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Certain program requirements may be waived because of prior experience or coursework taken by the student. Requests for exemptions are submitted to the School Dean and approved by the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. An exemption does not reduce the number of credits required for the program.
Students register for courses on published dates (See the University’s website, www.holyfamily.edu). Those who register early will be billed and will pay tuition according to the billing dates specified each semester by the Business Office. Students who register near the starting date for classes will be expected to pay tuition at the time of registration. Classes are closed when maximum enrollment is reached. Additional sections of courses may/may not be made available during a given semester at the discretion of the School Dean.
Meetings with faculty advisors should take place regularly. Students should call the appropriate program office for an appointment with an advisor before completing registration in any given semester.
Students must be well prepared and attend classes regularly. Participation in class activities is an important part of the learning experience. The educational value of the course is enhanced by the ability of students and instructors to share insights and experiences.
Course Cancellations
Holy Family University will make every effort to meet the academic needs of each graduate student by offering courses outlined in the catalog in a timely manner. However, the University reserves the right to change or cancel, without notice or obligation, any course offering and/or location published in the academic schedule because of insufficient enrollment or for any other reason. Cancellation can occur up to and including the first week of class.
Course Load
For financial aid purposes, a full-time course load for master’s degree students is a minimum of six graduate credit hours per semester and for doctoral degree students is a minimum of six doctoral credit hours per semester. A half-time course load is ordinarily three credits per semester for master’s degree students and three doctoral credit hours per semester for doctoral degree students. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for Summer session requirements.
Master’s courses are numbered in the 500s and 600s to reflect academic progression in the graduate program curriculum. Faculty advisors answer questions concerning course sequences as they relate to each program. Post-Master’s and Doctoral courses are numbered 700-900.
Course Schedules
Current information is available through Self-Service which is accessed via the University’s website. Course offerings for the Fall, Spring and Summer terms are available through Self-Service. Priority registration dates are listed on the Registrar’s webpage.
Credit for Courses
Three semester hours of credit are granted for completion of most graduate courses. For completion of one class hour per week for a 15-week session, one credit is given. Credits for each semester are indicated after the course description.
Drop/Add Adjustments
Registration adjustments, dropping or adding courses, may be made online using SelfService. Self-Service will not allow a student to drop to zero credits online. Total withdrawal from all courses must be made in writing through the Office of the Registrar. Students are personally responsible to initiate and complete drop/add adjustments. Drop/add adjustments will not be made after the date specified on the academic calendar. Once enrolled in a course, those students who never attend will be administratively withdrawn from the course. Enrollment adjustments may affect academic progress toward degree completion and/or financial aid status. It is the student’s responsibility to investigate the impact of registration adjustments on his or her continued academic progress and available funding.
Please note: Students in the Nursing, Criminal Justice and Counseling Psychology programs must have an advisor’s signature to drop or add courses.
Late Drop (Withdrawal) from a Course
After the published drop/add period ends, students may still change their enrollment in a course through the process of late drop (withdrawal). If necessary, a student may process a late drop (withdrawal) for a course up to one month before the beginning of the final examination period (Fall and Spring semesters) or one week before the end of Summer sessions. Forms for processing a late drop (withdrawal) from a course are available through the Office of the Registrar. Students are personally responsible to initiate and complete late drop adjustments. Students’ transcripts will show a W for all courses for which a late drop is processed.
Only in cases of documented illness or for other serious cause will the administration allow a change in enrollment without penalty after the late drop deadline published in the course brochure for a given semester. Appeals to the policy or deadline are to be made in writing and submitted with supporting documentation of cause to the Registrar. Such exceptions will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs.