Blue print 2

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How he turn nothing into a mlm empire!

the blue print

Time frame per order is 20 days example: I place an order one lot, of the model 7900 gshocks watches. In this order there will be (10) watches that I will receive within 20 days. Once I have received the package of watches, I still then will be at a ($-50) for the purchase of the watches, so to break even I will sell my first watch for ($50)dollars to put me back at 0 again, then after that I will have 9 watches left, so I will add them to the inventory for the store. In addition, I can now sell any gshock 7900 watch in inventory for what every price I like.

G-shocks Watch model 7900


(10qty) lots all colors


each / cost


total profits


$25-50 each $9.00 to $450.00


Lets see how!

Is to first exist!

First rule of ok lets sell some selling, get noticed! watches! Thats is a nice watch you have on Sir! Thanks! Its a _____. What kind is it? Is that your only one? No! I actually love watches and I need more! CORRECT!


Thats is a nice watch you have on Sir! Lol. this old watch. its not too bad but you could use another one. what types of watches do you like to buy? I really like sports watches. CORRECT! What type of watch is that? Its a _________. I use to have a watch that use to look almost like that one. it was a ________. CORRECT!


How did you build a business without any ca pi to l ? ITS EASY! ITS EASY!




“OK, LETʼS RECALL BACK TO OUR FIRST PACKAGE, WE MADE ANY WHERE FROM ( $9.00 TO $450.00) RIGHT”. Now letʼs fast foward to a total of 47 days later, 10 watches sold and 380.00 dollars richer, so since I had just did my first run, and it was a success with numbers, I was able to get 50 dollars that I had invested back within 25 days, so that was great. Now I had 380.00 dollars in twenty two days so that was even better.

So whats next Bobby? Did you take the money and spend it and buy clothes, shoes, etc.. since you just made a nice profit??

Well, since I love to sell and make money I knew 380.00 dollars wasnʼt enough money for me. I then started the same process all over again this time buying 400.00 dollars worth of product. So, now I am in the red zone again (-20 ), but letʼs not forget we have 40 watches still coming. In the mean while, As I am waiting on my new shipment of product I will be making new customers and networking with new sites online for new items.

All work no play!

ordered 40 watches


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inc ind


2 days left!

Now day 18, I will do something different I will call a some of my same customers as I had in the last packages and others who didn始t get a chance to purchase last time from me. So usually 6 out of 10 would still purchase again. I was doing good with those numbers. I was at 60%percent with my sells. So now I have at least 6 of the watches sold out of 40 watches that already puts me in the range from 200-300 dollars in sales. Awesome right? That始s what I was thinking to. Day 20 gets here and I get the package of watches I first exam my product to see if what I始m selling worth what I始m asking for Selling for me was very easy I had what it took....lets just say I was a natural hustler.

1,158 -20 1,138 profits

So, lets see i have only ($-20) now to put back to be at 0 again. well its day 26 and i have sold 27 watches so far with a total 1,158 dollors wow thats great now lets take our 20 back out and we are at 1,138 dollors richer , so what we do again we start this process all over again, but now we still have 13 watches left and we can now reorder more watches so since i was doing so great on my (r.o.s) return on sales .plus business was start to pick up and was doing so good i had to keep doing this.

How did you start your Organize Grind inc. MLM Well first i started with one person,Crystal Walker and she was actually my girlfriend at that time. she would watch me,day in and day out, so she would see how things would work and how i was running the bisness. So i brought her in and she went in head first running, our sales and our numbers went up 80% percent since now there was two people working on the same goal. so now in 60 days with to people saleing we had made over 2400 dollors in sales. But me i new that was not enough money still.

Now i toook that $1100 bought 200 watches and than i put the other money up for new product. so now i am known as the man who can get you nice watches but thats not wanted to be know as i am the man that can get you anything so that was my next goal buy different products. but lets get back to the watches i can now realax on making hard sales because all the money now is profits and what will be in inventory will already be paid for. one thing you must rember that it is hard to get rich selling watches by yourself or even just have one person helping you. I needed to come up with a plan to sell more watches and make sure it was easy. so in my adventure in sales i would run across future sales people who would see the potential in the money or just wanted to be part of something.

