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Hair by Elaine Mobile ladies and gents

Planning Matters


Applications Received from North East Derbyshire District Council:

22/00996/FL : Mr. N. Horsley – Springwood Farm, Cowley Lane, Holmesfield – Retrospective planning application for new farm access and track (affecting a Public Right of Way (Amended Plan). NO COMMENT

23/00186/FLH : Mr. & Mrs. Oates – Grange Farm, Cowley Lane, Holmesfield –Proposed roof canopy to rear of existing garage (affecting setting of a listed building). NO COMMENT

Determinations Made by North East Derbyshire District Council:

22/01184/TCN56 : Electrcommunications Mast 34582 – Fanshaw Gate Lane –Prior Notification for a proposed 5G telecoms installation including the removal of the existing 15m tree mast, 4 cabinets and associated ancillary equipment. Installation of a replacement 23.3m monopole supporting 4 antennas, 3 equipment cabinets and associated ancillary equipment. REFUSED


22/00574/FL : Ms. Wordsworth – Land South of Little Chatsworth Cottages, Millthorpe Lane, Holmesfield – Change of use from agriculture to dog exercise and training facility. Planning Committee to sit on 21st March 2023.

Police Report To Parish Council

A written report was received, for the February 2023 Parish Council meeting. There were three crimes, including 1 incident of theft, 1 criminal damage, and 1 burglary.

Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 12th April from 7.30pm in the Committee Room at Holmesfield Village Hall on Vicarage Close. All are welcome to attend.

The Parish Electors Meeting will take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at 6.30pm followed by the Annual Meeting at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend.

Holmesfield Neighbourhood Watch

A Neighbourhood Watch meeting will be held on Monday 3rd April, 8pm to 9pm in Holmesfield Village Hall. Everyone welcome!

Please contact Sally Marples-Shaw if you have any questions: Tel: 07930 430044 – Email: sallyannms@icloud.com

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