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Events - Coming Soon!
Check the Holston online calendar for a full listing of future events.
Teaching & Preaching Lent 2023 w/Adam Hamilton
February 2 Online 0.1 CEUs
Adam Hamilton will give practical advice on how you can have the greatest impact during the Lenten season. He will also preview his new Lenten study, Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws, exploring the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke. Through Luke’s stories we find Jesus’ care and compassion for all as he welcomes sinners and outcasts
Let Them Come to Me: Children in Worship
February 13 Online 1.5 CEUs
The value of generations worshiping together is becoming more clear. This course will explore the place of children in congregational worship and offer practical suggestions for successfully including children in the worshiping community as well as teaching children about the elements of worship.
Doing Ministry in Innovative Ways: Casting our nets on the right side of the boat
February 16 Online 0.1 CEUs
During this session, Dr. Michael Bowie, Jr., will share steps and ideas about how we can lead our congregations to cast nets on the other side of the boat, creating enthusiasm and ministry in ways unimagined before.
(W)Holy Faith: The Contemplative Life
February 20-April 3 Online 1.5 CEUs
This class will provide an overview of the definition, intention, and benefits of regular contemplative practices. It will explore how these practices can build and sustain our awareness of God’s presence and creative action, inspiring and nurturing a faith rooted in curiosity, wonder, and a desire to let go of our false selves.
Forging a New Path – Moving the Church Forward in a Post-Pandemic World
February 21 Online 0.1 CEUs
In this webinar, Rebekah Simon-Peter, author of Forging a New Path will discuss questions that people in churches across the country are having. When do things go back to normal? How do we get people (back) to church? How do we do more with less?
Biblical Women, Lenten Longing, and 21st Century Lives
February 20 - March 31 Online 3.0 CEUs
In this course, learners will look at a selection of unnamed women in the Bible through the lens of longing – for Wisdom, for Life, and for Mercy. They will look at wise (and foolish) women in II Samuel and Matthew, at dying (and living) daughters in Judges and Mark, and at compassionate (and merciless) women in I Kings and the gospels.
In the process, learners will search for ways they, too, can be wise, fully alive, and merciful.
Making the Most of Easter
February 23 Online 0.3 CEUs
Easter is a great opportunity to offer hope, fun and encouragement to families across your community. As you prepare, The Resurrection ShareChurch Ministry Team is ready to help with ideas, lessons and tips we’ve found can make or break this major outreach opportunity. Whether you’re looking for new ideas or have events already in the works, we’ll offer guidance on communicating effectively with people in your community who don’t go to church, effectively engaging with families and maximizing the number who return.
Convocation 2023: Praying Together
February 27 - March 1 Pigeon Forge, TN 2.0 CEUs
Register now to attend this month’s exciting Ministers’ Convocation event. Hear inspiring plenary messages on prayer, experience moving worship and music, and enjoy fellowship with your clergy colleagues. Full brochure appears at the end of this newsletter.
Even More Ways to Effectively Communicate with Your Church & Community
February 28 Online 0.1 CEUs
In this session, Kevin Slimp will look deeper at ways to effectively communicate to the church and outside the walls of the church through topics such as: methods of communications, improving the design of Information sent out from the church, what people want to hear from their church, things we often forget to communicate with our congregations, and technology to improve communication at all size congregations.
2023 Technology Updates for Your Ministry
February 28 Online 0.1 CEUs
Are your ministry’s computer keeping up with all you have to do? Is important information secure – like donor and employee personal information? Are you sure?
Join UMC Support’s IT expert Josh Wallin as he guides us through important computer updates for 2023 – and learn how the power to update your computer may already be in your control.
PeoplePortal User Instructions
(Includes directions for submitting CEU requests)