March 2014

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Holy Family

Cathedral News March 2014

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Lent begins

Volume 19, Issue 8

The Rector’s Report

Dear People of Holy Family, As I write this, it is the day after Ash Wednesday and Lent is

Look then into the face of God and rejoice that sin is not in

truly here. Hopefully this will be a good time for reflection and

control; Jesus is! Pope Francis encourages us to have this

prayer. This Season is one of the great gifts of our Catholic Faith in that it urges us to face ourselves and turn our face to the gaze of God looking upon us. As we look to the face of God, we find ourselves aware of our sin and

confidence in the generosity of our God. This is

“This Season [of Lent] is one of the great gifts of our Catholic Faith.”

confident in the forgiveness we celebrate in this great Season. It is a time to prepare to receive the great

the message of our Church to the world. We also remember and rejoice in the soon-to-be St. John Paul II, “Do not be afraid!” God so loves us that He will not let us be lost if we but turn to the goodness of His gaze.

Happy Lent,

wonder of Redemption as we remember it at a post of scourging and a cross of suffering. A cross that is willingly embraced and endured so that we can understand: THIS IS HOW MUCH HE LOVES US.

Msgr. Gregory A. Gier Rector

Fridays of Lent 5:05 Mass 5:35 Adoration 6:00 Dinner (on March 28 courtesy of the Knights of Columbus) More dinners are being scheduled, but are not confirmed as of this printing. 6:45 Benediction 7:00 Stations of the Cross 7:45 Movie: The Knights of Columbus will be showing a religious themed movie in the Halpine Room.

Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 8 March 2014 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204. 2

Change for Life: Ultrasound Initiative This Lent, the Holy Family council of the Knights of Columbus are distributing plastic cups for parishioners to take home, throw their loose change into, then return to the Cathedral. The money collected will go into a fund to purchase more ultrasound machines for the state of Oklahoma. There is a dire need for more machines so that more lives can be saved! Your pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters add up. Thousands of dollars were raised the last time we had this campaign.

Francis: The Pope from the New World

Tuesday, March 25 from 7-8:00 p.m. The Holy Family council of the Knights of Columbus will show this documentary in the Halpine Room.

This new documentary film from the Knights of Columbus unveils the personality, passion and extraordinary faith of the new Pope. Filmed on location in Buenos Aires, and featuring interviews with close friends, collaborators, and his official biographer — this documentary traces the remarkable rise of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. From growing up surrounded by soccer games and tango music to his defense of the poor and marginalized of Buenos Aires during his time as Archbishop, this film explores the abiding compassion and unwavering resolve of a priest, a bishop and now a Pope.

For more information: contact Paul at 918-851-0762 or 3

As we move closer to the season of Lent, the RCIA class will be learning the significance of the sacrament of reconciliation along with the church’s teaching on heaven, hell and purgatory. Also, each candidate and catechumen will be moving closer to entering the church as they prepare for the Rite of Sending on March 2 at the 10: 00 mass followed by The Rite of Election at a special time of 2:30 with Bishop Slattery on March the 9th. Here are a few more enthusiastic RCIA candidates who are sharing just some of their own journeys into the faith.

David Flax

Kathy Owens

Logan and Heather Rideout







It wasn’t until David’s’ friend, another

Throughout their marriage, Kathy and her

It was fairly easy for Logan when confront-

protestant, began taking a class on church

husband Tom had bounced around several

ing his wife, Heather, to consider joining the

history did his own understanding of the

different denominations. Kathy wasn’t sat-

Catholic Church. After all, Heather was al-

faith come into question. He began reading

isfied and decided to attend the RCIA pro-

ready an erstwhile Lutheran and had no

books on the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary and

gram. She is not sure if she will come into

problem looking into the RCIA program with

other “Catholic practices.” Little by little,

the church this Easter or not. Although she

him. As a child, Login’s grandparents often

David began to see more deeply the beauty

enjoys the classes very much, she refuses

took him to mass with them. Since then he

of the Catholic Church with all of its gifts

to rush through as her time is limited. “I

says, “I had a tugging at my heart for the

which he says, “everyone can participate

want to savor this journey I am on.”

Catholic Church and this is why we are


here”. Both Login and Heather are glad to be participating and look forward to entering the church on Easter.

David Smith is studying the Catholic Faith in RCIA this year. 4

Notes from the Knighstand BY MARTIN REIDY

Put away you cloaks and sashes Time to don sackcloth and ashes For those times so ill-spent Now is the hour to repent ‘tis the season of our Lent! “Man, thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return!” Amen! It cannot get more final than that! Yet the history of the origin and meaning of sackcloth and ashes is lost in the mist of time. We do know that the ritual of the “S&A” was always an outward sign of sorrow and submission but why ashes? Several theories have been put forth by scholars more learned than I but one I find more intriguing is that ashes represent the residue of fire, and fire had an important place in the mythology of the ancients and the panoply of their various gods. Unfortunately, neither time nor space allows for a developed discussion of the subject herein. An interesting note, however, is that one noted philologist traces the word “ash” back to the Hindu god of fire and light, Agni, from which we have our words ignite and ignition among others of similar association. However, within this philological journey one might say that the ashes of Ash Wednesday serve to make some us to finally “see the light!” So, ashes and sackcloth did not originate with biblical admonition but more from adopted customs of the distant past. The name, “Day of Ashes” comes from Dies Cinerum in the Roman missal and was not on a Wednesday and was not a universal rite within the Church, early or late! It was originally associated with the Order of Penitents in the early Church and was not an Order as much as a grouping of those in serious sin and had fallen to the wayside, so to

