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Faculty & College updates
Strategic planning
The College has constructed a strategic plan and presented it to the Board of Trustees in October. Monica Markovich, Vice President for Finance, Andrew Polaniecki, Dean and Vice President of Student Life, and JudeAnne Hastings, Associate Vice President for Communications and Development led and coordinated the effort. College President Rev. David T. Tyson, C.S.C., served as an ex officio member of the committee. The steering committee consisted of a select group of faculty and staff members asked to think innovatively and strategically. David Wantz, Ph.D., President & CEO for the Independent Colleges of Indiana, assisted the College as an outside consultant available as needed during the strategic planning process that happened over the summer. The plan will be shared with the entire Holy Cross College community in January.
Student Success Team
On July 1, 2021, the newly formed Student Success Team began their work to help retention efforts at the College. This team, led by Brother Bill Zaydak, C.S.C., will bring together the key areas of advising, retention, mentoring, and career development. In addition to those already serving in those areas, Catherine Ficker will be joining this team.
Role changes
In July, Anthony Monta, Ph.D., become Dean of the College, and Michael Griffin, Ph.D., Interim Provost. Justin Watson, Ph.D., who has been committed to the College for twenty-six years as a faculty member and part of the College administration, has been appointed the Brother John Driscoll Distinguished Professor of the Liberal Arts and will continue to advise on matters of accreditation and assessment. Much thanks to Justin for his leadership and years of service. David Lutz, Ph.D., will redirect his efforts from Dean of Faculty to full-time teaching. We are thankful for his last four years of service in his capacity as dean.
Holy Cross College is undergoing realignment in the academic division, and will be expanding the responsibilities of the Registrar’s Office. Registrar Hiroko Harrison will assume increased responsibilities and play an increased strategic role that align with those roles rightly associated with her office as Registrar. Emily (David) Rauch begins her role as the Director of Academic Advising and Assistant to the Dean of the College this fall, and will work closely with Registrar Harrison and Dean Monta in operationalizing the academic goals of the College.
Mary Merrill, Assistant Professor Mathematics, and librarian Mary Ellen Hegedus both retired at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Mary Merrill started at the College in 2005 and Mary Ellen Hegedus began her career in 1996. Dorene Muszer with the Office of Student Accounts, retired on September 30, 2021, after 25 years of service to Holy Cross College. We appreciate all their years with Holy Cross College, and wish them all the best in their next journey.
Campus changes
Holy Cross College is excited to welcome several new faces to campus. Please join us in welcoming these new members to the Holy Cross community and find their bio information on our website at hcc-nd.edu:
Maureen Bielinski, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow – Philosophy
Matthew Cloud
Professor of the Practice, Computer Science
Matthew Greene
Associate Director of Admissions
Mark Kettler, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor of History
Carolyn Kitz
Director of Student Activities
Juan Maldonado
Student Success Coordinator
Elaine Mokrzan, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
Clyde Ray, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Politics
Several members of our team have undergone some title changes. We are excited to announce the following changes:
Catherine Ficker from Admissions Counselor to the Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Advisor. Rick Gonsiorek from Associate Director of Admissions to the Director of Financial Aid.
Eric Mammolenti from Enterprise Application Administrator to Assistant Director of Information Technology.
Colin McNamara from Admissions Counselor to Director of Admissions.
Marie Oliva from COVID Response Coordinator to Housing and Residence Life Coordinator.
Zhutian Zhang from Instructor in Chemistry to Lecturer.