Charlotte Fraser Ceramics & Glass Prize

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Revised 2 August 2022

Charlotte Fraser Ceramics & Glass Prize Shortlisted Works 2022

Exhibition Saturday 23rd – Sunday 31st July 10am-5pm St Andrew’s Church Church Street Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6BB Enquiries James Glennie (0)779 9307437 Please support the artists and festival by buying a piece

WINNER Jennifer Amon Blue Landscape Vessel 36 x 28cm Hand built/coiled and pinched from black stoneware clay, with oxide slip and glaze.

Emma Blount Cley Bird Glass Painted Table Lamp

Featuring glass paintings of: 1 A heron with Cley Mill; 2 A black capped gull on Cley beach; 3 Pink footed geese flying over Cley marshes and 4 Avocets in Cley marshes

Glass painting, kiln-fired onto glass Wooden table lamp frame - electrically lit with bulb and electric cable Whole lamp 49.3 x 22.5 x 22.5cm Wooden table lamp made by Norfolk boat builder John Caschere. In each of the four faces is framed a glass painting depicting a bird within a scene of Cley. The glass is painted by hand using traditional stained glass paints and then fuse fired onto the glass in a kiln. Glass jewels and glass shards are glued onto the glass. Glass painting scenes: 1. A heron and Cley Mill 2. A black capped gull on Cley beach 3. Pink footed geese flying over Cley marshes 4. Avocets in Cley marshes


Helen Breach The Boulder Glazed ceramic 20 x 15 x 17cm The Boulder - Free-standing sculptural glazed ceramic. The Boulder worn over eons by wind, sand and rain - the elements, as in ancient mythology, represented by the hidden faces within the boulder formation.


Rose Brettingham Partridge Ceramic 8 x 5.5cm

Judith Campbell Chemise Porcelain paper clay slip 12 x 12cm

Stephanie Carlton Thrown gold lidded jar Stoneware with 23.5ct gold leaf 10 x 10.5cm Thrown lidded lar with abstract landscape and gilded lid.

Chi-Son Chang Pair of Dragon scale Easter Eggs Glass blowing/Dichroic 21 x 14cm each I loved researching dichroic glass when I still was a student in UK. This unpredictability keeps me observing! Try to think up with solution to work this glass, making guesstimation on how to repeat process; I also enjoy the sensitivity and randomness of dichroic glass. This dragon scale project happened in Macau, I dreamed up the process to create a reptile scale pattern using a pineapple mold. Making the best out of dichroic reaction, shift from one colour to the next and managing translucency changing to opaque at the same time. Applying scale texture onto a traditional Easter egg form.

Jan Crombie From ‘The Island’ 15 x 12 x 12cm A fictional animalistic figure sits in a human-like pose in a world of its own. A wide-ranging personal mythology is a vehicle for figures that become metaphors for current wider social issues. This creature is one of characters from a series loosely titled The Island.

Clare Cummins Shouldered vessel with bent neck White earthenware with various oxides 31 x 13cm


Malakai Fox Wreck Stoneware 7 x 28cm Exploring the push and pull between humans and nature, This piece strives to capture nature reclaiming traces of humanity left behind and impart a sense of beauty in the process, and a sense of menace in that beauty.

Beatrice Galletley Order and Chaos Ceramics, glazed stoneware 21 x 27 x 58cm Rules, borders, and boundaries are good; they create order and calm. However, how can one ever grow if we do not push boundaries and categories? We need to challenge, question and develop. Disorder can bring clarity, new answers, and new beginnings. It is not so much disorder; it is about stepping out of what we know into new order and new understanding. It is essential to reconfigure and readjust our perception of objects, the world and in turn ourselves.


Eliza Gooden Still Here Clay 13 x 8 x 8.5cm Ceramic slip cast/white glaze Fuelled by childhood memories, health issues and the climate crisis; at its centre, my practice has the Artist’s Joke. A child of the 70s, I grew up at a time when anything seemed possible, the internet was an idea and plastic was bright and shiny; a signpost for fun. Now a mother and grandmother, my practice is reflective, process rich; weighted with a good pinch of concern, for the next generation. It picks apart personal trauma, confronting my biomorphic feelings about the human form, following bilateral mastectomies for cancer in my 30s. It explores motherhood and loss of breast milk. Resolved works are shiny, tactile, familiar, 3D sculptures; inviting the viewer to juxtapose internal dialogue with the Anthropocene.


Jemma Gowland Death of Childhood Porcelain with gold lustre 27 x 15 x 14cm for figure, with two extra small blocks to be placed nearby 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5cm My work explores the way that girls are constrained from birth to conform to an appearance and code of behaviour, to present a perfect face, and maintain the expectations of others. Increasingly the online environment is dictating how children interact with the world. Toys are put aside in favour of apps, the tablet is the new way to ensure they are ‘seen and not heard’.


