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Chapter I: Project Overview 1. Project Background 2. Introduction to the Project 3. Analysis of Feasibility and necessity 4. Main Economical and Eechnical Indicators of the Project 5. Preparation of Feasibility Report Chapter II: Introduction to the Project Construction Unit Chapter III: Market Analysis 1. Analysis of the Market Environment 2. Market Situation and Analysis of the Demand Prospect 3. Market demand forecasting 4. Summary of the Market Analysis Chapter IV: Introduction to the Product 1. Product Overview 2. Product Features Chapter V: Technical Crafts 1. Introduction to the Technical Proposal 2. Technical Route www.qyresearchglobal.com
Chapter VI: Project Location Selection 1. Project Location Selection 2. Project Construction Overview Chapter VII: Project Construction Plan 1. Engineering Layout 2. Design Basis 3. Project Land Planning 4. Indicators of the Land Planning Chapter VIII: Energy Conservation and Water Conservation 1. Preparation Basis 2. Energy Conservation Methods 3. Water-Saving Methods Chapter IX: Environmental Protection 1. Analysis of the Environmental Impact During Construction Period and Protection Methods 2. Analysis of the Environmental Impact During Operating Period and Protection Methods 3. Comprehensive Evaluation of the Environmental Protection www.qyresearchglobal.com
Chapter X: Professional Safety, Healthcare and Fire Fighting of the Project 1. Safety and Healthcare (1) Design Basis (2) Analysis of the Risk Factors (3) Methods of Safety and Healthcare 2. Fire Protection Design (1) Design Basis (2) Fire Protection Design (3) Fire Control Methods (4) Fire Fighters Chapter XI: Project Construction Progress 1. Project Implementation Stages (1) Previous Works (2) Financing Arrangements (3) Survey, Design and Order of the Equipment (4) Construction Preparation (5) Civil Construction (6) Completion and Acceptance www.qyresearchglobal.com
2. Project Implementation Schedule Chapter XII: Investment Estimation and Financing 1. Investment Estimation Ranges 2. Investment Estimation 3. Financing Chapter XIII: Financial Evaluation 1. Basic Assumptions 2. Income and Cost Estimation (1) Forecast of Income and Taxes (2) Total Cost Forecast 3. Analysis of Profitability 4. Summary of the Financial Evaluation Chapter IXV: Comprehensive Evaluation of the Project If you need IPO Feasibility Reports of any products in any industries, please contact Mr. Tan: 13718936094 or bd@qyresearch.com. If need more information please visit: http://www.qyresearchglobal.com/article-1043.html