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• if there was a fundamental error in the decision-making process, then the student must specifically describe the error and provide clear and accurate evidence; • if there is new relevant information available now that was not available when the student’s academic performance was being evaluated, then the student must provide that information together with clear and accurate verification; • if one or more of the grades received was an inconsistent reflection of the student’s performance in light of course expectations, then the student must specifically state the course(s) and grade(s) in question. The student must specifically explain the inconsistencies and provide clear and accurate evidence. Then, with this information the student must follow the procedure for appealing a grade.
The student must compose a detailed plan for success that includes strategies for time management, discipline, motivation, and using campus resources. The plan should also list a preliminary schedule for the next semester and goals for each course.
The student must submit the appeal in writing to the Provost. The appeal must be sent within five (5) days of the date of the dismissal letter. The appeal must be sent by e-mail (followed up by a phone call) to the Provost, who will forward the appeal and supporting information to the dismissal appeals committee. Within twenty (20) days of receipt of the student’s appeal, the Provost will email the student with the decision of the dismissal appeals committee.
If, while a given semester is in session, a student determines that it is necessary to withdraw from the College, the student must notify his or her academic advisor. Notification may be by email or letter. This procedure ensures that the student is properly advised pertinent to the withdrawal process, the effect on the tuition and other fees, readmission process, etc. Students who receive financial aid are strongly urged to discuss the implications of their withdrawal with the Director of Financial Aid. Students who withdraw for any reason follow the same refund policy as students who are dismissed from the College or decide to leave housing voluntarily.
In extremely rare cases, an administrative withdrawal from the College may be merited. An administrative withdrawal must be approved by the Provost prior to the end of the semester. The student must initiate the process by first meeting with his or her academic advisor. The academic advisor will encourage the student to consult with other college support services to discuss options and then instruct the student that a formal request for an administrative withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the Provost. After careful consideration of input from college officials, the Provost may determine that a compelling case exists to approve the student’s administrative withdrawal from the College.
Upon approval, the student will be directed to contact the Registrar and complete a college withdrawal form. Grades of “W” will be assigned for each class in which the student was enrolled, effective the last day of the semester. The administrative withdrawal applies to all of the student’s classes including classes in which the student could have received credit. If the student does not complete the college withdrawal form, the grades assigned by each instructor will be recorded. If the student anticipates returning to the College in the future, he or she needs to submit an Application for Readmission.