Alison Henry Earthform X Clay 26 x 24 x 20cm Earthform X is the last in a series of ten organic forms which emerged via an intuitive response to the discrete properties of a number of different clays, the final forms offering subtle differentiation in colour, texture and mood in their pure, fired state.


Susan Isaac Open Cast I 31 x 26 x 25cm Wood fired stoneware head in an inclined, contemplative pose, with iron oxide stains used inside and out. This piece references themes of ageing, memory and of mining landscapes.


Elizabeth Jackson Beginning to Nestle Stoneware and Parian No more than 60cm in any direction This piece follows on from my series very interesting thoughts to think, a series of compositions produced using ceramic components taken from my library of things. The series was driven by a process of gathering words, abstract objects, everyday objects, colours, gestures and a continually growing set of questions. Through intuitive making I explored these gathered things, a process of translating words and objects into clay to produce components for my library. Looking back at this library I chose to further explore the chains and the types of things that might rest in them.


Sarah Jenkins Pale Sky Vessel Ceramic with 23ct gold leaf 30 x 20cm Vessel with gold leaf interior


Sarah Jenkins Twilight Bluff Ceramic 25 x 22.5cm Ceramic form with small lidded chamber

Hassina Khan Hold & Be Held 15 x 29 x 24.5cm Glass My work concerns issues around identity and bi-raciality, exploring my experiences of straddling different cultures and the challenges of navigating in-between-ness. Using transliterated text – English words written in Urdu characters – the work offers words of encouragement and affirmation that are intended to resonate with the viewer regardless of their background. Hold and be held asks the viewer to consider we hold on to and what we choose to let go; what binds us to our communities and links us to wider society; and what we each need to feel safe and connected.


Sogon Kim Submarine Glass 29 x 28 x 9cm The point that topographical and celestial figures meet is where I feel a sense of awe. Geoscience always inspires me. I imagine the terrain above the landscapes, below the landscapes and beyond the landscapes during the process of casting.


Julie Light The Mites Glass (Pâte de Verre) and copper nails 18 x 38 x 26cm (variable dimensions) The Mites are inspired by the microscopic creatures that live within our households, our constant companions and consumers of our dead skin and organic waste. Here they appear as massively magnified vessels, potentially able to swallow vast quantities of our detritus and yet still not big enough to contain everything we discard. Each of The Mites is formed of a Pâte de Verre shell using an unusual technique that allows the creation of pate de verre forms with narrow openings, and with inclusions and other decoration fused in the kiln directly to the exterior surface.


Keri Lowe Sea & Tea White stoneware clay Height 17cm Wheel thrown teapot in white stoneware decorated with a hand carved (sgraffito’d) design featuring whales in black underglaze. Finished with a clear transparent glaze to sgraffito and interior and a Blue Rutile Glaze to exterior.

Henrietta MacPhee Orange Slices Painted and glazed ceramic 40 x 24 x 13cm each The colour of summer, two large orange slices hand built in clay. Painted and glazed to look entertaining in scale, realistic and refreshing in appearance.


Emma Marks Autumn on Earth Glazed terracotta with slip 15 x 13 x 10cm I use my practice to explore new approaches to making and being in the world. Inspired by the urgent need to readdress our relationships with the morethan-human world, I use vessel-making as a microcosm to asks what happens if we tread with more sensuality, curiosity and humility? I work intuitively in terracotta and porcelain by building up repetitive actions with clay that develop into texture and ultimately sculptural vessel-like forms. I then work with the surface, slips and glazes to accentuate the traces of these encounters.


Rebeca Maxiniuc Untitled (stacked vases) Clay and glaze 12 x 14cm Hand-thrown mini vases stacked and stuck together with cobalt glaze. My very first experimental test of my “stacking vases” project.


Annie McAlister-Dilks North Norfolk Tide Line: Razor Clam Shell Vases Clay 2 pieces 11 x 7cm 3 pieces 24 x 8cm 5-piece ceramic installation based on the idea of razor clam shells found on the costal tide lines. They are made as wrapped slab pots using white grogged porcelain body burnished and bisque fired to 920°, subsequently smoke fired in wood and paper with copper sulphate, salt, seaweed & sea lavender (foraged from north Norfolk beaches), copper wire and copper sulphate-soaked silk strips, finally polished with microcrystalline wax. [The materials in front of the works are not included in the entry.]

