Consumers have noticed the progression businesses have made with the paperless office. They have been taking the paperless world into their own lives by using paperless statements for banking, receipts and pay stubs. However, if there is still some paper left behind in your own home, here are some ways you can catch on to paperless document management: Focus on moving forward The first step is organizing the paper documents that have been piling up in your home over the years, but once you get them all in one place it can be troubling to see the piles of documents around you. PCMag recommended individuals look forward to using a document management system instead of thinking about how many documents there are to be organized. Sifting through the pile of paper documents can be daunting, but PCWorld pointed out it can be fun too. Although the goal is to condense all paper down to electronic documentation, you may find some gems that you want to save, such as old stories or magazine clippings. The source also recommended that you recycle papers you don't need immediately. There shouldn't be any second-guessing, and the majority of documents will be trash should not be considered for scanning. Find the right system After organizing all necessary items, you need to find the right document management
software for your needs. Electronic workflow and the amount of space you'll need should be taken into account. PCMag also recommended thinking about whether or not you want an online-accessible system that can tag files and back them up, which can be useful in the event you lose the original files. Scanning files into whatever system you pick should take strategy. First, focus on sorting through the paper documents before scanning them in. PCWorld added that keeping in mind how often the documents will be used can also help you organize them thoughtfully. This can develop a strict workflow that will help make the transition to electronic documentation easy. These tips can help you establish a good workflow to the system and help you look forward to looking through your documents instead of experiencing the dreadful feeling one can get when facing the large filing cabinet and stuffed folders. You have to stick with the paperless system for it to be successful, though, and kicking the habit of collecting physical documents can be as simple as putting any paper in your hand straight to the scanner. Lifting the weight of paper documents off your shoulders will make your home office space uncluttered and leave you feeling accomplished. _________________________________ Ready to kick your paper habit? Register for an upcoming webcast! Learn More about PaperSave: Case Studies | Demo | News and Events | WhitePapers | Webinars | Videos | Contact Us Tags: electronic workflow, Industry News, paperless office, document management software