7 minute read
Super Model
Today I’m speaking with Lera Levinski. I’ve wanted to connect with her for a long time. But, before we talk about her career, let’s take a look at the collaboration she’s here to represent.
Q: Lera, you’ve already been to LA fashion week, in October of last year, as part of the Farinaz Fz team. Today you are representing these guys again, but in an expanded format, and this time you are appearing in our magazine. If I understand correctly, you’ve been on good terms with Farinaz Fz ever since last October. So, this begs the question: is your current collaboration with them based on personal friendship, or is it a full-blown commercial project you are working on together? Tell us about what’s happening, that is if it’s not a secret.
A: There’s no secret. Of course it’s a commercial project, but one that would never have happened if were was no sympathy. Luckily, I can afford not to represent people whose work I do not understand or whose work I don’t like.
I’ve had my eye on Adolfo Sanchez and Malina Fashion for quite a while now, and I really like what they do. So, when I found out they were going to work with Farinaz Fz, I agreed to participate.
At the same time, I can’t really imagine saying no to Farinaz if she had asked me to be part of it (laughs), because our relationship really does transcend business, and she is not only a great designer, but also a wonderful friend. For some time now, we have been doing things for each other that would not fall under any collaboration, or purely business projects. I value her friendship very much, and I am simply in love with her work.
Q: When did you first notice her, and what about her stood out to you?
A: It was at LA fashion week. But I can’t say that she stood out to me because of the beauty of her collection alone, or because of any one thing: what caught my
Dress: MALINA Fashion @malina_fashion • Shoes: D&G • Ph: Max CHumanov @vir2art
attention was precisely the overall effect she created.
You know without me telling you that no one gets into a fashion week by accident - whether it’s NY or LA, all the participants are incredibly talented, and they usually represent very interesting collections. But the kind of thing that was happening near her pavilion - I’ve never seen that anywhere. Literally every single person who approached it asked about all of her pieces. You know what I mean? Not just the collection as a whole, but each separate piece. Myself, included. Everything she had brought was just indescribably beautiful. If I hadn’t known that this was her first collection ever, I would never have believed it.
Q: I understand completely. I wouldn’t have believed it either, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. What do you think will be remembered about the collaboration of Adolfo Sanches and Malina Fashion? They are very different styles, after all. A: Yes, stylistically they are very different. But what fundamentally unifies them is that they are inspired by the parties and events of Hollywood. Yes, they are all intended for completely different events - it couldn’t be any other way - but they are all very festive, and each outfit from these collections was just made to be worn on the red carpet. This is a fashion that was created for Hollywood.
Q: Alright, we’ll have a chance to look at the collaboration. Let’s talk a little bit about you now. I noticed you’re learning Spanish with an app on your phone. What is that for? Just for fun?
A: When I answer this question I’m usually kidding that when I was little girl, I loved the popular TV show “The Wild Angel”, so now I’m learning Spanish so I can watch it in the original language (laughs). But if seriously, though, I think communication is one of the most important aspects of our life. I’m working in LA, which has a huge number of Spanish-speaking people, and

Dress: MALINA Fashion @malina_fashion • Shoes: D&G • PH: Max CHumanov @vir2art
I think it’s essential to understand the people around me. Not just for my own comfort, but also out of respect for the culture I’m part of. In the US I have established a rule for myself: if you want something, you have to ask for it; if there’s something you don’t know, you have to ask about it, too. Ask and you will almost always receive an enthusiastic answer. Communication opens all doors, and makes the world we live in more interesting. The US is wonderful as talented people can achieve success despite any of the circumstantial things that might interfere with their success somewhere else - things like gender, race, body type, or other physical characteristics. It’s also very cool that there are people here like Valeri Manziuk - those who helps talented people from throughout the world make it in the fashion industry, get them into world level fashion weeks, and provide all kinds of consulting. However, for myself, I have long ago realized that the fewer language barriers you have as an individual, the easier it is to move through the world and toward your goals. I would love to learn two or three more languages, but that takes a lot of time and effort. If I’ll have enough of both these things, I will continue to learn languages.
Q: So even in a business like modeling you can say with certainty that the main thing is communication?
A: I am absolutely certain of it. I became even more convinced of this when I started working with Thomas Zeumer. He never could have given the world so many superstars of the fashion industry, if his approach hadn’t been personal sympathy and mutual understanding of the people he works with. Before I met him personally, I had imagined the secret of his success differently. Yes, he is definitely a person of extremely rare charisma and charm. Thomas never worries about things needlessly and is always able to remain easy-going himself, as well as in his communication with others. But his secret is in something else: he knows how to recognize talent on a deeper level, not only by what the person he’s working with shows of themselves, but also through communicating with them. He might see a person’s talent much more clearly and deeply than the person sees it themselves.
Q: So, apart from knowing how to communicate, is anything else important? I’m sure that there have been some other things in your, in my opinion, successful career, that have helped you.
which I trained in Moscow. Thomas was one of the people who noted that this is something that helps models. It’s one thing to just walk down a runway, but to truly be master over your own body and it’s micro-mimicry, as well as be “eloquently do not move” and expressively silent - that’s something acting classes can really help with. Everything else depends on desire and determination to succeed. Let me say it one more time: there are plenty of opportunities in the US for people who really want to achieve something.
Q: OK. I already understand why you do like US, but surely there are things you’ve noticed in the time you’ve been here, that you may still don’t understand.
A: The food. Here, everyone, everywhere is always talking about food. Since I’ve been in the USA, I have gotten the impression that people here meet not only to spend time together, but to eat together. And when you say you don’t want to meet at a restaurant or bar people don’t know what to do besides that. When I meet my
Dress: Farinaz FZ @farinazfz • Shoes: D&G • Ph: Elvira Barnett @elvirab.photography

Dress: Farinaz FZ @farinazfz • Shoes: D&G • Ph: Elvira Barnett @elvirab.photography

Dress: Farinaz FZ @farinazfz • Shoes: D&G • Ph: Elvira Barnett @elvirab.photography
friends I prefer to walk by the ocean, to go hiking, to visit a spa, to do water activities or shopping, to visit some exhibitions or to visit tea rooms. But here people almost always talk about where they going to eat. And if you get recommendations from a friend to visit an exotic country, then in the first place, of course, it will be recommendations where to go to eat abroad, but not what sites to visit (laughs). But then I understood that there is nothing strange about this, it’s just that I think differently about how to spend time, and it’s important to hang out with people who share your interests. So, that’s what I try to do.
Q: To finish off, what are your plans for the future?
A: Photo shoots for online stores, magazines, participation in shows at fashion weeks.
Q: Wholeheartedly wish you success in your modeling career and in learning Spanish too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! See you at the New York fashion week!

Dress: Asanchez @asanchezfashion Ph: Elvira Barnett @elvirab.photography

Dress: Asanchez @asanchezfashion Ph: Elvira Barnett @elvirab.photography