Holy Family
CATHEDRAL NEWS February 2013
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Bishop Slattery celebrates Ash Wednesday Mass in a full Cathedral. [Photo: 2009]
Volume 18 Issue 7
The Rector’s Report Dear People of Holy Family, At the beginning of the Mass on Ash Wednesday, you will hear me pray,
I am making plans too: both for my own observation of Lent and for a much more public and ambition series of events. In April of 2014, our beloved Cathedral Church will
“Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy
be 100 years old. I have assembled a Centennial Commit-
fasting this campaign of Christian service.”
tee to determine the best way for our parish to observe this milestone.
Lent is our great campaign of Christian service when we evaluate how well we serve God. We fast, we abstain,
Since all of the Centennial Committee members are
we give up those things that distract us from becoming
good Catholics, they told me, “Oh, Monsignor, our Cathe-
the best servants of God we can be.
dral deserves better that one tiny event. We must celebrate for a whole year.”
We plan too. We plan where and when we will go to church to receive our ashes. We make plans to obey
Father John Grant and I took the Committee’s recom-
Monsignor Halpine’s command to “Go to Confession!” We
mendations to Bishop Slattery. He approved a year of
plan our personal or family schedule for Holy Week and
celebrations beginning in April of 2013 and leading up to
for Easter.
the 100th Anniversary of Holy Family’s dedication Mass in April of 2014.
As your pastor, I pray that your planning goes well. May your Lent be spiritually productive. May you be open
It is too early to list all of the events we are planning.
to God’s loving action as He reaches into your heart and
Please be aware of this Centennial and pray that it – like
perfects you.
Lent – will bring us all closer to God.
Yours in the Holy Family,
Msgr. Gregory A. Gier, Rector
Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 7 February 2013 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204. 2
Ash Wednesday and Lent
Ash Wednesday Masses 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. 12:05 and 5:05 p.m.
Fridays of Lent 5:05 Mass 5:35 Adoration 6:00 Dinner
All Masses will be in the Cathedral. Ashes will be distributed at all Masses. Bishop Slattery will be the celebrant at the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence.
6:45 Benediction 7:00 Stations of the Cross 7:45 Movie (starting on Feb. 15) Various parish organizations will provide meatless dinners on Fridays of Lent. Your donations are most welcome to help them
Catholics, age 14 and older abstain from meat on Ash Wednes-
cover costs.
day, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics age 18-59 abstain from meat
The Knights of Columbus will be showing a religious themed
and limit themselves to one full meal each day. Catholics are
movie in the Halpine Room on Fridays of Lent beginning on Feb-
encouraged to pray more during Lent, especially with Scripture.
ruary 15.
Lenten Dinners Schedule: February 15: Women’s Club serving Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese February 22: Holy Family Cathedral School March 1: RCIA March 8: Youth Group serving Macaroni and Cheese March 15: Knights of Columbus
Cathedral News deadlines: Please submit articles and announcements to the Cathedral News by the 15th of the preceding month. Email mikemalcom@gmail.com or send your article to Mike Malcom at the parish office. 3
lty. This ag on our facu br to ity un rt this oppo ration, I want to take ges in administ an ch ed dl n ha materials, year they have positions, new nd a rs be em culty m d they have changes in fa e students; an or m as l el w , as new methods ride. st in taken it all may more than you h uc m so do ekachers nights and we s, ay Your child’s te lid ho s, er end summ to discuss know. They sp g and meeting in ad gr g, tin crea how we teach. ends planning, we teach and t ha w ve o pr ur child’s how we can im insure that yo to t n le ta d an d they r time eds are met, an ne They give thei al tu iri sp d ysical an nment educational, ph d loving enviro an fe sa a te ea y to cr ieved. They do strive each da ce can be ach n lle ce ex l na io t for the satwhere educat y rewards, bu ar et on m e th ts, t for happy studen ng these things no ei se of n io isfact g. joyfully learnin ledge and me to acknow Please take ti r the tre’s teachers fo ild ch r u yo k than here. It they are doing mendous work r day. will make thei , Yours in Christ nd Mrs. Southerla
Left: The Eighth Grade loaded our “gently used” lunch tables into a truck to be sent to San Miguel School. Right: HFCS received new round lunch tables to accommodate a growing student body.
Catholic Schools Week at Holy Family
Above: Students enjoyed sundaes after lunch on Thursday of Catholic Schools Week. Below: Catholic Schools Week ended on Friday with a pizza lunch and a great volleyball game between the Eighth Grade and the Teachers.
