glandular Epithelium 31-2444 Box #13, #14 Connective Tissue A. Loose Connective Tissue Areolar Connective Tissue 31-2686 Adipose Tissue 31-2728 Reticular Connective Tissue 31-2674 B. Dense Connective Tissue Dense Regular Connective Tissue (see Tissue Set) Dense Irregular Connective Tissue (see Tissue Set) Elastic Connective Tissue 31-2764 C. Cartilage Hyaline Cartilage 31-2898 Fibrocartilage 31-2922 Elastic Cartilage (see Tissue Slide set) D. Bone Bone Tissue Mammal Compact 31-2952

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Bone Tissue Mammal Spongy 31-2946 E. Liquid Connective Tissue Blood 31-3152 Box #15, #16 Skin Skin, thick Human (Nasco) (3) Human Pigmented Epithelium 31-4528 (1) Human, Nonpigmented Epithelium 31-4522 (1) Human Stratified Squamous Keratinizing Epithelium 31-2552 (1) Human Scalp Hair Shafts 31-4612 (1) Human Sweat Gland Axilla 31-4595 (1) Human Glandular Eipthelium 31-2444 (1) Box #17 - #22 Tan Slide Boxes Include the Following Slides from Fischer Scientific 1. 9001c squamous epithelium 22. 9022f liver 2. 9002F areolar connective tissue 23. 9023d vermiform appendix 3. 9003f hyaline cartilage 24. 9024f kidney 4. 9004f compact bone 25. 9025f adrenal gland 5. 9005f stratified muscle 26. 9026f ovary 6. 9006f heart muscle 27. 9027f uterus 7. 9007f artery 28. 9028f placenta 8. 9008f vein 29. 9029f testis, human 9. 9009f lung 30. 9030f epididymis 10. 9010c blood smear 31. 9031f cerebrum 11. 9011f spleen 32. 9032f cerebellum 12. 9012f thyroid gland 33. 9033f spinal cord 13. 9013f thymus gland human 34. 9034f sympathetic ganglion 14. 9014f tongue 35. 9035f skin of palm 15. 9015f tooth 36. 9036d scalp human hair follicles 16. 9016f parotid gland 37. 9037e scalp human hair follicles 17. 9017f esophagus 38. 9038f retina 18. 9018f stomach fundic region 39. 9039 fingertip from fetus w/ nail 19. 9019f duodenum (small intestine) development 20. 9020f colon (large intestine) 40. 9040f mammary gland 21. 9021f pancreas human

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Drawer B. Osmosis / Diffusion Osmosis Lab Materials Thread Dialysis Tubing Plastic Cups Glucose Solution Starch Solution Iodine Drawer C. Biochemistry -Macromolecules Lab Kits (5)

Drawer D. Mitosis -Inquiries in Science Cycling Through Mitosis -Slide Boxes #9 / #10 Ascaris Onion Root Tips Slides

Cabinet 4 Lab Materials: Glassware -Graduated cylinders -Erlenmeyer flasks -1000ml beakers -250ml beakers -80ml beakers Chemicals -Iodine-Potassium Iodide Solution, 500 mL (Flinn 10027)

-Dextrose, Anhydrous, Reagent, 500 g (Flinn D0002) -Cornstarch 500g (Flinn S0124)

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Countertop Item/ Description a. MSDS Manual b. Lab Addendum Handouts Binder c. BIO 260 Materials Binder Eye Model (small) Eyeball only






Front of Shelf

Eye Model (Medium) in socket with muscle 3B and bone sites Eye Model (Large) in socket with muscle and ATLAY bone sites Book Case 1 Item/ Description


Front of Shelf Front of Shelf


Colon Model with information Card

Shelf A

Kidney Model (Small) Cross Section With Description chart

Shelf A

Kidney Model (Med) Cross Section on stand

Shelf A

Kidney Model (Large) Cross Section with description booklet in base. Cell Model Globe

Somso Modelle

Liver Model (Large) Cross Section

Denover Geppert Stokie, Il

Shelf A

Brain Model in Head (Small)

ELAVIL (pharmaceutical prop)

Shelf B

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College

Shelf A

Shelf A


Brain Model Small (5)

3 Heart Model (Small)

Shelf B


Shelf C

3 Lung Cross Section Model (Small) With Description card

Shelf C

Lung Model Pieces

Shelf C

Book Case 2 Item/ Description



Reflex Arc Model (Large, Flat)



Muscle Physiology Model



Circulatory System Model


Muscle Model Human Body/ Head Muscle Model Upper Extremities (3)

Shelf A

Muscle Model Lower Limbs (3)

Shelf B

Shelf B

Muscle Model Lower Limb

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College


Drawer A. Human Body Organs - Organs for human body Model

Drawer B. Human Body Organs - Organs for human body Model

Drawer C. Human Senses -Human Senses Kits (2) -Vinegar -Sugar -Coffee -PKU test strips

Drawer D. Misc.

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Purchase Orders Additional Lab Supplies If you are in need of additional supplies not found on the supply list, you will need to complete a purchase order for the items needed.

