April 2012

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Holy Family


April 2012

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Volume 17 Issue 8

The Days of the Holy Triduum Dear Holy Family Parishioners: We stand on the edge of the greatest days of the year, the days we call the Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Most Christians live their whole lives with a deep seated hope and awareness that when death finally comes life is changed, not ended. We hope for eternal life and we believe that our God is one who can give us eternal life. This deep seated belief and hope is grounded in the events we celebrate during these very holy days. Jesus was truly dead and Jesus is truly raised from the dead. Jesus promises that we who hope and believe in Him will have the same glorious life that He has before the throne of God the Father. These final days before Easter offer us a great opportunity to come together and thank our God for this consolation and hope that walks with us through life. How different our lives would be if we


did not have the experience of a Risen and Glorified Lord! Let us take the time out of our hectic lives and spend a few moments in appreciation and praise of the God who gives us such hope and


consolation. These days are not simply Thursday, Friday and Saturday but rather they are the days of the Holy Triduum and the days for us to come and give thanks for the wonder these days give to us both in this life and the next.


Come away and pray with the Lord who promises and gives us eternal life. Sincerely in the Holy Family,

Msgr. Gregory A. Gier, Rector


Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 1 April 2012 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204. 2

Notes from the Knightstand BY MARTIN REIDY

Comes again the Easter cross For our life His life was lost! What a price He had to pay Just so that we can go OUR way! Loose an hour, gain an hour! Wel-

(presumed fact). Many cultures

come the showers that bring forth

practiced the ordeal, some more

the flowers - as Easter is soon upon

than others though there is no evi-

us! According to the renowned Me-

dence that the Greeks did so, but it

dieval scholar, The Venerable Bede

is the Romans who not only utilized

(672-735) - though it is not known

but intensified its use. Most are

how he came by the sobriquet “The

aware, gratis Kirk Douglas, that

Venerable” and is a declared saint

Spartacus and some 6,000 fellow

since 1899) wrote extensively on the

slaves were crucified in 71 B.C. by

feast of Easter. It is his astute opin-

the Romans, being strung out for

ion that our word "Easter" is de-

some 200 km. along the Appian

rived from the name of a German

way. Travelers of the day reported

goddess, “Eostre,” who was cele-

that their agonizing cries haunt-

brated at this time of the year as

ingly echoed the Appian Way for

the Goddess of the Dawn, or Spring

several years. Crucifixion was first

Reborn. However, for us - for the

and foremost a statement to the ob-

most part - it is the Feast of the

servant (You do not want to do this!)

Resurrection of Jesus following His

rather than a means of execution,

crucifixion three days earlier.

per se. Death by crucifixion took any

Easter is THE feast of the church as

where from a few hours to ten days

we all know for were there no Res-

depending upon the condition and

urrection there would be no Chris-

stamina of the victim - though cruci-

tian religion. It defines Christians

fixion was not always an absolute

as who and what we are but, unfortunately, has become

fact. Occasionally the victim was appended by ropes for

so “sanitized” that is so

a set time of hours and

many ways it - the cruci-

then lowered to live an-

fixion - has become a word as opposed to an experience.

other day - though I do not know by what criteria this was done. Crucifixion was used mainly

The history of crucifixion is an-

for slaves and certain other sorts -

cient, stretching far into time past -

pirates, certain thieves, blasphem-

to the Babylonians (fact) and quite

ers (Jesus?), and sundry other of-

possibly even further into the past

(Continued on page 7)

Cathedral News deadlines: Please submit articles and announcements to the Cathedral News by the 15th of the month. Email mikemalcom@gmail.com or send your article to Mike Malcom at the parish office. 3

A Bishop’s Parable: The HHS Mandate BY


Thank you, Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the committee, for the opportunity to testify today. For my testimony today, I would like to tell a story Let's call it, “The Parable of the Kosher Deli.” Once upon a time, a new law is proposed so that any business that serves food must serve pork. There is a narrow exception for kosher catering halls attached to synagogues, since they serve mostly members of that synagogue, but kosher delicatessens are still subject to the mandate. The Orthodox Jewish community whose members run kosher delis and many other restaurants and grocers besides - expresses its outrage at the new government mandate. And they are joined by others who have no problem eating pork - not just the many Jews who eat pork but people of all faiths because these others recognize the threat to the principle of religious liberty. They recognize as well the practical impact of the damage to that principle, They know that, if the mandate stands, they might be the next ones forced - under threat of severe government sanction - to violate their most Bishop Lori of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, testified in February 2012 before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the US House of Representatives. His spoke in response to the recent contraception mandate by the Department of Health & Human Services. The Diocese of Bridgeport gave permission for Bishop Lori’s words to be reprinted here. PHOTO: BOB ROLLER/CNS 4

deeply held beliefs, especially their unpopular beliefs. Meanwhile, those who support the mandate respond, “But pork is good for you, It is, after all, the other white meat.”