When you have 1500 hundred watches you can afford to try something different. So thats what i did. So what i would do, is i had now employed 10 people working for the company now, so each person i would give them 3 watches a piece and they had to sell them in ten days wich led to 3 cycles in every month. 9 watches month, per person. Since i was in the green with my profits still, I was able to make 1200 to 1500 a month in sales thru my employes I wasnt taking any losses for my ideal, and it was worth the try. i was able to set thI then set people up to give me 75 dollors for every three watches,

three watches, sometimes you would have people bringing you anywhere from 50 -75 dollors every ten days and that was still excellent. ow i was moving somewhere bissness was all profits no losses wow was that great! I had built a bisness off of 0 yep no money this was just like I imagined, but more realer, i can actually feel this money in my hands, and it was not any dream. That went on for at least 6 months after that i was tired of watches it was time for something new we had sold 1,277 watches in 6 months we needed a change. l had mad the company 6,026 dollors in sales in 180 days, so i now had team members that i could trust to sell, and make the company money. no i can move to the next step. i had to figure out what was everybody was wanting or using daily. so while i was thinking to myself about what to invest in now, my cell phone was ringing i actually couldnt hear due to the music i had on up real loud. i answeresd the phone but i coudnt hear what the other person was saying on the phone i then looked for my headphones and thats when i got it i started purchasing headphones .

I would now find cheap headphones, at low cost i would buy them for 10 dollors then i would sell them for $50- $70 dollors. i purchased 100 pair of beats by dre headphones. Now i was moving into a different dirrection with my sales i was now selling to kids and teenagers. We had sold our first 20 pairs on line for $1300 dollors. we sold them for 65 dollors.


G r i n d




O r g a n i z e

G r i n d


Worldwide Grinding

Worldwide Grinding

Organize Grind INC.

Organize Grind INC. 7513 MORTON AVE


7513 MORTON AVE Tampa






level 2

David holcumb



v.i.p card level 2

level 3 level 3

Micheal johnson Greg hill



level 3

level 2

Ashley robinson


100.00 190.00

level 1

Bobby pauldo


level 2 level 2

Kendrick franks

780 10

v.i.p card

level 2 level 3

Harlod sanders Evon redding

WHOLESALERS 1-800-892-0317


customer services

customer services

june - july


Peter young

E m p l o y e e s


june - july

David holcumb





level 3

Micheal johnson Greg hill

level 2

Ashley robinson


100.00 190.00


level 1

Bobby pauldo




level 2 level 2

Kendrick franks

780 10

125.00 45.00

45.00 80.00 221.00

level 2 level 3

Harlod sanders Evon redding


80.00 221.00

Peter young

level 1

Fredmone teren



level 1

Fredmone teren



level 3

William jones



level 3

William jones



level 3



level 3


Frederick hill


level 1

Frederick hill

67 888


level 1

67 888

level 3

Marc rameriz


level 3

Marc rameriz


level 1

Sandra little

100.00 100.00

level 1

Sandra little

100.00 100.00

level 3 level 3

Pam little



level 3

Pam little



level 3


level 3

Chris dawson


500.00 220.00

level 3

Chris dawson


500.00 220.00





Who were some of the people you were inflence by or inspired by? Well lets see! when i first started my journey i was about 18 teen i was inspired by Perry Miller who also know as Master P. He was every thing I wanted to be,especially when it came to being a bissness man with a plan and that was what I also wanted to be to. he vision was No limit! Perry miller also started multiple avenues that lead to more income. for P Miller. In the summer of 1996 i was living in tampa fla. at this time, when i realize that if i wanted to be successful i was going to have to go and get it, you know make my own path like he did.

Monstaperneaus was born on April 29, 1970 in New Orleans. He used money from a malpractice settlement to open No Limit Records, a store which became a label. His artists crowded the hip-hop charts in the late 90s and Master P expanded his empire into film, sports management, and socially conscious rap. In 1998, Forbes ranked him 10th on its list of highest-grossing entertainers ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus

Sam Walton was born on March 29, 1918, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Walton opened the first Wal-Mart in 1962, after years in the retail management business. The discount chain expanded internationally over the next 30 years, growing into the world’s largest company by 2010. Walton stepped down as CEO in 1988, at the age of 70, but remained active in the company until his death in

Born in New York City on October 4, 1957, Russell Simmons began promoting New York City musicians in his early 20s. He partnered with Rick Rubin to create Def Jam Records, and signed artists like the Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Public Enemy and RunD.M.C. He later sold his stake in Def Jam to Universal Music Group for $100 million. In addition to his music career

how was you able to manage 10 employes and work to jobs? I was able to manage my life because I knew what i was trying to aechieve so each day i would get up at 6 30 every morning than i would go to my first job, i would work from 7 oclock am until 4.30 pm and then i would head done the street to my second job. i would only work this job three days out of the week, and it was only 5 hours. so i would get off work ay 10 30 pm


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