speak. Those so designated as such were”

was as old as the Sumerians and was partic-

ashen” and relegated to a certain section

ularly strong among the followers of Mithras

of the church edifice, sometimes in or near

in the Roman Empire where initiates into the

the Catechumens who also were “ashen”

cult were marked on the forehead with the

as part of their preparation of being ac-

Egyptian cross – that is the one with the

cepted into the Church at Easter. The Chris-

circle on top of the patibulum, or cross arm.

tian “sinners,” though, had to confess to the Bishop or his representative as to their digressions before being

It was a cult for males only, particularly soldiers and was not so much a cult of the sun or sun god but more of an abstraction relative to diffused light and that is enough of

readmitted into

that explanation. The marking of the fore-

the congrega-

head, however, was an ancient custom or

tion. Also, they, Cate-

ritual predating the cult of Mithras if not part

chumens and “sinners”, were

and parcel of it and extending much into the

often dismissed after the Litur-

distant past. Touched upon above was the

gy of the Word. Now, the season of Lent was not even agreed upon

association of ashes with both enlightenment and death in that one becomes one

as when it actually began, and thus

with the “god” via the ashes and its humble

ended, until the date of Easter was

servant. It was during the Middle Ages that

settled – and that was discussed in a previ-

the enlightenment aspect was delineated

ous year’s column as you may recall.

and the finality of death and sin were em-

It was Pope Gregory the Great (540-604)

phasized. So, when you stepped up to the

who established Ash Wednesday as we

priest or deacon on Ash Wednesday you

know it today. Until the 600’s Lent began on

were partaking in a ritual extending far back

Quadragesima Sunday but Gregory moved

into the mist of time though instead of a tree-

it to Wednesday to allow for the exact num-

god of the ancients it was with the God from

ber of 40 days for the Lenten season, Sun-

the Tree of Life – the Cross!

days always excepted as being feast days

A final thought for those of you who have

and not under the “pain of penance”. (In

completed the reading of The Return of the

my salad days we also had St. Patrick’s

Prodigal by Fr. H. Nouwen: I heartily recom-

Day excepted but that is also a discussion

mend to you the book Freedom From Fear by

for another time.) The application of the

Francis W. Vanderwall who is a former Jesu-

ashes varied considerably as men custom-

it and current retreat leader, spiritual direc-

arily had the ashes sprinkled over the head

tor and counselor in Louisiana in addition to

and women were marked on the forehead –

being the author of many well-worth reading

possibly due to the fact that women had to

books. Again, cover to cover it is 142 pages

keep their heads covered in church, and

in length at an affordable price of $14.95 and

(my speculation) can you imagine washing

an excellent reading to complete your Len-

one’s hair of ashes? But, eventually, both

ten journey.

sexes came to be marked as we do today. Finally, the marking of the forehead has

Have a great St. Patrick’s Day! PAX

an interesting history in that such marking 5

Mardi Gras Party ends Ordinary Time with a fun time Despite the threat of inclement weather, parishioners and guests packed the Cathedral’s basement for the third annual Mardi Gras party. Party-goers enjoyed live music, dancing, and authentic Louisiana food in the traditional pre-Lent festival. The Women’s Club and the Knights of Columbus use the event as a fundraiser to support their charitable works.

School hosts successful Auction BY LESLIE SOUTHERLAND

The Auction is now behind us, and what a wonderful event it

Brown, Christina Mathis, Angela Smoot, Kevin Shank, Kayla Rowan,

was! The administration, faculty, parents, and students wish to

Suzanne Schneider, Crystal Phillips, Joy Davis, Joanne Beach, Cali

thank the parish for their support of this important event for our

McMickle, Ron McMahan, Mrs. Bible, and Sam Wilkerson. The


event itself was a labor of love, and we owe a debt of gratitude to all

I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of community spirit associ-

of the parishioners who attended, whether as guests or volunteers.

ated with this event. Our Auction Committee, Amy Wright (Chair),

We would especially like to thank those parents and friends who

Michele Falkensten (Acquisitions/Marketing), Keli Cody (Catering),

sacrificed their evening to make sure that we were able to track

Christina Hardway (Buy it Now Baskets), Jason Watts (Video), Class

items and “check out” when we were forced to go with “Plan B,”