Other supporters add, “So many

Meanwhile, there is no imposition at

Some who supported the deli own-

Jews eat pork, and those who don't

all on the freedom of those who want

ers initially began to celebrate the fact

should just get with the times.” Still

to eat pork. That is, they are subject to

that ham sandwiches didn’t need to be

others said “Those Orthodox are just

no government interference at all in

on the menu and didn't need to be pre-

trying to impose their beliefs on every-

their choice to eat pork, and pork is

pared or served by the deli itself. But

one else.”

ubiquitous and cheap, available at the

on closer examination, they noticed

overwhelming majority of restaurants

three troubling things.

But in our hypothetical, those arguments fail in the public debate because

and grocers. Indeed, some pork pro-

people widely recognize the following.

ducers and retailers, and even the gov-

forced to pay for the ham sandwiches.

ernment itself, are so eager to promote

Second, many of the kosher delis'

First, although people may reasona-

First, all kosher delis will still be

bly debate whether pork is good for

the eating of pork, that they some-

meat suppliers themselves are forbid-

you, that’s not the question posed by

times give pork away for free.

den in conscience from offering, pre-

the nationwide pork mandate. Instead,

In this context, the question is this:

paring or serving pork to anyone.

the mandate generates the question

Can a customer come to a kosher deli,

whether people who believe - even if

demand to be served a ham sandwich,

that are their own meat supplier, so

they believe in error - that pork is not

and if refused, bring down severe gov-

the mandate to offer, prepare and

good for you, should be forced by gov-

ernment sanction on the deli? In a na-

serve the ham sandwich still falls on

ernment to serve pork within their

tion committed to religious liberty and


very own institutions, In a nation com-

diversity the answer, of course, is no.

mitted to religious liberty and diversity the answer, of course, is no. Second, the fact that some (or even most) Jews eat pork is simply irrelevant. The fact remains that some Jews

So in our hypothetical story because

Third, there are many kosher delis

This story has a happy ending. The government recognized that it is ab-

the hypothetical nation is indeed com-

surd for someone to come into a kosher

mitted to religious liberty and diver-

deli and demand a ham sandwich; that

sity, these arguments carry the day.

it is beyond absurd for that private

In response, those proposing the

demand to be backed with the coercive

do not - and they do not out of their

new law claim to hear and understand

power of the state; that it is downright

most deeply held religious convictions.

the concerns of kosher deli owners,

surreal to apply this coercive power

Does the fact that large majorities in

and offer them a new

when the customer can get the same

society - even large majorities within

“accommodation.” You are free to call

sandwich cheaply or even free just a

the protesting religious community -

yourself a kosher deli; you are free not

few doors down.

reject a particular religious belief

to place ham sandwiches on your

make it permissible for the govern-

menu; you are free not to be the per-

ment to weigh in on one side of that

son to prepare the sandwich and hand

ernment - right now - is whether the

dispute'? Does it allow government to

it over the counter to the customer.

story of our own church institutions

punish that minority belief with its

But we will force your meat supplier

The question before the U.S. gov-

that serve the public and that are

coercive power? In a nation committed

to set up a kiosk on your premises and

threatened by the HHS mandate will

to religious liberty and diversity the

to offer, prepare and serve ham sand-

end happily too. Will our nation con-

answer, of course, is no.

wiches to all of your customers, free of

tinue to be one committed to religious

charge to them. And when you get

liberty and diversity?

Third, the charge that the Orthodox Jews are imposing their beliefs on oth-

your monthly bill from your meat sup-

We urge, in the strongest possible

ers has it exactly backward. Again, the

plier, it will include the cost of any of

question generated by a government

the “free” ham sandwiches that your

mandate is whether the government

customers may accept, And you will, of

ble terms, to answer the same way.

will impose its belief that eating pork

course, be required to pay that bill.

Thank you for your attention.

terms, that the answer must be yes. We urge you, in the strongest possi-

is good on objecting Orthodox Jews.


New Catholics Eager to Enter the Church BY THE RCIA MINISTRY TEAM

Class presentations during Lent concentrated on the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist and the “end times” of heaven, hell and purgatory. They learn the most important issues of our faith and about the promises of the afterlife. On the third, fourth and fifth Sunday’s of Lent, they attended the 10 a.m. Mass which featured the scrutinizes, minor exorcisms which called down God’s grace upon them and encouraged them to withstand the efforts of the devil to shake their faith and trust. Catechumens and candidates will be invited to participate in the im-


portant rituals of Holy Week, including carrying the oils to be

They’ve opened their hearts to

assisting them through their study

blessed at the Chrism Mass, the

hear the Word of God and responded

and entry into the Church. Please

washing of the feet on Holy Thurs-

to it. They understand that it is not

help us involve them in our parish

day, and the dressing of the altar on

enough to just attend Mass, but to

life. They’ve been told of the many

Good Friday.

bear responsibility for each other on

ministries and opportunities to

the path to Heaven.

serve, so with a bit of encourage-

Anticipation for the Easter vigil is part of each candidate and catechu-

ment on your part, they will join the Our RCIA lay team is again awed

work that you already do and be-

men’s life. They have attended

by the work of the Holy Spirit

come valuable members of our par-

classes for months and learned what

within the members of our class. We

ish family.

