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Events - Coming Soon!

Check the Holston online calendar for a full listing of future events.

The Non-Anxious Leader: Family Systems Basics

July 5 - August 1 Online 3.0 CEUs

Effective leadership depends on being able to separate your personal anxieties from the issues that affect your church or organization. Learn why understanding your own family of origin is the key to effective leadership, what you can do to grow in this capacity, and the most important characteristic of effective leaders.

Caring With Compassion: First Responders and Their Families

July 10 - August 26 Online 1.0 CEUs

First responders and their families need support and advocates in local communities, and this course is designed to guide clergy as they learn how to provide this encouragement.

From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon

July 10-21 Online 0.1 CEUs

This course is for preachers who have completed the basic preaching course but want to increase their preparation for a variety of situations with a variety of sermon types. It will guide participants in developing a sermon in advance and give them an opportunity to practice it in a group, without the worry of trying it out in front of their congregation for the first time!

Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century

July 10-23 Online 1.0 CEUs

Older adults often play leading roles in our congregations. This course offers a rich learning experience that includes knowing more about the aging process and the developmental stages of midlife and older adulthood to help us best shape our ministry.

Let Them Come to Me: Children in Worship

July l0-29 Online 1.3 CEUs

This course will explore the place of children in congregational worship and offer practical suggestions for successfully including children in the worshiping community as well as teaching children about the elements of worship.

A Day w/the Bishop: Black Methodists Matter

July 15 Alcoa, TN 0.5 CEUs


Worship and Spiritual Renewal

Community Building

Leadership Development

Advocacy and Social Justice

Building Bridges of Racial Reconciliation

Leaders: Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett, Rev. Sharon Bowers, Rev. Dr. Candace Lewis, Rev. Brian Tillman, Rev. Annette Warren and others

7 Ways to Increase Engagement in Your Hybrid Worship

July 20 Online 0.2 CEUs

Join us Thursday, July 20 at 3:00 pm as Jason Moore, author of BOTH/AND and Telling the Old Story in a New Way, teaches us 7 concrete ways to increase engagement in hybrid worship. As engagement increases, so does relationships, and that is where we, as a church, can make a difference in people's lives.

Fractured Ground: A Book Study Exploring Mass Trauma

July 24 - August 4 Online 1.0 CEUs

What do you say to your church when violence, natural disaster, or disease raises questions about where God is to be found during tragedy?

Fractured Ground, a book study that explores communication following mass trauma, will be your guide whether you are speaking from the pulpit, to the press and public, or to I ndividuals facing these circumstances.

Helping Others Grow through Their Grieving

August 7 - September 9 Online 1.0 CEUs

Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss. The 4-week course will share a book study based on Understanding Your Grief by Alan D. Wolfelt, PhD, an educator and grief counselor who has written 50 books on grieving. Learners will share their experiences of counseling the grieving as they study the insights and lived experience of Dr Wolfelt, through his book.

Practices to Grow the Mission of the Small Church

August 10 Online 0.1 CEUs

Small churches are not “downsized” versions of large churches. What works for the megachurch might not work for the smaller church. This session is focused on churches with 25, 50, or 100 in attendance. Blake Bradford and Kay Kotan, authors of Mission Possible, will be focused on your congregation and your mission.

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