Here on the left you see a sample of the purchase order form. Be sure and include the following information when submitting the form. Date Address / Phone # of company Description Catalog number How many Cost Your name What department

Be sure and submit your request as soon as possible to Jill Mitchell via email. Note: Materials requested are purchased based on budget allowances, therefore plan accordingly. You may access the purchase order form here by clicking on the image above. You will be prompted to enter your username and password to myPeak.

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Protocol The lab and lecture rooms on campus are used frequently for both day and evening classes. Therefore it is of utmost importance that the materials used during class and lecture be returned. ALL supplies and equipment should be put away after use and all glassware needs to be cleaned. You are permitted to prep your materials ahead of time and place the materials on a marked cart in the prep rooms of the lab. However following the lab sections the materials are to be put away. Also, it is your responsibility as an instructor to prep your own labs. As the instructor, you are to plan accordingly to make sure all the materials you need are available prior to the start of lab. Lab specimen should be disposed of according to the Disposal Plan located in the Lab safety section in this manual, page 26. You can also find copies of the Disposal procedure in C230 prep room, and C226 Prep room.

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Lab Safety Index A. OSHA Laboratory Safety Guidance B. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communication Standards C. Pennsylvania Highlands Disposal of Biological Specimen

A. OSHA Laboratory Safety Guidance Here are a list of helpful links to documents provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Laboratory Safety Guidance OSHA Fact Sheet Chemical Hygiene Plan OSHA Fact Sheet Laboratory Safety OSHA Laboratory Standard OSHA Quick Facts Laboratory Safety Autoclaves / Sterilizers OSHA Quick Facts Laboratory Safety Labeling and transferring of Chemicals

Other Helpful Links: Material Safety Data Sheets Center for Disease Control and BIO Safety World Health Organization

B. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communication Standards OSHA Fact Sheet OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard

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C. Pennsylvania Highlands Disposal of Biological Specimen

Management and Disposal of Biological Waste At Pennsylvania Highlands Community College I. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide information, requirements, guidelines and procedures for the handling and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous biological waste for all departments and units on the Pennsylvania Highlands Community College campus. Currently there are three departments or units that generate biowaste: Science, Healthcare Management, and Workforce Education. “Biological Waste” or “Biowaste” means discarded biological material from teaching and clinical laboratories and operations. This does not include household or office trash. “Biohazardous Waste” means any solid or liquid biological waste that is hazardous because of its physical and/or biological nature. All waste that contains infectious material, or because of its biological nature, may be harmful to humans, animals, plants, or the environment is biohazardous waste. This includes waste from infectious animals, human blood or blood products, pathological waste, and sharps. II. Responsibility Faculty member or other person with operational responsibility 1. Shall be responsible for ensuring students in classes generating biohazard waste comply with the provisions of the plan. 2. Shall take appropriate steps to assure the safety of the students involved in the handling of biowaste. 3. Will take immediate decontamination measures, primarily consisting of intensive flushing, and other preliminary first aid procedures in the event of a spill or other accident, while notifying the Director of Security and Safety or his employees who will in turn notify appropriate medical and HAZMAT first responders. Science lab manager, Health Care Management appointee, Director of Workforce Education 1. Shall be responsible for the proper storage, handling and packaging for disposal of biological waste generated from their respective programs. Material for

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disposal shall be clearly marked in the red biohazard bags provided, and stored in the “prep” rooms, room 224A for Healthcare Mgmt. and Workforce Ed., as well as in room 230 for Science, pending pickup. Boxes should also be clearly marked with the name of the originating department for billing purposes. Access to these locked rooms shall be strictly limited to appropriate faculty, or to students under direct supervision of those faculty members, and all access doors will be clearly marked with signs depicting the universal biohazard symbol. 2. Shall notify the Director of Security and Safety when a sufficient number of containers of biowaste or sharps are ready for disposal (2-3 standard boxes) so that a pickup can be scheduled. Will also place orders for replacement containers at this time. 3. Shall immediately report spills or other events to the Office of Security and Safety, while ensuring that any necessary decontamination and first aid to affected persons is immediately performed. The Office of Security will respond immediately to the scene of the incident and will coordinate immediate deployment of medical and HAZMAT first responders as appropriate. Facilities Manager 1. Shall be responsible for receiving requested replacement biowaste supplies from the disposal company at the time of a scheduled pick-up and distributing the same to the various departments. 2. Shall be responsible for directing invoices and other paperwork resulting from a pickup to the Director of Security and Safety, who will in turn file or distribute to the appropriate departments as necessary. 3. Shall be responsible for transporting containers of biowaste from the “prep” room to a holding area. This includes assuring that the containers are secure while they await removal by the disposal company. Containers of “sharps” will be transferred to the holding area approximately one hour prior to the anticipated arrival of the disposal company. 4. Facilities Manager will oversee the actual loading and removal of biowaste. Director of Security and Safety 1. Shall assume primary oversight responsibility for procedures as outlined in this plan, as well as ensuring that they conform to applicable state and federal regulations. 2. Shall be notified immediately of any incident occurring on PHCC property involving biowaste spills or other related accidents, particularly those which may result in the contamination of students, faculty, staff or others. Will coordinate notification to appropriate medical and HAZMAT first responders, and will proceed immediately to the accident scene to assist with decontamination and first aid, as well as the evacuation of personnel and securing the area. Subsequent