Stephen Murfitt Tall Yellow Vessel Raku ceramic 51 x 23cm Hand-built and Raku fired ceramic vessel


Florence North Mayan Portrait I Fused Glass 27 x 27cm


Jade Pinell Conceal Cast glass 22 x 17 x 12cm Core casting technique. Satin and polished surfaces.


Verity Pulford Studies in Grey and Yellow Glass Diameter 57cm Pâte de Verre technique. Inspired by macro structures in lichen and algae.


Pamela Schomberg Englebert Jug Stoneware 31 x 21cm As a child I was fascinated by the ancient artefacts in our local museum. And still the craft of past cultures colours my style and influences the development of my work. As a potter you feel you know what you are making, but things can change dramatically from when going into a kiln to coming out after firing. Nothing is ever quite as expected, there is always a surprise when the kiln door opens. My jug is hand built in stoneware. Rolled out slabs of clay are marked, squeezed and stretched into shape. Colour introduced with oxides, glazes, gold, platinum.


C R Smith Remnants of Summer Porcelain sculpture 8.5 x 6cm Memories of summer encapsulated in a hand built porcelain sculpture.


Pat Southwood Ginza Nights Ceramic 48 x 13cm Ginza Nights is an abstracted response to the reflections of the city lights on a very wet evening in Tokyo.

Nessie Stonebridge Headshot Heartdrive II (two mute swans & a dog) Ceramic sculpture 36 x 25 x 18cm My sculptures come from the earth, they are drawn up from the soil and from the energy that is produced from the ground. I feel a massive urge to produce work that I can feel and hold and form; it becomes part of me and my deep emotional bond with Mother Nature. The grabbing of clay in its raw state and with no initial idea of where the clay was going to be placed, formed or created, the energy in my hands produced the work. I was just the tool to be used for its own creation. The Hunter hangs the head of his kill like a trophy showing off his marksmanship adorning himself or his home for his own ego; glorifying the kill. ...the bigger the antlers the bigger the trophy. I see my sculptures as trophies with the creatures around my head as adornments as the hunters adorn themselves with the kill. My work seeks to glorify them for their life and their freedom to be wild. Held aloft with the wildlife and the environment that surrounds me and the fragile nature that I stand upon.


Sarah Strachan Becoming III & IV Stoneware 20 x 40 x 40cm Becoming is a series of ceramic sculptures inspired by research into European native oysters and their capability to switch between male and female many times throughout their lifetime. For me working with a clay vessel is reciprocal, any touch on the inside manifests itself on the outside and these emergent ceramic forms allude to this and the role of touch in the transition of protandrous alternating hermaphrodites like oysters and slipper limpets.


Dr Chimene Taylor Layers Glass 13 x 18cm Wooden float frame My inspiration comes from nature. I love working with layers and texture. This piece was done using a non-traditional Pâte de Verre technique where I fuse glass powders. I embellished this piece with glass frit which reflects the light in contrast with the more solid matte background.


Erica Tung Drift II Ceramics and glass 35 x 7 x 12cm Two Parian porcelain and one glass sculpture, placed on hand sanded Parian porcelain plinth). Drawing inspiration from the glass casting technique called Pâte de Verre, her project comprises a series of sintered Parian porcelain and glass sculptures. Each is placed on polished ceramic surfaces creating opposing materialities that explore notions of fragility, density, serendipity, and skill.


Katrina Wheeler You Crack Me Up Egg tempera on Italian gesso board 24 x 17cm

Bethany Wood Rock Extract – Molten Landscape ORE Blown glass Height 27cm Multidisciplinary artist, Bethany has begun to merge her two artistic passions, painting and glass making to create a series of Blown Glass Sculptures. “I have extracted the colours and compositions from my coastal photography/paintings and have executed them within my new series of Molten Landscapes, titled Rock Extract. Metal and mineral extracts play a particularly important part in creating glass colour, the metallic colours in my collection represent metals which can be extracted from rock. Conceptually the healing properties of stones/rocks can bring a sense of peace and calmness which is very apt in my mind-set with developing this collection.”


Mary Wyatt Dancer Ceramic 45 x 33 x 16cm My ceramic sculptures explore shape and balance and the human figure in suspended movement. This sculpture is glaze fired in a raku kiln.

Muna Zuberi Silken Thread Fused, painted glass slabs, red thread 17 x 60 x 55cm The #metoo movement has highlighted the widespread prevalence of sexual violence towards women and empowered individuals to raise and speak about their experiences. It is a movement that is driven by empathy and solidarity between women – who are joined by the silken thread of common experience. The female figures in the six fused and painted slabs watch and challenge the viewer. The red silken thread joins them and reminds the viewer that an attack on one is an attack on all. It will not be forgotten, indeed it will be challenged and action taken.


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