Billy Kondos Student No:582813
Semester 1/2012
Group 7
Readings Nature’s Patterns: Shapes In this reading I believed the main message of the author was to highlight that there are patterns everywhere in nature. Some are obvious whilst other can be hidden from our initial perspective. This made me begin to realise the patterns and forms around me in a way I had previously not. Ball went on to argue how different people throughout history have tried to explain and express this idea, with reference to Darwin.
The Man who loved Fluids In this reading I believe that Ball was trying to explain that not all patterns are visible to the naked eye, but are in fact complex and require additional tool to understand what is happening. Ball refers to Di Vinci, who was ahead of his time and was able to see patterns that were not visible to the naked eye. Di Vinci was able to see that there was an underlying pattern in the flow of water that was not visible. Di Vinci tried to express this using his 2D sketches and investigating this occurrence
Natural Process Analysis: Leaf patterns
I choose to look at leaf patterns because the shape they formed appealed to me. On quick inspection it appears that the shapes are random but on a closer look we can see that there is a underlying pattern
Natural Process Analysis: Stalactites
Stalactites are a natural process in which minerals hang from the ceiling of limestone caves. Again it was the simplicity and consistency of the shapes of the stalactites that interested me. Although it seemed that it was a straight forward process, there were underlying chemical and mathematical properties that dictated the shape, size and pattern of the stalactites.
CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(aq) → Ca(HCO3)2(aq)
Time Lapse Sketches:
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
The main feature of the stalactites that interest me is there ability to turn from a solid rock into a cylindrical form.
Another interesting feature of the growth of stalactites is its dependence on the conditions around it which influence the rate of growth. This is demonstrated in the illustrations below
Natural conditions
Wet Season
Dry Season
Varying ideas on how the rate of growth influences the stalactites
Sketches that demonstrate possible designs for the body lantern
I decided to produce a first clay model of my earlier drawings of the process
Not surprisingly the outcome was dull and a literal interpretation of the process
Although I tried to add some complexity to the model. It lacked creativeness.
Precedent 1 Below: a stalactite vaulting from the JamĂŠ Mosque in Esfahan, Iran The example below is of the JamĂŠ Mosque in Esfahan which uses the formation of stalactites as an inspiration to decorate the ceiling of the room. This Persian architecture uses the distinct pattern to add complexity to the roof. This is accomplished by having several structures hanging, instead of one which creates a complicated look.
I plan to use a similar thought process in developing my lantern. Part of the stalactites appeal is its simplicity as an individual stalactite and its ability to amaze once it is accompanied by several stalactites.
Exploring alternative views
Random scribbles along paper that had been folded in a stalactite pattern
Rigid design
Boxish interpretation
Singular column base which divides into more stalactites
Exploring alternative views of stalactites via 2D software
Oil Painting
Precedent 2 Below: An Egyptian façade inspired by particles
The example shown below is of an Egyptian building which uses a façade to decorate its walls and window frames. The architect who designed this emphasizes the individual ‘parts’ or ‘particles’ that make up the façade. These ‘parts/particles’ are combined together to create an coherent design that when completed does not empathises its individuality but instead its contribution to the design as a whole.
I also intend to use this design process to add a layer of complexity to my lantern. I plan to like this, have the particle motion as a feature of my lantern not as the defining feature. Instead
Movement of a particle through the process
Stalactite sketch of particles Sketch of singular Stalactite with added feature: Movement of the particle is also highlighted
Sketch proposal: Particle movement 1:10 Scale model
The model is very similar to the initial model. It maintains its simplicity while also highlighting an element of the process, the particle movement. This adds a slight layer of depth to the model
Module 1 Reflection
The most valuable lesson that I have learnt during this module is that different mediums such as printed pictures, models or even rough sketches are extremely helpful in re-evaluating you conception of an idea or process. By far the most difficult part of this module was to find an abstract interpretation of my process. This was overcome by staring at different mediums and drawing what I saw without thinking too much as this over complicated my ideas of the process.
I came to the realisation that there is always an underlying pattern, obvious or not. Whilst this pattern may not always be visible to the naked it is always present and dictates the way in which the process is shaped.
This can often be the most difficult part for an architect, finding an abstract idea instead of thinking logically and simply presenting a literal interpretation.
References • • • •
• 3CA82FDB5874E9485EA9704D454&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR (21/03/2012) A299072C8D9F171DE871D3B74089&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR (21/03/2012) B6F19F301AC674163E8A4650E9&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR (21/03/2012) 890B4A5CB2AE65AC7BDF39E17D0&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR (21/03/2012)