3 minute read

Who We Are Contributors

















1 MAURA SULLIVAN HILL is a freelance writer and editor who has written for the Notre Dame Alumni Association, Loyola Magazine and Impact, the research magazine of Brown University. 2 MARYBETH REILLY-MCGREEN ’89 is an award-winning content strategist and writer for the University of Rhode Island. The author of three books on the history and folklore of Rhode Island, she is working on her fourth. 3 MEREDITH FIDROCKI is a freelance writer who graduated from Bates College with a degree in English and French. 4 LORI FERGUSON is a freelance writer with a soft spot for education and art. 5 SANDRA GITTLEN is a freelance journalist in the greater Boston area. She writes on higher education, technology and health issues. 6 BILL DOYLE is a freelance writer who covered sports for the Worcester Telegram & Gazette for 40 years. 7 ERICA MCCRYSTAL ’08 is an assistant professor in the education and mathematics department at Centenary University. In her podcast, Villains 101, she analyzes iconic literary and film villains from various critical perspectives. 8 REBECCA (TESSITORE) SMITH ’99 and 9 KIMBERLY (OSBORNE) STALEY ’99 are former Holy Cross roommates who have been writing for HCM and other College publications for more than 15 years. They work together at their freelance writing firm, SmithWriting.


10 JOHN BUCKINGHAM is a member of the College’s Audio-Visual Services Department and has worked as a videographer, video editor, graphic designer and photographer for many projects, groups and campus activities. 11 ZOE COHEN is a video production specialist and editor who graduated from Clark University. 12 LIZ MILLER is the social media manager for College Marketing and Communications. 13 MICHAEL QUIET is a Boston-based sports and fitness photographer whose recent clients include Adidas, UFC, Reebok, Muscle and Fitness Magazine, the New England Revolution and more. 14 ADAM ROSS has enjoyed a fascination with photography from a young age. They are thrilled and honored to help document alumni who have made such lasting, positive impacts in the city over the course of the pandemic. 15 MATTHEW WRIGHT is a Worcester-based photographer and videographer.


16 THE HOLY CROSS ARCHIVES AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS TEAM is comprised of Abby Stambach, head of archives and special collections; Sarah Campbell, assistant archivist; and Corinne Gabriele, archival assistant. Archives collects, preserves, arranges and describes records of permanent value from the College’s founding in 1843 to the present. We couldn’t put together an issue without their historical research and context, as well as the access to archival images and objects.

Have you published a book? Went back to school? Found your calling? Saw the world? Started a business? Got married? Had a baby? Started your first job? Finished your last job? Whatever you’ve been up to, we’d like to know about it.

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