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Caroline Chouler-Tissier
New Skin
Blown, hand-cut, fire-polished clear glass and stoneware clays
25 x 24cm
My fire-polished glass work has its origins in pandemic experimental work at the beginning of MA Ceramics and Glass RCA 2020, working with heated and distorted waxed recycled plastics. The blown and hand cut glass that followed lockdown explores the disruption and restrictions of the period and New Skin explores these difficult emotional experiences.
Embracing vulnerability within the process of firepolishing and distorting cut glass, I draw on the life-changing experience of loss and the rawness of grief.
My use of extruded clay to hold the glass speaks of a connection with landscape as a supportive presence in life.
Emily Crookshank
Dragon Heart
Fused ceramic sculpture with stoneware glaze on Scottish whinstone 35 x 26 x 27cm
When the music played the mountain changed the sound crept under its skin made the mountain strong became the mountain song. Mountain Song