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MEET UNFILTERED Your Last Dating App

You’ve Met Your Match.

Meet UnFiltered.


UnFiltered wants to be the last dating app anyone ever has to use...

It’s five o’clock on Friday, time to get off, but home is the only place to go. You’re tired of getting tables for one, being the third wheel, ordering Chinese food at home and catching up on an embarrassing amount of Netflix series that you fit in between your busy schedule. You’ve tried dating apps to no avail- so much time wasted on fake accounts, bots...and even worse, the fret of being “catfished” once again. You find a “match” and they seem nice until one of two things happens... the infamous unsolicited pic, you’re stuck in the never-ending loop of messages, or even the eventual request of money.

There is now a dating app that made it their mission to fix everything you ever hated about dating apps.

Transparency is the founding reason behind the creation of the UnFiltered Dating app. In fact, co-founder Genesis Assulin believes so strongly in the importance of transparency she made it their name- UnFiltered. Every profile is taken in real time with a date stamp through the in-app camera embedded in the app software prohibiting an upload feature unless part of the lifestyle news feed. Eliminating filters is the foundation of this dating app.

They have created a dating revolution by providing a platform for true genuine connections and by revamping the online dating experience with unique built-in features that promote and cultivate a safe, transparent, UnFiltered environment. Their users can be the person they were always supposed to be- themselves.

How many times have you walked into a “blind date” or met someone for the first time from a dating profile only to discover they didn’t look the same as their profile picture. Although looks aren’t everything, trust is important. UnFiltered’s motto, “Real People. Real Love.” does just that. No more meeting the 10-year alumni version of the college snapshot of your match, UnFiltered secures you are talking to a verified version of their true and current self!

UnFiltered strives to offer a safer community to their users. A deeper dive behind the scenes into the development side of the app includes an integrated technology that uses 8 factors to verify user accounts. Some of these verification methods includes verifying images, emails used to create user profiles, phone number and the user’s location to name a few. This technology,

that was introduced via a partnership with some of the most secure platforms across the globe, is how UnFiltered is able to prevent fake and misleading identities for users. Once authenticated, the verified profile is issued a seal, reassuring the user that they’re messaging a real person.

As if this wasn’t enough to set them apart from every other dating app on the market, other features are integrated into the UnFiltered app to make sure that your virtual dating experience is quality above quantity. Where other competitive apps have the bad reputation of being for “hook-ups”, UnFiltered has introduced limited matches. This allows you to match with up to 5 potential dates at a time, ensuring that you have meaningful connections with focused communication. This feature paired with our In-app communication opportunities (in-app camera and in-pp Video) ensures your private information is protected until you choose to communicate outside the app.

They have also paired with Google to integrate with your calendar and even allows users to use GPS to make the convenience of planning a date with your match simple and convenient. Plan your date, location and date time all within the app! Once the request is accepted, the app sends reminders to your app notifications, updates any changes you or your match makes, directions to get you there on time! Your life may be

busy, but UnFiltered has thought of unique and innovative ways to make dating simple and easy again!

UnFiltered is not just another dating app, in fact, UnFiltered wants to be the last dating app anyone ever has to use by being the conduit for Real People to find Real Love UnFiltered is passionate about its mission statement and that is “To foster a secure community who values the ideals and principles of real love. To live in anticipation, believing that there are more good people that could benefit from a mode of transparency.”

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