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notification of the incident will also be made to the PA Department of Environmental Protection. 3. Following the incident will complete a PHCC Incident/Injury report, and will convene an after-action meeting attended by all involved parties for the purpose of identifying the cause(s) of the accident, as well as making recommendations aimed at avoiding a reoccurrence. 4. Will ensure that all required records and notifications to regulatory agencies are being accomplished correctly and in a timely fashion. Will maintain a file of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) forms # 2540, Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Manifest, documenting pickup and eventual disposal (i.e. chain of custody). 5. Upon notification by the referenced departments that a pickup is required, shall contact the disposal company and make arrangements, and that information will be relayed to the departments and to the Facilities Manager. Will also relay orders for replacement biowaste containers as requested from the departments. III. Segregation 1. Any waste that could produce lacerations or puncture injuries must be disposed of as “sharps”. Sharps must be segregated from other waste. Metal sharps and broken glass that pose a biological hazard may be comingled with each other, but not with other waste. Sharps should not be comingled with regular laboratory glassware which has been broken and disposed of in an appropriate and separate container. 2. Biological waste must not be comingled with chemical waste or other laboratory trash. 3. Biohazardous waste should be separated from other biological waste. IV. Containers Containers must be appropriate for the contents; not leak; be properly labeled; and maintain their integrity if thermal or chemical treatment is used. Containers of biohazardous materials must be kept closed. 1. Sharps—use a rigid, puncture-resistant container (heavy-walled plastic is recommended) for storage and disposal. These are usually provided by the disposal company. 2. Solid Biohazardous Waste—Use heavy- duty plastic “Biohazard Bags” (autoclave bags) or containers for biohazardous waste. 3. Solid Non-hazardous Waste—Use heavy-duty plastic bag or other appropriate container without a Biohazard symbol. V. Storage

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College


Biological waste may be held temporarily under refrigeration, prior to disposal, in a safe manner that does not create aesthetic problems. Biohazardous waste should be treated and disposed of promptly. Containers holding biohazardous material must be clearly labeled, including the biohazard symbol. Storage of any type of biological waste, as well as any other disposal materials, for the various departments are as follows: Science—the storage or prep room adjacent to Rm C230 Healthcare Management—the smaller storage room off of the large prep room between Rms. C224 and C226. Workforce Education—the large prep room between Rms. C224 and C226. VI. Procedures for Treatment and Disposal 1. Microbiological Waste a.) Should be treated (disinfected) promptly on-site by autoclaving at 15 psi and at least 121 °C for at least 30 minutes. Autoclaving is the preferred disinfection method. However, if autoclaving is not possible, microbiological waste may be chemically disinfected by immersion, for not less than three minutes, in a 1:10 (volume/volume) bleach solution. b.) Once treated as above, the waste may be deposited in the regular trash as long as the autoclave bag has been labeled “treated” and then placed in another bag that is opaque—but not a biohazard bag. 2. Animal Carcasses and Body Parts The dissection specimens that the college purchases may be disposed of by way of the regular trash according to the manufacturer. However, it is current policy to dispose of preserved specimens via a disposal company. Therefore, these carcasses and body parts should be handled as follows: a.) During the semester or session, the specimens should be double-bagged, to prevent leakage, and stored in the refrigerator nearest the lab where the dissection is being performed. b.) At the end of the semester, the double-bagged specimens should be placed into a cardboard container, supplied by the disposal company, that is lined with a red biowaste bag. Care should be exercised to not exceed the weight limit of the box, which is typically 50 lbs. In all cases the packaging instructions of the disposal company should be followed (See attached). c.) Notify the Facilities Manager when the package is ready for disposal. 3. Sharps a.) Sharps should be placed into an approved sharps container immediately after use. The container should be kept closed between uses.

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College


b.) At the end of the semester or when the sharps container is full, the container should be placed into a cardboard container, supplied by the disposal company, that is lined with a red biowaste bag. In all cases the packaging instructions of the disposal company should be followed (See attached). c.) Notify the Director of Security and Safety when the package is ready for disposal. WEW/9-25-2

Additional Biology Resources BIO 110 Principles of Biology Text: Biology 8e Campbell / Reece ISBN: 0321543254 BIO 210 Microbiology Text: Microbiology: An Introduction, 10e Tortora / Funke / Case ISBN: 0-321-55007-1 Video Tutorials via American Society of Microbiology Regional Conference 2012 Broth to Broth Transfer Gram Stain Part 1 Gram Stain Part 2 Gram Stain Part 3 Inoculating from Solid Media Inoculating Slant Simple Stain Streak Plate Streak Plate Short Using Micropipettors BIO 260 Anatomy and Physiology I Pennsylvania Highlands Community College


Text: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th Edition Tortora / Derrickson ISBN: 0470565101 BIO 262 Anatomy and Physiology II Text: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th Edition Tortora / Derrickson ISBN: 0470565101

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College


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