the Church holds and teaches.

are honored to be able to serve by

Holy Family will be offering a VIRTUS session for new volunteers at the Cathedral and School. If your service brings you into the proximity of children, it is required that you take this class to continue to serve in the positions you are in. This applies to (but is not limited to) the Knights of Columbus, Lectors, Altar Servers, Sacristans, and Choir. The session is on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Halpine Room. Register online at www.dioceseoftulsa.org/section.asp?secID=83 6

Notes from the Knightstand (Continued from page 3)

soldiers had to remain on site until

Constantine in 337 A.D. There are

fenders. Both men and women were

death occurred which is why it was

sporadic reports of its continued use

subject to this barbarity: men were

in their interest to hasten death by

as far north as England and Sweden

hung facing outward and women in-

the breaking of legs.

and elsewhere but eventually disappeared.

ward. The victim was stripped naked and either nailed or tied to the

The body was left to rot but evenMeanwhile, more current happen-

cross - recall that the two thieves

tually removed and tossed into a lo-

crucified with Jesus were tied with

cal refuse site. In light of this over-

ings around the Council were the

ropes. The victims, unless they died

all ordeal Jesus was probably close

success of the Cathedral's first

almost immediately, lost all control

to death by the time he reached Gol-

Mardi Gras. While there were a few

over bodily functions and suffered

gotha given that he died within the

slips and misses we are hoping for a

further humiliation. Most always

reported three-hour time frame. He

bigger and better one next year. In

the actual crucifixion was preceded

was also fortunate and exceptional

relation to this goes a tip of the cha-

by a flogging just shy of killing the

in that Pilate allowed his burial in a

peau to Michael Davis, who is nei-

victims. This was also done in a na-

tomb as opposed to being tossed into

ther a Knight or Catholic, who spent

ked state and more often than not

the city garbage dump - though he

the day from the wee to the late

the victims were naked on their

did post the soldiers there by. A fi-

hours cooking up the food in the

trips to the site of execution. The

nal note: remember that most, if not

kitchen - so let's hear a round of ap-

flogging actually tore away the skin

all, victims, were more or less the

plause for Michael! Pancakes in

down to the bone as the whip was

dregs of society. They would not

February ended on a over-baked

tipped with lead barbs. Contrary to

have possessed a fine cloak such as

note! Our graduate chef lately of

popular belief the victim carried

Jesus which bespoke of Jesus' rela-

France, James Gray, went home

only the cross beam (patibulum) as

tive upper middle class status as

early suffering from the ague and

the vertical beam (stipes) was left in

seamless garments (cloaks) were

the understudies took over. They de-

place for such events. Cedar and

worn only by the high priests of the

serve applause for trying even if

olive wood were the wood of choice

Temple and other well - born Jews

some of the sausage was not satisfy-

as they were the most common tree

as it is highly doubtful if the purple

ing. To top it off the dishwasher quit

in the vicinity - at least in Palestine.

cloak, denoting royalty, tossed

so we had to serve on styrofoam

The victims, at the site, were out-

around Him after the flogging was

plates. If not repaired by March

stretched so that their arms were

any thing other than a raggedy

25th it will have been styrofoam

flayed across the beam, then nailed

piece of cloth. Yet, there is little rea-

again. But, hey, the good news:

(nails were 5-7 inches long, square

son to assume that Jesus was

Gray on the Griddle was back and

cut) or roped and then hoisted up

treated any differently than any

all the sausage was just fine (I

and onto the vertical. It was then

other person to be crucified. He may


that the feet were secured, nailed or

well be the Son of God to us but to

roped, to the vertical. The execution

the Jews of the day He was a trou-

squad was composed of four sol-

ble-maker who just could not get

May. Hope and pray that one and

diers: the Cornifix Serarum (officer),

with the program, and to Pilate He

all have a Happy and Blessed

and three soldiers - one of whom

was an inconvenience.

Easter! Pax!

Look for a Garage Sale report in

carried the sign board which was to be mounted on the cross ahead of the victim's procession of death. The

Crucifixion was not abolished as official Roman punishment until 7

Holy Family Cathedral P.O. Box 3204 Tulsa, OK 74101-3204 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Join Holy Family students each Friday of Lent at 2:30 as we celebrate the Stations of the Cross. Holy Family Cathedral School is now in open enrollment. We still THOMAS VANDECAR (LEFT) FINISHED IN 8TH PLACE, CONNER WINN (CENTER) FINISHED IN 6TH PLACE, AND CONNOR DUNN (RIGHT) FINISHED IN 2ND PLACE. CONGRATULATIONS!

have openings in grades PreKindergarten Three through the 8th grade; however, expect to be at ca-

Holy Family Cathedral School recently sent three students to the Dioce-

pacity in most classes. Call (918)

san Spelling Bee. We are proud to announce that all three finished in the

582-0422 for a tour today.

top ten! 8

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