CONTACT: PHONE: 07539 222 442 EMAIL : harringtonholly@rocketmail.com
2009 Student Class Representa ve,
4 Claremont Court,
I am an enthusias c hardworking designer, with a passion for dance, publica on and travel (just like most people these days). Ideally I would like to work in an environment that is challenging, crea ve, posi ve and collabo‐ ra ve, where I can both learn from, and contrib‐ ute towards my colleagues. I enjoy si ng around a table brainstorming with people, discussing ideas and learning new things. I am equally confi‐ dent working individually and dealing with cli‐ ents directly.
COMPETITIONS “Populous, Arsenal Series”, Student Compe
I was elected to represent my class at events and mee ngs, Presenta on, Populous Architects, April 2010 and had the responsibility of relaying informa on between I was part of a team of students, with a Populous men‐ students and lecturers
Email: harringtonholly@rocketmail.com
Por olio: harringtonholly.carbonmade.com
2009‐2010, Assistant Editor & Journalist
Phone: 075 39 222 442
EDUCATION 2002‐2006, 510 CAO Points Leaving Cer ficate, Colaiste Muire Secondary School Ireland
I was a journalist for the architectural sec on, and assisted LFA, RIBA, Pontoon Docks in deciding layout, and content of the sec on, and edi ng it.
2009– present, RIBA Student Member presenta ons. I checked and created specifica on packs for projects, and cos ngs.
2010‐2011, Feature Editor
2006‐2009, BA Interior Architecture, Sligo Ins tute of Technol‐ De Magazine, Bethnal Green Road, London ogy Ireland 2009‐2013 (current), BA Architecture, I have wri en freelance ar cles and reviews, and submi ed photography, for this interiors and architectural magazine London South Bank University which, is published in print, and online quarterly. I also a end‐ ed trade fairs and events, such as EcoBuild on their behalf.
2010 July‐2011 June, Junior Interior Designer
tor, for a week. We had to come up with proposals for the reuse of the Arsenal Emirates Stadium. I worked in a team to create a concept quickly and share out the tasks for the presenta on. “BENCH”‐“Pews & Perches”
2010 Writer, Editor‐in‐Chief
PERSPECTIVE Magazine, LSBU Halo Design Interiors, Weybridge, Surrey I set up a student magazine, whilst studying at LSBU, which I was involved in a number of high end residen al projects was to be published online ini ally and then printed. The mag‐ throughout Surrey and the South East, working with individual azines aim was to create a pla orm for student opinions, and clients and developers such as Royalton, and Aspire. I liaised a chance for us to be more involved in the architectural world. with developers, clients and suppliers. I held client mee ngs, and visited sites to survey. My main projects responsibility was 2010 Student Ambassador a Michelin star restaurant, Benares in Mayfair. I was in charge LSBU of the design from concept to installa on phase. I designed I was a student employee working on various events at univer‐ bespoke pieces, and produced drawings and instruc ons for sity, and schools. I worked with children and young people on upholsterers and sub‐contractors, as well as specifica on doc‐ events to promote further educa on and inform them of uments, and branding services. I sourced materials, and finish‐ choices. I was also part of the London Engineering Programme es and organised purchases. I also produced CAD drawings for (LEP) at LSBU to promote engineering sectors to under repre‐ most of the other residen al design projects. I was in charge sented groups. I have a ended training for a solar car chal‐ of the material sample library, filing, stocking, and upda ng it. lenge, and engineering fun days to work with children in pri‐ I produced concept sketches and mood boards for client mary schools.
PUBLICATIONS “How Much Are You Worth?” de magazine, Winter Edi on 2010 I was a feature editor for the winter edi on, and I will be involved in contribu ng ar cles, reviews, and pho‐ tography again towards the next edi on. “Where’s the castle? And I don’t see any elephant either…” LDN Press Issue 1 March 2010 I contributed ar cles on exhibi ons, and current events. I had input into the content, layout and struc‐ ture of the Architectural sec on, and I was assistant editor. “Cliffs of Moher visitor centre” Feature Ar cle, InsideEdge, May I interviewed Marc O’Riain, contributed feature ar ‐ cles, photography, and product reviews. I also had management responsibili es, in terms of organizing other peoples contribu ons, the content, and their deadlines.
AWARDS, GRANTS, ACHIEVEMENTS Student of the Year 2006, Sligo Ins tute of Technology
A compe on to design one of 50 benches to be made and installed along the waterside.
“8th +132nd and 3 = The Way to the Bar?” Essay Submission, Urban Omnibus, Jan 2012
QUIRKS & HOBBIES Fitness, Hip Hop dance & dance teaching, Poetry and Wri ng, Hiking, Caving, Travelling, Culture, Photog‐ raphy , Egyptology
SKILLS Autocad– 5yrs
Photoshop– 3yrs
Rhino– 3ys
Model making
3DS Max– 1 yr
CERTIFICATES & QUALIFICATIONS BA(ORD) Degree Interior Architecture accredited by European Council of Interior Architects (ECIA) 2009
REFERENCES Available on request
The Michelin Star Restaurant in Mayfair, Lon‐ don, run by chef Atul Kochar, wanted to refresh their image and branding. During my me spent at Halo Design Interiors, I met with the clients, understood their brief and their desire to create big effects with minimal disrup on to their opera on. From researching their brand and also the idea upon which their restaurant was based on, I came up with several con‐ cepts for their interiors to make bold changes. To draw more customers in, I decided that more drama was required espe‐ cially in the ground floor entrance hall. During my me on this project, I liaised directly with clients and suppliers, I designed bespoke items, produced drawings, sourced materials, products, designed signage and branding and quota ons. I also organised the purchase, manufacture, delivery and fi ng of many such items. Branding is also a large part of their name, and as such the clients wanted a new set of op ons for gi s and hampers. I worked on this to produce different branding op ons and produced samples, and cos ng.