Projects (Monica Hansen), along with Nancy McMahon and Cathy

including: Christina Hardway, Janel Nelson, Lisa Morris, Eleonora

Nelson (Baskets & Acquisitions), worked long hours planning and

Ruggieri, Saleta Videll, Erica Gahagan, Madison Wofford, Anna Puhl,

organizing the event, but they could not have pulled it off without the

Helen Puhl, and Teresa Bierig. Finally, I would like to recognize the

support of all of our parents and parishioners who did acquisitions,

outstanding work of Jason Watts in putting together a compelling

stuffed bulletins, labeled auction booklets, made centerpieces, and

and touching video presentation about our school. His work en-

arranged the auction items. Our volunteers included: Johnetta John-

riched the evening immeasurably.

son, Nakia Brooks, Kimberly Waite, Doug Craig, Schnea Nealy, Kev-

Through the combined effort of our wonderful school and parish

in Blackburn, Robert & Kathy Schrader, Steve and Robin Monnot,

community, this year was one of the most successful auctions on

Megan Rodriguez, Stacie Hixon, Luke Williams, Melissa Zannotti,

records. Our preliminary calculations indicate that the event will net

Raeshelle Shaprnack, Diane Naylor, Lisa Shank, Irene Pappas, Mary

close to $50,000.00 for the school.


Upcoming Events and Activities The 55+ Luncheon will take place on

Part-time volunteer driver needed for GoLife

Learn more about the Catholic Faith. RCIA classes

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at BIG

Mobile Medical. If you have a heart for life, we

are held every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 in the

Anthony’s BBQ, 8151-C2, 21st St. (North side)

have a heart for you. No CDL required. The RV is

Halpine Room. The primary purpose is to bring non-

Tulsa, Oklahoma (21st & Memorial). Phone is

thirty-three feet in length. Volunteer at

Catholics into the Church, but anyone may attend

918-561-6227. RSVP will be appreciated by, 918-518-0648, or

including Catholics who are interested in specific

contacting Joe or Sue McCann, 918-627-2745.

by contacting Lenora Bliss, 918-770-8767.


Catholic Business & Professional Women’s Women

Dinner & a Movie: The Knights of Columbus

The Cathedral Women’s Club is collecting items for

monthly dinner meeting will be held on April 7,

sponsor a pot luck dinner and the showing of a full

our annual Garage Sale next Spring. Contact Ann

2014. Fr. Sean Donovan will present a great

length Catholic or Christian movie on the first Friday

Owen, 918-748-9419, or Helga Gorman, 918–636-0860

program about the upcoming Holy Days and

of the month. The pot luck dinner starts around 6:30

to arrange pickup.

Easter. Experience the ambiance of Montereau,

p.m. and the movie begins around 7 p.m. The

6800 S. Granite (off 71st street between

kitchen area is open before the 5:05 p.m. Mass for

On the last Sunday of each month, Bishop Slattery

Sheridan & Yale). Social at 6:00 p.m. Dinner at

anyone wishing to drop off their dish before Mass.

gathers the people of the diocese together to

6:30 p.m. Cost is $22.00. Please contact

Learn more about the Catholic Faith. RCIA classes

celebrate solemn Vespers at the Cathedral at 6:30 for reservations or

are held every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 in the



Halpine Room. The primary purpose is to bring nonCatholics into the Church, but anyone may attend

Deacon Jerry Mattox’s Bible Study Class meets

including Catholics who are interested in specific

every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Halpine Room.


You asked for more talks on controversial subjects in Catholic history. But you’re also supposed to be allowed a summer vacation. So, between now and summer, there’s time for four more monthly sessions. That's not enough time to deal with all the subjects you’ve asked about, but as many as possible will be addressed. Here’s the schedule: • Tuesday, March 11: The Catholics and the Orthodox • Tuesday, April 29: The Reformation • Tuesday, May 27: The Church in the Modern World Bring your friends, including ex-Catholics, non-Catholics, and anti-Catholics. Questions, comments and arguments are welcome. All sessions will be held from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., downstairs in the Heiring Auditorium.

March 11: The Catholics and the Orthodox. What caused the split between the Catholics and the Orthodox? How do Catholicism and Orthodoxy compare today? What’s the difference between our Mass and their Divine Liturgy? Where do Catholics who aren’t "Roman" (like Maronites and Byzantines) fit in? When did "Roman" Catholic priests become celibate— »and why is celibacy still expected of (most of) them today?


Holy Family Cathedral PO Box 3204 Tulsa, OK 74101-3204 Return Service Requested

Deadlines: The Cathedral News is published at the end of the month with the goal of arriving in parishioners’ mailboxes during the first week of the next month. Please make submissions by the 20th of the month to



Haec Est Domus Domini: Celebrating 100 Years April 5, 2014: Immortality Set to Music: A Concert by the Tulsa Oratorio Chorus April 27, 2014: Centennial Carnivale: Spring Festival with entertainment, games, and food May 3, 2014: Cathedral Centennial Gala: dinner, ballroom dancing, live entertainment, and a viewing of a documentary of the history of our parish May 4, 2014: Centennial Mass celebrated by Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran, and Bishop Edward J. Slattery

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