We are prepared to enter Lent and our class is learn-
and guidance of their charge during the rites and
ing what fasting and abstinence is all about. They
in assisting the neophytes enter the Catholic
study the sacraments in detail and discover the struc-
ture of the Church and they find ways to express their faith in daily life. Members of our class have been at-
The catechumens and candidates sign the
tending Mass and learning how this is the source and
Book of the Elect at the Rite of Sending on Febru-
summit of Catholicism. They appreciate being able to
ary 10 at 10 a.m. Mass. They will be meeting the
join other parishioners in the communion line as they
Bishop in the Rite of Election, gathering with other
receive a blessing, and they look forward to Easter
candidates and catechumens from around the
when they will join us in receiving the Eucharist.
Sponsors have had the opportunity to attend a session on the responsibilities of being a sponsor. They understand the importance placed on their support
Please continue to pray for our group as they make this journey within our Church.
Notes from the Knightstand BY MARTIN REIDY
For now comes upon us the cleansing weeks of Lent a time for errant souls of their sins be spent. These forty days to ponder our redemption from our loss by the trials of Christ Who died upon the cross! So don sackcloth and ashes or what you always wear. Reflect upon your sorrow and turn to Christ in prayer! Hardly are we done with the joy of Christmas when we enter
time out for this event and it had, to be sure, a few hits and
the somber season of Lent come Ash Wednesday with its omi-
misses. However, we learn from our mistakes (we hope,-praise
nous warning: "Remember, man, thou art dust and unto dust
God!) and it is our further hope that you will join us for an eve-
thou shalt return!" These words had little import on me as a
ning of levity. Tickets are $25.00/couple - about the cost of a
child for Lent meant little more than no more double feature on
movie with popcorn!
Saturday afternoons (mother's idea-not mine!) for six weeks seemingly a lifetime - and the family rosary every night. A penance on top of a penance! Death was simply an inconceivable
Homeless dinner report: We report to you that our December Homeless dinner at the
event that happened to old people - some of whom I was aware
Day Center had a cost of $289.15, or about $2.41/person. How-
but had no reason to know. Though I served as an altar boy at a
ever, recall the January Newsletter where at our many volun-
few funerals these were just a chance to get out of class for an
teers – our “hovering angels” so to speak — donated approxi-
hour. Death was simply a foreign event that may happen so far
mately $300.00 worth of food in the pies, dressing, potatoes
into the future that it may be possible to avoid it altogether. So,
served along with the purchased items. It is only with their un-
as the youth becomes the man the dictum becomes a prophecy!
stinting assistance do» we feel that we can continue the feeding program without resorting to our "beggar's cup" at the door of
Today I can hardly read the obituaries without recognizing a
the Cathedral. Also, and I realize that there were individuals who
familiar name and in the wisdom of old age I have come to the
went the extra "mile" in organizing the various donations there
realization that death cannot be avoided. Death is forever linger-
was not room in the January Newsletter to specifically thank
ing in the shadows whispering ever so softly that paraphrase,
Sharon Thierry who organized the potato dressing, and gravy
“Remember, you are but a grain of sand in the hourglass of
brigade and her husband, Johnny, for his help and patience. This
Time!” So it is that I come to this Lenten season with a renewed
accolade by no means takes away the thanks we owe to all of
sense of appreciation and when I contemplate for what I must
these volunteers who gave their all! We also extend a tip of the
answer, and wish to God that I had done many things differently,
chapeau to the various classes at Holy Family School who take
skipping the movies and saying the rosary for six weeks does
monthly turns in bagging the cookies for the dessert.
not appear to be the penance it seemingly was at one time. Oh, that life could be so simple as to absolve our faults and sins
A final note: it is my understanding that a Lenten meal will be
with a prayer said and movie delayed! However, God, in the wis-
offered in Heiring Hall on Fridays before the Stations of the
dom that is God, recognized that Lent would weigh heavily upon
Cross. You may not find lobster bisque on the menu but it will be
us so He gave us Mardi Gras for an evening of joy and elation
filling, nourishing, and CHEAP! PAX!
before our coming trial of contemplation. The Council, in conjunction with the HFWC, is sponsoring an evening of merriment on Saturday, February 9th in Heiring Hall. Last year was our first 7
Holy Family Cathedral P.O. Box 3204 Tulsa, OK 74101-3204 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Garage Sale The Cathedral Women’s Club is collecting items for our annual Garage Sale. It will be held March 21 from 7:30 to 4:00; March 22 from 7:30 to 4:00; and March 23 from 7:30 to Noon. Contact Ann Owen, 918-748-9419 to arrange pickup. Beginning March 18, you may bring donated items directly to the Auditorium.