A specialist school located in London, akin, to CAHID Ins ‐ tute, Edinburgh, providing further educa on in forensics, pathology, anthropology, forensic art and medical art and illustra on. The school focuses on teaching about the body and gross anatomy through dissec on. Drawing on the historic loca on of one of the Whitechapel Murders in the site’s viaducts, the forensic block holds its labs to one side, also providing a secret entrance for fresh cadavers
Final Year Project: School of Forensic Anatomy & Art
through an arch via Chamber Street. The art block and its north facing top level studios sit opposite, with the DLR tunnel dissec ng the site between them. Both art and forensic students share the protruding dissec on cham‐ ber above the main entrance, as well as all other shared facili es bridging both blocks via a connec ng circula on spine. Understanding of anatomy, and anatomical clues is taught to the students in order to understand, recreate, and discover human iden es.
Located along the banks of Regents Canal in North London, a room for embellishment , echoing the mentality of the city series of spaces and pavilions are provided for the public to working environment. take classes, prac se or perform through a variety of crea ve Stage two: One reaches the music boxes and the outdoor means. amphitheatre. These are s ll very much of a grid structure All forms of expression can be as therapy, and as such the but are star ng to break apart. centre offers dance, music, literature, art, performance, Stage three: Passing the changing foliage ed into seasons learning and social areas. along the journey to expression, the theatre, dance studios, The path focuses on three stages of fragmenta on progress‐ café and outdoor rehearsal spaces are seen. The structures ing from the structured city, to a more dynamic natural free are fully fragmented standing as pavilions of their own . zone within the park. Stage one: An arts library based on knowledge and the mind is open to the public. It is in a rigid grid format with no
A haven for stressed city workers to express themselves creaƟvely along a winding path across Regents Canal.
Both landscape and pavilion in one, Walkthrough is based on the rhythms and sounds of people moving through the park. In essence capturing the specific sounds of the park and extrud‐ ing them into built forms one can experience– like a sound‐ scape.
sound by their own presence within each space.
The theme was the senses and I chose to focus on sound and in par cular rhythms and frequency, and how to embody or personify those sounds.
Box 1: Colourful polycarbonate walls and metal floor to cre‐
above, stole all sound– crea ng a silent, dead space.
I created three connected boxes, where in each one the user would have a very dis nct aural experience.
ate and lively, echoing space
Box 2: Padded triangulated walls and floor with metal mesh
The landscape and pavilion merge and are all based on varying Box 3: Connected to box 1 via a metal duct to enhance the stages of experience as one walks across it. The landscape had sound‐ Metal walls and floor bring to life peoples sounds and risers of various heights and frequencies meaning each stair rhythms not of the current occupants themselves but of those felt different to climb rhythmically. currently in Box 1 The pavilion focused mainly on affec ng peoples sense of
Flower stall, landmark, and art gallery in one. JUNCTION has a cross program of use and ac vity. It is both a ceramics art gallery, and also an external Flower stall for local residents, and passers by visi ng any of the local churches or memorial services held in the area regularly.
The triangular island now a ached to the footpath in front of Morley college effec vely increased the colleg‐ es standing point. The gallery also acts as a new landmark to the area to aid way finding and as a signpost for Morley college.
Firstly the ceramic gallery acts as an extension to Mor‐ ley College in Lambeth North. Po ery was of a high im‐ portance to the Lambeth area especially along the river da ng back many years. Morley College was also highly important to encouraging further adult educa on and improving oneself. The Gallery acts as an interven on to the area and sits on an exis ng traffic triangle island. To encourage a sense of place, and the use of Morley College and the new gallery more, a lane of traffic has been removed.
“ How much are you worth?” Winter Edi on 2011/ Issue 021 I have wri en several ar cles as a freelance writer during my studies for de magazine. I have also reviewed art installa ons, books, and wri en the content for their design diary. “Cliffs of Moher Interpre ve Centre”
Feature Ar cle & Interview, May 2009 Inside Edge was a published student editorial funded by local design sponsors. I visited the building and also interviewed the Interior Architect responsible for the award winning project in County Clare, Ireland I have also wri en several pieces for the LDN Press, of which I was the assistant architectural editor in 2011 PERSPECTIVE was a student publicaon that I created whilst in my second year at London South Bank University. It focused on student opinions, with each issue based on a theme. The publica on included photography, design journalism, architectural fashion, and top student projects. The first issue was printed and circulated to other students and at the end of year school exhibi on.
CONTACT ME…... Email: harringtonholly@rocketmail.com Por olio: harringtonholly.carbonmade.com Phone: 075 39 222 442