Soros Wants an International Bank

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George Soros Big Winner in Obama Presidency BY ROWAN SCARBOROUGH

No man has a larger stake in a President Barack Obama Administration than ultraliberal billionaire George Soros. This decade, the Hungarian-bom hedge fund investor has poured tens of millions of dollars into left-wing attack groups and Democratic campaigns. Soros' grand plan is to destroy the Republican Party and conservative movement, while promoting the wish list of the political left. With Tuesday's Democratic victories, Soros may be on the cusp of fulfilling bis dreams of social reorder—funded by a fortune of $7 billion he amassed through rampant speculation on world currencies. Soros has channeled his gains into such groups as and the Center for American Progress, not to mention the Democratic Party and its candidates.. He may rightly claim any Democrat victory last Tuesday as his own and expect President Obama to adopt his American vision. "Soros is Obama's principal patron," said Richard Lawrence Poe, co-author with David Horowitz of The Shadow Party, a critical look at the network of left-wing tax-exempt groups the investor .sponsors. The groups in tum doled out money to liberal candidates such as Obama. The book's subtitle is, "How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party."

Soros Behind Obama Senate Race "He created Obama," Poe told HUMAN "An Obama presidency will be a Soros presidency." Poe said federal election records sbow Soros jump-started Obama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign with $60,000 from himself and family members. "These personal contributions are but a drop in the bucket compared to the unknovi'n quantities of money Soros has channeled into the Obama campaign through his so-called Shadow Party," the author said. EVENTS.

Soros's Two Obsessions To understand the 78-year-old Soros' s world view, first look at his two obsessions: He dislikes President Bush intently, liken-

ing him to Hitler, and he dismisses the war on terror as a waste of time. Then there is the press. Any one on tbe left with lots of money who bankrolls liberal causes typically receives flattering coverage. Soros is no exception. He enjoys puff-ball treatment from the New York Times, Washington Post and their followers. CNBC, for example, presents the talking-head Soros as a non-partisan investor, never telling viewers of his liberal crusade to destroy Republicans and how that might color his views. His hatred of Bush and of the war against radical Islamic terrorists stands as the underpinning for scores of leftist positions. He funds his causes through his New York City-based Open Society Institute. Its website is full of flowery prose about eliminating hunger, bringing social justice and encouraging diversity of opinion. But beneath the propaganda is a financial grant system channeled to the hard left. Click the link for "U.S. Programs" and this national security objective pops up: "shifting the paradigm away from the 'war on terror.'" In other words, terrorists are victims and the U.S. is the perpetrator and must be stopped. The web page portrays America as a racist society at its roots.

Otber Soros demands: • Legalize gay marriage and euthanasia, and make abortion more available. He funds groups that claim they are Catholics for choice. • Legalize illegal drugs, or at least reduce the penalties. Soros believes crack cocaine dealers are victims because powder cocaine sellers receive shorter prison sentences. They are typically white, while crack users are black, he says. • Give felons the right to vote and end the death penalty. • New rights for illegal aliens. • An end to U.S. global supremacy. "Gecffge Soros has statedrepeatedlyand explicitly that he views the United States and its capitalist ideology as a threat to world peace," says author Poe. "A consistent pattern, both in his political giving and in his philanthropic endeavors is to press for policies whose only possible effect will be to bankrupt the United States and end the reign of the U.S. dollar as

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GEORGE SOROS, who has bankrolled numerous left-wing causes, helped to jump-start Barack Ohama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign wHh S80,000 from himseK and family memhers.

the world's dominant exchange currency. Soros wishes to replace the U.S. dollar with a global currency, issued by a global bank." Soros told the Washington Post in 2003 that defeating Bush's reelection "is the central focus of my life" and "a matter of life and death."

For Soros, Bush Is Hitler "When I hear Bush say, 'You're either with us or against us,' " Soros said, "it reminds me of the Germans. It conjures up memories of Nazi slogans on the walls. Der Feind Hort mit [The enemy is listening]. My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me." He reportedly gave $5 million to, which promptly ran video ads comparing Bush to Hitler. An image of a saluting Hitler gives way to Bush taking the oath of office. Get it? Despite the Open Society Institute's lofty mission statement, Soros likes this sort of bare-knuckle personal destruction.

After ail. Bush is not the only person has savaged. It called Gen. David Petraeus a commander who is betraying his country. In 2004, attacked the evangelical beliefs of George Gallup, Jr., son of Gallup's founder, because the company produced a presidential poll it did not like. On the war, Soros has written that "terrorism is an abstraction." In bis book, The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror, he wrote, "The Bush Administration and the Nazi and Communist regimes all engaged in the politics of fear. Indeed, the Bush Administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and Communist propaganda machines by drawing on the innovations of the advertising and marketing industries" When Mr. Soros comes to Washington next year. Democrats will be listening. If they don't, has some videos ready. • Mt. Scarborough is a naiional sei:urity wriler who has written books on Donakl Rumsfeld and the CIA. iocluditig the New York Times bestseller Rumsfeld's War.

Radical 'Social Justice' Teaching Being Pushed on Our Schools Continued from Page 14

Freiré. His best-known book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970), is considered a classic text of radical education theory and is regularly assigned in education schools. After Freire's theories took hold in teachers colleges, it's no surprise that they made their way into public schools, especially where low-income and minority kids can be taught Oppression Studies. Schools that spe-

cialize in "social-justice teaching" exist in Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia, among other cities. The Social Justice High School in Chicago, for example, has a 100% Hispanic or black student body. The principal admits that the lessons taught there are often "atypical," such as teaching the relative likelihood of whites and minorities being pulled over by police. This district recently announced plans to


open a "gay-friendly" public high school called Pride Campus with 600 students, half homosexual and half heterosexual. Official materials say that the curriculum will "teach the history of all people who have been oppressed and the civil rights movements that have led to social justice and queer studies." It is clear that "social-justice teaching" does not mean justice as most Americans understand the term. Those who use the term make clear that it means the United States is

an unjust and oppressive society and the solution is to "spread the wealth around." Prof. Ayers declined to be interviewed for the Education Week article. His comments were unnecessary since the article was generally favorable to "social-justice teaching" and dismissive of its critics. • Phyllis Sfhlafly is a lawyer, conservalive political analyst and [he author of the newly revised and expanded hook. The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop [|.


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