Qyresearch the global jigsaw puzzle industry has reached the revenue of approximately 658 46 milion

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QYR Research Report Market Survey and Research Industry Analysis


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QYResearch Jigsaw Puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of often oddly shaped interlocking and tessellating pieces. Each piece usually has a small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture. In some cases more advanced types have appeared on the market, such as spherical jigsaws and puzzles showing optical illusions.



According to QYResearch, The global Jigsaw Puzzle industry has reached the revenue of

approximately 658.46 milion USD in 2016. The top three brand owners are Disney, Ravensburger, Tenyo, with global revenue market share as 2.55%, 2.82% and 3.06% in 2016.

At present, in developed countries, the whole Jigsaw Puzzle industry is generally at a more

advanced level. The highest value-added of Jigsaw Puzzle industry is R & D design. This part is

captured by US, EU and Japan brand owner. However, foreign companies’ manufacturing cost is relatively higher, compared with Chinese companies. The world's largest production area is

concentrated in USA. USA is a major Jigsaw Puzzle producer. It is estimated that about 29% of Jigsaw Puzzle worldwide is made in USA.



Competition in the global Jigsaw Puzzle market is intensifying. The high-end of the market is dominated by foreign enterprises while local brands are the mainstay in the medium- to lowend segments of the market. Practically all international toy giants have established their own factories on the mainland or collaborated with local manufacturers to engage in production. Most of the major international toy enterprises have also made their inroads into the China mainland market by way of appointing sales agents or setting up their own marketing operations there.

Full Report Link: http://www.qyresearchglobal.com/goods-1090081.html


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