1 minute read

Locations, countries, regions




The “business sections” of the theater almanacs are aimed at a professional audience. They contain extensive information about the individual locations, which theaters are located there (size, equipment, etc.), the visiting companies and the local artistic staff, the newspapers and their theatrical editors as well as the audiences (numbers, tastes, etc.) – everything that the theater people needed to know about a location before applying for a permit to perform there or when they sought an engagement there.

Dokumentation zu Topographie und Repertoire anhand von universalen Theateralmanachen und lokalen Theaterjournalen m it einem Überblick zu Zeitungen mit Theaterreferaten und deren Referenten

Wiener Theater (1752–1918) was published in 2018 as a pilot project.

Beginning in spring 2024 volumes are planned:

The documentation of the theater almanacs and journals by location, country and region offers the opportunity to trace the development of the personal, institutional and social conditions of theatrical practice over the course of more than a century.

Paul S. Ulrich

Wiener Theater (1752–1918)

Dokumentation zu Topographie und Repertoire anhand von universalen Theateralmanachen und lokalen Theaterjournalen mit einem Überblick zu Zeitungen mit Theaterreferaten und deren Referenten

Hollitzer: Vienna 2018

Topography and Repertoire of the Theater 1

ISBN 978-3-99012-449-9

416 pages | 21 × 29,7 cm

German | Hardcover

€ 99,00

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